1907 Styleguardian

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No. 49,999. — Published Daily. SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 2007.


HEILIGENDAMM, GERMANY, JUNE 8. coming to terms with the idea of their town be- WASHINGTON, JUNE 8.
MINISTERS FACE QUESTIONS. ing invaded, in a benevolent way, by the North (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.)
A promise by the “G8” Group of Lead- At a meeting on Thursday night members
Mr Blair’s Government is attempting to Koreans. Chippenham is one of many towns and VENICE, JUNE 8.
ing Industrial Countries to spend approxi- of the United States Senate voted to set aside
contain the damage over £1 billion in pay- cities across Great Britain hoping to capitalise At the 2005 Venice Biennale, the Italian artist
mately £30 billion over the next few years until further notice a bill proposed by Presi-
ments to a Saudi Arabian Prince. Lord Gold- on the 2012 Olympic Games by hosting one of Mr Francesco Vezzoli aroused great excitement
on HIV/Aids (Acquired Immune Deficiency dent George Bush to reform the country’s
the teams as it prepares for the tourney. Realis- with his Trailer for the Remake of Gore Vidal’s
smith, the Attorney General, came under Syndrome), malaria and tubercolosis was immigration system. Needing sixty votes to
ing that it could not hope to attract a powerful Caligula. A five-minute frenzy of decadent images,
renewed pressure yesterday to explain how dismissed to-day by development groups as end debate and schedule a final vote on the
country such as the United States or Australia, it starred Vidal himself, Miss Helen Mirren, Miss
much he knew about the affair. While in pub- a smokescreen for the West’s broken prom- bill itself, the Bill’s supporters won only forty- Milla Jovovich, Mr Benicio del Toro, and Miss
Chippenham sent off brochures to smaller
lic the Government was issuing partial denials ises to the world’s poor. five votes, with fifty senators opposed. Had Courtney Love as the mad Roman emperor. In
sporting nations such as Ukraine, Slovakia, Ar- it been passed the Immigration Bill would have
about its role in the controversy, in private there Although the G8 emphasised its “firm another project, also shown at that Biennale, he
menia and some of the African countries. provided the opportunity to gain citizenship to
were desperate efforts to secure a new BAE £20 resolve” to keep the pledges made at Gle- created an entire television programme, in which
COMMUNISTS. millions of immigrants presently residing in the
billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. neagles two years ago, aid agencies said that country illegally. The Democratic Leader in the the young ladies competing for the affections of
they were a long way from meeting the tar- The first to reply was the Democratic People’s the young men were artistes, including Miss Cath-
Hopes that the furore could be halted were Senate, Mr Harold Reid, said that he held Presi-
Republic of Korea. An Embassy official wrote
dashed when The Manchester Guardian learned gets established for 2010 and had watered dent Bush accountable for the bill’s rejection, erine Deneuve and Marianne Faithfull.
that it was very interested and a photographer
that the world’s anti-corruption organisation, down their commitments. maintaining that the President, who is presently This year, Mr Vezzoli has gone a step further
from the Communist state turned up earlier this
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation Mr Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, welcomed attending the Group of Eight meeting in Heiligen- in the audacity of his imaginary projects. He
week to take photographs of the town. The only damm, Germany, had failed to bring Republican
and Development, was poised to resume its own the G8 package as important progress in adding has, with the aid of real Washington political
hitch so far is that the Embassy has wondered if Senators into line. “This the President’s Bill,” he
investigation into why the British Government substance to the pledges made at Gleneagles. advisers, created two television commercials
Chippenham would care to pay for its athletes said. “Where are the President’s people helping
abandoned its investigations into the £43 billion British sources said that the summit had agreed for competing United States Presidential cam-
to stay there. The town rather thought it would us with these votes?”
to increase funding on education, peacekeeping paigns — pitting Miss Sharon Stone against the
be the other way round.
ery panel will meet in Paris a week on Monday to and health. The Prime Minister welcomed the media philosopher Mr Bernard-Henri Lévy. The
Mr Sandie Webb, the leader of the consortium
discuss the latest disclosures. When they travel decision by Japan to put Africa on the agenda work, called Democrazy, is being shown as part
working to attract a team, and well known in MR LIVINGSTONE’S DISPUTE.
to London, its inspectors are likely to ask minis- for next year’s summit. the town as the chairman of Chippenham Town of the official Italian pavilion. It is set in a dark,
ters for a full explanation of their conduct. The G8 said it would treat five million people Football Club, interviewed by a Manchester circular room, its ceiling lined with red and blue
Sir Menzies Campbell, the Leader of the Lib- INSULT TO AMBASSADOR. helium balloons as for an election convention.
in Africa suffering from HIV/Aids over the com- Guardian correspondent, said: “We have written
eral Democrat Party, demanded to know the ing years as a step towards the universal cover- Mr Kenneth Livingstone, the Mayor of Lon- On one screen Miss Stone embraces servicemen,
back asking them exactly what they would need
role of the Attorney General in concealing from age by 2010 pledged at Gleneagles. and how many athletes they would bring. But it don, has escalated his dispute with the United kisses Black children and magisterially tosses
the OECD the payments of more than £1 billion However, Mr Matt Phillips, representing the sounds like they are serious.I’ve been stopped by States’ Ambassador to the Court of St James, Mr her rather stubborn wig. On the other, Mr Lévy
from BAE to Prince Bandar as part of the Al- Save the Children charity, told our correspond- people on the street asking me about the political Robert Tuttle, whom Mr Livingstone describes shakes hands with the Pope.
Yamamah contract. ents in Germany: “The G8 leaders have not de- situation. I’ve told them all that’s up to people on as a “venal little crook” for his refusal to pay the Asked by our correspondent in Venice about
The money was paid from an account at the livered a concrete plan for tackling the crush- the global level. If they are allowed to compete in Congestion Charge. In an interview with The his work, Mr Vezzoli said: “The work is about ma-
Bank of England into accounts in Washington ing levels of African poverty. Today’s deal was the Olympic Games then they need a place to stay Manchester Guardian yesterday, Mr Livingstone nipulation, about babble, about packaging, and,
controlled by Prince Bandar. Details of the warm in words but that is cold comfort for the and what better place than Chippenham?” in its barefaced used of celebrity, I am declaring
said that the Ambassador had been given his po-
transfers to the accounts in the United States millions of African children who will continue to North Korea is not the biggest prize for cities my weaknesses. I am fascinated by celebrity cul-
die through the lack of free health care. This is sition as a reward for contributions to President ture, and repelled at the same time. I put all my
were discovered by the Serious Fraud Office and towns across Great Britain and further afield
a particular blow to the hundreds of thousands who are hoping for a multi-million-pound Olym- George Bush’s election campaign. fear and fascination and desire into my work.
during the investigation into BAE. However, the of campaigners who are calling for dramatic ac- The two men have been in dispute over the I confront them to try to work them out.It be-
SFO inquiry was suddenly halted late last year. pic windfall by attracting one of the teams.
tion. The campaigning will go on.” Birmingham is close to sealing a deal with the Ambassador’s refusal to pay the Congestion comes complicated when you get involved with
Americans that could benefit the city to the tune Charge, which fifteen months ago led Mr Liv- the whole Hollywood machine, which is always
deal, which was signed in 1985 and involves the ingstone to call him a “chisellling little crook”. silently swimming round you.You wouldn’t want
of £10 million or more. Sheffield and Manches-
sale of Tornado fighter jets, Hawk aircraft as OIL SMUGGLING RIFE. ter, both proud of their facilities, are also hoping The Mayor also said of the Ambassador: “What to see a work of art censored by Sharon Stone’s
well as maintenance and service agreements. to attract big teams. Loughborough, Bath and is sickening in this world is people who are venal publicist. And to their great credit, neither Stone
The Manchester Guardian has this week pub- (FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) nor Lévy demanded to see the work before it
BAGHDAD, JANUARY 8. Millfield, all renowned sporting centres, are vy- little crooks like Tuttle, who gets treated with
lished accusations that £30 million a quarter, for was shown.”
ing for the honour of hosting Team GB but are respect just because George Bush has rewarded
a period of at least a decade, was withdrawn On the banks of the Shatt al-Arab waterway
hoping to secure a sporting giant if they miss out him with an Ambassadorship as a big kick-back
from accounts controlled by Bandar at the Riggs in southern Iraq, a family business is thriving. on the home nation. for contributions to his campaign.” HEIRESS RETURNS TO GAOL.
bank in Washington. The Attorney General yes- For members of the Ashur, a small clan of about Bristol has signed a deal with Kenya not only In the interview, the Mayor also gave his con-
terday denied that he had ordered British inves- fifty families, it is worth several million dollars to host its pre-games camp but to organise a Miss Paris Hilton, heiress to the Hilton hotel
sidered opinion on the Labour Party’s Deputy
tigators to conceal the £1 billion payments from each week. Costs are steep, particularly when series of sporting, educational and cultural ex- fortune and society darling, has been reincarcer-
Leadership contest, complaining of “vacuous
the OECD. you factor in security. But profits are tidy, and change programmes, while large stretches of ated in a Los Angeles prison having only been
waffle” and “ridiculous” claims from some can-
$17 MILLION PALACE. business is booming. the South Coast are bound to enjoy boom times didates. He gave his endorsement to Mr Jon released from her cells by the city’s Sheriff’s
Lawyers for Prince Bandar, the Saudi Ara- as competitors taking part in the sailing events, Cruddas, with Mrs Harriet Harman as a prob- Department a day before. Miss Hilton had had a
The Ashur are oil smugglers. For years un-
which are to be based at Weymouth and Port- able second choice . gaol sentence of forty-three days imposed upon
bian royal who received £1 billion from BAE, der President Saddam Hussein, they worked as land in Dorset, prepare for British conditions.
accepted last night that he had spent $17 million mere guards at the Abu Flous terminal at the her by Judge Michael Sauer last May, following
on refurbishing one of his palaces, using money a violation of the terms of her probation. At that
mouth of the Persian Gulf. But as the state col-
NUCLEAR PRECAUTIONS. THE MYSTERY OF A WEB-LOG. time Judge Sauer had specifically ruled that
from the United States accounts concerned. lapsed during and after the American and Brit-
His solicitors, Herbert Smith, said that the Ri- ish invasion in 2003 and economic anarchy set AN INSIDER’S ACCOUNT. Miss Hilton spend her entire sentence within
BUNKER PROPOSED FOR YORKSHIRE. the confines of a city prison, but, citing medical
cial residence, and there in, they simply took over the port and became A controller employed by the British Broad-
was nothing illegal or untoward spending money When the wind blows after a nuclear attack reasons the details of which it has declined to
the de facto authority there.The family opera- casting Corporation, Mr Daniel Cohen, is the
on Great Britain, it is unlikely that your double disclose, the Sheriff’s Department permitted her
out of a Saudi official defence ministry account tion is an example of how large swaths of Iraq’s supposed author of a revealing “web-log” call-
glazing will save you: approximately 52,000 peo- to return home after serving only five days of her
held at Riggs Banks in Washington DC. economy and mineral wealth have subsided into ing itself “the first blog about the television in-
ple will have been vaporised by the blast itself, sentence. Miss Hilton, who was seen sobbing on
Documents throwing into question the use a legal vacuum, where the state is absent, law dustry penned by a true television insider”. The
Prince Bandar made of the billion pounds he direct radiation will kill 10,000 right away, and her arrival at the court in a motor car, cried out
enforcement is non-existent and the spoils are account, which is published “online”, reveals in for her mother as sentence was passed.
received from the British arms company BAE radiation from fall-out a further 200,000. The suc-
shared by a network of party men, militias and controversial detail the often fractuous life of a
emerged in the US in 2004. In one “suspicious ceeding shock-wave and blast winds at speeds of
activity report”, bank auditors said $17.4 million smuggler gangs. B.B.C. employee, and, according to those con-
up to 800 miles-per-hour will flatten most build- TELEVISION.
had apparently been spent on “home improve- nected with the corporation, is penned with such
Al `Amàrah N ings within a three-mile radius.
ment’’ for a Bandar palace. devastating accuracy that it could have come

Mr Tim Wood of Yorkshire, however, hopes A NATION MOURNS.

Prince Bandar’s solicitors said last night: “We only from an individual possessed of a deep
that his nuclear shelter will provide protection

are instructed that the palace … is our client’s knowledge of the inner workings of the televi- (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.)

from these after-effects. It was initially fears of NEW YORK, JANUARY 8.

official residence from which he conducts busi-

ia an al-Qaida attack on nearby Dewsbury that sion industry.

ness in Saudi Arabia … refurbishment works to The Secret Blog of a TV Controller, as it is Mr David Remnick, the Editor of the New
his official residence are the responsibility of the IRAN prompted Mr Wood, the landlord of the Old Co-
known, contains often salacious descriptions Yorker Magazine, has set the tone for the com-
Saudi government. Therefore there is nothing IRAQ lonial public house in Mirfield, to draw up plans
for a 20-person bunker underneath the car park. of those individuals with whom the probably munal lament in the United States over the
untoward or illegal about this payment which Basra passing of The Sopranos by describing the pro-
will have been approved by the Saudi Ministry of Mr Wood told our correspondent yesterday: “It fictional author supposedly came into contact.
Abu al-Khasseb started because we thought there was a signifi- These include a description of “every female pre- gramme as “the richest achievement in the his-
Defence and Aviation and audited by the Saudi
cant threat. People thought I was a bit crackers, senter” the author had “ever fantasised about, tory of television”. He goes on to compare the
week, Prince Bandar did not dispute that the but now it’s getting crazy with Putin [Mr Vladimir starting with Anneka Rice”, and an admission drama serial to the works of Aristotle, Dickens,
Shatt al-Arab Putin, the president of Russia] they are think- and Mr John Updike and Mr Philip Roth, the
billion pounds had been paid into the accounts
he controlled at Riggs Bank, the disclosure of KUWAIT waterway ing, hang on, it’s not too bad an idea, this. It’s
that he spent “20 minutes perving over Paris
Hilton”. Mr Cohen declined to comment to-day American novelists.
which has caused an international uproar. But Kuwait PERSIAN
crackpots like him that make me think about The national “wake” has been prepared, with
not getting one bunker but two.” on whether he had in fact authored the web-log,
he said Saudi authorities had never identified GULF local newspapers across the country publishing
Miles but various other individuals have been accused
any irregularities in the accounts’ conduct. 0 30
It is not so very long, of course, since Great dinner menus for to-morrow night’s final epi-
Britain was well prepared for missile attack of the same. These include the writer and broad-
sode. The Philadelphia Inquirer recommends a
To insulate their fortune the Ashur use the — the response of successive governments, caster Mr Charles Brooker, who yesterday de-
MR REID AND MR HAIN. six-course feast including Linguine con Vongole
political protection of Fadhila, the governing just like Mr Wood, being to dig downwards. By nied the charge. “I just don’t know enough about and Orechiette with Sausage and Rapini.
party in Basra, which for more than a year ran the time the Berlin Wall fell, the country was the politics of television,” he said. Britons, however, will have to be patient for
A STRANGE DEVELOPMENT. extensively mined by a warren of underground
the Oil Ministry in Baghdad. But it also takes care the eighty-sixth and final episode to cross over
Mr John Reid, the Home Secretary, has ac- government and military bunkers. In addition
to have good relations with the rival Mahdi Army to our own television screens.
cused Mr Peter Hain, his Cabinet collegue and
of Mr Muqtada al-Sadr.
to 17 subterranean “regional government head- MEMORIAL NOTICE.
Northern Ireland Secretary, of manufacturing quarters”, more than 1,500 three-man observa-
a dispute over new measures to combat terror- Asked to-night to describe a typical opera- MR JAMES CLARK.
ism in order to further his ambition of becoming tion, Mr Abu Harith said: “I took a cleric with
tion bunkers were built, designed to monitor fall- TAKING TO THE SKIES.
out and blast effects. The Prime Minister and the We note the death of Mr James Gardener
the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Such me, one of Muqtada’s people. We ran into a po- Cabinet would have been taken to Corsham in Clark, Jnr, a Sheriff of Dallas County who, much The use by wealthy individuals of privately
measures, which include proposals to extend lice checkpoint, he rolled down the window and Wiltshire to an enormous subterranean citadel against his own judgement, did as much as any owned flying machines is growing at an un-
the “stop-and-question” powers of the constab- told the policeman: ‘We are on duty, from this car designed to accommodate 6,000 Military and precedented rate as a result of a widespread
ulary, had been heavily promoted by Mr Reid. man to turn the sympathies of the mainstream
to the last car behind the tankers.’ We emptied Government personnel. public of America in favour of racial equality. For dissatsifaction among affluent consumers with
Mr Hain’s opposition to them has provoked the the fuel into private underground tanks for the The Ministry of Defence retains at least four
Home Secretary to write a strongly worded let- it was Mr Clark who, on March 7 1965, in Selma, the traditional method of travelling on sched-
Ashur family.” The infrastructure of smuggling underground hubs, one of them under the Min- Alabama, organised and led a posse of state uled airplane flights. The burden of increased
ter to Mr Blair, the Prime Minister, in which he was set up under President Saddam in the late istry itself at Whitehall. A second, at the Perma-
condemned Mr Hain’s behaviour over the pro- troopers into a ferocious attack on 600 peace- security measures at the world’s major airports
1990s, during the UN sanctions, when illegal oil nent Joint Headquarters at Northwood in north has contributed to the growth, which has contin-
shipments became the main method of getting London, home of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is ful civil rights demonstrators whilst they were
an extension of powers used in Northern Ireland thought to be five storeys deep. crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge on their way ued unabated despite unprecedented awareness
money into the country. Smuggling was an of-
and then protesting to the Prime Minister when ficially condoned policy. to the state capital, Montgomery. As he led his about the impact of aeroplane usage on global
Mr Reid in turn proposed them. “Ismail”, a veteran smuggler, told the Manches- men into the fray, armed with pistol, billy-club warming. Manufacturers forecast worldwide de-
ter Guardian correspondent: “We use the same FLOODING TRAGEDY. and cattle-prod, Mr Clark remained oblivious to liveries of new aeroplanes designed for personal
methods we used during Saddam regime. Instead the gentlemen of the press and television. This usage will come close to 10,000 over the next
PREGNANCY TESTS FAULTY. of Ba’athists and generals, it is now Shia militias FREIGHTER DRIVEN AGROUND. was a mistake, for it was they who recorded decade, almost double the production rate for
Tens of thousands of women who were in- and their cronies who are doing the business.” (FROM A CORRESPONDENT.) the resulting violence, in which injuries were the previous ten years. Adding in very light craft,
formed that they were pregnant by staff working SYDNEY, JUNE 8. caused to some eighty-four marchers. The the forecast rises to about 18,000.
at National Health Service hospitals were yes- A STARTLING ARREST. A wild storm that lashed the Eastern Coast of sight of a black woman, Amelia Robinson, being
terday vigorously encouraged to contact their Australia drove a coal freighter on to a sand bank, clubbed by the police after she had succumbed
A British man has been arrested abroad for
raising fears that it could break apart and leak to tear-gas shocked the nation into action. Six
doctors following the discovery that pregnancy attempting to blackmail the Tesco chain of mar-
ket stores. Mr Alexander Winstone, a Bath man fuel into the sea, whilst six people were missing months after “Bloody Sunday”, as the catastoph-
testing equipment supplied to hospitals around in flash flooding, the police announced. Panesar, the England spin-bowler, captured
the country was faulty. and unemployed former stockist, threatened to ewhich Mr Clark had provoked was to become four wickets, and Sidebottom, the swing-bowler,
poison foodstuffs belonging to the company un- Officials said that at least two other vessels
The manufacturer, Unipath Limited, has dis- known, Miss Robinson stood beside President took three wickets, as the West Indian tourists
less he was renumerated in the sum of £2 million. among more than fifty off the port of Newcastle,
closed that about forty-four of the 83,000 devices ninety miles north of Sydney, could also be in dan- Lyndon Johnson as he signed the Voting Rights were all out for 229 yesterday afternoon in the
Following his seizure by police in Bangkok on Act into law. Mr Clark was voted out of office
it supplied to fifty hospitals were defective. A Thursday evening, Mr Winstone confessed to ger with winds up to fifty miles-per-hour expected Third Test Match at Old Trafford, giving England
spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetricians authoring a series of communications contain- to continue or worsen to-day. Near Newcastle, the following year, later serving nine months in a lead on first innings of 141 runs.
and Gynaecologists gave the following advice - ing the threats and has since been charged with six people travelling in two cars were missing in prison following his conviction for conspiracy
“Any concerned woman should go back to their attempted extortion. Scotland Yard, the Thai flood waters as torrential rain and gales cut local to smuggle marijuana. He is survived by his ex-
hospital or see a general practitioner. They could authorities and the company’s own head of se- power and railway services, the New South Wales wife, three sons and two daughters. He was in his STOP PRESS.
also purchase a pregnancy test at a chemist.” curity all collaborated in effecting the arrest. Police announced in a statement. eighty-fourth year. Close of play: England (second innings) 34-1.

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