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Reading Test-16

SSC Examination-2022
Subject: English First Paper
Time: 01:00 hour Marks: 50
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Zahir Raihan was one of the most talented film makers in Bangladesh. He was born on 19 August 1935 in the
village Majupur, in Feni district. He was an active worker of the Language Movement. He was one of the ten
students to go out in a procession on 21 February 1952 despite a ban on such activities. As a result, he and many
others were arrested and taken to prison. Zahir was also present at the historical meeting of Amtala on February 21,
1952. He also took part in the mass movement in 1969. In 1971, he joined the Liberation War. All through his life,
Zahir dreamt for a democratic society, a society that will ensure freedom of speech and will. He had many dreams
about our film industry too. He made a legendary film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language Movement of 1952.
It was a revolt against the then autocratic government. The family presented in that film was a miniature East
Pakistan ruled by an autocrat who had to go to the prison for her conspiracy. During the liberation war this film was
shown outside Bangladesh. Critics like Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen, and Ritwik Ghatak appreciated this film. Zahir
gave all his money to the Freedom Fighters‟ trust that he got from his film shows. Besides, his great documentary on
Pakistani atrocities, Stop Genocide, helped create world sentiment in favour of our liberation war. On 30 December
1971, someone informed Zahir about an address somewhere at Mirpur, where he might find his brother, the famous
writer Shahidullah Kaiser. Shahidulla was captured and killed by the Pakistani army and the local collaborators
during the last days of the war. Accordingly Zahir left home to get his brother back and he never returned. Zahir‟s
dream was fulfilled. He could see the inception of a free independent Bangladesh though he did not get back his
brother. And it‟s a pity that this dreamer was missing at such a time when his dream came true.
01. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1X7=07
(a) In the passage the word „inception‟ means--------
(i) end (ii) finish (iii) beginning (iv) conclusion
(b) What does the phrase „a ban on such activities‟ mean?
(i) an instigation on such activities (ii) a prohibition on such activities
(iii) an investigation on such activities (iv) a comparative study on such activities.
(c) „Stop Genocide‟ is about------------
(i) cruelty of the govt. (ii) mass movement (iii) liberation war (iv) language movement
(d) Which of the closest meaning of the word „autocratic‟
(i) liberal (ii) dictator (iii) democratic (iv) aristocratic
(e) The national owes to Zahir Raihan because of his-----------
(i) being rational to the country (ii) nice painting and music
(iii) outstanding contribution of Bengali films and Liberation war (iv) hatred towards the Pakistan.
(f) Which of the following words describe Zahir Raihan best?
(i) brilliant (ii) polite (iii) energetic (iv) revolutionary
(g) The text is about------------
(i) Zahir Raihan‟s contribution to Language Movement (ii) Zahir‟s early life.
(iii) Zahir Raihan and his patriotism (iv) Zahir‟s contribution to film industry.
02. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
(a) Who is Zahir Raihan?
(b) How did Zahir Raihan secure the world‟s support in favour of Bangladesh durig the liberation war?
(c) How di Zahir Raihan contribute to the Language Movement?
(d) Which type of government was present in the then East Pakistan?
(e) What was the dream of this dreamer that came true after his missing?
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Steven Paul Jobs ( 24 February 1955 – 5 October 2011) , most popularly known as Steve Jobs was the co-founder,
chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He was the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was
famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers. This became possible through the
marketing of Apple computers. In 1985, Jobs left Apple after losing a power battle with the board of directors. He
then founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business
market. On the other hand, Apple failed to bring up any new operating system during Job‟s absence. Jobs returned to
Apple as an adviser, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. By 1998, Jobs brought back Apple to
profitability from the verge of bankruptcy. He supervised the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad.
These devices are so simple and user friendly that even a child can operate them. He supervised the company‟s
Apple Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store too. The success of these products and services brought about steady
financial returns for several years and pushed Apple to become the world‟s most valuable publicly traded company
in 2011. This triumph is regarded as the greatest turnarounds in the business history. Steve Jobs has been highly
acclaimed as a visionary leader. Jobs has changed people‟s perspective computer, and how they use it, consume
personal media, and how they communicate with each other. Hence i-Books, i-Phones, i-Pods and i-Pads have
become extremely popular. Jobs saw and felt the need of Wi-Fi (wireless) internet connection) in laptops. It is who
made Wi-Fi a standard feature of every laptop, and of many other devices worldwide. So Jobs‟ dream to be
anywhere anytime became a reality. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios.
He became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.
03. Fill in the gaps with suitable words: 05
Steve Jobs' contribution to the world of (a)  is inexplicable. He took Apple to the zenith of (b)  with his
extraordinary genius. He also founded NeXT, another computer platform. All (c)  devices like iMac, iTunes,
iPhone, iPad, iPod etc. became extremely (d)  under his keen supervision. He also made Wi-Fi, an inseparable
(e)  of laptops.
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
Shah Jahan was one of the four sons of Jahangir. He was born in January 1592 at Lahore. While he was young he
was favourite of Akbar and his father, Jahangir. It was on account of his bravery and sense of responsibility he was
given the Mansab of 8000 and 5000 sawar in 1607. At the age of twenty he married Mamotaj Mahal, a daughter of
Asaf Khan. When Jahangir died in 1627, his two sons Khurram and Shariyar, began a war for the throne. Finding
greater support among the nobles, Khurram came out successful and ascended the throne in 1628 under the title of
Shah Jahan. Three years after his ascending the throne, he marched toward Decan to meet Khan Jahan who along
with the king of Ahmadnagar broke out a serious rebellion. He forced Khan Jahan to flee from the Decan. Then he
continued his war against Ahmadnagar and in 1632 with the surrender of Daulatabad, the kingdom of Ahmadnagar
ended. The years after Shah Jahan invaded Bijapur and forced the king to pay Rs.20 lakhs as “a peace offer”
In 1657 he fell seriously ill. There upon all his four sons began a war for throne. During the war, in 1658, his fourth
son, Aurangajeb, captured Agra and put his father in prison where he passed long eight years till his death.
04. Transfer information in the passage given below: 05
Date Event Place
1592 was born (i)----------
1628 (ii)--------------- Delhi
(iii)---------------- undertook an invasion against Shah Jahan Decan
(iv)----------- an invasion by Aurangajeb Agra
1628-1666 passed his time in prison (v)---------------
05. Write the summary of the passage in no more than 50-60 words: 10
06. Match the parts of sentences given in Column A, B and C to write give complete sentences: 05
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ Column ‘C’
(a) The role of women in nation- (i) women were not looked upon (i) to serve the family affairs
(b) It is not possible for any nation (ii) the outlook and attitude of the world (ii) in the situation of the world
(c) There was a time when (iii) to reach its goal without allowing (iii) have been changed
(d) They were (iv) cannot be denied any more (iv)with dignity and honour
(e) But with the progress of (v) the only instruments (v) the woman folk to play their
civilization active role
07. Re-arrange the following sentences to make a complete sense: 08
(a) Socrates believed that an angry man is more of a beast than a human being
(b) She went up to him and poured much water over him. The passers-by saw it and were much amused at the
(c) She became more furious than even before and began to insult Socrates. Socrates went out and sat on the
door-step of his house looking out the public street.
(d) Socrates said, “I was expecting this after thunder comes rain”
(e) She tried her utmost to irritate Socrates
(f) One day his wife became more furious than ever and began to insult him.
(g) Socrates had a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse
(h) She saw that Socrates was not paying heed to her
Answer sheet
Reading Test-16
SSC Examination-2022
Subject: English First Paper
Time: 01:00 hour Marks: 50
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Zahir Raihan was one of the most talented film makers in Bangladesh. He was born on 19 August 1935 in the
village Majupur, in Feni district. He was an active worker of the Language Movement. He was one of the ten
students to go out in a procession on 21 February 1952 despite a ban on such activities. As a result, he and many
others were arrested and taken to prison. Zahir was also present at the historical meeting of Amtala on February 21,
1952. He also took part in the mass movement in 1969. In 1971, he joined the Liberation War. All through his life,
Zahir dreamt for a democratic society, a society that will ensure freedom of speech and will. He had many dreams
about our film industry too. He made a legendary film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language Movement of 1952.
It was a revolt against the then autocratic government. The family presented in that film was a miniature East
Pakistan ruled by an autocrat who had to go to the prison for her conspiracy. During the liberation war this film was
shown outside Bangladesh. Critics like Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen, and Ritwik Ghatak appreciated this film. Zahir
gave all his money to the Freedom Fighters‟ trust that he got from his film shows. Besides, his great documentary on
Pakistani atrocities, Stop Genocide, helped create world sentiment in favour of our liberation war. On 30 December
1971, someone informed Zahir about an address somewhere at Mirpur, where he might find his brother, the famous
writer Shahidullah Kaiser. Shahidulla was captured and killed by the Pakistani army and the local collaborators
during the last days of the war. Accordingly Zahir left home to get his brother back and he never returned. Zahir‟s
dream was fulfilled. He could see the inception of a free independent Bangladesh though he did not get back his
brother. And it‟s a pity that this dreamer was missing at such a time when his dream came true.
01. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1X7=07
(a) In the passage the word „inception‟ means--------
(i) end (ii) finish (iii) beginning (iv) conclusion
(b) What does the phrase „a ban on such activities‟ mean?
(i) an instigation on such activities (ii) a prohibition on such activities
(iii) an investigation on such activities (iv) a comparative study on such activities.
(c) „Stop Genocide‟ is about------------
(i) cruelty of the govt. (ii) mass movement (iii) liberation war (iv) language movement
(d) Which of the closest meaning of the word „autocratic‟
(i) liberal (ii) dictator (iii) democratic (iv) aristocratic
(e) The national owes to Zahir Raihan because of his-----------
(i) being rational to the country (ii) nice painting and music
(iii) outstanding contribution of Bengali films and Liberation war (iv) hatred towards the Pakistan.
(f) Which of the following words describe Zahir Raihan best?
(i) brilliant (ii) polite (iii) energetic (iv) revolutionary
(g) The text is about------------
(i) Zahir Raihan‟s contribution to Language Movement (ii) Zahir‟s early life.
(iii) Zahir Raihan and his patriotism (iv) Zahir‟s contribution to film industry.
02. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
(a) Who is Zahir Raihan?
(b) How did Zahir Raihan secure the world‟s support in favour of Bangladesh durig the liberation war?
(c) How di Zahir Raihan contribute to the Language Movement?
(d) Which type of government was present in the then East Pakistan?
(e) What was the dream of this dreamer that came true after his missing?
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Steven Paul Jobs ( 24 February 1955 – 5 October 2011) , most popularly known as Steve Jobs was the co-founder,
chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He was the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was
famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers. This became possible through the
marketing of Apple computers. In 1985, Jobs left Apple after losing a power battle with the board of directors. He
then founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business
market. On the other hand, Apple failed to bring up any new operating system during Job‟s absence. Jobs returned to
Apple as an adviser, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. By 1998, Jobs brought back Apple to
profitability from the verge of bankruptcy. He supervised the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad.
These devices are so simple and user friendly that even a child can operate them. He supervised the company‟s
Apple Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store too. The success of these products and services brought about steady
financial returns for several years and pushed Apple to become the world‟s most valuable publicly traded company
in 2011. This triumph is regarded as the greatest turnarounds in the business history. Steve Jobs has been highly
acclaimed as a visionary leader. Jobs has changed people‟s perspective computer, and how they use it, consume
personal media, and how they communicate with each other. Hence i-Books, i-Phones, i-Pods and i-Pads have
become extremely popular. Jobs saw and felt the need of Wi-Fi (wireless) internet connection) in laptops. It is who
made Wi-Fi a standard feature of every laptop, and of many other devices worldwide. So Jobs‟ dream to be
anywhere anytime became a reality. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios.
He became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.
03. Fill in the gaps with suitable words: 05
Steve Jobs' contribution to the world of (a)  is inexplicable. He took Apple to the zenith of (b)  with his
extraordinary genius. He also founded NeXT, another computer platform. All (c)  devices like iMac, iTunes,
iPhone, iPad, iPod etc. became extremely (d)  under his keen supervision. He also made Wi-Fi, an inseparable
(e)  of laptops.
(a) technology (b) popularity/ profit/ success (c) electronic (d) wonderful/user-friendly/handy/developed (e)
part/feature/ program
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
Shah Jahan was one of the four sons of Jahangir. He was born in January 1592 at Lahore. While he was young he
was favourite of Akbar and his father, Jahangir. It was on account of his bravery and sense of responsibility he was
given the Mansab of 8000 and 5000 sawar in 1607. At the age of twenty he married Mamotaj Mahal, a daughter of
Asaf Khan. When Jahangir died in 1627, his two sons Khurram and Shariyar, began a war for the throne. Finding
greater support among the nobles, Khurram came out successful and ascended the throne in 1628 under the title of
Shah Jahan. Three years after his ascending the throne, he marched toward Decan to meet Khan Jahan who along
with the king of Ahmadnagar broke out a serious rebellion. He forced Khan Jahan to flee from the Decan. Then he
continued his war against Ahmadnagar and in 1632 with the surrender of Daulatabad, the kingdom of Ahmadnagar
ended. The years after Shah Jahan invaded Bijapur and forced the king to pay Rs.20 lakhs as “a peace offer”
In 1657 he fell seriously ill. There upon all his four sons began a war for throne. During the war, in 1658, his fourth
son, Aurangajeb, captured Agra and put his father in prison where he passed long eight years till his death.
04. Transfer information in the passage given below: 05
Date Event Place
1592 was born (i)----------
1628 (ii)--------------- Delhi
(iii)---------------- undertook an invasion against Shah Jahan Decan
(iv)----------- an invasion by Aurangazev Agra
1628-1666 passed his time in prison (v)---------------
(i) Lahore (ii) came out successful (iii) 1631 (iv) 1658 (v) Agra
05. Write the summary of the passage in no more than 50-60 words: 10
06. Match the parts of sentences given in Column A, B and C to write give complete sentences: 05
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ Column ‘C’
(a) The role of women in nation- (i) women were not looked upon (i) to serve the family affairs
(b) It is not possible for any nation (ii) the outlook and attitude of the world (ii) in the situation of the world
(c) There was a time when (iii) to reach its goal without allowing (iii) have been changed
(d) They were (iv) cannot be denied any more (iv)with dignity and honour
(e) But with the progress of (v) the only instruments (v) the woman folk to play their
civilization active role
(a) +iv+ii, (b)+iii+v, (c)+i+iv, (d)+v+i, (e)+ii+iii
07. Re-arrange the following sentences to make a complete sense: 08
(a) Socrates believed that an angry man is more of a beast than a human being
(b) She went up to him and poured much water over him. The passers-by saw it and were much amused at the
(c) She became more furious than even before and began to insult Socrates. Socrates went out and sat on the door-
step of his house looking out the public street.
(d) Socrates said, “ I was expecting this after thunder comes rain”
(e) She tried her utmost to irritate Socrates
(f) One day his wife became more furious than ever and began to insult him.
(g) Socrates had a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse
(h) She saw that Socrates was not paying heed to her
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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