Benefits To The Tax Payer. For Example Taxes On Income, Wealth, Imports, Exports Etc

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Meaning of a tax :- A tax is a compulsory payment to government without expectation of direct

benefits to the tax payer. For example taxes on income, wealth, imports, exports etc.

Types of taxes :- There are two types of taxes : (i) Direct Tax and (ii) Indirect Tax.
Direct Tax
If the liability to pay a tax and its burden falls on the same person, it is termed as direct tax. Burden of a
direct tax cannot be shifted to other persons. Examples of direct taxes are income tax, corporation tax,
wealth tax, expenditure tax, estate duties etc.

Indirect tax
If the liability to pay a tax and its burden can be on different persons, it is called indirect tax. Thus, the
burden of an indirect tax can be shifted on other persons. Examples are sales tax, excise duties, custom
duties, entertainment tax etc.

Merits of Direct Taxes:

(i) They are imposed according to the ability of the person to pay. Therefore these taxes are
considered progressive.

(ii) The revenue is income elastic; because of the progressive character revenue will increase faster
than the increase in income .

(iii) These taxes create better civic consciousness because the person paying knows clearly how
much he has paid. This incidentally fulfils the objective of certainty.

(iv) They best serve the purpose of transference of income from the rich to the poor, through
provision of amenities to the poor or even direct monetary help like old age pensions.

Demerits of Direct Taxes :

(i) The ability to pay is difficult to determine; only a rough idea can be formed.

(ii) Because of undeclared sources of income or evasion, the actual payment may not be strictly
according to the ability to pay. It is also sometimes said that direct taxes are taxes on the
honesty of the person.

(iii) Such taxes necessitate proper maintenance of accounts which some of the tax payers may not
be able to do.

(iv) The assessment procedure is also cumbersome requiring expert assistance of tax advisers. The
direct tax system is often very complicated.

Merits of Indirect Taxes

(i) The most important merit is convenience in assessment and a relative difficulty in evasion.

(ii) Since the tax is included in the price, the consumer may not even realise that he is paying a tax.
The amount of tax on each item is often so small as really not to hurt the tax payer.

(iii) Even these taxes may not be really regressive if they are levied on ad valorem basis or on the
basis of value. The rates may also be differential-higher for luxury articles and lower for
necessaries; the latter are sometimes fully exempt.

(iv) Such taxes are difficult to evade. Unless the producers resort to manipulation of accounts or
smuggling, it is difficult to evade the excise duty. In case of customs duties, articles are taxed the
moment they enter the country. However, it is difficult to make a similar claim in respect of
sales tax.

(v) Indirect taxes on drinks, narcotics and tobacco, serve a social purpose by discouraging their

Demerits of Indirect Taxes:

(i) These taxes are often criticised for their regressive character. Taxes on necessaries of life will
certainly mean taxing the poor and that will mean taxing the rich and the poor alike.

(ii) Also it is contended that these taxes do not create social consciousness because they are often
not felt by tax payers.

(iii) Government is not certain about the proceeds of these taxes.

(iv) The burden of indirect taxes can be shifted forward or backward. In most of the cases, the
consumers have to bear the ultimate burden of indirect taxes.

(v) These taxes can also be evaded by such methods as smuggling, falsification of accounts

Distinction between direct and indirect tax

1. In case of direct tax, burden cannot be 1. In case of indirect tax burden can be
shifted on others. shifted to others.
2. Direct taxes are progressive in nature. 2. Indirect taxes are not progressive in
3. Indirect taxes can be avoided if a person
3. Direct taxes are compulsory payments does not purchase the commodity on
and cannot be avoided. which a case is imposed.
4. Examples of direct taxes are wealth tax, 4. Examples of indirect taxes are sales tax,
income tax and corporation tax. excise duty, customs duty etc.

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