Introduction To Machine Introduction To Machine Learning Learning

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Introduction to Machine

Lecture 12
Support Vector Machines

Albert Orriols i Puig
i l @ ll l d

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning

g y i Arquitectura
q La Salle
Universitat Ramon Llull
Recap of Lecture 11
† 1st g
generation NN: Perceptrons
p and others

† Also multi-layer percetrons

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 2

Recap of Lecture 11
† 2nd g
generation NN
„ Some people figure it out how to adapt the weights of internal
aye s

„ Seemed to be very powerful and able to solve almost anything

„ The reality showed that this was not exactly true
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 3
Today’s Agenda

† Moving
g to SVM
† Linear SVM
„ The separable case
„ The non-separable case
† Non Linear SVM

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 4

† SVM ((Vapnik,
p , 1995))
„ Clever type of perceptron
„ IInstead
t d off hand-coding
h d di th the llayer off non-adaptive
d ti ffeatures,
t each
training example is used to create a new feature using a fixed
ec pe
„ A clever optimization technique is used to select the best
subset o
of features
eatu es
† Many NNs researchers switched to SVM in the 1990s
because they work better
† Here, we’ll take a slow path into SVM concepts

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Shattering Points with Oriented Hyperplanes
† Remember the idea
„ I want to build hyperplanes that separate points of two classes
„ In a two-dimensional space Æ lines
† E.g.: Linear Classifier

‰ Which is the best separating line?

‰ Remember, a hyperplane is
t d by
b th
the equation

WX + b = 0

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Linear SVM
† I want the line that maximizes the margin
g between
examples of both classes!

Support Vectors

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 7

Linear SVM
† In more detail
„ Let’s assume two classes
¾ yi = {-1
{-1, 1}
„ Each example described by
a set of features x (x is a
vector; for clarity, we will
mark vectors in bold in the
remainder of the slides)
† The problem can be formulated as follows
„ All training must satisfy
((in the separable case))

„ This can be combined

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 8

Linear SVM
† What are the support
pp vectors?
„ Let’s find the points that lay on the hyper plane H1
„ Their perpendicular distance to the origin is

„ Let’s find the points that lay on the hyper plane H2

„ Their perpendicular distance to the origin is

The margin is:

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 9

Linear SVM
† Therefore,, the problem
p is
„ Find the hyper plane that minimizes

„ Subject to

† But let us change to the Lagrange formulation because

„ The constraints will be placed on the Lagrange multipliers
themselves (easier to handle)
„ Training data will appear only in form of dot products between

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 10

Linear SVM
† The Lagrangian
g g formulation comes to be

„ Where αi are the Lagrange multipliers

† So now we need to
„ Minimize Lp w.r.t w, b
„ Simultaneously require that the derivatives of Lp w.r.t to α
„ All subject to the constraints αi ≥ 0

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 11

Linear SVM
† Transformation to the dual problem
„ This is a convex problem
„ W can equivalently
We i l tl solve
l th
the d
duall problem

† That is, maximize LD

„ W.r.t αi
„ Subject to constraints
„ And with αi ≥ 0

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Linear SVM

† This is a quadratic programming problem. You can solve

it with many methods such as gradient descent
„ We’ll not see these methods in class

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The Non-Separable case
† What if I can not separate
p the two classes

„ We will not be able to solve the Lagrangian formulation

„ Any idea?

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The Non-Separable Case
† Just relax the constraints by
g some errors

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The Non-Separable Case
† That means that the Lagrangian
g g is rewritten
„ We change the objective
u c o too be minimized
ed to
„ Therefore, we are maximizing the margin and minimizing the error
„ C iis a constant
t t to
t be
b chosen
h b
by th
the user
† The dual problem becomes

„ Subject to and

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 16

Non-Linear SVM
† What happens
pp if the decision function is a linear function of
the data?

† In our equations
equations, data appears in form of dot products xi · xj
† Wouldn’t you like to have polynomials, logarithmics, …
functions to fit the data?

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 17

Non-Linear SVM
† The kernel trick
„ Map the data into a higher-dimensional space
„ Mercer theorem: any continuous, symmetric, positive semi-
definite kernel function K(x, y) can be expressed as a dot
product in a high
dimensional space
† Now, we have a kernel function
† An example
† All we have talked about still holds when using the
kernel function
† The only difference is that now my function will be

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 18

Non-Linear SVM
† Some typical kernels

† A visual
i l example
l off a polynomial
l i l kernel
k l with
ith p=3

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 19

Some Further Issues
† We have to classify
y data
„ Described by nominal attributes and continuous attributes
„ P b bl with
Probably ith missing
i i values
„ That may have more than two classes
† How SVM deal with them?
„ SVM defined over continuous attributes
attributes. No problem!
„ Nominal attributes Æ Map into continuous space
„ Multiple classes Æ Build SVM
S that discriminate each pair off

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 20

Some Further Issues
† I’ve seen lots of formulas… But I want to p
g a SVM
builder. How I get my SVM?
„ We have already mentioned that there are many methods to
solve the quadratic programming problem
„ Many algorithms designed for SVM
„ One of the most significant: Sequential Minimal Optimization
„ C
l there
h are many new algorithms
l ih

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Next Class

† Association Rules

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Slide 22

Introduction to Machine
Lecture 12
Support Vector Machines

Albert Orriols i Puig
i l @ ll l d

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning

g y i Arquitectura
q La Salle
Universitat Ramon Llull

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