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Sensorimotor Mismapping in Poor-pitch Singing

Hao He and Wei-dong Zhang, Shanghai, China

Summary: Objective. This study proposes that there are two types of sensorimotor mismapping in poor-pitch singing:
erroneous mapping and no mapping. We created operational definitions for the two types of mismapping based on the
precision of pitch-matching and predicted that in the two types of mismapping, phonation differs in terms of accuracy
and the dependence on the articulation consistency between the target and the intended vocal action. The study aimed
to test this hypothesis by examining the reliability and criterion-related validity of the operational definitions.
Study Design. A within-subject design was used in this study.
Methods. Thirty-two participants identified as poor-pitch singers were instructed to vocally imitate pure tones and
to imitate their own vocal recordings with the same articulation as self-targets and with different articulation from self-targets.
Results. Definitions of the types of mismapping were demonstrated to be reliable with the split-half approach and to
have good criterion-related validity with findings that pitch-matching with no mapping was less accurate and more de-
pendent on the articulation consistency between the target and the intended vocal action than pitch-matching with erroneous
mapping was. Furthermore, the precision of pitch-matching was positively associated with its accuracy and its depen-
dence on articulation consistency when mismapping was analyzed on a continuum. Additionally, the data indicated
that the self-imitation advantage was a function of articulation consistency.
Conclusion. Types of sensorimotor mismapping lead to pitch-matching that differs in accuracy and its dependence
on the articulation consistency between the target and the intended vocal action. Additionally, articulation consistency
produces the self-advantage.
Key Words: Poor-pitch singing–Pitch-matching–Sensorimotor mapping–Precision–Articulation.

INTRODUCTION The cutoff that defines an acceptable range of precision scores

Individuals who are unable to match musical pitch accurately for precise pitch-matching is set at 100 cents or 50 cents.2,3
or precisely are considered to have poor-pitch singing.1,2 Re-
searchers measure the proficiency of pitch singing by using pitch-
matching tasks in which participants are instructed to vocally Mechanism of poor-pitch singing: background
imitate target pitches.3–6 In terms of objective measurement based According to previous models of the human song system,7,9–11
on acoustic methods that extract the fundamental frequency (F0) poor-pitch singing can be caused by a dysfunction of
of a sound, two measures are used to evaluate the pitch- perception, 12–18 sensorimotor integration, 4–6,19 vocal motor
matching performance. One is accuracy, which refers to the control,4,20,21 or memory.15,22 Among these, a malfunction in sen-
average difference between the target pitch and the pitch that sorimotor integration is thought to be the main cause of poor-
an individual sings. Accuracy scores represent the proximity of pitch singing.4,5
vocally produced pitches to the target pitches. Accuracy is mea- Regarding the mechanism of sensorimotor dysfunction in poor-
sured in cents or semitones.a Because the human song system pitch singing, an early explanation suggested that sensorimotor
is highly complicated and involves peripheral mechanisms of vo- mismapping between pitch percepts and phonatory gestures
calization and relevant neural networks,7,8 it is less likely for an caused systematic singing errors. The explanation accounted for
individual to exactly match a target pitch. Thus, an acceptable the phenomenon of interval compression that occurred while
range of pitch deviation must be determined for accurate pitch- singing melodies,5,23 but it was challenged based on the consid-
matching. The cutoff for acceptable deviation of a produced pitch erable variability in pitch-matching.2–5 Given this limitation,
from the target pitch ranges from 100 cents2,5 to 50 cents.3,4,6 researchers introduced the internal model framework based on
Another measure for pitch-matching is precision. Precision, which the domains of motor planning and control,24 and proposed the
in statistics refers to the standard deviation (SD) of sung pitches, inverse modeling mechanism, arguing that poor-pitch singers lack
measures the variability of pitch-matching across repeated trials. sensorimotor translation between pitch percepts and phonatory
gestures.6 However, the inverse modeling account was not more
informative than the previous sensorimotor mismapping account
Accepted for publication February 24, 2017.
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
in terms of explaining how the sensorimotor mismapping forms.
Both semitone and cent are the units of interval (the difference between two pitches) A recent multimodal imagery association (MMIA) model
used in the modern Western tuning system. In mathematics, a semitone is derived from
dividing an octave (with a frequency ratio of 2:1) into 12 equal parts, and a cent is derived
offered some answers to this question.19 In the MMIA model,
from dividing a semitone into 100 equal parts. comfort pitch, the pitch that an individual sings comfortably, plays
From the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University,
Shanghai, China.
a role in distorting the initially unbiased sensorimotor mapping
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Wei-dong Zhang, School of Psychology via its attracting influence on pitch-matching. Mathematically,
and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, No. 3663. North Zhongshan Road,
Shanghai 200062, China. E-mail:
the distortion is explained as the convolution of two probabil-
Journal of Voice, Vol. ■■, No. ■■, pp. ■■-■■ ity distributions: (1) an unbiased sung pitch distribution that
© 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
centers on the target pitch and (2) a comfort pitch distribution. The MMIA model explains not only systematic bias but also the
2 Journal of Voice, Vol. ■■, No. ■■, 2017

large variability in pitch-matching that was observed in previ- one or more external criteria.26 Two criteria were applied in this
ous studies.3–5 study. The first criterion was the accuracy of pitch-matching. Pitch-
The MMIA model, in a mathematical way, sheds light on the matching with erroneous mapping should be more accurate than
formation mechanism of sensorimotor mismapping in poor- pitch-matching with no mapping for two possible reasons. First,
pitch singing. However, little research has elaborated the construct erroneous mapping may be the outcome of a compromise after
of the sensorimotor mapping system. In fact, the four catego- multiple failed attempts to match a target pitch. Although indi-
ries of pitch-singing derived from the combination of accuracy viduals may know that they make singing errors, they may be
(accurate vs. inaccurate) and precision (precise vs. imprecise), unable at the time to improve their singing accuracy; thus, they
which have been systematically examined in previous studies,2,3 must accept their most accurate vocal action for the sake of ex-
suggest that there may be multiple types of sensorimotor mapping. pediency. Considering that the majority of poor-pitch singers have
In particular, because pitch-matching can be either imprecise (both normal pitch perception,4,5 the produced pitch deviation would
inaccurate and accurate) or inaccurate yet precise, there are likely not be considerable in such cases. Second, erroneous mapping
different types of mismapping. can result from limited perceptual resolution of human vocal-
izations. Previous research has shown that the differential threshold
A new hypothesis is higher when the targets are natural human voices than when
With the aim of exploring the construct of mismapping at the the targets are synthesized vocal sounds.4 Thus, for individuals
category level, this study proposes the hypothesis that senso- who have normal pitch perception, the failure to detect devia-
rimotor translation involves a mapping system that encompasses tions in the produced pitch through auditory feedback can lead
three types of mapping: accurate mapping, erroneous mapping, to erroneous mapping, but their accuracy would not be substan-
and no mapping. Accurate mapping typically leads to accurate tially affected. In contrast, no mapping can cause large amplitudes
and precise pitch-matching. With erroneous mapping, an indi- of pitch deviations, as in cases when individuals attempt to match
vidual forms a fixed but inaccurate connection between a pitch pitches by trial and error and still do not succeed.
percept and a phonatory gesture that does not produce the pitch. The second criterion for the validity test was the depen-
When erroneous mapping occurs, the sung pitch varies little from dence of phonation on the articulation consistency between the
a certain pitch height (but is not the same as the target), pro- target and the intended vocal action. Our starting point was a
ducing inaccurate but precise pitch-matching. With no mapping, widely recognized finding that phonation and articulation are
there is no formed connection between a pitch percept and a pho- structurally linked. Early research has shown that a change in
natory gesture. In such cases, an individual may randomly map articulation changes the produced pitch.27–29 Additionally, the ar-
a pitch percept onto a phonatory gesture each time he or she imi- ticulation consistency between the target and the vocal action
tates the target, producing imprecise pitch-matching across can affect the accuracy of pitch-matching. As research has shown,
repeated trials. pitch-matching is more accurate when human voices are imi-
This study then proposes an operational definition of each type tated than when tones produced by instruments are imitated,4,30–32
of mapping based on the relationship between accuracy and pre- and it is the most accurate in self-imitation.4,6,31 This is the so-
cision. Accuracy is measured as the absolute value of the mean called human voice or self-imitation advantage. Note also that
signed pitch deviation, whereas precision is measured as the SD the timbre similarity explanation has been ruled out by previ-
of signed pitch deviation. Because a specific cutoff value may ous research.6 The increased accuracy of pitch-matching when
be more sensitive to precision than accuracy,2,3 we established imitating human voices and during self-imitation suggests that
a 50-cent cutoff for accuracy and a more liberal cutoff of 100 phonation is affected by the articulation consistency between the
cents for precision in this study. Using these cutoff values, ac- target and the intended vocal action. In other words, the human
curate and precise pitch-matching represents correct auditory- voice or self-imitation advantage may be a function of articu-
motor mapping; inaccurate but precise pitch-matching represents lation consistency.
erroneous mapping; and imprecise pitch-matching, regardless of In the sensorimotor mismapping hypothesis proposed in this
whether it is accurate, represents no mapping. It is worth noting study, phonation is more dependent on the articulation consis-
that an individual can exhibit both types of sensorimotor tency in no mapping than in erroneous mapping for the following
mismapping simultaneously or just one of them. reasons. In pitch imitation, a phonatory solution is needed when
an auditory input is received. In erroneous mapping, a phona-
Hypothesis testing tory motor plan can be quickly generated because of the
The proposed sensorimotor mismapping hypothesis can be tested sensorimotor mappings that are formed. In no mapping, the plan-
by examining the reliability and validity of the operational defi- ning of phonation is not directly driven by a formed sensorimotor
nitions of the types of mismapping. For reliability testing, this association, but it can be affected by external vocal motor cues.
study used the split-half approach, which tests the degree of cor- Articulation, a set of complicated and rapid motor behaviors in-
relation between data of the first and the second halves.25 In volving the coordination of laryngeal, pharyngeal, and orofacial
particular, we analyzed reliability by splitting trials into two equal muscles, can provide such cues. Articulation is more imitable
parts in terms of time order and investigating the correlation than phonation because articulation, which comprises such com-
between the parts. ponents as lip, tongue, and jaw movements, can be observed,
To assess validity, we used criterion-related validity, which whereas phonation lies deep in the throat and is difficult to
assumes that there is a correlation between a test measure and observe. Thus, the unplanned phonation in no mapping is more
Hao He and Wei-dong Zhang Sensorimotor Mismapping in Pitch-matching 3

FIGURE 1. Flowchart illustrating the rationale for the validity test using the criterion of articulation consistency. Boxes indicate the three pitch-
matching tasks: the pure tone imitation (PTI) task, the same articulatory self-imitation (SASI) task, and the different articulatory self-imitation
(DASI) task. Ovals indicate the self-advantage measures attributed to changes in the articulation consistency between the target and the intended
vocal action. Dashed braces indicate the comparisons between measures.

dependent on the articulation consistency between the target and accuracy as a criterion for the operational definition of
the intended vocal actions than the planned phonation in erro- mismapping types in each of the three tasks. For the validity test
neous mapping is. using the dependence of phonation on the articulation consis-
Operationally, the dependence of phonation on the articula- tency between the target and the intended vocal action as a
tion consistency between the target and the intended vocal actions criterion, Figure 1 illustrates the course and its rationale. The
was estimated with two measures in this study. The first measure PTI task served as a baseline test. Two types of self-advantage
was the size of the self-imitation advantage. According to the were produced by comparing the participants’ performance on
proposed sensorimotor mismapping hypothesis, the self- the PTI task with their performance on the SASI and the DASI.
advantage should be greater in no mapping than in erroneous The difference between the two types of self-advantage repre-
mapping. The inclusion of the self-advantage was based on the sented the variations in pitch-matching (based on the PTI task)
above-proposed hypothesis that the articulation consistency between the SASI task and the DASI task, which was caused
between the target and the intended vocal action produces the by the changes in articulation consistency between the target and
self-advantage. In this study, this hypothesis was tested before the intended vocal action and reflected the dependence of pho-
the validity test that used the criterion of phonation’s depen- nation on the articulation consistency. Additionally, we included
dence on articulation consistency was applied. The second pitch-matching with accurate mapping as a control condition.
measure for the dependence of phonation on articulation con- According to the proposed mismapping hypothesis, pitch-
sistency was the linear relationship between the self-advantage matching with accurate mapping and pitch-matching with
and the precision of pitch-matching, which included the mod- erroneous mapping should not differ in their dependence on ar-
erating effect of sensorimotor mapping. The difference in this ticulation consistency, and pitch-matching with the two types
linear relationship between the two types of mismapping may of mapping should be less dependent on articulation consisten-
take one of the following two forms: First, the linear relation- cy than pitch-matching with no mapping.
ship may exist in no mapping but not in erroneous mapping.
Second, if the linear relationship exists in both types of
mismapping, the slope of the regression line should be larger METHODS
with no mapping than with erroneous mapping. Participants
The participants were recruited through an advertisement posted
The current experiment on campus for students who thought they were poor singers or
In the present study, we designed a pure tone imitation (PTI) wished to know whether they were poor singers. Thirty-two par-
task, a same articulatory self-imitation (SASI) task, and a dif- ticipants were identified as poor-pitch singers after a series of
ferent articulatory self-imitation (DASI) task. The participants tests (detailed descriptions are presented in the procedure section).
were instructed to imitate pure tones in the PTI task and to imitate The participants (26 women and 6 men aged between 18 and
their own vocal recordings with the same articulation as self- 31 years old; M = 23.3, SD = 3.1) had never received formal
targets in the SASI task and with different articulation from self- musical training, except two who reported 4 and 14 years of in-
targets in the DASI task. Assuming that mismapping (precision) strument training. None of the participants reported having been
is a state variable that is sensitive to task, we tested the relia- diagnosed with hearing or vocal motor deficits, brain lesions or
bility and the criterion-related validity of using pitch-matching mental disorders, or having a history of surgery.
4 Journal of Voice, Vol. ■■, No. ■■, 2017

Materials Vocal sweep task

In the PTI task, for each participant, the target tones were 12 This task aimed to identify whether the participants had a vocal
component pitches on a chromatic scale within the partici- motor deficit. It also served as a vocal warm-up. The partici-
pant’s vocal range. All the targets were sine waves with a 1-second pants were instructed to sing naturally from the lowest pitch to
duration. In principle, each participant’s target chromatic scale the highest pitch they could produce in small steps and then to
was centered within the participant’s vocal range (between the reverse this process. The participants performed this procedure
lowest and the highest naturally produced pitches). However, to five times. Vocal motor proficiency was estimated by measur-
guarantee the homogeneity of the stimuli for most partici- ing whether a participant could produce all of the component
pants, a chromatic scale from C4 (261.63 Hz) to B4 (493.88 Hz) pitches on a chromatic scale within his or her vocal range. As
was selected for female participants who had a vocal range equal the criterion for producing a pitch, we required a sung tone to
to or wider than the C4–B4 range, and a scale ranging from C3 maintain a stable pitch height and to last for more than 400 ms.
(130.81 Hz) to B3 (246.94 Hz) was selected for male partici- The F0s of the sung tones were quickly measured using Adobe
pants with a vocal range equal to or wider than the C3–B3 range. Audition (Adobe).
These two chromatic scales were used for three-quarters of the
participants. Pure tone imitation task
In the SASI task and the DASI task, the targets for each par- In the PTI task, each trial started with a pure tone (A6, 1760 Hz)
ticipant were his or her own vocal recordings from the PTI task. cue that lasted 250 ms. After 750 ms of silence, the target tone
Operationally, for each participant and at each scale degree, we was presented for 1 second. The intertrial interval was 4 seconds.
selected a recording with a stably produced pitch, modulated it During this temporal blank period, the participants imitated target
to the standard pitch, and then ensured that all targets were pre- pitches with the syllable /ba/ as accurately and quickly as pos-
sented at a similar volume. sible. They were asked (1) to keep singing using a stable pitch
and volume, (2) to correct their singing when they perceived that
Apparatus they were incorrect, and (3) to keep singing for a bit longer than
The pure tones were generated with Adobe Audition 1.5 (Adobe, the target. The sung tones were saved as .wav files. The proce-
San Jose, CA) with a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz and a 16-bit dure comprised 12 blocks. Each block consisted of 12 trials in
resolution and were presented through AKG K99 headphones which pitches were presented for all degrees of a chromatic scale
(AKG Acoustics GMBH, Vienna, Austria). The tones that the (ie, I, II, III. . .XII). In each block, target pitches at 12 degrees
participants produced were recorded using an ISK BM-800 con- of a chromatic scale were pseudorandomly presented, and the
denser microphone (Ningbo Shengke Electronic Co., Ltd., Ningbo, blocks were also presented in pseudorandom order.
Same or different articulatory self-imitation task
Procedures and tasks In the SASI task, after hearing the target sung with the syllable
The experiment included two phases. The first phase com- /ba/, the participants were asked to imitate the target pitch with
prised the screening tests (including two pitch perception tasks /ba/ as accurately and quickly as possible. In contrast, in the DASI
and a vocal sweep task) and the PTI task. The second phase con- task, the participants were required to imitate the target pitch
sisted of two self-imitation tasks (SASI and DASI) and was with the syllable /di/ as accurately and quickly as possible. Half
conducted 3 days after the first phase. All the tasks were carried of the participants performed the SASI task first and then per-
out in a quiet room. The first phase lasted approximately 50 formed the DASI task, and the other half performed the tasks
minutes, and the second phase lasted approximately 40 minutes. in reverse order. For each participant, the stimuli were pre-
sented in the same manner and order as in the PTI task.
Pitch perception tasks
This session aimed to measure the participants’ pitch discrim- Data analysis
ination thresholds using the maximum likelihood procedure.33 We conducted an acoustic analysis of the vocal recordings using
In each trial, the participants heard two pure tones sequen- the MIR toolbox34 in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA), with
tially. All the tones lasted 1 second, and the two tones presented a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz and a frame decomposition rate
in each trial were separated by 250 ms. Each subject com- of 100 Hz. For this analysis, we measured the F0s of the vocal
pleted two tasks, each of which comprised three blocks of 25 recordings and converted the unit of pitch from hertz to cents
trials. In the first task, the participants were asked to decide to perform meaningful comparisons in the 12-tone equal
whether the two tones were the same. In this task, 20% of the temperament.
trials were set as catch trials, in which the two tones had the same We computed the absolute value of the mean signed pitch de-
pitch. In the second task, the participants were required to in- viation to estimate the accuracy of pitch-matching and computed
dicate which of the two tones was higher. For all the participants the SD of signed pitch deviations to estimate the precision of
and both tasks, C4 (261.63 Hz) was set as the standard frequen- pitch-matching. In this study, the participants either with PTI
cy. The thresholds were calculated at the end of each block using accuracy scores greater than 50 cents or with PTI precision scores
the maximum likelihood procedure, and individuals with average greater than 100 cents were identified as poor-pitch singers. As
thresholds above 50 cents for either of the two pitch percep- previously described, the participants were allowed to adjust their
tion tasks were excluded. pitch repeatedly within the 4-second response time window.
Hao He and Wei-dong Zhang Sensorimotor Mismapping in Pitch-matching 5

Hence, in each trial, we measured the F0 of the last sung tone. the precision scores of the first section as the covariate, and the
In fact, the participants in this study seldom imitated the target fixed and random intercepts for participants. The results showed
more than once. a significant linear relationship between the precision of the first
After data preprocessing, each participant had one data point section and that of the second section for each task (PTI:
in the subject dimension and 12 data points (corresponding to b = 0.277, SE = 0.043, P < 0.001; SASI: b = 0.375, SE = 0.045,
the 12 target scale degrees of a chromatic scale) in the pitch height P < 0.001; DASI: b = 0.363, SE = 0.052, P < 0.001). The data
dimension for each observed variable (accuracy and precision). suggested that the operational definitions of the types of
We used the subject-level data for analyzing the self-advantage. mismapping have moderate reliability.
We used the pitch height-level data for the reliability and va-
lidity tests of the operational definitions of erroneous mapping Validity test
and no mapping. The pitch height-level data were analyzed using Criterion 1: accuracy
mixed linear models because their hierarchical structures violate For each task, we constructed a 12 (scale degree: I–XII) × 2 (type
the assumptions of independence for analysis of variance (ANOVA) of mismapping: erroneous mapping vs. no mapping) mixed linear
and multiple regression.35 We conducted the statistical analysis model. In the model, we set accurate scores of pitch-matching
using the SPSS Statistics version 22 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). as the dependent variable and the scale degree and type of
mismapping as the fixed factors, and we set the fixed and random
RESULTS intercepts for participants. For the PTI, a significant main effect
General performance of the participants of type of mismapping was revealed (F[3,319] = 27.401,
The 32 participants were defined as poor-pitch singers accord- P < 0.001), in which erroneous mapping was associated with more
ing to their performance on the PTI task (the baseline condition). accurate pitch-matching than no mapping. However, there was
The average accuracy score for the PTI was 184 cents (SD = 116 no significant main effect of type of mismapping for either the
cents), and the average precision score was 129 cents (SD = 59 SASI or the DASI (Fs < 3.668, Ps > 0.050).
cents). Twenty-one of the participants demonstrated inaccurate
and imprecise pitch-matching, and the rest demonstrated inac- Self-imitation advantage
curate yet precise pitch-matching. All the participants showed Before conducting the validity test, in which we used the self-
normal pitch perception. The average threshold for the same or imitation advantage to measure the dependence of phonation on
different judgments was 30 cents (SD = 10 cents). The average the articulation consistency under the two types of mismapping,
threshold for the higher tone identifications was 24 cents (SD = 12 we needed to test the proposed hypothesis that articulation con-
cents). None of the participants showed vocal motor problems, sistency produces the self-advantage. To do so, we performed
as they all passed the vocal sweep task. According to models two repeated-measures ANOVAs for accuracy and precision of
of the processes of pitch singing,7,9–11 the present data sug- pitch-matching, setting the task (PTI, SASI, and DASI) as the
gested that the participants’ poor pitch singing was the result within-subjects factor. All the reported values were Greenhouse-
of a dysfunction of sensorimotor association rather than a dis- Geisser corrected. Both ANOVAs showed significant main effects
order of pitch perception or vocal motor control or memory. of task (ie, the self-advantage) on accuracy (F[1,33] = 61.800,
P < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.667) and precision (F[2,47] = 77.374, P < 0.001,
ηp2 = 0.714). Multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni cor-
Reliability test
rection revealed significant differences in the two measures
For each pitch-matching task, we divided the 12 blocks equally
between each two pitch-matching tasks. As Figure 2 shows, the
into two sections comprising the first six blocks and the last six
blocks. Because all the component pitches on a chromatic scale
were presented once in each block, both sections had an iden-
tical number of each target pitch. For each participant, we
computed the precision score of the pitch-matching at each target
pitch-height in the first and second sections. Afterward, we ana-
lyzed the overall correlation between the two sections with respect
to precision. The results showed that the Pearson correlation co-
efficient was 0.588 (P < 0.001) for the PTI, 0.675 (P < 0.001)
for the SASI, and 0.725 (P < 0.001) for the DASI. Similar results
were obtained for the single-measure intraclass correlation co-
efficient (ICC) for absolute agreement (PTI: ICC = 0.534,
P < 0.001; SASI: ICC = 0.674, P < 0.001; DASI: ICC = 0.724,
P < 0.001). Given that the datasets had hierarchical structures,
we then constructed mixed linear models to explore whether there
was a linear relationship between the two sections with respect FIGURE 2. The accuracy scores and the precision scores of pitch-
to precision. In the ultimate modeling solution for each dataset, matching in the pure tone imitation (PTI) task, the same articulatory
the model used the precision scores of the second section as the self-imitation (SASI) task, and the different articulatory self-imitation
dependent variable, the scale degree (I–XII) as the fixed factor, (DASI) task.
6 Journal of Voice, Vol. ■■, No. ■■, 2017

FIGURE 3. Scatter plots of the relationships between the precision scores of pitch-matching from the pure tone imitation (PTI) task and the
self-advantage for accuracy (A) and precision (B). The types of mismapping were determined using the pitch-matching from the PTI task.

participants showed the best performance on the SASI task (ac- matching tasks. There was a significant interaction effect between
curacy score = 26 cents; precision score = 38 cents), followed precision scores and the type of mismapping (F[3,363] = 11.305,
by the DASI task (accuracy score = 43 cents; precision score = 60 P < 0.001). With no mapping, the self-advantage was signifi-
cents), and finally the PTI task (accuracy score = 184 cents; pre- cantly correlated with precision scores (b = 0.199, SE = 0.035,
cision score = 129 cents). The results suggested that the self- P < 0.001). In contrast, there was no such correlation between
advantage depends on the articulation consistency between the the self-advantage and the precision scores for pitch-matching
target and the intended vocal action. with either erroneous mapping or accurate mapping. Figure 3B
shows the relationship between the self-advantage for precision
Criterion 2: dependence of phonation on the and precision of pitch-matching with two types of mismapping.
articulation consistency between the target and the
intended vocal action Mismapping on a continuum
The dependence of phonation on the articulation consistency for In the validity test presented above, we addressed mismapping
erroneous mapping, no mapping, and accurate mapping (the as a categorical variable. Since previous studies suggested that
control condition) was estimated using two measures: (1) the categorization might not be the best way to define singing
size of the self-advantage (ie, the differences in accuracy scores deficiency,1,3,36 we then treated the mismapping as a continu-
and precision scores between the DASI and the SASI) and (2) ous variable to further test the proposed sensorimotor mismapping
the linear relationship between the self-advantage and the pre- hypothesis. In particular, we investigated the linear relation-
cision scores. This validity test was based on the pitch-matching ship between precision scores and three criteria: (1) accuracy
identified in the PTI task for the types of mismapping. The ac- scores; (2) the size of the self-advantage; and (3) the slope of
curacy and precision scores were analyzed using two mixed linear the regression line between precision scores and the magni-
models. Both of the models included the self-advantage as the tudes of self-advantage.
dependent variable, the scale degree (I–XII) and the type of
mismapping (accurate mapping, erroneous mapping, and no Criterion 1: accuracy
mapping) as the fixed factors, the precision scores of pitch- We performed a mixed linear model for each pitch-matching task.
matching in the PTI task as the covariate, and the fixed and In the model, we set the accuracy scores of pitch-matching as
random intercepts for the participants. the dependent variable, the scale degree as the fixed factor, and
For the self-advantage for accuracy, there was no main effect the precision scores of pitch-matching as the covariate, and we
of type of mismapping (F[2,357] = 1.198, P = 0.303); however, set the fixed and random intercepts for participants. All three of
there was a significant interaction effect between precision scores the models showed significant main effects of precision (PTI:
and the type of mismapping (F[3,362] = 4.323, P = 0.005). With F[1,371] = 62.467, P < 0.001; SASI: F[1,73] = 134.772, P < 0.001;
no mapping, the self-advantage was significantly correlated with DASI: F[1,123] = 63.782, P < 0.001). There were significant pos-
precision scores (b = 0.150, SE = 0.042, P < 0.001), but there was itive correlations between precision scores and accuracy scores
no significant correlation between the self-advantage and the pre- on the PTI (b = 0.657, SE = 0.083, P < 0.001), the SASI
cision scores for pitch-matching with either erroneous mapping (b = 0.539, SE = 0.046, P < 0.001), and the DASI (b = 0.401,
or accurate mapping. Figure 3A shows the relationship between SE = 0.050, P < 0.001).
the self-advantage for accuracy and precision of pitch-matching
with two types of mismapping. Criterion 2: size of the self-imitation advantage
For the self-advantage for precision, although there was a sig- We created mixed linear models for the datasets for accuracy
nificant main effect of the type of mismapping (F[2,358] = 4.363, scores and precision scores. Each model included the self-
P = 0.013), multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni correc- advantage as the dependent variable, the scale degree (I–XII)
tion revealed no significant difference between each two pitch- as the fixed factor, the precision scores on the PTI task as the
Hao He and Wei-dong Zhang Sensorimotor Mismapping in Pitch-matching 7

covariate, and the fixed and random intercepts for the partici- the mechanism of the self-imitation advantage in this study. This
pants. Both of the models revealed significant main effects of discussion was organized around these three points.
precision on the datasets for accuracy scores (F[1,249] = 14.247,
P < 0.001) and precision scores (F[1,355] = 23.234, P < 0.001). Types of sensorimotor mismapping
The precision of pitch-matching was significantly correlated with The two types of sensorimotor mismapping, erroneous mapping
the self-advantage for accuracy (b = 0.120, SE = 0.032, P < 0.001) and no mapping, were operationally defined according to the pre-
and precision (b = 0.136, SE = 0.028, P < 0.001). cision and accuracy of pitch-matching. The present data showed
that the definitions are reliable and valid. As the validity tests
Criterion 3: slope of the regression line between the demonstrated, the two types of mismapping differed according
self-advantage and the precision of pitch-matching to two criteria: (1) the accuracy of pitch-matching and (2) the
For the 12 instances of pitch-matching for each target pitch height dependence of phonation on the articulation consistency between
of each participant, we computed the slope of the regression line the target and the intended vocal action.
between the size of self-advantage and the precision scores. Con- Specifically, for the first criterion (ie, accuracy), erroneous
sequently, each participant had a datum of the slope for accuracy mapping was associated with more accurate pitch-matching than
and precision respectively. We then performed regression anal- no mapping in the PTI task. Furthermore, there were signifi-
yses to investigate the linear relationship between the precision cant positive correlations between precision and accuracy in all
scores of pitch-matching in the PTI task and the slopes. The results the three pitch-matching tasks. Moreover, the Monte Carlo sim-
showed that for accuracy, there was a significant correlation ulation indicated that the observed correlation between the
between precision scores and the slopes (b = 0.002, SE = 0.001, accuracy and precision of pitch-matching could not simply be
P = 0.042). For precision, the linear correlation between preci- attributed to the collinearity of the two measures. For the second
sion scores and the slopes was marginally significant (b = 0.001, criterion, the dependence of phonation on the articulation con-
SE = 0.001, P = 0.055). sistency between the target and the intended vocal action, the
reported results revealed a significant linear correlation between
Testing collinearity the self-advantage and the precision scores in cases of no mapping
For the above validity test that examined the linear relation- but not in cases of erroneous mapping. Moreover, there was no
ship between precision scores and accuracy scores, a concern such correlation in cases of accurate mapping, which served as
arose regarding the possible collinearity between the two vari- the control condition. The result was consistent with the pro-
ables, as they were computed using the same data. We thus posed hypothesis. Because phonation is guided by the
performed Monte Carlo simulations to investigate whether the sensorimotor mapping formed in the erroneous mapping con-
correlation between precision and accuracy was a foregone con- dition and the accurate mapping condition, it is less dependent
clusion. Given that the signed pitch deviations of pitch-matching on articulatory motor cues than phonation in the no mapping con-
followed a Gaussian distribution,36 we used the Matlab func- dition. However, there was no significant difference in the
tion of “normrnd” to construct a Gaussian distribution with a magnitude of the self-advantage between pitch-matching with
mean of zero and an SD of 100. We generated 100 random erroneous mapping and pitch-matching with no mapping. This
samples. Each of them had 100 data points that simulated the finding might arise from a floor effect caused by the similar dif-
signed pitch deviations produced in the pitch-matching trials. ficulty levels of the two self-imitation tasks.
For each sample, we computed the mean of the signed pitch de- The validity testing in this study also considered current con-
viations and then determined the absolute value, and we computed cerns regarding categorizing pitch-singing proficiency. 1,36
the SD of the signed pitch deviations. Afterward, we computed Categorization has two limits: First, because categorization is
the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two based on cutoffs, it is difficult to compare data from studies that
variables. We ran the simulation 1000 times. The ratio of pos- use different cutoffs; second, because there are usually remark-
itive correlation coefficients that were significant was 0.017. This able differences in performance between good and poor singers
result indicated that for a given dataset, the absolute value of or between easy and difficult tasks, the assumption of homo-
the mean and the SD had a low probability of being correlated. geneity of variance for ANOVA is likely to be violated, which
This suggested that the observed correlation between the accu- can produce biased results. To address these issues, research-
racy and the precision of pitch-matching could not be simply ers have suggested treating singing ability as a continuous variable
attributed to the collinearity of the two measures. rather than a categorical variable.36 Technically, then, it would
be more appropriate to use regression-based analyses than mean
DISCUSSION comparison methods, such as ANOVA. Our hypothesis sur-
The present study aimed to explore the construct of sensorimo- vived the validity tests in which mismapping was investigated
tor mismapping in poor-pitch singing. In doing so, we attempted on a continuum.
to understand the properties, prevalence, and possible causes of Regarding the prevalence of the two types of mismapping, the
the two types of mismapping. Additionally, we attempted to in- focus was on the frequency of erroneous mapping because pitch-
vestigate whether and to what extent the two types of mismapping matching with no mapping unquestionably accounts for the
could be predicted by the MMIA model, which explained the majority of pitch-matching with mismapping because of the as-
formation process of the sensorimotor mismapping. Finally, we sociation between accuracy and precision. In this study, the
discussed the proposed and verified hypothesis with respect to percentage of pitch-matching with erroneous mapping among
8 Journal of Voice, Vol. ■■, No. ■■, 2017

all pitch-matching errors (including inaccurate pitch-matching

and imprecise pitch-matching) was 32% on the PTI, 70% on the
SASI, and 44% on the DASI. Approximately one-tenth of pitch-
matching was attributed to erroneous mapping when a more
stringent definition was used (ie, when both accuracy and pre-
cision cutoffs were 50 cents): 11% on the PTI, 7% on the SASI,
and 16% on the DASI. The data differed from that of a previ-
ous study in which inaccurate but precise pitch-matching was
rare (2%).2 The divergence between the two studies might be
explained by the following reasons. First, unlike the present study,
in which all of the participants were inaccurate singers, most
of the participants in that study were accurate singers, which led
to a low ratio of inaccurate pitch-matching and might have further
resulted in the rarity of inaccurate yet precise pitch-matching.
Second, the cutoff for accuracy was more liberal in the previ- FIGURE 4. Simulations of the multimodal imagery association
ous study (100 cents) than in the present study (50 cents). The (MMIA) model representing the relationship between the accuracy scores
looser criterion decreased the number of instances of inaccu- of pitch-matching and two sources of variability (SD = standard devi-
rate pitch-matching and contributed to the rarity of inaccurate ation). See text for details.
yet precise pitch-matching. Third, previous research showed that
pitch-matching was more precise in a single-pitch imitation task
than in a novel melody imitation task.2,3 In summary, the prev-
alence of erroneous mapping cannot be neglected, although it mismapping (ie, the precision of pitch-matching) and the vari-
accounts for a minor part of pitch-matching errors. ability of bias that represented the attraction of comfort pitch.
Regarding the causes of erroneous mapping, in addition to the There were four input parameters in the MMIA model: target
two reasons discussed in the “Hypothesis testing” section (ie, pitch, comfort pitch, SD of mapping (ie, SD of unbiased sung
the compromise strategy and the limited perceptual resolution pitch distribution), and SD of bias (ie, SD of comfort pitch
of human vocalization), a third cause may be the dependence distribution).19 We used all the 12 degrees of a chromatic scale,
on comfort pitch. Individuals are likely to sing an easily pro- coded in cents as 100, 200, 300. . . 1200, as input parameters
duced tone when they have no idea how to imitate the target pitch. for both target pitch and comfort pitch for the model because
The extreme case is “monotone” singing, in which individuals all the degrees of a chromatic scale were applied in this study.
produce almost the same pitch regardless of the target they are Twenty values, coded in cents as 10, 20, 30. . . 200, were used
attempting to match. More frequently, individuals have several as the input for SD of mapping. Eighteen values, coded in cents
comfort pitches; therefore, the comfort pitch used may depend as 30, 40, 50. . . 200, were used as the input for SD of bias. Two
on its closeness to the target. As previous research suggested,4,21 hundred “trials” were run for each combination of the above four
comfort pitch dependence reflects the contribution of vocal motor input parameters.
control to pitch-matching. Because comfort pitches are easily Figure 4 illustrates the covarying relationship between accu-
produced, the vocal motor actions used to produce them have racy scores and two sources of variability. The simulation showed
lower engagement thresholds. Thus, when there is no mapping that the accuracy of pitch-matching decreased as the variabili-
of a pitch percept, individuals are likely to connect the pitch ty of mismapping increased at each level of the variability of
percept to a nearby phonatory representation with a higher pre- bias. This result represented both pitch-matching with accurate
activity level. Pitch-matching in such cases may be associated mapping and a large part of pitch-matching with no mapping.
with large pitch deviations. Additionally, there were considerable instances of inaccurate
pitch-matching in which the SDs of mismapping were less than
100 cents, which represented erroneous mapping. Pitch-
Types of sensorimotor mismapping and the MMIA matching with erroneous mapping was associated with a small
model SD of bias, suggesting that erroneous mapping was more likely
The previous MMIA model, which provided a mathematical ex- to occur in individuals with a narrow comfort-pitch range than
planation for sensorimotor translation in pitch singing, succeeded those with wide range. When the comfort-pitch range is very
in representing the properties of pitch-matching: the compres- narrow, it leads to “monotone” singing, which generally has
sion of pitch range, the attraction effect of comfort pitch, and large pitch deviations. However, as Figure 4 shows, the com-
the presence of larger pitch deviations in single-pitch match- bination of low variability of both mismapping and bias is
ing than in interval or melody matching.19 In this study, we associated with accurate pitch-matching. Moreover, the simu-
performed simulations of the MMIA model to investigate whether lations of the MMIA model failed to represent imprecise yet
the observed pitch-matching that was attributed to types of accurate pitch-matching.
mismapping could be predicted by the model and to what extent In summary, in most cases, the MMIA model could predict
it could be predicted. In particular, we focused on how the pitch- the types of mismapping proposed in the present study, but the
matching accuracy scores could vary with the variability of model was challenged at some points.
Hao He and Wei-dong Zhang Sensorimotor Mismapping in Pitch-matching 9

Self-imitation advantage mismapping differed in two aspects. First, pitch-matching with

The self-imitation advantage played a crucial role in the valid- erroneous mapping was more accurate than pitch-matching with
ity test that used the criterion of the dependence of phonation no mapping. Second, phonation was more dependent on the ar-
on the articulation consistency between the target and the in- ticulation consistency between the target and the intended vocal
tended vocal action. Regarding the mechanism underlying the action in cases of no mapping than in cases of erroneous mapping.
self-imitation advantage, previous literature has attributed it to These properties of mismapping were verified by further anal-
timbre similarity.4,31 However, evidence shows that timbre sim- yses that addressed mismapping on a continuum. In addition,
ilarity cannot be the primary cause of the self-advantage.6 Other the proposed types of mismapping could be predicted by the pre-
researchers have explained the self-advantage in view of the mirror vious MMIA model. The contribution of the present study lies
neuron system, arguing that the auditory percept gives rise to in two aspects: First, we elaborated the construct of mismapping
the activation of brain areas responsible for vocal motor planning.37 of poor-pitch singing at a category level, and second, we pro-
However, the mirror neuron system explanation of the self- posed and verified a further detailed explanation for the self-
advantage is not sufficiently precise because it explains only the imitation advantage in pitch-matching.
initiation of the imitation response and does not assure accu-
rate imitation, especially in pitch-matching, in which phonation Acknowledgment
cannot be directly observed. Moreover, the brain areas respon- We thank Qinglin Meng and Zhenya Yang for their valuable com-
sible for vocal motor planning are activated even when individuals ments regarding the acoustic assessment.
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