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Forsaken Crypt of the Serpent Master

In a crowded evening market an old man tells the is no way through. Here heroes who missed the
heroes tales of the Serpent Master, who dwells magic ring can find a torch and some kindling.
in a hidden tomb, where he raises his serpentine
servants on the bodies of fallen warriors. Do these 6. Here dwells the Serpent Master’s wife, a four
heroes think they might be able to end this evil? armed snake woman who throws poisoned daggers
If the heroes say yes the old man cackles horribly with terrifying accuracy. She carries a golden vial
and the heroes are teleported to room 1. holding the antidote to the gas in room 7.
7. The doors magically shut as poison gas from a
Note that the whole crypt is unlit, and littered with golden brazier fills this chamber.
the remains of other heroes who have tried and
failed to defeat the Serpent Master. 8. This great hall is home to a titanic serpent. It
will take many blows to defeat this huge monster.

1. This dark chamber is home to a pair of giant 9. Here sleeps the Serpent Master, a cruel vampire.
cobras that spit poison and bite. Once the snakes The room is littered with old skins he has cast off.
are defeated the heroes are teleported to room 2. • Rustling like paper the Serpent Master’s old
2. Here a faint light comes from a ring worn by a skins rise to defend him.
skeleton. If a hero puts it on it blazes with white • The Serpent Master’s whirling eyes hypnotise
light revealing the two Boa-Contrictors who live the heroes
here, that try to squeeze and swallow the heroes.
• The Serpent Master distorts and transforms
A giant snakes head is carved into the end of the into a purple snake, fangs dripping with venom
north tunnel. The shaft behind its open mouth
drops the heroes into the centre of room 3. The Serpent Master carries the key to the tomb.
Opening the door the heroes find themselves not
3. In this room the plinths for 8 statues are far from the marketplace where their adventure
arranged in a circle. Four are occupied by statues began.
of the snakes already defeated. Four are empty.
The snake statues’ eyes are rubies and emeralds. Suggested Hero: Sir Elanor of Tarn
4. The body of a doomed knight, pierced by arrows Sir Elanor is a mighty knight who’s magic shield
is a clue to the crossbow trap rigged in this dank protects her from all foes.
5. Stairs lead up, and sunlight can be glimpsed Fighting monsters (d12), Being really strong (d10),
through the cracks in a securely locked gate. There Healing people (d8) , Using her magic shield (d6)

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