Princess Melody and The Spider Witch

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Princess Melody and the Spider Witch

• Animated suits of armour that lurch about
looking for intruders

The castle is mostly empty, but in the kitchens the

heroes find the witch’s cookbook, with a recipie
for stewed princess! From the dungeons the
heroes hear a sound of someone crying and calling
for help. Princess Melody!

Exploring the Dungeons

Descending the slippy steps to the castle dungeon
turns up a few cells, and the entrance to a set of
caves. Here the heroes might find:

• Deep pits with slippy, slidy edges

• Twisting passages the heroes could get lost in
• Giant beatles, looking for food

Far into the caves is a rickety bridge crossing

a deep chasm. On the far side the heroes find
Princess Melody, trapped in a sticky spider web.
On seeing the heroes she calls out “You have to go,
the witch will be back any moment. She went out to
Princess Melody has been kidnapped by the spider get... herbs!”
witch. Can the heroes rescue her?
Freeing Melody is tricky, and could result in heroes
A call to action getting caught in the webs.

Bushybrow, an excitable squirrel comes running

up to the heroes and blurts out the news that the Facing the Spider Witch
kind Princess Melody has been kidnapped by the As the heroes make their way back over the bridge
hungry Spider Witch and taken to her dark castle they hear the sound of the Spider Witch making
on the mountain. The heroes have to rescue her! her way down the stairs towards them. “Princess
Melody” she calls out “I’ve got all the ingredients
Between the heroes and the witch’s castle lies a I need to cook you now. It’s time to eat you up!”
mountainside covered in dark wood. Trees loom
over the heroes and eyes blink at them out of the The Spider Witch has the torso and head of a
darkness. Things that the heroes might encounter witch, above a spider’s body. Things the witch
on the climb are: might do include
• Steep slopes and loose rocks make the climb • Cast spells to confuse them
challenging • Wrap them up with spider webs
• Evil trees reach out to trip the heroes • Sting them with her poison stinger
• Clouds of bats attempt to drive the heroes
down the mountain Once the witch is defeated fleeing the castle and
• Magical cold that threatens to freeze the returning to safety with Princess Melody will be no
heroes problem at all.

Entering the Castle Suggested Hero: Frida the Fox

The Spider Witch’s castle is at the top of the Frida is a brave fox. The woodland creatures know
mountain, a black shadow against the stormy sky. they can rely on her to help them out when they’re
It looks scary, but there is no sign of life. To get in trouble.
through the castle the heroes must pass:
Being brave (d12), Sneaking and hiding (d10),
• The locked gates Biting monsters (d8), Digging (d6)
• A hall filled with spider webs - and giant

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