ok-EAS Manpro Gasal 2020-2021

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Mata Kuliah /Kode : Manajemen Produksi / TL 184729

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa / 05 Januari 2021
Waktu/Sifat : 100 menit/ Buku Terbuka
Dosen : Ir. Moh. Farid, DEA

Capaian pembelajaran Kode CP

(CP) yang diukur
Kode CP Capaian Pembelajaran Soal No
C5 Mampu menganalis dengan menggunakan Linear Programming 1,2
C7 Mampu menganalisis dengan menggunakan model forecasting 5
C8 Mampu menganlisis dengan mengunakan model inventory 3
C10, C11 Mampu menganalis dengan menggunakan pendekatan Time Value
of Money dan Benefit Cost Ratio

Jawablah soal studi kasus berikut dengan lengkap:

1. The plant manager of a plastic pipe manufacturer has the opportunity to use two different routings for a
particular type of plastic pipe. Routing 1 uses extruder A, and routing 2 uses extruder B. Both routings
require the same melting process. The following table shows the time requirements and capacities of these
Process Routing 1 Routing 2 Capacity (hr)
Melting 1 1 45
Extruder A 3 0 90
Extruder B 0 1 160

Each 100 feet of pipe processed on routing 1 uses 5 pounds of raw material, whereas each 100 feet of pipe processed
on routing 2 used only 4 pounds. This difference results from differing scrap rates of the extruding machines.
Consequently, the profit per 100 feet of pipe processed on routing 1 is $60 and on routing 2 is $80.
A total of 200 pounds of raw material is available.
a.Create a set of linear equations to describe the objective function and the constraints.
b. Use graphic analysis to find the visual solution.
c. What is the maximum profit?

2. Linear programming and the transportation method promise optimal solutions. However, wise managers
sometimes, might decide to implement different plans. How do you explain such decision making?

3. Inventory models use different variations of the economic order quantity (EOQ) model in order to
determine proper order or production quantities. Besides the standard EOQ model, the economic
production quantity (EPQ) model is included. Provide steps for solving inventory problems using the
certain software.

4. Consider three alternatives:

First cost $50 $150 $110
Uniform annual benefit 28.8 39.6 39.6
Useful life, in years* 2 6 4
Computed rate of return 10% 15% 16.4%
*At the end of its useful life, an identical alternative (with the same cost, benefits, and useful life) may be installed.

All the alternatives have no salvage value. If the MARR is 12%, which alternatives should be selected?
(a) Solve the problem by future worth analysis. (Mandatory answer)
(b) Solve the problem by benefit-cost ratio analysis. (Optional answer)

5. Forrest and Dan make boxes of chocolates for which the demand is uncertain. Forrest says, “That’s life.”
On the other hand, Dan believes that some demand patterns exist that could be useful for planning the
purchase of sugar, chocolate, and shrimp. Forrest insists on placing asurprise chocolate-covered shrimp
in some boxes so that “You never know what you’ll get.” Quarterly demand (in boxes of chocolates) for
the last 3 years follows:
Quarter Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 3,000 3,300 3,502
2 1,700 2,100 2,448
3 900 1,500 1,768
4 4.,400 5,100 5,882
Total 10,000 12,000 13,600

a. Use intuition and judgment to estimate quarterly demand for the fourth year.
b. If the expected sales for chocolates are 14,800 cases for year 4, use the multiplicative seasonal method
to prepare a forecast for each quarter of the year. Are any of the quarterly forecasts different from what
you thought you would get in part (a)?

Dosen Tim Mutu RMK Tim Mutu Departemen

Ketua RMK Sekretaris 1

Mata Kuliah Manajemen

Manufaktur Teknik Material

Ir. Moh. Farid, DEA Dr.Eng. Hosta Ardhyananta, ST, M.Sc Dr.Eng. Hosta Ardhyananta, ST, M.Sc

NIP 19570924 198603 1002 NIP 19801207200511004 NIP 19801207200511004

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