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Name: Ernesto Gutiérrez de la Mora

Grade and group: 5th A

Enrollment: L000055690
Assessor name: Marlene Shani Rivera
Subject: English V
Activity number: A.A.3
Date: 25/02/2021

SQA table
What do we know? What do we want to know? What did we learn?
On the subject of compression How to do to find reading more like it It is very useful to write notes when
techniques what I know is that what I and not distract me so that my ability to reading and thus have more
have to do is create a reading vision of understand is better and understands knowledge on the subject of reading to
what I want to read and ensure that the reading. identify well what it is.
content is consistent with what I want
to learn.

On the subject of discourse analysis I What would be the area of opportunity Speech can be related to specific
know that it is the right way to explain to be able to apply speech analysis on genres such as political discourse
and understand the verbal and non- other issues so that people are more academic discourse and there are four
verbal parts that become part of the interested in learning about the types of speech analysis: Message
discourse in it the fundamental parts subject. Analysis, Content Analysis, Structural
are experiences, cultural elements and Analysis and Hermeneutic Analysis.

On the subject of error analysis I Why Japanese and Swedish students Many of the mistakes are due to
know that it helps us to identify what do not have a grammatical category difficulties specific to the Spanish
are the areas of difficulty, as well as compared to British students. system.
the fundamental problems of students.

On the topic of content, selection and what if within the group of people who Experts generally present detailed
evaluation of a textbook I know that are going to be presented with the book listings and place special
first we have to know what kind of content of the book there is someone emphasis on important things like
students are directed to and it is also who in the middle of the text loses methodology, language content,
important to know the profile of interest. evaluation, activities, and book
teachers. components.

Lic. Alexei Zaldua Garoz1. (2004). El análisis del discurso en la organización y representación de la información-
conocimiento: elementos teóricos. 03/mar/2021, de ACIMED Sitio web:


EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA. 03/mar/2021, de ensenanza Sitio web:

María del Rocío Domínguez Gaona . (1998). La evaluación de libros de texto. 03/mar/2021, de idiomas.ens Sitio web:

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