Relational Model

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Olympic (olympiad_id, country_id, city, season, year); country_id -> Country(country_id)

Event_location (location_id, no_of_events, location_name);

Country (country_id, country_name, continent);

Athlete (athlete_id, country_id, sport_id, gender, date_of_birth, firstname, lastname); country_id ->
Country(country_id), sport_id -> Sports(sport_id)

Equipment (equipment_id, athlete_id, equipment_name, quantity); athlete_id -> Athlete(athlete_id)

Events (event_id, location_id, discipline_id, event_title, rules, no_of_athletes); location_id ->

Event_location(location_id), discipline_id -> Discipline(discipline_id)

Results (result_id, event_id, athlete_id, score, position, measurement); event_id -> Events(event_id),
athlete_id -> Athlete(athlete_id)

Discipline (discipline_id, sport_id, federation, discipline_name); sport_id -> Sports(sport_id)

Sports (sport_id, description, sport_name);

Winner (event_id, athlete_id, type_of_medal, final_score, measurement); event_id -> Events(event_id),

athlete_id -> Athlete(athlete_id);

chooses (olympiad_id, location_id, date); olympiad_id -> Olympic(olympiad_id), location_id ->


attend (athlete_id, event_id, order); athlete_id -> Athlete(athlete_id), event_id -> Events(event_id)

SELECT discipline_name, federation FROM Discipline INNER JOIN Sports ON

Discipline.sport_id = Sports.sport_id WHERE sport_name = 'Aquatic'

π discipline_name, federation σ sport_name = 'Aquatic' ( Discipline ⨝ Discipline.sport_id = Sports.sport_id Sports )
π country_name, continent, location_name, no_of_events σ no_of_events > 2 and date ≥ '2020-07-23' and date ≤ '2020-08-
08' ( ( ( Country ⨝ Country.country_id = Olympic.country_id Olympic ) ⨝ Olympic.olympiad_id = chooses.olympiad_id ch
ooses ) ⨝ Event_location.location_id = chooses.location_id Event_location )

SELECT country_name, continent,location_name, no_of_events FROM Country INNER JOIN

Olympic ON Country.country_id = Olympic.country_id INNER JOIN chooses ON
Olympic.olympiad_id = chooses.olympiad_id INNER JOIN Event_location ON
Event_location.location_id = chooses.location_id WHERE no_of_events > 2 and date >='2020-
07-23' and date <= '2020-08-08'

SELECT firstname, lastname FROM Athlete INNER JOIN Equipment ON Athlete.athlete_id =

Equipment.athlete_id WHERE Equipment.equipment_name = 'special swimming hats'

π firstname, lastname σ Equipment.equipment_name = 'special swimming

hats' ( Athlete ⨝ Athlete.athlete_id = Equipment.athlete_id Equipment )

SELECT firstname, lastname, event_title, score, measurement, position FROM Results INNER
JOIN Athlete ON Results.athlete_id = Athlete.athlete_id INNER JOIN Eventas ON
Eventas.event_id = Results.event_id WHERE Athlete.firstname = 'Rafal'

π firstname, lastname, event_title, score, measurement,

position σ Athlete.firstname = 'Rafal' ( ( Results ⨝ Results.athlete_id = Athlete.athlete_id Athlete ) ⨝ Events.event_id = Res
ults.event_id Events )
SELECT firstname, lastname, event_title, orderis, type_of_medal, final_score,
measurement FROM Eventas INNER JOIN attend ON
Eventas.event_id=attend.event_id INNER JOIN Athlete ON Athlete.athlete_id =
attend.athlete_id INNER JOIN Winner ON Athlete.athlete_id = Winner.athlete_id
WHERE orderis=1 and type_of_medal='Gold'

π firstname, lastname, event_title, orderis, type_of_medal, final_score,

measurement σ orderis = 1 and type_of_medal = 'Gold' ( ( ( Eventas ⨝ Eventas.event_id = attend.event_id attend ) ⨝ Athl
ete.athlete_id = attend.athlete_id Athlete ) ⨝ Athlete.athlete_id = Winner.athlete_id Winner )

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