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Robotop Rescue

crossing the ocean won’t be a problem. A bigger

challenge is likely to be Robo-Megalodon, the
grumpy lord of the ocean.

Robo-Megalodon is fed up with trespassers

wandering through his ocean. Titanoboa has
crossed his ocean twice today and he’s in no mood
for more interlopers. He can be talked around, but
if it comes to a fight Robo-Megalodon might

• Fire his underfin missiles

• Disappear into the murky depths before
striking from ambush
• Chomp with his hundreds of diamond tipped

The Island of Dr Spinosaur

Following Titanoboa’s trail further leads to an
island deep in the lava ocean. A fortress has been
built in the centre of the island, festooned with
laser turrets and radar sensors.

Within the fortress are the three baby robotops

and the crazed Dr Spinosaur. Dr Spinosaur plans to
On a planet made of living metal with lava seas an rebuild the baby robotops as drones, enslaved to
evil scientist plots a fiendish scheme. This is an do his bidding.
adventure for awesome robot dinosaurs.
The robotops are imprisoned in a cage of lasers
A cry for help controlled by the fortresses master computer. If he
spies the heroes trying to rescue the robotops Dr
A mother robo-triceratops approaches the heroes. Spinosaur will
Her baby robotops have wandered into the solar
forest and she can’t find them anywhere. Can the • Activate his fortresses’ laser cannon
heroes help? • Fire deadly rocket spines
• Leap forward, snapping his ferocious jaws
• Sweep with his heavy tail
Following the trail
Some searching will turn up a trail of robotop If all appears lost Dr Spinosaur will flick a switch
footprints leading into the forest. Suddenly the that causes the laser cage to start shrinking,
footprints stop, and a single deep furrow leads threatening to slice up the robotops and dash for
deeper into a swampy part of the forest. his rocket escape pod.

The furrow has been left by the mercenary

Titanoboa. Titanoboa kidnapped the robotops Dino Notes
and delivered them to the evil Dr Spinosaurus. She Titanoboa’s are giant snakes. Megalodon is a giant
might reveal this, but only if defeated. When the shark and Spinosaurs are crocodile faced T-Rexes
heroes confront Titanoboa they might with a spiny sail on their back.

• Sink deep into the swamp and get stuck

• Be zapped by Titanoboa’s laser eyes Suggested Hero: King Tyranosneak
• Be crushed within Titanoboa’s coils A ninja robot T-Rex with four arms, two swords,
two shields and an enviable sensor array, King
The Lava Ocean Tyrannosneak drinks oil beer and is an avid reader
of Dinosaur Fighting Weekly.
Beyond the swamp the trail leads to the lava ocean.
Robot dinosaurs don’t need to breathe, and are no Chomping and fighting (d12), detecting things
more bothered by lava than we are by water. So (d10), climbing and sneaking (d8), tail-grab(d6)

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