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Vick and Caw’s Cunning Plan

his cave, unless he’s tempted by something. So

they’ve laid the fairies’ possessions out along the
creek bed to tempt the troll further and further
from his cave.

While Greeber is finding his new treasures Vick

and Caw plan to load as much of his hoard as they
can into the Queen’s blanket and fly away with it
to a new part of the forest.

The plot unravels

When the heroes visit the magpie nest they find
nobody there. Other animals can point them
toward the creek, with warnings about “The Troll,
who lives in a cave with all his treasure”.

There’s no sign of Vick and Caw at the entrance

to Blackfish Creek, but the heroes might spot
the Queen’s crown in the middle of the stream.
Greeber, who has already found the pearls and
wand has also spotted the crown.

From here the heroes might accuse Greeber of

theft, they might talk to him politely or they might
The heroes find the fairy village of Rivelin in a fight him. Greeber is as big as a medium sized dog.
panic. Bellespa, a talkative fairy has lost a necklace If the heroes end up fighting Greeber he might:
of pearls; and Fairy Corinna, a lazy fairy is missing
her diamond tipped wand. But worst of all, • Give a terrifying roar
Chrysanthalia, the proud Fairy Queen has lost her • Swing at the heroes with his walking stick
golden crown. Can the heroes help? • Take a huge drink of water and squirt it at the
The Investigation Vick and Caw are likely to be encountered
If the heroes investigate they could learn that: preparing to escape with a blanket full of treasure.
They’ll try their best to escape and might try:
• The missing items were all left high up.
• Fairy Corinna was woken up by the sound of • Swooping at the heroes and pecking with their
beating wings and found her wand missing. beaks
• Fairy Bellespa found a black and a white • Scratching with their claws
feather in her treehouse • Flapping their wings
• Queen Chrysanthalia is also missing a big
It’s likely the thief is a bird with black and white The fairies will be delighted if they get their
feathers. The heroes might need some help to possessions back. Depending on how he was
work out that makes the likely culprit a magpie, treated Greeber might be a new friend, or a new
and as it turns out, there’s a nest of magpies foe. Vick and Caw will probably escape to a new
nearby. part of the forest, but those two masterminds are
likely to be back.
Vick & Caw’s Masterplan
Vick and Caw are a pair of cunning magpies, and Suggested Hero: Fairy Rose
they’re planning a really big score for which the Fairy Rose uses her magic to protect the deep dark
fairies’ possessions are just the bait. In Blackfish wood, and is a good friend to all the animals who
Creek lives Greeber, a greedy Creek Troll, and he is live there.
reputed to have a huge hoard of treasure.
Doing magic (d12), flying (d10), talking to animals
The magpies know that Greeber won’t go far from (d8), being brave (d6)

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