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Into The Bomb

the ‘Detonation switch’.

The heroes can move around by commandeering

the trains of coloured pods. At each logic gate they
need to choose a train that can pass by meeting all
the conditions of the gate.

Gate 1
Condition 1: Red OR Blue
Condition 2: Blue AND Green

Gate 2
Condition 1: Yellow AND Blue
Condition 2: Yellow AND White
Condition 3: White NOT Red

Gate 3
Condition 1:Blue NOT Red
Condition 2:Green NOT Yellow
Condition 3:White AND Blue

Encounters between the gates might be:

• Virus swarms - like electronic midges these

get into any electronics the heroes have with
Zenusian Separatists have seized control of the them, frying circuits and causing malfunctions
Zenusian Embassy and set a Voltage Bomb to • Security programs -these appear as giant
explode. Can the heroes sneak in and defuse it? robots -halting suspicious traffic and
demanding travel papers.
To reach the bomb the heroes will have to get past
• Remote sentry drones with tremor senses and
ray-guns The Detonation Switch
• Separatist patrols - sneak past, or fight? When the heroes reach the Detonation Switch they
• The computerised locks are sealed, can the are confronted by a wall of fire (A firewall) and
heroes hack them? three control programs, each with a special attack.
One freezes the heroes, one corrupts them so they
Once past the separatists the heroes reach the can no longer control themselves, and one traps
bomb. It’s a metallic sphere, covered in circuitry, them in a loop, so they are forced to repeat their
and has an ominous timer which is counting down previous action again and again.
from 15 minutes. When the heroes interact with
the bomb a small aperture opens. There’s a bright Once the control programs are defeated and the
flash of light and the heroes vanish! firewall crossed the heroes can cancel the bomb’s
countdown. When they do that, there’s a whirring
Into the Bomb noise, a sudden flash of white light, and the heroes
are returned to the embassy, and find themselves
The heroes reappear inside a vast, dark space, standing in front of a now defused bomb.
standing on a neon highway. More highways
spread out above and below them. Glowing pods
zoom along these at super speeds, sometimes Suggested Hero: Saphire Jones
alone, sometimes formed into chains. Close by is With her deadly ray-gun, jetpack and prehensile
what looks like a checkpoint. A sign proclaims it cybernetic hair Saphire Jones is a formidable
to be a ‘Logic Gate’. Suddenly an artificial voice secret agent for the space rangers. And she’s ably
announces “14 minutes to detonation”. The assisted by Binky, her surveillance drone.
heroes are inside the bomb!
Firing her ray-gun (d12), Jetpack (d10), Cybernetic
Travelling the Neon Highways hair (d8), Binky the surveillance drone (d6)

A map on the logic gate identifies key parts of a Solutions

computer, and most importantly, somwhere called Gate 1: Train 3, Gate 2: Train 2, Gate 3: Train 1

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