The Tower of Frost

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The Tower of Frost

reach the tower the heroes must

• Dodge a volley of deadly ice arrows

• Overcome the blinding light reflected from
their shields
• Get past the army of ice warriors

On the door of the tower the heroes find a carved


How many squares can you see?*

The Tower of Dawn

The cold-hearted Frost King is sending snow to Within the tower of dawn is a spiralling icy slide
punish Sunrise Village for mining in his mountain. leading up. Climbing this will be a challenge. The
To end the snows the heroes must scale a high Frost King lives in the top of the tower, from
peak and investigate a mysterious tower. where he can survey his frozen kingdom.

Scaling the shining peak The Frost King is angry that the residents of
Sunrise Village have started mining in his
The heroes are travelling through Sunrise Valley, mountain, and stealing his gold. As a punishment
close to the Eyrie Mountains. When they reach he has decided to freeze the villagers in their
Sunrise Village they find people shivering and homes forever. If the villagers will stop the mining
dealing with heavy snows, even though it is the he’ll offer to reduce the punishment to ten years.
middle of summer. “It is the frost king” say the The Frost King is not reasonable, and ultimately
villagers, “He lives in the Tower of Frost and the heroes will have to fight him.
sends the snows to punish us. But we don’t know
what we’ve done wrong.” The Frost King might...

The Tower of Frost is visible from the floor of • Freeze the heroes with his icy breath
Sunrise Valley. But getting there is far from easy. • Attack the heroes with his icicle blade
Challenges to be overcome include • Summon snow wolves to defend himself

• The heroes must cross a rushing river of Once the Frost King is defeated things will return
freezing water that tumbles down the to normal in Sunrise Village.
mountain side.
• The heroes must traverse an icy glacier
avoiding crevasses and ravines Suggested Hero: Rashida Charm
• The heroes must scale the mountain peak, Rashida is very clever and knows almost all there
ascending to a dizzying height is to know. She loves exploring the world and
discovering new places.
The Roof of the World Knowing things (d12), Enchanting things (d10),
At the top of the mountain is a snow covered plain, Exploring (d8), Hiding and sneaking (d6)
that gleams in the bright sun. In the centre of
the plain stands a tower of ice. Around the tower * There are 27 squares (I think)
stands an army of soldiers, also made of ice. To

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