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IMO 2020: meeting the challenge

Developments in fuel additive technology address challenges and uncertainties raised

by the IMO 2020 regulations


n one of the largest changes to given the mix of lower and higher causing these LSFOs to vary greatly
environmental regulations in the sulphur in oil production across in composition and quality.
shipping industry for decades, that continent. Before the new IMO 2020 regu-
new rules reducing the sulphur con- Six months in, questions still lations came into force, the main
tent of marine bunker fuels came remain as to how the balance blend component for high sulphur
into force, beginning 1 January 2020. between environmental improve- fuel oil (HSFO) was high sulphur
Before these rule changes, ship- ments and the potential impact on residue. The residue was blended
pers used low grade bunker fuel, the bunker fuel and shipping indus- with various cutter stocks to cre-
the world’s dirtiest diesel and a tries is going to be achieved and, ate the final HSFO composition.
byproduct of the refining process. furthermore, how this first move to With the new regulations, high
This bunker fuel had high sulphur LSFO will be implemented in the sulphur components will need to
content and was a major contributor longer term. be replaced. In principle, refin-
to air pollution, as the exhaust from Though it is still early, concerns ers have three options available to
sulphur that is burned can be harm- have already been raised. Since them to accomplish this: additional
ful to both humans and the environ- desulphurisation, blending with
ment. Now ships are required to use Questions still low sulphur distillates, or the use
fuels with sulphur content capped of low sulphur crude oils as feed-
at 0.5% compared to the previous remain as to how stock. Which option is preferred is
limit of 3.5%. As the biggest reduc- dependent on the set-up of the indi-
tion in the sulphur content of a the balance between vidual refinery and the availabil-
transportation fuel that has ever ity of blend components and crude
been undertaken at one time, this environmental grades.
move will drastically improve air Crudes and heavy fuel oils are
quality and human health, particu- improvements and the complex mixtures of various hydro-
larly for those living close to ports carbons ranging from paraffins,
and coastlines.
potential impact on aromatics, naphthenes, and resins
More broadly, the new regula- the bunker fuel and to asphaltenes. While aromatic type
tions are part of a more ambitious, LSFO bears a higher risk of insta-
and longer term, sustainability strat- shipping industries is bility, and incompatibility, when
egy by the International Maritime comingled with other fuel types,
Organization (IMO), the United going to be achieved paraffinic type LSFO might show
Nations shipping agency. For the cold flow challenges like increased
IMO, the year 2020 marks the begin- the new regulations have come pour points. Put simply, paraffins
ning of the Sustainable Shipping for into force, Standard Club, a spe- will precipitate when cooled down
a Sustainable Planet initiative. This cialist marine and energy insurer, whilst asphaltenes will precipitate
includes the goal of reducing green- says that it has been notified by when destabilised. Diluting high
house gas emissions from shipping some concerned members of the sulphur streams by using low sul-
by at least 50% by 2050 compared non-availability of compliant fuel phur distillate streams like marine
to 2008, whilst pursuing efforts at some ports, although it was not gasoil will also have an effect on the
towards phasing them out totally. specific as to which ones.1 Likewise, cold flow characteristics.
Leading up to the introduction ship owners have warned of com- So what are the key challenges
of the new regulations, industry plications around LSFO, particu- with fuels that contain paraffins?
experts and analysts tried to fore- larly in relation to sediment and Paraffins in the fuel tend to crys-
cast the impact on the shipping and wax formation.2 In addition, the tallise when cooled down, leading
bunker fuel industries – from cost ISO Standard 8217 that specifies to severe increases in viscosity and
implications and potential shortages the requirements for fuels for use solidification. They could be redis-
of low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) to oil in marine diesel engines does not solved through heating; however,
comingling challenges and regional provide specific guidance on the this requires a tremendous effort in
impacts, for example in Africa, composition of low sulphur fuels, terms of cost and time. Changing

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a blank pour point of 39°C, it would
40 be recommended to dose the PPD
at 60°C.
35 As a leading provider of marine
33 fuel additives, Clariant Refinery
30 Services has developed two PPD
Pour point, ˚F

27 additive solutions for new types of

25 24 marine fuels including Dodiflow
21 8421 and Dodiflow 6087, to ensure
that the bunker industry can be con-
Dodiflow 8421 fident in low sulphur blended fuels
15 Specification being compliant and safe.
Dodiflow 8421 is a specialised
Blank 100 200 300 400 500 1000 pour point depressant designed
Dose rate, ppm to improve cold flow properties
of 0.5% sulphur fuel oils and has
Figure 1 Pour point response of very low sulphur fuel oil with Dodiflow 8421 been tested to lower the pour point
of the LSFO to the specification of
30°C. For the test results provided
Characterisation of LSFO
here, the LSFO and PPD had a tem-
perature of 50°C. Considering the
Pour point, °C ASTM D 97 39 high blank pour point of the LSFO
API@15°C DIN 51757 17.3
WAT, °C In-house method 38.5 sample, Dodiflow 8421 showed an
WDT, °C In-house method 42.4 excellent response behaviour with
SARA-Analysis IP 469 a very low dose rate to achieve
Saturates, % 52.0 the target. Using only 200 ppm of
Aromates, % 26.0
Resin, % 18.0 Dodiflow 8421, the pour point of
Asphaltene, % 4.0 LSFO was reduced from 39°C to
GC-Analysis 27°C, allowing the ISO 8217 spec-
Paraffin content, % In-house method 31.4 ification of 30°C to be achieved.
<C10 0.02
C10-C17 0.79 The tests found that increasing the
C18-C35 22.3 dose rate continued to improve the
C36-60 8.32 PPD response, up to 12°C at a dose
>C60 0 rate of 1000 ppm (see Figure 1 and
Table 1).
Table 1 Dodiflow 6087 is a premium fuel
additive pour point depressant
the crude slate towards low sulphur thus modifying the wax crystal designed specifically to improve the
crudes like ‘sweet light’ will ulti- structures to one more favourable cold flow properties of low sulphur
mately also increase the amount of to flow. Further, the wax crystals marine distillate to the required
paraffins processed. Hence a higher are kept isolated by the PPD back- specification. Table 2 shows the
pour point of the resulting fuel oil bone and, because of this steric characterisation of the marine diesel
can be expected. hindrance, the wax crystals are no including the cold flow properties.
A pour point is the lowest tem- longer able to form the 3D struc- In testing, the used marine distillate
perature at which a fuel or oil will tures responsible for gelation and had a blank pour point of 12°C. The
pour and, through additives called flow inhibition. summer and winter specifications,
pour point depressants (PPDs), the Crucial to its application is that which are required by ISO 8217,
pour points of fuel oils can be sig- the PPD is dosed above the ‘wax were easily met with dose rates of
nificantly reduced without chang- appearance temperature’ (WAT) 65 ppm and 75 ppm, respectively.
ing the combustion behaviour of the of the fuel. The WAT describes the Figure 2 shows that increasing the
LSFO. PPDs are polymer-like addi- temperature at which the first par- dose rate leads to further improve-
tives which are dosed to the LSFO affin crystals start to form when a ment of the pour point, which
ideally right after the blender fuel fuel is cooled down. The WAT can leaves additional options for the
outlet, when the temperature of the be determined by different meth- refiner to blend heavier components
fuel is high. ods like differential scanning cal- into the marine diesel.
PPDs do not change the temper- ometry or viscosity measurements; In addition to pour point chal-
ature at which wax crystallises or however, such methods usually do lenges, mixing paraffinic and
the amount of wax that builds up. not exist in refinery laboratories. A aromatic fuels can lead to fuel insta-
Their application relies on the PPD general rule of thumb is to dose the bility and incompatibility that can
co-crystallising with the targeted PPD 20°C above the pour point of cause bottom sludge formation and
paraffin species present in the oil, the fuel; for example, if the fuel has increase the risk of engine failure.

40 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1002503

same test, untreated blank LSFO
15 showed an increasing transmission
Marine distillate
over the length of the tube, reflect-
Specification winter ing precipitation of insoluble mat-
5 Specification summer ter and indicating the formation of
Pour point, ˚C

Both the pour point depressant
-5 and marine fuel compatibility
-10 enhancer solutions have been the
focus of research and development
at Clariant’s new Crude and Fuel
-20 Oil Center of Excellence in the UK.
The new laboratory is equipped
0 50 65 75 85 100 125 150 with advanced technology, a wide
Dose rate, ppm selection of testing regimes, modern
methods of crude oil analysis and
Figure 2 Pour point response curve of marine distillate with Dodiflow 6087 performance testing, and the ability
to replicate field conditions within
the laboratory.
Characterisation of marine diesel (DMA 89 type)
Specifically, Clariant has adopted
the use of high throughput exper-
Properties Method Result
CP, °C EN 23015 +15.5 imentation (HTE) methods for sci-
CFPP, °C EN 116 +15 entific experimentation alongside
PP, °C ISO 3016 +12 advanced analytics. Originally
Density, g/cm³ ISO 12185 0,876
developed for use in pharmaceu-
Aromatics, wt% EN 12916 41.3
n-Paraffin content, wt% Gas chromatography 23.4 ticals, the HTE method rapidly
improves upon classical experi-
mentation methodology. Over the
Table 2 last three years, Clariant has uti-
lised its HTE laboratories to per-
Clariant’s LSFO compatibility blend containing Dispersogen 2020, form feasibility studies to prove
enhancer Dispersogen 2020, formu- measured according to ASTM D that this new research approach is
lated for the IMO 2020 regulations, 7061 using a Turbiscan MA 2000, useful in formulation development
is an additive designed to improve showed a consistent transmission for the oil and gas industry. Using
the stability of aromatic low sul- throughout the test tube, indicating HTE, Clariant can identify more
phur marine fuel. When aromatic homogenous distribution of parti- precise chemical formulations that
fuel compositions are comingled go through the application devel-
with more paraffinic blends, bot- In addition to pour opment far quicker than traditional
tom sludge can form, destabilising manual laboratory methodologies.
the fuel. This destabilisation has point challenges, HTE methods have been particu-
the potential to do serious damage larly important in developing new
to engines. As well, asphaltenes mixing paraffinic and pour point depressants. The first
can separate, also forming a sludge development step for a PPD is to
inside engine filters and separators, aromatic fuels can measure the interaction it has with
with the potential for loss of propul- the viscosity of crude oil. The classic
sion and auxiliary power. As there
lead to fuel instability way to measure viscosity in a labo-
is no universal refining method for ratory is with a technician operat-
LSFO, neither ship owners nor fuel
and incompatibility ing a viscometer or rheometer. This
suppliers will know when, where or that can cause bottom method takes 30 to 40 minutes per
how different LSFO qualities have measurement.
been mixed. sludge formation and At the heart of HTE is a mix-
By dispersing asphaltenes and ture of robotics, data processing,
other fuel oil components to sup- increase the risk of control software, liquid handling
port the compatibility of fuel oil devices, and sensitivity detectors.
mixes, Dispersogen 2020 is used as engine failure Its development comes on the back
a preventative measure to ensure of advances in smart automation,
that global refiners can meet new cles and a low separability number. miniaturisation, parallelisation, and
standards with fuel oil blends that This test demonstrated the success statistical design. It decreases time
will remain stable and compatible. of Dispersogen 2020 in preventing to market, enabling faster discovery
Recent testing of the asphaltene sludge from forming and keeping of new technologies, and delivers
dispersion of an aromatic LSFO the LSFO blend stable. Using the greater understanding of existing

42 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1002503

technology. In the laboratory for degree of accuracy and, speed ena- DODIFLOW and DISPERSOGEN are marks of
PPD development, a series of bling customised formulations to be Clariant.
robotic arms enable the movement developed for every application that
of crude oil samples to miniaturised requires it. References
and parallel viscometers. As this Ship owners and refineries under- 1 w w w . s t a n d a r d - c l u b . c o m / r i s k -
machinery will continuously work stand that they face potential qual-
day and night, the testing process is ity issues in the near term from the
accelerated while datapoints can be impact of mixing together LSFOs 2 https://validere.com/imo-2020-lsfo-
provided that otherwise would not that still have not been fully tested complications-potential-long-term-positive-
be possible. on ships’ engines for composition, for-heavy-differentials/
When HTE is combined with compatibility, and performance.
computational experimental design Clariant’s research and product
software, it becomes even more development advances are helping Kerstin Müller is Clariant Refinery Services’
effective. The Design of Experiment to overcome this nervousness and Product Expert in Pour Point Depressants,
software mathematically analy- uncertainty around solutions, and supporting refiners and fuel trading companies
ses the space in which fundamen- has led to increased interest from with their crude and fuel oil additive challenges.
tal properties are being measured. refiners to use PPD and other fuel She coordinates product development, field
Instead of having to make 100 stabiliser technology, as these are trials, as well as research projects related to
crude and fuel oil additives specifically related
measurements to cover this space, critical additives for ships without
to transport and storage. Currently, she focuses
it mathematically deconvolutes the scrubbers to prevent pour point
on the fuel stabilisation and compatibility
data so that fewer measurements problems, fuel incompatibility, issues that have arisen due to the recent IMO
are required as it predicts the white breakdowns, and significant finan- 2020 standards introduced for bunker fuel and
space it leaves behind. cial losses. holds a PhD in polymer chemistry from the
Although the software is commer- Ship owners and the marine bun- University of Marburg, Germany.
cially available, Clariant’s process ker fuel industry will continue to
of taking existing technologies and assess the impact of the IMO 2020
combining them in novel solutions regulations for some time to come. LINKS
is unique for the development of There will be ongoing challenges
PPDs. It is now possible to explore within the framework of this ‘new More articles from the following
multiple options for potential for- normal’, as well as new additives categories:
mulation using HTE by quickly and solutions that will ensure that Catalysts and Additives
disseminating formulations from ships can continue to sail. Sulphur Removal and Recovery
one another. The result is a high

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