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2ND Workshop groupal

Date: February 10th

International Marketing 300AND011 C

Due date: Monday 8th of february

Session 2


To make well found decisions we must understand the overall context sometimes we are not well
inform, through this exercise you may have a broader view of the current economy situation that
will have a great impact in everyone´s life and in the future of the businesses specially in SME´s.

You are requested to: Watch and read the following information

a. Economy context( manfred neff) "Manfred Max-Neef: La economía desenmascarada. Del poder y la
codicia a la compasión y el bien común" 55´min.
b. Cuando el mercado sin regulación dejó de ser deseable (Word) “El Espectador”31st of january


d. Beyond Neoliberalism-final- 8.21.2019-PDF (page 4-42)

e. Critical Thinking (for information only)

After, this have been done write 1 to 2 pages Synthesis linking the 4 pieces of information(a-d), the following questions

will help you to direct the writing:

From the video:

 What should be the new Economy?

 Why Dr Neef said that poverty is good for the current business environment?

 What Dr Neef is predicting that will be happening with the current economic model?

¿cuándo el Mercado sin regulación dejo de ser deseable?:

 What is the difference between speculative economy vs real sector? And how does affect the Economy?

OECD” Enhancing the contribution of SME´S in a global and digitalized Economy”

o How important are the Small, Medium Enterprises for the world economy growth? (SME´s)

o Where does the employment creation will come from in the future?

o Are the SME´s getting a proper support in Colombia?

Beyond Neoliberalism
 What is Neoliberalism narrative? And why is that important?

 Which could be the solution to build up a coherent communication strategy?

Using these guide questions mention above, write one to two maximum pages’ synthesis embracing those

questions (remember is a guide, you don´t have to answer question by question, write what you consider

is important for you) If you don´t want to use the questions is fine also.

Learning objectives:

Contextualize and understand what the future will bring (be prepared)

Understand the importance of SME´s within the countries social and Economic stability

A change in the current economy model that prioritize the human being Vs profits

Learn that cooperate is imperative to survive vs Individualism


Open with all the students

Prepared by: Fernando Roa Poveda

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