Sailing The Upside Down Sea

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Sailing the Upside Down Sea

The Mirror
The heroes hear cannon fire from beneath the
water. Investigating they find Captain Bones,
a suspicious pirate firing cannon at a cave from
his upside down galleon. In the cave the heroes
glimpse Lorna a flighty sea witch. As they approach
Bones asks them to help, explaining that the witch
must be the cause of his problems.

Lorna is not the problem. If the heroes convince

Bones to listen to her, or get rid of him she
explains that the source of the problem is
Mirthilla, a mischievous mermaid. She has stolen
a magic mirror from Lorna and is using it to bring
things beneath the sea.

Finding Mirthilla
Mirthilla is hiding in a nearby kelp forest, laughing
at all the trouble she has caused. But for the heroes
the kelp forest is a dangerous place. While looking
for her the heroes might have to contend with:

• The deadly stinging tentacles of a Man o’ war

The heroes find themselves magically transported Jellyfish
beneath the ocean. They’ll have to deal with • A school of fierce Humboldt Squid, hunting
underwater pirates, a sea witch and a mischevious among the kelp fronds
mermaid if they’re going to make it back to the • A troop of curious monkeys who Mirthilla has
surface. magicked below the ocean

When Mirthilla is finally found, hiding in the

Into the Deep Blue Upside Down overgrown wreck of the Silver Star she dashes
It is a hot, sticky, sweltering day. The sails of away laughing. It’ll be a challenge for the heroes to
the heroes’ ship hang limp in the faintest of sea catch the speedy mermaid.
breezes. As they peer over the side and look at their
reflections in the flat sea the reflections suddenly
wave and beckon to them. Dealing with Mirthilla
Mirthilla doesn’t really think she’s done anything
As soon as the heroes touch the water they hear wrong, and doesn’t see why she should give the
a giggling noise, and then swap places with their mirror back. It’s up to the heroes to explain why
reflections. They find themselves underwater, she shouldn’t take things that don’t belong to her,
aboard a reflection of their ship, sailing on the and perhaps give her a good telling off as well!
other side of the sea. Tropical fish swim around
them like exotic birds, while seabirds seem as far Once Mirthilla or the heroes return the mirror to
away as fish previously did. Whatever they try, Lorna she will start putting things back to normal.
there is no way back. As thanks she shows them to the location of a
sunkeon treasure galleon, might the heroes want
The heroes haven’t been upside down long when to investigate it before they go home?
they see more strange things

• Sea birds fly past, also underwater Suggested Hero: Slim Jim
• An upside down island, with palm trees and Slim Jim is a fantastic sailor, and is accompanied
monkeys on his adventures by his very clever pet Octopus,
• A whole lighthouse, and Old Bill, a confused Wriggle.
lighthouse keeper.
Sailing ships (d12), Swashbuckling (d10), Octopus
Above the water the heroes catch a glimpse of a care (d8), seeking treasure (d6)
whale, swimming serenely through the sky.

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