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Station Obscura

Exploring Del Bitur

A few hours after the case is opened Captain Qin
takes a rover buggy and heads out of the base.
Hours later he hasn’t returned and isn’t answering
his radio. Then Paula tries to leave the base on
foot, and head off in the same direction. She can’t
explain where she’s going or why.

Finding the captain means braving the planet’s

dangerous eco-system. The heroes have to avoid

• Violent alien storms with purple clouds and

blue ball lightning
• Alien flowers that release clouds of soporific
• A Tanglewhoop that stalks the heroes, moving
stealthily on its three legs

Their journey leads them to an alien structure.

The door is covered with glowing lights, and Qin’s
buggy is parked outside. To enter the heroes must
solve this puzzle.

An excavation on a dead planet reveals puzzles and

The Hibernation Chamber
Obscura Station Within the structure the heroes find a huge dimly
lit room. In alcoves lining the walls are thousands
Obscura Station is the only inhabited location on of marble sarcophogi. Captain Qin is stood in front
the planet Del-Bitur, deep in the Incognita Cluster of a panel on which is displayed..
The station is an archeological site, dedicated to
investigating the bizarre alien statues that dot Del
Bitur’s surface. Along with the heroes Obscura
station is home to:
Solving the puzzle triggers reanimation protocols
• Captain Samuel Qin, a grizzled archeologist in in the chamber. Around the heroes thousands of
charge of the dig. aliens are woken after millenia of slumber. Called
• Professor Paula dos Santos, a curious research Protyps they are friendly and grateful to the heroes
scientist who investigates alien artefacts for waking them.
• TQ77, a helpful maintenance and medical
droid who looks after the base and crew The puzzle answers are:

The Silver Cannister

On a routine patrol the heroes see a rockslide has
happened near an alien monolith. Investigating
reveals a deep pit. At the base of the pit is a silver
canister with the following puzzle engraved on it. The puzzles can be downloaded to print here.

Suggested Hero: Dr. Shana Tell

Shana is one of the smartest scientists in the
universe, with amazing computing skills. In her
spare time she does parkour and pilots a ....
Solving the puzzle opens the cannister, and
triggers a whirling pattern of lights.
Doing science (d12), Hacking computers (d10),
Parkour (d8), Piloting (d6)

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