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1928 - 1977

Compiled by

Arthur I.M. Sykes

2021 West Mall
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6T lWS
Copyright © l980, University of British Columbia

Printed in Canada

- i -

This short index is designed to provide access to the articles that
appeared in the first fifty years of Pacific Affairs. The user may find
information through either an author or a subject approach. Book reviews
have not been included in this index, but may be found through Book Review
Digest or Book Review Index.


Main headings are capitalized, subject headings are underlined and

subheadings are in italics. References are to volume, year and pagination
(except for the years 1928 and 1929 which are unnumbered and correspond to
volumes 1 and 2 - references for these years are to month, year and
pagination). Articles of a general nature only will be found under the
respective subject headings. However, the user will be directed to a
specific geographical or political area if that area has been subdivided
by the subject heading in question.


(B) Bibliographies
(CC) Comment & Correspondence
(CO) Comment & Opinion
(NC) Notes & Comment
(PAB) Pacific Affairs Bibliography
(RA) Review Article
(RR) Reports on Research
(SR) Studies & Reports


Countries may be found in the index under their most recent name. For
example: References to Ceylon and Sri Lanka are consolidated under SRI LANKA.
If continuity does not exist, the country may be indexed under other names.
Examples: The heading CHINA includes all possible references to the country
except for the Republic~hina on the island of Formosa, which may be
found under TAIWAN; References to Korea will be included under KOREA, KOREA
(Democratic People's Republic) or KOREA (Republic), depending on the nature
of the article - general or specific, past or present.

*Preliminary work on the index from 1946-1970 was done by R. Michael M'Gonigle
- ii -


To allow the user to search the index with greater efficiency,

geographical and political areas have been subdivided according to the
following standard subheadings:


The list of standard subheadings is not exhaustive for all areas, since
specific subheadings (unique to an area) are also used. °For example:
"Cultural Revolution" will be found under CHINA.
- 1 -

A AHLERS,John. Postwar banking in Shanghai.

19, 1946: 384-393
ABOSCH,David. Political consciousness
in Japan: a retrospect on E.H. Norman. AIREY,W.T.G. see LOWE,W.S.
42, 1969: 25-31
AIREY,Willis. The West and democracy.
ADAMS, John. Agricultural growth and (NC) 27, 1954: 150-153
rural change in India in the l960's.
43, 1970: 189-202 AKAGI,Roy.Hidemichi. Japan's economic
relations with China. 4, 1931: 488-510
ADAMS,Romanzo. Further developments
of race contacts in Hawaii. Oct. ALASKA
1929: 625-634 Early Russian contact with Alaska.
Laughing at the wrong place. Theodore S. Farrelly. (SR) 7, 1934:
--July 1929: 415-417 193-197

ADMINISTRATION ALBINSKI,Henry S. Australia and nuclear

affairs. 38, 1965: 32-46
as a subheading
INDONESIA Prehistory of Kodiak and the Aleutian
JAPAN Islands. Frederica de Laguna. (RA)
TIBET l 9, 1946: 202-204
AFGHANISTAN ALISJAHBANA,Takdir. The Indonesian lang-
uage - by-product of nationalism. (NC)
BOUNDARIES 22, 1949: 388-392
Pakhtunistan: the frontier dispute ALLEN,Edward Weber. The North Pacific
between Afghanistan and Pakistan. fisheries. l O, l 937: l 36-151
S.M.M. Qureshi. 39, 1966: 99-114
ALLEN,James S. Agrarian tendencies in
AFRICA the Philippines. 11, 1938: 52-65
Schools and states in Asia and Africa. . Agrarian tendencies in the Philip-
R.P. Dore. (RA) 38, 1965: 345-352 pines. (CC) 12, 1939: 191-193
The search for modernity in Asia and
Africa. R.P. Dore. (RA) 37, 1964: . The Philippine problem enters a new
161-165 --phase. 11, 1938: 159-170
AGRICULTURE ALLEN,Richard C. South Korea: the new
as a subheading regime. (NC) 34, 1961: 54-57
ASIA JAPAN ALLEN,Robert Loring. Burma's clearing
BURMA MALAYSIA account agreements. 31, l 958 : 147- l 63
as a subheading
ALMARAZ,Jose. NewMexican penal principles:
Somerequirements for technical prog- as revealed in the new legislation. 3,
ress . D. R. Gadgil . (NC) 24 , l 951: 1930: 531-540
- 2 -

AMAGLOBELI, S. Revolutions in drama, ANONYMOUS.The future of Japan: a Canadian

as seen in the contemporary Georg- view. 17, 1944: 194-203
ian theatre. 3, 1930: 661-667
Historical variations of China's
AMERICANCOUNCIL (!.P.R.). Literature --frontiers. 18, 1945: 346-354
on the Chinese Soviet movement. 9,
1936: 421-435 (PAB #3) __ The "war potential" of the Soviet
Union. 12, 1939: 34-53
AMES,Michael M. Detribalized anthro-
pology and the study of Asian civil- ANSTEY,Vera. Indian economic planning.
izations. (RA) 49, 1976: 313-324 ( RA) 23, 1950: 83-86
The impact of Western education ANSTICE,E.H. China's student politicians.
--on religion and society in Ceylon. 5, 1932: 689-694
40, 1967: 19-42
__ Japan's "dangerous" students. 4,
Indian castes old and new. (RA) 1931: 695-699
--44, 1971: 81-91
Youthful radicalism in the Far East.
ANDERSON, Robert S. Impressions of --6, 1933: 387-393
Bangladesh: the rule of arms and the
politics of extortation. 49, 1976: ANTARCTICA
443-475 Whyexplore the Antarctic? Its meaning
ANDO,Hirofumi. A study of the Iglesia for Pacific Lands. Griffith Taylor. 3,
Ni Cristo: a politico-religious sect 1930: 625-636
in the Philippines. 42, 1969: 334- ANTHROPOLOGY
Detribalized anthropology and the study
ANDREW, Arthur. Canada and Asia: the of Asian civilizations. Michael M. Ames.
shifting power balance. 45, 1972: (RA) 49, 1976: 313-324
ANDRUS,J. Russell. The agrarian prob- Australia and the American alliance.
lem in Burma. 19, 1946: 260-271 Thomas B. Millar. 37, 1964: 148-160
. Foreign investments in Burma. APPLETON,Sheldon. Communismand the
~NC) 17, 1944: 90-93 Chinese in the Philippines. 32, 1959:
ANGUS,H.F. Asiatics in Canada. (NC) 376-391
19, 1946: 402-408 Silent students and the future of
--Taiwan. 43, 1970: 227-239
Canada and naval rivalry in the
--Pacific. 8, 1935: 176-184
. The United Nations "China tangle".
__ Canadian affairs affecting the ~NC) 35, 1962: 160-167
Pacific. 3, 1930: 735-739 ARANETA,Salvador. Basic problems of Phil-
The portent of Social Credit in ippine economic development. (NC) 21,
--Alberta. 9, 1936: 381-387 1948: 280-285

Survey of Canadian affairs. 4, ARASARATMAM, S. The Ceylon insurrection of

--1931: 1082-1084 Apri 1 1971 : some causes and consequences.
45, 1972: 356-371
- 3 -

as a subheading Government in Asia. Hugh Tinker. (RA)
32, 1959: 193-198
under CHINA
The military and political change in
ARKUS,S. As Russia sees the East: the Asia. John P. Lovell & C.I. Eugene Kim.
role of foreign capital in basic 40, 1967: 113-123
Chinese industries. 3, 1 930: 1045-
A new history of Asia. W. Eberhard.
ASIA (RA) 24, 1951: 190-194
see also other regions of Asia: LABOUR
ASIA The prospect for Asian trade unionism.
ASIA F.ltJ. Dalley. (NC) 24, 1951: 296-306
The challenge of Asia. Robert Payne. Democracyand nationalism in Asia. M.N.
(NC) 21, 1948: 51-58 Roy. (NC) 25, 1952: 140-146
Schools and states in Asia and Africa.
R.P. Dore. (RA) 38, 1965: 345-352 RESEARCH
The search for modernity in Asia and Political studies and the new Asia. Hugh
Tinker. (RA) 33, 1960: 300-304
Africa. R.P. Dore. (RA) 37, 1964:
161-165 Soviet oriental studies and the Asian
revolution. 0. EdmundClubb. (NC)
AGRICULTURE 31, 1958: 380-389
Asia's agrarian agonies. W. Klatt.
(RA) 48, 1975: 583-589 RURALDEVELOPMENT
Improving Asia's villages. Leslie H.
Reflections on agricultural modern- Palmier. (RA) 36, 1963: 283-289
ization in Asia. W. Klatt. 46, 1973:
534-547 Social factors in Asian rural develop-
ment. J.D.N. Versluys. 30, 1957: 160-
Detribalized anthropology and the
study of Asian civilizations. Michael SOCIALISM
M. Ames. (RA) 49, 1976: 313-324 Positive aspects of Asian socialism.
G.S. Bhargava. (NC) 26, 1953: 236-
The heritage of Asia. Kenneth J. The state of socialism in Asia
Saunders. 4, 1931: 880-904 Rangoon and after. M.N. Roy. (NC)
26, 1953: 135-139
Democracy and nationalism in Asia. The state of socialism in Asia
M.N. Roy. (NC) 25, 1952: 140-146 the Rangoon Conference. Alvin 7.
Rubenstein. (NC) 26, 1953: 131-134
Western policy in Asia. Kenneth SOCIETY
Younger. 25, 1952: 115-129 Feudalism and Asian societies. James
The Soviet Union's Asian collective T.C. Liu. (RA) 29, 1956: 181-186
security proposal: a club in search Social factors in Asian rural develop-
of members. Arnold L. Horelick. 47, ment. J.D.N. Versluys. 30, 1957: 160-
1974: 269-285 172
- 4 -

ASIA - continued The crisis in Australia: September, 1930

- January, 1932. Stephen H. Roberts. 5,
STUDENTS 1932: 319-332
Asian students and Asian studies in
Australia. Norman Harper. 31, 1958: The economic future of Australia. J.B.
54-64 Condliffe. (RA) 16, 1943: 86-88
ASIATICUS. China's advance from defeat EDUCATION
to strength. 11, 1938: 21-34 Asian students and Asian studies in
Austra 1i a. Norman Harper. 31 , 1958:
__ The financial cutting edge in the 54-64
partition of China. 9, 1936: 165-176 New lands and old education. Griffith
Taylor. Feb. 1929: 54-57
__ The new era in Chinese railway
construction. 10, 1937: 276-288 FOREIGNRELATIONS
Armament in the South Pacific. Geoffrey
__ Soviet relations with Japan. 14, Rawson. ( CC) 12, 1939: 80-82
1941: 272-286
Australia and nuclear affairs. Henry S.
OF SOUTHEAST ASIANNATIONS Albinski. 38, 1965: 32-46
(ASEAN) Australia and Southeast Asia. Norman
ASEAN'ssecurity needs and policies. D. Harper. 28, 1955: 203-220
Justus M. van der Kroef. 47, 1974: Australia and the American alliance.
154-170 Thomas B. Millar. 37, 1964: 148-160
ENERGY Australian attitudes towards Pacific
problems. Gordon Greenwood. 23, 1950:
see ATOMICENERGYas a subheading 153-168
under INDIA
Australia's attitude to Pacific depend-
AUSTRALIA encies. P.D. Phillips. 18, 1945: 76-83
Australian chronicle. K.H. Bailey. Australia's role in Far Eastern reconst-
Sept. 1929: 553-567 ruction. G.L. Wood& Halter Hill. 18,
1945: 22-39
Australian chronicle. Sir W.
Harrison Moore, K.H. Bailey, G.L. Australia's stake in world organization.
Wood, P.D. Phillips and Tristan R.J.F. Boyer. 17, 1944: 373-391
Buesst. 3, 1930: 813-826 Australia's view of Pacific problems.
The challenge of tropical Australia. Eggleston. 3, 1930: 3-16
R.H. Greenwood. Part I. 29, 1956: The British Dominions and the Pacific.
126-140. Part II. 29, 1956: 223-242 C. Hartley Grattan. (RA) 16, 1943:
The settlement of the Australian 80-85
tropics. W. WynneWilliams. 9, The Gorton manner: Australia, Southeast
1936: 231-242 Asia and the U.S. Justus M. van der Kroef.
42, 1969: 311-333
Australia's trade in the Pacific. Perspectives on Australian foreign policy.
F.C. Benham. Jan. 1929: 1-7 C. Hartley Grattan. (RA) 48, 1975: 87-93
The economic position of Australia. Security in the South West Pacific.
G.L. Wood. 4, 1931_: 799-805 Norman D. Harper. (NC) 24, 1951: 170-
ECONOMICS Stability of the Pacific: Australia's
Australia's economic future. J.B. position. W.D. Forsyth. 16, 1943: 7-20
Brigden. 17, 1944: 325-329
- 5 -

- continued Britain and Australia in the War against
Japan. Louis Morton. (RA) 34, 1961:
Australian federalism at the cross-
roads. Kenneth O. Warner. 4, 1931 : AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL (I.P.R.). Diplomatic
120-141 machinery in the Pacific: its place at
The Australian political scene. the Fifth I.P.R. Conference. 6, 1933:
Gordon Greenwood. 20, 1947: 276- 182-189
AVAKUMOVIC,Ivan. The CommunistParty of
IMMIGRATION Canada and the Sino-Soviet dispute. 37,
Australia's immigration policy. F. 1964: 426-435
W. Eggleston. 21, 1948: 372-383
Economics of Australian immigration. AVAL;Eliezer B. Some crucial issues in
Kingsley Laffer. 25, 1952: 360-377 Thailand's economic development. 34,
l 961 : l 57- l 64
Non-white immigration to Australia.
A.C. Palfreeman. 47, 1974: 344-357 AYUBKHAN
Ayub Khan as president of Pakistan.
The Australian labour movementand W.M. Dobell. 42, 1969: 294-310
the Pacific. G.V. Portus. 3, 1930:
John H. Burma's political crisis.
The arming of Australia and New 31 , 1958: 336-351
Zealand. Donald Cowie. 11, 1938:
BAERWALD,Hans H. Parliament and parl-
iamentarians in Japan. 37, 1964: 271-
White and black races in Australia.
Griffith Taylor. July 1928: 1-3 BAILEY,F.G. Structure and change in Indian
society. (RA) 42, 1969: 494-502
Australia and nuclear affairs. BAILEY,K.H. Australian Chronicle. Sept.
HenryS. Albinski. 38, 1965: 32- 1929: 553-567

et al. see MOORE,
Sir W. Harrison
Aspects of Australian demography. BALAZS,Etienne. Newlight on the history
W.D. Barrie. 20, 1947: 42-52 of Chinese society. (NC) 23, 1950:
The population problems of Australia. 318-323
F.W. Eggleston. (CO) 9, 1936: 583-
586 BALDWIN,George B. Public enterprise in
Indian industry. 30, 1957: 3-21
New Guinea BALL,M. Margaret. Regionalism and the
Australia, trusteeship and New Pacific Commonwealth. 46, 1973: 232-
Guinea. Michael Leifer. 36, 1963: 253
BALL,W. Macmahon. The communist problem
WORLD WAR II in East Asia -- a Western view. 24,
Australia in the United Nations. 1951: 241-255
G.W. Warnecke. 15, 1942: 133-153
- 6 -

. Reflections on Japan. 21, 1948: . The social basis of fascism. 9, 1936:

--3-19 --24-32

BALLIS,William. Soviet Russia's Asia- . Soviet sinology. (CO) 7, 1934: 331-

tic frontier technique: Tana Tuva. --333
14, 1941: 91-96
. The wooden horse inside Geneva's gates.
and Emily Timmins. Recent Soviet ---rco) · 7, 1934: 434-436
--writings on the Far East. (RA) 25,
1952: 59-76 BARNES,Kathleen. Another perspective. (CO)
8, 1935: 477-481
. Eastward migration within the Soviet
see also PAKISTAN --Union. 7, 1934: 395-405
Bangladesh and after. M.S. Rajan. BARTON,Sir William. The Indian Princes
45, 1972: 191-205 and politics. 17, 1944: 181-189
Impressions of Bangladesh: the rule
of arms and the politics of exhort- BATES,M. Searle. Churches and Christians
ation. Robert S. Anderson. 49, 1976: in China, 1950-1967: fragments of under-
443-475 standing. 41, 1968: 199-213
Pakistan and the consequences of . The task of education in China.
Bangladesh. Elliot L. Tepper. (RA) --19, 1946: 131-145
45, 1972: 57 3-581
. Toward an understanding of Chinese
CONSTITUTION --politics, 1931-1932. 5, 1932: 218-232
Constitution-making in Bangladesh.
Abul Fazl Huq. 46, 1973: 59-76 and Kenneth S. Latourette. The future
--of Japan: an American view. 17, 1944:
Japanese relations with India, Pak- BATTEN,James Hoffman. Newfeatures of
istan and Bangladesh. Zillur R. Mexican immigration: the case against
Khan. 48, 1975: 541-557 further restrictive legislation. 3,
1930: 956-966.
Administration and its political BAUER,P.T. The prospects of rubber. 20,
environment in Bangladesh. A.T.R. 1947: 381-390
Rahman. 47, 1974: 171-191
BAYLEY,David H. The Indian experience
INDEPENDENCE with preventive detention. 35, 1962:
Double trauma in Asia. W.M. Dobell. 99-115
(RA) 46, 1973: 565-569
. Public protest and the political
BARCLAY,George W. China's population --process in India, 42, 1969: 5-16
problem: a closer view. (NC) 23,
1950: 184- 192 BEAGLEHOLE,Ernest. Social and political
changes in the Cook Islands. 21, 1948:
BARNES,Joseph. America discusses plan- 384-398
ning: two evaluations of current
economic literature. I. Planned BEAGLEHOLE,
J.C. The Pacific Ocean in its
Control, a selected reading list. maps. (RA) 19, 1946: 294-302
6, 1933: 189-192
- 7 -

BEAUMONT, K.M. Air transport in the BERTRAND,Trent J. Rural taxation in

Pacific: a British view. 16, 1943: Thailand. 42, 1969: 178-188
BHARGAVA, G.S. Positive aspects of Asian
BELL,Sir Charles. Tibet and its socialism. (NC) 26, 1953: 236-244
neighbors. l O, l 937: 428-440
BHATT,V.M. China's cotton textile ind-
BELL, Peter F. Thailand's northeast: ustry. (NC) 20, 1947: 309-312
regional underdevelopment, "insur-
gency", and official response. (NC) BHUTAN
42, 1969: 47-54
BELOFF,Max. Soviet policy in China. Bhutan's external relations. Leo E.
23, 1950: 128-138 Rose. 47, 1974: 192-208

BELSHAW,Cyril. Native politics in BIBLIOGRAPHIES

the Solomon Islands. (NC) 20, Cultural contacts in the Pacific. (RB)
1947: 187-193 W.L. Holland. July 1929: 418-427
BELSHAW,H. Polulation pressure in The development of modern social science
India. (RA) 21, 1948: 413-415 in China. WangYu-ch'uan. (PAB#5)
11 , 1938: 345-362
Postwar economic reconstruction Diplomatic relations in the Pacific.
in NewZealand. 17, 1944: 421-443 (RB) W.L. Holland. Apr. 1929: 184-199
Races, lands and foods. (RA) The documentation of the Virginia
--20, 1947: 71-80 Beach Study Meeting. Philip E.
Lilienthal. (PAB#7) 13,1940: 63-80
BENDA,Harry J. Indonesian Islam The documentation of the Yosemite
under the Japanese occupation, 1942- Conference. Frederick V. Field. (PAB
45. 28, 1955: 350-362 #4) 9, 1936: 562-582

BENHAM, F.C. Australia's trade in the Literature on the Chinese Soviet move-
Pacific. Jan. 1929: 1-7 ment. American Council (I.P.-R.).
(PAB#3) 9, 1936: 421-435
BENITEZ,Conrado. The new Philippine Native customary law in the Nether-
constitution. 8, 1935: 428-432 lands East Indies. A. Arthur Schiller.
(PAB#2) 9, 1936: 254-263
Posititon of the Philippines in
--the Pacific Comity. 3, 1930: 70-91 The personal chronicle of the first
ManchuEmperor. Walter Fuchs. (PAB41)
BENNETT, Martin Toscan. Japanese 9, 1936: 78-85
reparations: fact or fantasy? (NC) Political China today. W.L. Holland.
21, 1948: 185-194 (RB) May 1929: 263-274
BENSON, Wilfrid. An I.L.O. Pattern for Recent Russian literature on Buriat
Pacific Territories. 17, 1944: 311- Mongolia. Olga Lang. (PAB#6) 13,
319 1940: 45-62

Labor problems in Southeast Asia. BISHOP,Carl Whiting. The begintiings of

--16, 1943: 389-396 North and South in China. (SR) 7,
1934: 297-325
BERREMAN,Joel V. The Japanization of BISSON,T.A. Increase of Zaibatsu pre-
Far Eastern occupied areas. 17, 1944:
168-180 dominance in Wartime Japan. 18, 1945:
- 8 -

BISSON,T.A. Japan as a political __ Sanctions against Japan. (CC) 12,

organism. 17, 1944: 392-420 1939: 430-438

__ Japan without Germany. 12, BLUM,Robert. The work of the Asia Found-
.l 939: 370-378 ation. 29, 1956: 46-56

__ . The price of peace for Japan. BODDE,Derk. Chinese philosophy and the
l 7, l 944: 5-2 5 social sciences. (NC) 20, 1947: 199-
__ Problems of war production
control in Japan. 16, 1943: 301- BOEKE,J.H. Economic conditions for Indo-
310 nesian independence. ( NC) 19, 1946:
. The United States and the Far
--East. A survey of the relations of . The economic crisis and Netherlands-
the United States with China and --India. 7, 1934: 29-41
Japan -- September l, 1930 - Sept-
ember l, l 931. 5, 1932: 66-81 . The recoil of Westernization in the
--East. 9, 1936: 333-346
The United States and the
--Orient: a survey of the relations of BONWIT,
Ralf. CommunistChina's "Leap
the U.S. with China and Japan -- June Forward". (NC) 31, 1958: 164-172
l, 1929 to September l, 1930. 3,
1930: 1118-1145 BOORMAN, Howard L. Peking in world
politics. 34, 1961: 227-241
. The United States in the
--Pacific: a survey of the relations BOROZDIN,N.I. Inter-racial study in Asia:
of the United States with Pacific the progress of orientology in the USSR.
countries from September l, 1931 June 1929: 323-328.
to September l , 1932. 5, l 932:
l 047-1056 BORRIE,W.D. Aspects of Australian demo-
graphy. 20, 1947: 42-52
The Zaibatsu's wartime role.
--,8, 1945: 355-368 __ . The "population explosion" and the
Far East. (RA) 33, 1960: 181-191
BLAIR,Harry W. The green revolution
and "economic man": some lessons for __ The population issue in India. (RA)
communitydevelopment in South Asia. 36, 1963: 74-78
44, 1971: 353-367
BLANPIED,William A. India's scient- Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian
ific development. (RA) 50, 1977: National Army. Stephen P. Cohen.
91-99 36, 1963: 411-429
BLOCH,Kurt. Chinese Population Subhas Chandra Bose - his legacy and
problems. (RR #4) 12, T939: 169- legend. Nirad C. Chaudhuri. (NC)
182 26, 1953: 349-357

Far Eastern war inflation. 13, BOUGAINVILLE

--1940: 320-343 SOCIETY
The price of the white man's peace.
Guerilla warfare. (CC) 12, Richard C. Thurnwald. 9, 1936: 347-357
--1939: 309-311

"Guns" and "butter" in Japan.

--,4, 1941: 416-429
- 9 -

as a subheading MINORITIES
under: Japanese emigration to Brazil. J.F.
AFGHANISTAN CHINA Normano. 7, 1934: 42-61
ER, Michael . Elite images and foreign
BOUSQUET,G.H. The International posit- policy choices: Krishna Menon's view of
ion of Netherlands India. 12, 1939: the world. 40, 1967: 60-92
Kashmir: a case study in United
BOWMAN, C.A. Canada and the United --Nations mediation. 26, 1953: 195-207
States: an International Joint Com-
mission. Jan. 1929: 32-33 . Nehru's foreign policy and the
--China-India conflict revisited. (RA)
BOYER,R.J.F. Australia's stake in 50, 1977: 99-106
world organization. 17, 1944: 373-
391 BRIGDEN,J.B. Australia's economic future.
( RA) 17, 1944: 325-329
BRADLEY,Anita. Trans-Pacific relations
of Latin America. (PAB#8) 14, 1941: BRITISHCOMMONWEAL
BRADY,Robert A. see TAYLOR,

BRAIBANTI, Ralph. The Southeast Asia
Collective Defense Treaty. 30, 1957: The life lines of the British Empire.
321-341 H. Th. deBooy. l O, 1937: 161-l 67
BRANCHU,Jean-Yves le. The French COMMERCE
Colonial Empire and the Popular The British meat trade and British
Front government. l O, 1937: 125- Imperial economics. J. Coatman. (SR)
135 8, 1935: 199-205
BRANT,William. Economic and living ECONOMICS
standards: American and Asiatic. Imperial economics at Ottawa. Robert
14, l 941: l 66-183 A. MacKay. 5, 1932: 873-885
Institutions and ideologies: MIGRATION
--American and Asiatic. 15, 1942: British Empire migration. G. deT.
61-76 Glazebrook. (CO) 7, 1934: 437-439
The United States, China, and "A BRITISHOBSERVER".The future fore-
--the world market. 13, 1940: 279- shadowed: China's new democracy. 11,
319 1938: 454-464
BRATTER, Herbert M. The role of sub- To have and to hold. 11, 1938:
sidies in Japan's economic develop- --299-310
ment. 4, 1931: 377-393
BRITTON,Roswell S. Chinese news interests.
A survey of silver. Part I: (SR) 7, 1934: 181-193
--5, 1932: 581-599. Part II: 5, 1932:
- 10 -

BROEK,Jan O.M. Indonesia and the The rice export from Burma, Siam and
Netherlands. (RA) 16, 1943: 329- French Inda-China. C.J. Robertson.
338 9, 1936: 243-253


Japan's economic development, 1853- Burma's religious campaign against
1938. 34, 1961: 7-27 communism. Fred von der Mehden. (NC)
33, 1960: '290-299
BUCK,Pearl S. China in the mirror of
her fiction. 3, 1930: 155-164 ECONOMICS
Burmese socialism: economic problems
__ Chinese women: their predicament of the first decade. Laurence D. Stifel.
in the China of today. 4, 1931: 905- 45, 1972: 60-74
BUESST,Tristan. The naval base at The 1960 election in Burma. Richard
Singapore. 5, 1932: 306-318 Butwell and Fred von der Mehden. 33,
1960: 144- l 57
see MOORE,
Sir W. Harrison
BURMA Foreign investments in Burma. J. Russell
Burma looks ahead. MaungMaung. Andrus. (NC) 17, 1944: 90-93
(NC) 25, 1952: 40-48 FOREIGNRELATIONS
The future of Burma. J.S. Furnivall. China
18, 1945: 156-168 Burma's foreign policy toward China
Twilight in Burma: independence and since 1962. Robert A. Holmes. 45,
1972: 240-254
after. J.S. Furnivall. 22, 1949:
155- 172
Twilight in Burma: reconquest and Aspects of the Burmese political scene.
crisis. J.S. Furnivall. 22, 1949: Geoffrey Fairbairn. 29, 1956: 211-222
Burma: the politics of memory. Hugh
AGRICULTURE Tinker. (RA) 49, 1976: 108-113
The agrarian problem in Burma. J.R. Burma's political crisis. John H.
Andrus. 19, 1946: 260-271 Badgley. 31 , 1 958: 336-351
BOUNDARIES Nu, the serene statesman. Hugh Tinker.
China 30, 1957: 120-137
Burma's northeast borderland problems. Political reconstruction in postwar
Hugh Tinker. 29, 1956: 324-346 Burma. XYZ. 16, 1943: 277-300
The Sino-Burmese boundary treaty. The rise and fall of U Nu. Louis J.
Daphne E. Whittam. (NC) 34, 1961: Walinsky. 38, 1965: 269-281
l 74- 183
Tribal boundaries of the Burma-Yunnan University students and politics in
frontier. Martin R. Norins. 12, Burma. Josef Silverstein and Julian
1939: 67-79 Wohl. 37, 1964: 50-65

Burma's clearing account agreements. Someminority problems in Burma.
Robert Loring Allen. 31, 1958: 147- Geoffrey Fairbairn. 30, 1957: 299-311
- 11 -

- continued BUTWELL,
Richard. A Chinese university
POLITICAL PARTIES for Malaya. (NC) 26, 1953: 344-348
The political significance of the
Burma Workers Party. Alex Josey. and Fred von der Mehden. The 1960
31, 1958: 372-379 --election in Burma. 33, 1960: 144-157

RELIGION BUULoe. Aspects of the Vietnamese prob-

Burma's religious campaign against lem. 25, 1952: 235-247
communism. Fred von der Mehden.
(NC) 33, 1960: 290-299 BYWATER,Hector C. Japanese and American
naval power in the Pacific. 8, 1935:
STUDENTS 168-175
University students and politics in
Burma. Josef Silverstein & Julian
Wohl. 37, 1964: 50-65 C


A "South Seas" Chinese reports on Japanese version of Skid Row. 41,
the Burma Road. Chen Chia-keng. 1968: 511-525
( CC) 14, 1941: 463-468
CALLARO,Keith. The political stability
Trans-Burma trade routes to China. of Pakistan. 29, 1956: 5-20
John L. Christian. 13, 1940: 173-
Transportation on the Burma Road. CONSTITUTION
Harold C. Davis (CC) 15, 1942: The constitution of Democratic Kampuchea
90-96 (Cambodia): the semantics of revolutionary
change. David P. Chandler. 49, 1976:
The Chindits and marauders in
wartime Burma. Frank N. Trager. FOREIGNRELATIONS
(RA) 34, 1961: 62-66 Cambodia and her neighbours. Michael
Lei fer. 34, 1961 : 361-374
BURT,Richard. Strategic politics and
the Indian Ocean. (RA) 47, 1974: China
509-514 China's aid to Cambodia. Alain-Gerard
Marsot. (NC) 42, 1969: 189-198
CAMPBELL,Persia. The American wheat
see also BUSINESS AND INDUSTRYas program. 7, 1934: 279-291
a subheading under:
Toward a more perfect Canadian union.
The role of rural industries in under- Edgar Packard Dean. 13, 1940: 435-440
developed areas. Joseph E. Stepanek
and Charles H. Prien. (NC) 23, 1950: AGRICULTURE
65-76 The adaptation of wheat to northern
regions. D.A. MacGibbon. (SR) 7,
Western enterprise and the economic 1934: 415-424
development of Southeast Asia.
Benjamin Higgins. (RA) 31, 1958: The Canadian grain pool. Harold S.
74-87 Patton. 3, 1930: 165-180
- 12 -

- continued Canadian foreign policy. J.A. Stevenson.
7, l 934: l 53-162
Canada and the Pacific: policies for Survey of Canadian affairs. H.F. Angus.
economic growth. T.A. Keenleyside. 4 , l 931 : l 082-l 084
46, 1973: 5-28 China
Canada's trade with trans-Pacific The settlement of international claims
countries. Arthur L. Neal. 19, between Canada and China: a status
1946: 41-60 report. M.D. Copithorne. 48, 1975:
Forest industries in Canada: their
relation to Pacific trade. Harold United States
A. Innes. Sept. 1929: 551-552 Canada and the United States: an
International Joint Commission. C.A.
Japan Bowman. Jan. 1929: 32-33
The Canadian-Japanese tariff war.
K.W. Taylor. (CO) 8, 1935: 475- GOVERNMENT
477 Reform and politics in Canada. H. Carl
Goldenberg. 9, 1936: 44-52
Legislation and economics in Canada. MINORITIES
Steven Cartwright. 7, 1934: 292-296 Asiatics in Canada. H.F. Angus. (NC)
Reform and politics in Canada. H. 19, 1946: 402-408
Carl Goldenberg. 9, 1936: 44-52 The Canadian Japanese: a new look.
Forrest E. LaViolette. (RA) 50, 1977:
Canada and Asia: evolving aware-
ness and deepening links. Lorne J. The fate of the Japanese in North America
Kavic. 45, 1972: 521-534 and Hawaii. NormanThoma_s. (RA) 16,
1943: 92-95
Canada and Asia: the shifting power
balance. Arthur Andrew. 45, 1972: NATURALRESOURCES
403-408 The mineral resources of Canada and the
Canada and naval rivalry in the development of the mining industry.
Pacific. H.F. Angus. 8, 1935: 176- E.S. Moore. Nov. 1929: 701-707
Canada and the Pacific. John W. The Communist Party of Canada and the
Holmes. 44, 1971: 5-17 Sino-Soviet dispute. Ivan Avakumovic.
Canada and the Pacific area. 37, 1964: 426-435
Howard Green. 34, 1961: 3-4 The portent of Social Credit in Alberta.
Canada and the Pacific: policies H.F. Angus. 9, 1936: 381-387
for economic growth. T.A. Keenleyside.
46, 1973: 5-28 STUDENTS
The China-Canada student exchange: the
Canada looks westward. Newton W. first twenty. Brian Evans. 49, 1976:
Rowell. 3, 1930: 27-33 93-101
Canada's Far Eastern policy. W.L.
Morton. 19, 1946: 241-249 WORLDWARII
Canada's stake in the war and the peace.
Canadian affairs affecting the C. Cecil Lingard. 17, 1944: 156-167
Pacific. H.F. Angus. 3, 1930:
CANNIFF,Andrew W. The rate of growth in
Canadian affairs affecting the the Soviet Union. 11, 1938: 186-197.
Pacific. NormanMacKenzie. 4,
1931: 325-328
- 13 -

CANNIFF,Andrew W. The standard of CHAMBERLAIN,Heath B. and Geoffrey B.

living in the Soviet Union. 11, Hainsworth, Philip E. Moir, Barrie M.
l 938: 37 6- 382 (cc) Morrison and MarwynS. Samuels.
Impressions of agricultural develop-
Evans Fordyce. The Chinese ment in a north China county. (NC)
Mongol Front in Suiyan. 12, 1939: 49, 1976: 667-679
William Henry. The Moscow
The guerilla war in China. (CC) trials. (CC) 11, 1938: 367-370
--,2, 1939: 183-184
CHANDLER,David P. The constitution of
Francis G. Communalism and Democratic Kampuchea(Cambodia): the
communismin Malaya. 26, 1953: semantics of revolutionary change.
99- 117 (NC) 49, 1976: 506-515
Constitutional reform and elect-
--ions in Malaya. 27, 1954: 216-235 CHANDRASEKHAR,
S. Population pressure in
India. 16, 1943: 166-184
__ The Malayan elections. 28,
1955: 315-330 The prospect for planned parent-
--hood in India. 26, 1953: 318-328
CARTER,Edward C. The Hot Springs
Conference. (NC) 18, 1945: 94-96 CHANG,
C.F. Mukden-- where the road to
Madrid began. (CO) 10, 1937: 77-83
__ Mei Lan-fang in America. 3,
1930: 827-833 CAHNGChih-yi. China's population
problem -- a Chinese view. 22, 1949:
CARTER,Gwendolen M. The Asian 339-356
dominions in the Commonwealth.
22, 1949: 367-375 CHANG
Chih-chung. Dilemmain Sinkiang.
(NC) 20, 1947: 422-428
Newtrends in British Commonwealth
--relations. (RA) 17, 1944: 71-80 CHANG, P.C. Redirecting educational
effort in China. 6, 1933: 281-291
CHANG,Su-lee. China at the threshold
Pacific Ocean in its maps. J.C. of 1932. 5, 1932: 233-239
Beaglehole. (RA) 19, 1946: 294-
302 CHANG,
Yun-yo. Anerican imperialism --
a Chinese view. 3, 1930: 278-284
CARTWRIGHT,Steven. Legislation and
economics in Canada. 7, 1934: 292- CHAPMAN, Abraham. Note on the Philippine
296 elections. (NC) 19, 1946: 193-198
CASTILLO,Andres V. Central banking in CHAPMAN, Royal N. Suit to test Hawaii's
the Philippines. 21 , 1948: 360-371 status. (CO) 7, 1934: 440-441
see CENSORSHIPas a suhheading the settlement with Japan. 18, 1945:
under JAPAN 40-54 I

CEYLON CHAUDHURI,Nirad C. Subhas Chandra Bose·

his legacy and legend. ( NC) 26, 1953:
see SRI LANKA 349-357

CHENChia-keng. A "South Seas" Chinese

reports on the Burma Road. (CC) 14,
1941 : 463-468
- 14 -

CHENHan-seng. Conquest and population. For additional information, see also:

(CO) 10, 1937: 201-207 INNERMONGOLIA
A critical survey of Chinese policy MAOTSE-TUNG
--in Inner Mongolia. (RR) 9, 1936: 557- SINKIANG
Economic conditions in China: a SINO-SOVIET
--brief survey, January to June, 1932. ·TAIWAN
5, 1932: 769-774 TIBET
Economic disintegration in China. Agrarian democracy in north-west China.
--6, 1933: 173-181
Ma Ning (trans. by Martin R. Norins)
13, 1940: 413-422
The good earth of China's model
pro vi nee. 9, 1936: 370-380 China: a fundamental approach. Li An-che.
(NC) 21, 1948: 58-63
CHENHan-sheng. The burdens of the China at the threshold of 1932. Su-lee
Chinese peasantry. Oct. 1929: Chang. 5, l 932: 233-239
China: the land and the people. Joseph
CH'ENSu-ching. The Chinese in Malaya. Needham. (RA) 22, 1949: 282-290
(NC) 21, 1948: 291-295 Chinese unification and foreign penet-
CHEN,Theodore Hsi-En and Wen-Hui C. ration. C. Kay Wye. (CO) 8, 1935:
Chen. The "three-anti" and "five-
anti" movements in Communist China. Chungking press views on China's post-
26, 1953: 3-23 war problems. Hsu Yung-ying. (NC)
16, 1943: 230-240
CHEN,Wen-Hui C. see CHEN,Theodore Kueichou: an internal Chinese colony.
Hsi-En J.E. Spencer. 13, 1940: 162-172
CHENG,J.C. Half-work and half-study The Marshall mission in retrospect.
in Communist China. (NC) 32, 1959: John F. Melby (RA) 50,1977: 272-277
Measuring-up China. G.E. Hubbard. (RA)
19, 1946: 97-100
John A.
The origins of Chinese books. Yi-t'ung
CHI, Ch'ao-ting. The economic basis of Wang. (RA) 37, 1964: 436-439
unity and division in Chinese history.
7, 1934: 386-394 The powers and the unity of China. E.M.
Gull. (CO) 10, 1937: 72-73
CH'IENTuan-sheng. The role of the The powers and the unity of China. George
military in Chinese government. 21, E. Taylor. 9, 1936: 532-543
1948: 239-251
The sociological movement in China.
Leonard Shih-lien Hsu. 4, 1931: 283-
. Wartime local government in China. 307
--16, 1943: 441-460
Which road are we going? Hu Shih. 3,
CHIN, RockwoodQ.P. The Chinese cotton 1930: 933-946
industry under wartime inflation.
16, 1943: 33-46 AGRICULTURE
Background to the People's communes:
CHINA changes in China's economic organization
in 1958. Audrey Donnithorne. 32, 1959:
For information concerning the Repuhlic
of China on the island of Formosa, see
- 15 -

CHINA- continued Pakistan

- continued Ramifications of the China-Pakistan
Chinese agrarian reform and Bolshevik border treaty. W.M. Dobell. 37, 1964:
land policy. Ya-lun Chou. 25, 1952: 283-295
The Chinese peasant: a survey of As Russia sees the East: the role of
methods and limitations in soil foreign capital in basic Chinese
productivity. Chu Yu-fen. Sept. industries. S. Arkus. 3, 1930: 1045-
1929: 567-575 1056
Communist China's agrarian policy, China's cotton textile industry. V.M.
1954-56. S.B. Thomas. 29, 1956: Bhatt. (NC) 20, 1947: 309-312
The Chinese cotton industry under
Free China's agricultural progress. wartime inflation. RockwoodQ.P. Chin.
Guenther Stein. (NC) 16, 1943: 16, 1943: 33-46
Protracted expropriation of private
Impressions of agricultural develop- business in Communist China. George
ment in a north China county. Heath N. Ecklund. 36, 1963: 238-249
B. Chamberlain, Geoffrey B. Hainsworth,
Philip E. Moir, Barrie M. Morrison and CITIES
MarwynS. Samuels. (NC) 49, 1976: China's traditional cities. Gilbert
667-679 Rozman. (RA) 50, 1977: 668-672
Rural cooperatives in China. Paul C. The Chinese city and the Chinese
Hsu. Oct. 1929: 611-624 revolution. W.E. Willmott. (RA)
A Soviet view of China's agrarian 49, 1976: 325-330
structure. Jan J. Solecki. (RA) A visit to Nanking. J.B. Condliffe.
46, 1973: 298-303 Feb. 1928: 7- 10
Taiping agrarian policy: some Chinese
and Soviet views. A. Ohanjanian. (NC) CIVILIZATION
39, 1966: 128-134 A Soviet analysis of Chinese civil-
ization. Owen Lattimore. (RA) 17,
ARCHAEOLOGY 1944: 81-89
Some problems of Shang culture and
institutions. Ping-ti Ho. (RA) CLIMATE
34, 1961: 291-297 The aridity of north China. Caching Chu.
(SR) 8, 1935: 206-217
Historical variations of China's COMMERCE
frontiers. Anonymous. 18, 1945: Smuggler, soldier and diplomat. Haldora
346-354 Hanson. 9, 1936: 544-556
"Burma The wool trade of north China. A.H.
Burma's northeast borderland problems. Rasmussen. (SR) 9, 1936: 60-68
Hugh Tinker. 29, 1956: 324-346 Japan
The Sino-Burmese boundary treaty. International law and anti-Japanese
Daphne E. Whittam. (NC) 34, 1961: boycott. H.C. Wang. 6, 1933: 373-381
174-183 Japan's economic relations with China.
Tribal boundaries of the Burma-Yunnan Roy Hidemichi Akagi. 4, 1931 : 488-510
frontier. Martin R. Norins. 12, 1939: The politics of Sino-Japanese trade
67-79 relations, 1963-68. Chae-Jin Lee.
India 42, 1969: 129-144
- 16 -

CHINA- continued CULTURE

COMMERCE - continued China's changing culture. Sophia Chen
Japan - continued Zen. 4, 1931: 1070-1081
On the legality of the Chinese boy-
cott. Kenzo Takayanagi. 5, 1932: ECONOMICS
855-862 Background to the People's communes:
changes in China's economic organization
COMMUNISM in 1958. Audrey Donnithorne. 32, 1959:
Another perspective. Kathleen 339-353
Barnes. (CO) 8, 1935: 477-481 China's economic development in
A U.S. view of Chinese communism. historical perspective. Samuel P.S. Ho.
Michael F.M. Lindsay. (RA) 22, 1949: ( RA) 50, 1977: 460-466
71-75 China's economic future. Frank M.
The Chinese peasant and communism. Tamagna. ( RA) 16, 1943: 89-91
Mary C. Wright. 24, 1951: 256-265 China's new line of industrial defense.
Literature on the Chinese Soviet NymWales. 12, 1939: 285-295
movement. American Council (I.P.R.). China's price problem. Guenther Stein.
(PAB #3) 9, 1936: 421-435 14, 1941: 322-333
Perspectives of the Chinese revolution: The Chinese economy under communist
a Marxist view. Harold R. Isaacs. 8, planning. Ronald Hsia. 27, 1954:
1935: 269-283 112-123
Soviet society in northwest China. Chinese urbanization and economic
Edgar Snow. 10, 1937: 266-275 development. Graham E. Johnson. (RA)
Whythe Chinese communists support 44, 1971: 580-584
the United Front -- an interview with Communist China's "leap forward". Ralf
Lo Fu. NymWales. 11, 1938: 311-322 Bonwit. (NC) 31, 1958: 164-172
CONSTITUTION Critics of economic control in China.
The draft constitution of Communist Hsu Yung-Ying. (NC) 15, 1942: 222-
China. Franklin W. Haun. 27, 1954: 229
319-337 Development programs in China and India.
18, 1945: 84-93
China's Cultural Revolution as a rect- The economic basis of unity and division
ification movement. S.J. Naumoff. 40, in Chinese history. Ch'ao-ting Chi.
1967: 221-234 7, 1934: 386-394
The Chinese army's role in the Cultural Economic conditions in China: a brief
Revolution. John Gittings. 39, 1966: survey, January to June, 1932. Chen
269-289 Han-seng. 5, 1932: 769-774
"Red and expert" and China's Cultural Economic development in China and India:
Revolution. Dennis Ray. 43, 1970: some conditioning factors. Barry
22-33 Richman. 45, 1972: 75-91
Reflections on the Cultural Revolution Economic disintegration in China. Chen
in China. C. P. Fitz Gera1d. 41 , 1 968: Han-seng. 6, 1933: 173-181
51-59 Fact-finding in China: the Chinese
Religion and China's Cultural Revolution. Government Bureau of Economic Information.
C.P. FitzGerald. (NC) 40, 1967: D.K. Lieu. Mar. 1928: 1-4
- 17 -

CHINA- continued Recent educational policy in China.

- continued S.B. Thomas. 23, 1950: 21-33
Financial problems in China's war and Redirecting educational effort in China.
postwar economy. Frank M. Tamagna. P.C. Chang. 6, 1933: 281-291
15, 1942: 325-344
The reorganization of education in China:
Foreign economic domination in China. comments on the League Mission's report.
Hu Heng Sin. Nov. 1929: 707-714 C.L. Hsia. 5, 1932: 1027-1037
Mountain economy in Szechwan. C.-Y. the task of education in China. M.S.
Hsiang. 14, 1941: 448-462 Bates. 19, 1946: 131-145
The NEP [New Economic Policy] and the
new democracy. Robert C. North. 24, EMIGRATION
1951: 52-60 see also CHINESE
Newresearch on China's economic hist- Comein but close the door behind you:
ory. vJolfram Eberhard. (NC) 27, Chinese exclusion in the United States.
1954: 263-266 Bruno Lasker. (NC) 16, 1943: 344-347
Private enterprise in Communist China. FINANCE
Ronald Hsia. (NC) 26, 1953: 329-335 The British loan to China. G.E. Hubbard
The prospect for China!s industrial- (NC) 17, 1944: 341-342
ization. H.D. Fong. 15, 1942: 44-60 China and the silver question. D.K.
Sidelights on China's wartime prod- Lieu. (CO) 7, 1934: 333-335
uction. Yung-Ying Hsu. (NC) 16, China's capacity to borrow foreign
1943: 482-485 capital. W.Y. Lin. 17, 1944: 444-459
Silver and Chinese economic problems. China's monetary and financial position.
A.B. Lewis. (SR) 8, 1935: 48-55 W.L. Holland. (NC) 17, 1944: 489-490
Trends in China's development process. China's postwar finances. Frank M.
Ping-Chia Kuo. (RA) 39, 1966: 144- Tamagna. 18, 1945: 117-136
Chinese currency policy. A.B. Lewis.
The working of Communist China's five (CO) 9, 1936: 101-107
year plan. Robert M. Rosse. 27, 1954:
16-26 Commenton "Public finance in postwar
China". F.t4. Gray. (NC) 19, 1946:
The challenge to American educational A critical study of the Kemmererreport.
leadership in China. Harold S. Quigley. Chu Ching-lai. 4, 1931: 210-224
6, 1933: 382-386
The financial cutting edge in the part-
The curriculum in Chinese socialist ition of China. Asiaticus. 9, 1936:
education: an official bibliography 165-176
of "Maoism". H. Arthur Steiner.
( NC/B) 31 , 1958: 286-299 The future of China's finance. Hsia
Pin-fang. 5, 1932: 35-41
Geography in China: trends in research
and training. MarwynS. Samuels. 50, International payments of postwar China.
1977: 406-42 5 Harrison Parker. 21, 1948: 348-359
Half-work and half-study in Communist Postwar banking in Shanghai. John Ahlers.
China. J.C. Cheng. (NC) 32, 1959: 19, 1946: 384-393
187-193 Public finance in postwar China. Agnes
Problems of education in the Chinese Roman. l 9, l 946: 61 - 74
and Vietnamese revolutions. Alexander Recent Sino-British r~ations. W.L.
Woodside. 49, 1976: 648-666 Holland. (NC) 16, 1943: 226-227
- 18 -

CHINA- continued Some aspects of China's Asian policy

in the Cultural Revolution and its after-
FINANCE- continued math. Sheldon W. Simon. 44, 1971: 18-38
The Second Chinese National Financial
Conference. Clarence K. Young. ( CO) Western powers and Chinese revolutions:
7, 1934: 335-337 the pattern of intervention. Joseph R.
Levenson. (NC) 26, 1953: 230-236
Combatting the famine dragon. M.T. Burma's foreign pol icy toward China since
Li ang. Apr. 1 928: 8- 11 1962. Robert A. Holmes. 45, 1972: 240-
Recent discussion on China's food 254
problem. Pan-San Ou. (NC) 15, Cambodia
1942: 345-359 China's aid to Cambodia. Alain-Gerard
Marsot. (NC) 42, 1969: 189-198
The Feetham Report, volume II: a Canada
digest. Eliza beth Green. 4, 1931: The settlement of international claims
806-818 between Canada and China: a status report.
M.D. Copithorne. 48, 1975: 230-237
The future of foreign concessions in
China. Toshi Go. 12, 1939: 394-399 Great Britain
British financial diplomacy in China:
Judge Feetham surveys Shanghai: a the Leith-Ross mission, 1935-1937.
digest [of volume I of Feetham Report]. Stephen L. Endicott. 46, 1973: 481-501
Elizabeth Green. 4, 1931: 586-614
The Shanghai puzzle and some clues to see SINO-INDIANCONFLICT
solution. Lionel Curtis. 3, 1930:
350-361 Japan
see also MANCHURIA
China and international law: implic- The anti-hegemony controversy in Sino-
ations for foreign policy. Suzanne Japanese relations. Yung H. Park. 49,
Ogden. 49, 1976: 28-48 1976: 476-490
China and the Pacific world. David Z. The inland gates of China. Owen
T. Yui. 3, 1930: 34-45 Lattimore. (CO) 8, 1935: 468-473
China's new treaties: a critical study Japan and China: a war of minds. Robert
in the light of international law. S. Morton. 10, 1937: 305-314
Tseng Yu-hao. 3, 1930: 370-382
The Japan-China-USSR triangle. Sheldon
First aid for China. Ruth E. Pardee. W. Simon. 47, 1974: 125-138
19, 1946: 75-89
Japan's "special interests" in China.
Forging new links: a survey of eighteen Franz Michael. 10, 1937: 407-411
months of unified China's foreign rel-
ations. Minch'ien T.Z. Tyau. 3, 1930: Manchurian echoes in Chinese nationalism.
637-660 Cyrus H. Peake. 7, l 934: 406-414
Newapproaches to Chinese foreign Sino-Japanese accord: a review of the
pol icy. David Wilkinson. (RA) 48, Tsinan Agreement. Japan National Council
1975: 590-593 (I.P.R.). May 1929: 259-262
The Open Door. Paul Hibbert Clyde. The view from Peking: China's policies
3, 1930: 834-841 towards the United States, the Soviet
Union and Japan. Thomas W. Robinson.
Peace or war with China? C.P. 45, 1972: 333-355
FitzGerald. 24, 1951: 339-351
Peking in world politics. Howard L.
Boorman. 34, 1961: 227-241
- 19 -

CHINA- continued The United States and the Far East:

a survey of the relations of the
FOREIGNRELATIONS- continued United States with China and Japan --
Korea (Democratic People's Republic) September l , 1930 to September l , 1931.
The Chinese Communists' economic and T.A. Bisson. 5, 1932: 66-81
cultural agreement with North Korea.
S.B. Thomas. (NC) 27, 1954: 61-65 The United States and the Orient: a
survey of the relations of the United
Macao States with China and Japan -- June l,
NewChina and old Macao. George 1929, to September l, 1930. T.A. Bisson.
V.H. Moseley, 3rd. 32, 1959: 268- 3, 1930: 1118-1145
The United States in the Pacific: a
Pakistan survey of the relations of the United
Pakistan, the Soviet Union and China. States with China and Japan and American
Werner Levi. 35, 1962: 211-222 opinion thereon, August l, 1927 - June
Southeast Asia l, 1929. Harold S. Quigley. Aug. 1929:
Sino-Soviet relations and Southeast 470-495
Asia: recent developments and future United States policy in China. D.B.
possibilities. Melvin Gurtov. 43, Copland. 21, 1948: 339-347
1970: 491-505
Unravelling the China tangle. B.H.M.
USSR Vlekke. (NC) 27, 1954: 155-159
The view from Peking: China's policies
Moscow, Yenan, Chungking. Saburo towards the United States, the Soviet
Okazaki. (CC) 14, 1941: 107-112 Union and Japan. Thomas W. Robinson.
The Sino-Soviet Friendship Assoc- 45, 1972: 333-355
iation. K.E. Priestley. (NC) 25,
1952: 287-292 GOVERNMENT
China's People's Convention: national
Sino-Soviet relations and Southeast tonstitution and ten-year plan. C.L.
Asia: recent developments and future Hsia. 4, 1931: 779-798
possibilities. Melvin Gurtov. 43,
1970: 491-505 Chinese communist leadership in war
and peace. H. Arthur Steiner. (RA)
Soviet policy in China. Max Beloff. 35, 1962: 384-390
23, 1950: 128-138
Chungking or Yenan: the choice before
The view from Peking: China's policies China. Frederick Whyte. (RA) 19,
towards the United States, the Soviet 1946: 199-202
Union and Japan. Thomas W. Robinson.
45, 1972: 333-355 Communist China's intra-party dispute.
Roderick MacFarquhar. 31 , 1958: 323-
United States 335
Double trauma in Asia. W.M. Dobell.
(RA) 46, 1973: 565-569 The dragnet of local government in China.
Norman D. Hanwell. 10, 1937: 43-63
In search of a new China. Roger Dial.
(RA) 49, 1976: 680-685 The future foreshadowed: China's new
democracy. "A British Observer". 11 ,
The origins of the Cold War in China. 1938: 454-464
John F. Melby. 41, 1968: 19-33
Government and administration 1n China
Re-thinking U.S. China policy. H. today. S.B. Thomas. 23, 1950: 248-270
Arthur Steiner. (RA) 45, 1972:
255-268 My frank criticisms of Kuomintang.
Lo Lung-chi. 3, 1930: 578-588
- 20 -

CHINA- continued LAWS

China and the rule of law. Ju-ao Mei.
AND POLITICS - continued
GOVERNMENT 5, 1932: 863-872
Political China today: a review bib-
liography. W.L. Holland. May 1929: Consular jurisdiction: its place in
263-274 the present clamor for the abolition
of treaties. KwanHai-tung. June
The role of the military in Chinese 1929: 347.-360
government. Ch'ien Tuan-sheng. 21,
1948: 239-251 Modern Chinese law and jurisdiction:
some comments. Werner Voge1 . 4, 1931 :
Toward an understanding of Chinese 975-979
politics, 1931-1932. M.S."Bates.
5, 1932: 218-232 The new Chinese criminal code. M.H.
van der Valk. (SR) 9, 1936: 69-77
Wartime local government in China.
Chien Tuan-sheng. 16, 1943: 441- The provisional court settlement:
460 Chinese courts in Shanghai. Elizabeth
Green. 3, 1930: 383-389
GUERILLAS The revolution in Chinese legal thought.
The people behind the Chinese M.H. van der Valk. 11, 1938: 66-80
gueri 11as. Ha1dare Hanson. 11 ,
1938: 285-298 The Shanghai provisional court: past
and present. Hawkling Yen. 3, 1930:
HISTORY 294-298
The beginnings of north and south
in China. Carl Whiting Bishop. (SR) LITERATURE
7, 1934: 297-325 China in the mirror of her fiction.
Pearl S. Buck. 3, 1930: 155-164
The personal chronicle of the first
Manchu Emperor. Walter Fuchs. (PAB China's greatest book (Tbe Ssu K'u
#1) 9, 1936: 78-85 Ch'uan Shu). L. Carrington Goodrich.
7, 1934: 62-70
Records of China's grand historian:
some problems of translation. Ping- Literary lines in China. George
ti Ho. (RA) 36, 1963: 171-182 lfoodcock. (RA) 40, 1967: l 30-138
Numerical conversion: a key to the
KUOMINTANG maze of Chinese literature. Vernon
Kuomintang and liberty. Pan Kung-chan. Nash. 9, 1936: 358-369
4, 1931: 41-53
Some publications in"occupied" China.
The Kuomintang in China: its fabric and L. Carrington Goodrich. (RA) 20,
future. Wei Meng-pu. 13, 1940: 30-44 1947: 432-435
LAND Western tides in Chinese literature.
Chinese agrarian reform and Bolshevik Chi-chen Wang. 7, 1934: 127-138
land policy. Ya-lun Chou. 25, 1952:
The "three-anti" and "five-anti" move-
The good earth of China's model province. ments in Communist China. Theodore
Chen Han-seng. 9, 1936: 370-380 Hsi-En Chen and Wen-Hui C. Chen. 26,
Land redistribution in Communist China. 1953: 3-23
Frank C. Lee. 21, 1948: 20-32
Notes on China's unused uplands. Pierre China's advance from defeat to strength.
Gourou. 21, 1948: 227-238 Asiaticus. 11, 1938: 21-34
The revival of the land problem in China. The Chinese army's role in the Cultural
Hsu Yung-ying. (CC) 15, 1942: 96-107 Revolution. John Gitting. 39, 1966:
- 21 -

CHINA-continued China's population problem: a closer

MILITARY - continued view. George W. Barclay. (NC) 23,
Eighth route regions in north China. 1950: 184-192
Anna Louise Strong. 14, 1941: l 54- Chinese population problems. Kurt
165 Bloch. (RR #4) 12, 1939: 169-182
The good iron of the new Chinese Colonization possiblilities of north-
army. 01ga Lang. 12, 1939: 20-33 west China and Inner Mongolia. James
Role of the military in Chinese Thorp. (SR) 8, 1935: 447-453
government. Ch' i en Tuan-sheng. Mr. Chi-ming Chiao's new study of
21, 1948: 239-251 China's rural population and vital
statistics. W.L. Holland. (SR)
MINORITIES 7, 1934: 77-82
China's minority nationalities:
traditional and party elites. June PROPAGANDA
Dreyer. 43, 1970: 506-530 The drama in China's anti-Japanese
propaganda. J. Clayton Miller. 11,
NATIONALISM 1938: 465-477
Dimensions of China's unity. Hsu
Yung-Ying. 15, 1942: 287-310 RELIGION
Churches and Christians in China, 1950-
NATURALRESOURCES 1967: fragments of understanding. M.
Controlling factors in China's coal Searle Bates. 41, 1967: 199-213
development Wang Kung-ping and
Thomas T. Read. 19, 1946: 165-181 The missionary exodus from China.
Creighton Lacy. 28, 1955: 301-314
Learning from Ta-ch'ing: Chi-na's oil
prospects. \~. Klatt. (RA) 50, 1977: Religion and China's Cultural Revolution.
445-459 C.P. FitzGerald. (NC) 40, 1967: 124-129
Social implications of tin-mining in Religion in modern China. E.D. Edwards.
Yunnan. Shih Kuo-heng. (NC) 20, (NC) 28, 1955: 79-81
1947: 53-61
NEWSPAPERS The development of modern social science
Chinese news interests. Roswell S. in China. Wang Yu-ch' uan. 11, 1938:
Britton. (SR) 7, 1934: 181-193 345-362 (PAB#5)
Newtrends in the Chinese press. J.C. Economic and social research in war-
Sun. (SR) 8, 1935: 56-65 time China. Li Choh-Ming. (NC) 17,
1944: 209-216
Chinese philosophy and the social REVOLUTION
sciences. Derk Bodde. (NC) 20, Aftermath of communist liberation in
1947: l 99-204 the Chengtu Plain. G. William Skinner.
24, 1951: 61-76
POLITICAL PARTIES The Chinese revolution and the West.
China's small political parties appeal C.P. FitzGerald. 24, 1951: 3-17
for democracy. Federation of Chinese
Democratic Parties. (NC) 17, 1944: A fresh look at the Chinese revolution.
330-336 C.P. FitzGerald. 36, 1963: 47-53
The inland gates of China. Owen
POPULATION Lattimore. (CO) 8, 1935: 468-473
China's population problem -- a Chinese
v:i;ew. Chang Chih-yi. 22, 1949: 339- Pacification campaign in north China.
356 Kuo Yen-ti. (NC) 20, 1947: 313-317
- 22 -

CHINA- continued New light on the history of Chinese

society. Etienne Balazs. (NC) 23,
REVOLUTION- continued 1950: 318-323
Reconstruction after revolution:
Kiangsi province and the Chinese Rural Chinese social organization,
nation. G.E. Taylor. 8, 1935: tradition and change. Graham E.
302-311 Johnson. (RA) 46, 1973: 557-564
Revolution and counter-revolution Social changes in China. L.K. Tao.
in China. John K. Fairbank. (RA) 4, 1931 : 659-671
22, 1949: 278-282 Soldier and scholar in ancient China.
The situation in China. V. Molotoff. Herrlee Glessner Creel. 8, 1935: 336-
4, 1931: 910-911 343
The Soviet regions in central China. STUDENTS
4, 1931: 911-913
The American returned students of
RURALDEVELOPMENT China. Chih Meng. 4, 1931: 1-16
Rural reconstruction in China. The China-Canada student exchange:
Leonard S. Hsu. 10, 1937: 249-265 the first twenty. Brian Evans. 49,
1976: 93-101
Go west young Han: the Hsia Fang China's student politicians. E.H.
movement to China's minority areas. Anstice. 5, 1932: 689-694
June Teufel Dreyer. 48, 1975: 353-
The burdens of the Chinese peasantry.
Hsia-Fang: the economics and politics Chen Han-sheng. Oct. 1929: 644-658
of rustication in China. Jan S. The rise of land tax and the fall of
Prybyla. 48, 1975: 153-172 dynasties in Chinese history. Wang
SCIENCE Yu-ch'uan. 9, 1936: 201-220
Science East and West: its ·evidences THEATRE
in the China of yesterday and today. The Chinese actress: social and dramatic
H.C. Zen. 4, 1931: 479-487
factors in her slow rise to fame.
SECRET SOCIETIES George Kin Leung. 4, 1931: 394-407
The Ko Lao Hui in Szechuan. Liao
T'ai-ch'u. 20, 1947: 161-173 Comedians of the Chinese stage. George
Kin Leung. 3, 1930: 437-447
Sun Vat-sen and the secret societies.
John C. DeKorne. (SR) 7, 1934: 425- Cross-currents in the Chinese theatre.
433 George Kin Leung. 8, 1935: 433-438
SOCIETY Hsin Ch'iao (The NewTide): new trends
The Chinese peasant and communism. in the traditional Chinese drama.
Mary C. \fright. 24, 1951: 256-265 George Kin Leung. Apr. 1929: 175-183
Contradiction and social change. Mei Lan-fang in America. Edward C.
Richard M. Pfeffer. (RA) 39, Carter. 3, 1930: 827-833
1966: 349-360
The family in China, past and present. China's Turkistan-Siberian supply road.
Maurice Freedman. 34, 1961: 323-336 OwenLattimore. 13, 1940: 393-412
A large-scale investigation of China's The new era in Chinese railway const-
socio-economic structure. Karl ruction. Asiaticus. 10, 1937: 276-288
AugustWittfogel. (RR#3) 11,1938: A "South Seas" Chinese reports on the
Burma Road. Chen Chia-keng. (CC)
14, l 941 : 463-468
- 23 -

CHINA- continued Chinese minority aspirations and

- continued problems in Sarawak. Justus M.
Trans-Burma trade routes to China. van der Kroef. 39, 1966: 64-82
John L. Christian. 13, 1950: 173- A Chinese university for Malaya.
191 Richard Butwell. (NC) 26, 1953:
Transportation on the Burma Road. 344-348
Harold C. Davis. (CC) 15, 1942: The growth of a plural society in
90-96 ·Malaya. Maurice Freedman. (NC)
Whose lifelines? OwenLattimore. 33, l 960: l 58- 168
(CC) 13, 1940: 441-445
UNITEDNATIONS Communismand the Chinese in the
The United Nations "China tangle". Philippines. Sheldon Appleton.
Sheldon Appleton. (NC) 35, 1962: 32, 1959: 376-391
160-167 Early Chinese economic influence
in the Philippines, 1850-98. Edgar
URBANIZATION Wickberg. (NC) 35, 1962: 275-285
Chinese urbanization and economic
development. Graham E. Johnson. The Philippine-Chinese image of the
(RA) 44, 1971: 580-584 Filipino. George H. Weightman. 40,
1967: 315-323
The Chinese womanin a modern SOUTHEAST
world: studied in the light of her Chinese communities in Southeast Asia.
heritage and her potentialities. Maurice Freedman. (RA) 31, 1958:
Sophia Chen Zen. Jan. 1929: 8-15 300-304

Chinese women: their predicament in THAILAND

the China of today. Pearl S. Buck. The problem of the Chinese in Thailand.
4, 1931: 905-909 Kenneth Perry Landon. 13, 1940: 149-
A message to China's youth. Tai The status of the Chinese minority in
Chi-tao. July 1928: 4-9 Thailand. Richard J. Coughlin. (NC)
25, 1952: 378-389

CHINESEIN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Twin loyalties in Siam. Lin Yu. 9,

1936: 191-200
The overseas Chinese today and
tomorrow. William E. Willmott. UNITEDSTATES
(RA) 42, 1969: 206-214 Overseas Chinese in America and Indon-
INDONESIA esia. Stanford Lyman. (RA) 34, 1961:
Overseas Chinese in America and 380-389
Indonesia. Stanford Lyman. (RA) Up from the "hatchet man". Stanford
34, 1961 :380-389 M. Lyman. (RA) 36, 1963: 160-171
A problem in Java: the Chinese
in the Dutch East Indies. Amry CHING,Shui-kung. The Kirin-Tunhua Rail-
Vandenbosch. 3, 1930: 1001-1017 way and Japanese expansion (fr9m a
Chinese viewpoint). Aug. 1929: 495-497
The Chinese in Malaya. Ch'en CHOPRA, Pran. Malaysia's strategy for
Su-ching. (NC) 21, 1948: 291-295 survival. 47, 1974: 437-454
The Chinese in Malaysia. Rupert
Emerson. 7, 1934: 260-270 Political re-alignment in India.
--44, 1971: 511-526
- 24 -

CHOU,Ya-lun. Chinese agrarian reform Two wings of one bird: a Chinese

and Bolshevik land policy. 25, 1952: attitude towards Eastern and Western
24-39 civilizations. Hu Shih. May 1928:
CHOUDHURY, G.W. The constitution of
Pakistan. 29, 1956: 243-252 N, J. R. The nationalist dilemma
in Vietnam. 23, 1950: 294-310
The East Pakistan political
--scene, 1955-1957. 30, 1957: 312- CLEMENTS,F.W. The W.H.O. in Southern
320 Asia and the western Pacific. 25,
1952: 334-348
CHRISTIAN,John L. Thailand renascent.
14, 1941: 184-197 CLIMATE
see CLIMATEas a subheading under
Trans-Burma trade routes to CHINA
--China. 13, 1940: 173-191
and Nobutake Ike. Thailand in CLUBB,0. Edmund. Oriental studies
--Japan's foreign relations. 15, through Soviet eyes. (NC) 32, 1959:
1942: 195-221 306-309

CHUChing-lai. A critical study of Soviet Oriental studies and the

--Asian revolution. (NC) 31, 1958:
the Kemmererreport. 4, 1931: 380-389
Soviet view of Far Eastern inter-
CHU,Coching. The aridity of north --national relations. (RA) 32, 1959:
China. (SR) 8, 1935: 206-217 92-94
CHU,RaymondW.H. and Shuzo Uyenaka. CLYDE,Paul Hibbert. The Open Door. 3,
The East Asian Library collection 1930: 834-841
in the University of Toronto. (NC)
46, 1973: 548-556 COAD,N.E. NewZealand and the Pacific:
three leading issues. 5, 1932: 600-
CHU,Yu-fen. The Chinese peasant: a 607
survey of methods and limitations
in soil productivity. Sept. 1929: COAST,John. The clash of cultures in
567-575 Bali. (NC) 24, 1951: 398-406
Roderick. The impact of COATMAN, J. The British meat trade and
Bhoodan and Gramdanon village India. British imperial economics. (SR)
(RA) 48, 1975: 94-98 8, 1935: 199-205
CITIES COHEN,Jerome B. Japan's economyon the
road back. 21, 1948: 264-279
see CITIES as a subheading
under: · COHEN,Stephen P. Subhas Chandra Bose
CHINA and the Indian National Army. 36,
(Republic) 1963: 411-429
U.S. weapons and South Asil: a
CIVILIZATION --policy analysis. 49, 1976: 49-69
see also CIVILIZATION as a
subheading under: COLDWAR
ASIA The origins of the Cold Har in China.
CHINA John F. Melby. 41, 1968: 19-33
- 25 -

COLE,Allan B. Japan's population prob- The British Commonwealthof Nations:

lems in war and peace. 16, 1943: 397- the latest phase. P.O. Phillips. 3,
417 1930: 476-482
COLLIER,John. Amerindians: problems The British in Asia. H. Venkatasubbiah.
in psychic and physical adjustments (NC) 21, 1948: 295-298
to a dominant civilization. Mar. The Commonwealthin Asia. Nicholas
1929: 116-122 Mansergh. 23, 1950: 3-20
COLTON,Hattie Kawahara. The working of The Imperial Conference of 1937. F. H.
the Japanese Diet. (NC) 28, 1955: Soward. l O, 1937: 441-449
363-372 Newtrends in British Commonwealth
relations. GwendolenM. Carter. (RA)
COMMERCE 17, 1944: 71-80
see also COMMERCE
as a subheading Regionalism and the Pacific Common-
under: wealth. M. Margaret Ball. 46, 1973:
as a subheading
Competition in the world textile INDONES
market. 01iver L. Lawrence. (SR)
7, 1934: 169-181 The communist problem in East Asia:
The development of Pacific trade. an Asian view. M.N. Roy. 24, 1951:
4, 1931: 516-522 227-240
Economic growth of the Pacific The communist problem in East Asia:
area. Nicholas Mirkowich. (CC) a Western view. W. MacmahonBall.
13, 1940: 458-460 24, 1951: 241-255
The nemesis of national planning. An Indian prophet. Guy Wint. (NC)
H.V. Hodson. 9, 1936: 53-59 24, 1951: 414-418
Standards of living and international COMMUNIST
trade competition. All an G.B. Fisher.
17, 1944: 285-293 see POLITICAL PARTIES as subheading
The United States, China, and the under individual countries
1940: 279-319
A denial of some statements by J.S.
WhenEast first met West: some notes Allen. (CC) 11, 1938: 493-495
on early contacts. Kenneth Saunders.
5, l 932: 608-615 . Tobacco-planting in the Philippines.
--rec) 12, 1939: 304-309
see also BRITISHEMPIRE CONDLIFFE, J.B. As the research plan
shapes: sketch of Dr. Condiffe's tour.
The Asian dominions in the Common- April l 928: 12-14
wealth. GwendolenM. Carter. 22, . The economic future of Australia.
1949: 367-375 --rRA) 16, 1943: 86-88
- 26 -

An experiment in diagnosis. COPLAND,D.B. United States policy in

--Mar. 1929: 103-115 China. 21, 1948: 339-347
. John Merle Davis: in memoriam. CORLEY,Francis J. Freedom in Inda-China .
~NC) 34, 1961: 66-71 (RA) 34,1961:375-380
The technique of diagnosis. The president in the constitution
--Sept. 1929: 537-550 --of the Republic of Viet-Nam. (NC)
34, 1961: 165-174
A vi sit to Nanking. Feb. 1928:
--7-10 COUGHLIN,Richard J. The status of the
Chinese minority in Thailand. (NC)
CONDOMINAS,Georges. Aspects of a 25, 1952: 378-389
minority problem in Indochina. (NC)
24, 1951: 77-82 COULTER,John Wesley. Harbin: strategic
city on the "pioneer fringe". 5, 1932:
CONROY, Hilary. Japan's war in China: 967-972
historical parallel to Vietnam. 43,
1970: 61-72 COUPLAND,Reginald. The Indian deadlock.
17, 1944: 26-37
COWIE,Donald. The arming of Australia
CONSTITUTION and NewZealand. 11, 1938: 338-344
see CONSTITUTION as a suhheading
British defense of the South Pacific.
BANGLADESH --12, 1939: 296-301
CHINA SRI LANKA CREEL,Herrlee Glessner. Soldier and
MALAYSIA THAILAND scholar in ancient China. 8, 1935:
MONGOLIA VIETNAM(Dem. Rep.) 336-343
NEPAL VIETNAM(Republic) CROSBY, Sir Josiah. The constitutional
CONWAY,John S. The Tibetan community position in Ceylon. (NC) 19, 1946:
in exile. 48, 1975: 74-86 272-279

COOKISLANDS CROUCH,Harold. Generals and business

in Indonesia. 48, 1975: 519-540
NewZealand dependencies and the
development of autonomy. W.S. Lowe Military politics under Indon-
and W.T.G. Airey. 18, 1945: 252- --esia's new order. 45, 1972: 206-219
Social and political changes in the CROZIER,Brian. The international
Cook Islands. Ernest Beaglehole. situation in Indochina. 29, 1956:
21, 1948: 384-398 309-323

COORAY, L.J.M. and James Jupp. The CRUICKSHANK,A.A. Changing perspectives

constitutional system in Ceylon. (NC) of NewZealand's foreign policy. 40,
43, 1970: 73-83 1967: 93-112

COOX,Alvin D. Evidences of antimilitar- CUADERNO, M. The Bell Trade act a~d the
ism in prewar and wartime Japan. 46, Philippine economy. 25, 1952: 323-333
1973: 502-514
COPITHORNE,M.D. The settlement of see CULTURAL REVOLUTION as a suhheading
international claims between Canada under CHINA
and China: a status report. 48,
1975: 230-237
- 27 -

CULTURE __ Political development in Western

see also CULTUREas a subheading Samoa. 21, 1948: 136-149
ASIA INDOCHINA DAVIS,Harold C. Transportation on the
CHINA INDONESIA Burma Road. ( CC) 15, 1942: 90-96
DAVIS,J. Merle. Europe meets the Inst-
Cultural contacts in the Pacific. itute. May 1928: 8-15
W.L. Holland. (RB) July 1929:
418-427 __ Geneva through Pacific eyes.
June 1928: 10- 16
Culture and education: what is the
cultural destiny of Pacific peoples? Will Kyoto find the trail? Dec.
E.S. Craighill Handy. 6, 1933: --1929: 756-759
Laughing at the wrong place. Romanzo DAVIS,JOHNMERLE
Adams. July 1929: 415-417 John Merle Davis: in memoriam. J.B.
Recoil of westernization in the East. Condliffe. (NC) 34, 1961: 66-71
J.H. Boeke. 9, 1936: 333-346
DAVIS, Kingsley. India and Pakistan: the
CURTIS, Lionel. A British appraisal. demography of partition. 22, 1949:
[1927 !.P.R. Conference] Mar. 1928: 254-264
DEAN,Edgar Packard. Toward a more
__ The Shanghai puzzle and some perfect Canadian union. 13, 1940:
clues to solution. 3, 1930: 350-361 435-440
DEBOOY, H. Th. The life lines of the
D British Empire. 10, 1937: 161-167

DAHM,Bernard. Sukarno, the ideologue: The naval arm of diplomacy in

an exchange. (NC) 42, 1969: 55-56 --the Pacific. 8, 1935: 5-20

DALLEY,F.W. The prospect for Asian DEKORNE,John C. Sun Yat-sen and the
trade unionism. (NC) 24, 1951: Secret Societies. (SR) 7, 1934;
296-306 425-433

DANTWALA,M.L. Agricultural credit in DE LAGUNA, Frederica. Prehistory of

India -- the missing link. 25, 1952: Kodiak and the Aleutian islands. (RA)
349-359 19, 1946: 202-204

DARLING,Frank C. Marshal Sarit and DE LA ROCHE,Jean. Indo-China in the new

absolutist rule in Thailand. 33, French co1oni a 1 framework. 18, 1945:
1960: 347-360 62-75

__ Political parties in Thailand. DEMOCRACY

44, 1971: 228-241 see DEMOCRACY
as a subheading under
__ Student protest and political
change in Thailand. 47, 1974: 5-19 DENNETT,Tyler. A decade of American
diplomacy in Japan. (RA) 17, 1944:
DAVIDSON,J.W. British policy in the 320-324
South Pacific [1786-1893]. (RA)
21, 1948: 408-410 From Mukdento Pearl Harbor. (NC)
--17, 1944: 93-99
- 28 -

DERRICK,R.A. Social processes in DORE,R.P. Beyond the land reform:

the Pacific islands. (RA) 25, Japan's agricultural prospect. 36,
1952: 176-179 1963: 265-276

The development of Pacific trade. __ Education in Japan's growth. (NC)

4, 1931: 516-522 37, 1964: 66-79

Development programs in China and The ethics of the new Japan. (NC)
India. 18, 1945: 84-93 --25, 1952: 147-159

DIAL, Roger. In search of a new China. The importance of educational

(RA) 49, 1976: 680-685 --traditions: Japan and elsewhere. 45,
1972: 491-507
DIXON,Karl. The growth of a "popular"
Japanese Communist Party. 45, 1972: . Japan -- attitudes, power and ideas.
387-402 ---rRA) 30, 1957: 260-265
__ The 1976 general election in Japanese election candidates in
Japan. 50, 1977: 208-230 --1955. (NC) 29, 1956: 174-181
E.H.G. Malayan prospect. (NC) Schools and states in Asia and
23, 1950: 392-401 --Africa. (RA) 38, 1965: 345-352
Malaya's rice problem. (NC) The search for modernity in Asia
--27, 1954: 58-60 --and Africa. (RA) 37, 1964: 161-165
ELL, W.M. Ayub Khan as president __ South Korean development in wider
of Pakistan. 42, 1969: 294-310 perspective. 50, 1977: 189-207

Double trauma in Asia. (RA) Textbook censorship in Japan: the

--46, 1973: 565-569 --Ienaga case. (NC) 43, 1970: 548-556
Pakistan's relations with the DOUGLAS,William A. South Korea's search
--major powers and some minor agree- for leadership. 37, 1964: 20-36
ments. 37, 1964: 384-395
and Yi Myonggu. Korean Confucianism
Ramifications of the China- --today. 40, 1g67: 43-59
--Pakistan border treaty. 37, 1964:
283-295 DREYER, June. China's minority national-
ities: traditional and party elites.
DOMINOTHEORY 43, 1970: 506-530
Laos: falling domino? J.L.S. Girling. __ Go west young Han: the Hsia Fang
43, 1970: 370-383
movementto China's minority areas.
48, 1975: 353-369
DONNELL,John C. National renovation
campaigns in Vietnam. 32, 1959: 73-88 DUBIN,\~ilbert B. The political evolution
DONNITHORNE,Audrey. Background to the of the Pyongyang government. (NC)
23, l 950: 381-391
people's communes: changes in China's
economic organization in 1958. 32, DUNCANSON,Dennis J. From scholarship
1959: 339-353
to "psy-war" in the Vietnam story.
Western business in Indonesia (RA) 44, 1971: 591-595
--today. 27, 1954: 27-40
- 29 -

DUPUY,R. Ernest. The nature of guerilla Economic nationalism and world

warfare. 12, 1939: 138-148 cooperation. Lewis L. Lorwin.
6, l 933 : 361-372
DURHAM, Walter A., Jr. The Japanese
camphor monopoly: its history and EDUCATION
relation to the future of Japan. see also EDUCATIONas a subheading
5, 1932: 797-801 under:
see also individual countries
American Negro and colonial native:
Japan's co-prosperity sphere. education and "equality". B. Schrieke.
Andrew J. Grajdanzev. 16, 1943: 10, 1937: 289-304
311-328 "The cross-fertilization of culture":
W. A new history of Asia. the function of international educ-
(RA) 24, 1951: 190-194 ation. Paul Monroe. Feb. 1928: 1-6
Education and native peoples: a study
EBERHARD,Wolfram. Newresearch on in objectives. Felix M. Keesing. 5,
China's economic history. (NC) 1932: 675-688
27, 1954: 263-266 Education and social reconstruction:
ECKLUND,George N. Protracted an annotated reading list. Helen
expropriation of private business Pratt. 6, 1933: 291-296
in Communist China. 36, 1963: Ploughing the field of international
238-249 educational relationships: a memorandum
upon the origin, organization and act-
L'ECOLEFRANCAISE D'EXTREME-ORIENT. ivities of the Institute of Internat-
L'ecole francaise d'extreme-orient. ional Education. Institute of Inter-
(NC) 25, 1952: 292-296 national Education. Apr. 1928: 3-8
ECONOMICS The teaching of modern Oriental history
in the West. William R. Shepherd.
see also ECONOMICSas a subheading 8, 1935: 328-335
BRITISHEMPIRE PACIFICISLANDS the Japanese combines. 19, 1946:
E.D. Religion in modern China.
EASTASIA (NC) 28, 1955: 79-81
JAPAN USSR policy. 21, 1948: 372-383
MANCHURIA VIETNAM(Dem.Rep.} Australia's view of Pacific 1 problems.
VIETNAM(Republic) --3, 1930: 3-16
Economic factors in the Pacific area. Disarmament and the Pacific. 3,
W.L. Holland. (RB) June 1929: 329- --1930: 1095-1108
The population problems of
--Australia. (CO) 9, 1936: 583-586
- 30 -

. Sea power and peace in the Pacific. ENLOE,Cynthia H. Issues and integration
----rco) 8, 1935: 352-358 in Malaysia. 41, 1968: 372-385
Robert B. The Tibetan self-image. ERDMAN,Howard L. The foreign policy
(NC) 33, 1960: 375-382 views of the Indian right. 39, 1966:
India's Swatandra party. 36, 1963:
see ELECTIONSas a subheading --394-410
BURMA KOREA(Republic) ESPOSITO,Bruce. see LIN, Sein
INDONESIA PHILIPPINES EVANS,Brian. The China-Canada student
JAPAN THAILAND exchange: the first twenty. 49, 1976:
ELKINS,David J. Social mobiliz-
ation and political development
in South India. 47, 1974: 326-
FAIRBAIRN,Geoffrey. Aspects of the
ELSBREE,Willard H. The 1953 Phili- Burmese political scene. 29, 1956:
ppine presidential elections. 27, 211-222
1954: 3-15
Someminority problems in Burma.
--30, 1957: 299-311
EMERSON, Rupert. American policy toward
Pacific dependencies. 20, 1947: 259- FAIRBANK, John K. Dilemmas of American
Far Eastern policy. (RA) 36, 1963:
The Chinese in Malaysia. 7, 1934: 430-437
Revolution and counter-revolution
--in China. (RA) 22, 1949: 278-282
. Destinies for Southeast Asia.
----rRA) 16, 1943: 73-79
FALKENHEIM,Peggy L. Some determining
Post-independence nationalism in factors in Soviet-Japanese relations.
--South and Southeast Asia: a reconsid- 50, 1977: 604-624
eration. 44, 1971: 173-192
FALL,Bernard B. Indochina since Geneva.
__ Problems of representative govern- 28, 1955: 3-25
ment in Southeast Asia. 26, 1953: 291-
302 The international relations of Laos.
--30, 1957: 22-34
The West and democracy. (NC)
--27, 1954: 153-154 Local administration under the Viet
--Minh. (NC) 27, 1954: 50-57
North Viet-Nam's constitution and
see EMIGRATIONas a subheading --government. (NC) 33, 1960: 282-290
CHINA MEXICO North Viet-Nam's new draft constit-
JAPAN PHILIPPINES --ution. 32, 1959: 178-186
ENDICOTT, Stephen L. British financial __ Political-religious sects of Viet-Nam.
diplomacy in China: the Leith-Ross 28, 1955: 235-253
mission, 1935-1937. 46, 1973: 481-
- 31 -

. Recent publications on Indochina. Footnote on "American Far Eastern

~RA) 29, 1956: 57-64 pol icy". Frederick Whyte. (CC)
11, 1938: 95-97
South Viet-Nam's internal The Open Door policy and American
--problems. 31, 1958: 241-260 neutrality in the Far East. Harold
S. Quigley. (CO) 9, 1936: 436-442
Potentialities of America's Far
see also entries under individual Eastern policy. Albert K. Weinberg.
countries 12, 1939: 117-128
A British view of the Far East. United States Far Eastern policy.
Kenneth Younger. 27, 1954: 99-111 Harold M. Vinacke. 19, 1946: 351-
Recent Soviet writings on the Far
East. William Sallis and Emily JAPANESEOCCUPATION
Timmins. (RA) 25, 1952: 59-76 The Japanization of Far Eastern occupied
areas. Joel V. Berreman. 17, 1944:
A Soviet study of the American
position in the Far East. Harriet POPULATION
Moore. (RR) 9, 1936: 416-420 The "population explosion" and the Far
The Soviet view of the Far East. East. W.D. Borrie. (RA) 33, 1960:
OwenLattimore. (CC) 13, 1940: 181-191
A Soviet view of Far Eastern inter- Problems confronting Christian missions
national relations. 0. EdmundClubb. in Far East. Kenneth Scott Latourette.
(RA) 32, 1959: 92-94 (NC) 21, 1948: 176-185
The Far East and the new order in
Europe. Lawrence K. Rosinger. 12, STUDENTS
1939: 357-369 Youthful radicalism in the Far East.
E.H. Anstice. 6, 1933: 387-393
Germany's Far Eastern policy under FARLEY,Miriam S. Japan and the West.
Hitler. Lawrence K. Rosinger. 11, (RA) 23, 1950: 77-82
1938: 421-432
Great Britain . Labor policy in occupied Japan.
On criticisms of British Far Eastern --20, 1947: 131-140
policy. Sir John Pratt. 16, 1943:
133- 148 FARMER,B.H. Peasant colonization in
Ceylon. (NC) 25, 1952: 389-398
So vi et Far Eastern po1icy. Lawrence FARRELLY,Theodore S. Early Russian
K. Rosinger. 13, 1940: 263-278 contact with Alaska. (SR) 7, 1934:
Sov,iet Far Eastern relations since 193-197
1941, Harriet Moore. 17, 1944:
294-3 ,10 FASCISM
United States The social basis of fascism. Joseph
Americar., Far Eastern policy, 1931-37. Barnes. 9, 1936: 24-32
Frederick V. Field. 10, 1937: 377-
China's small political parties appeal
Americans l,~ok at their Far Eastern for democracy. (NC) 17, 1944: 330-336
policy. Russell E. Hall. 10, 1937:
1 90- 195
- 32 -

FEDERSPIEL,Howard M. The military FINANCE

and Islam in Sukarno's Indonesia.
46. 1973: 407-420 see FINANCEas a subheading under:
FEITH, Herbert. Toward elections in CHINA PHILIPPINES
Indonesia. 27, 1954: 236-254 HONGKONG USSR
and Daniel S. Lev. The end of the INDONESIA
--Indonesian rebellion. 36, 1963: 32-
46 FINKELSTEIN,Lawrence S. The Indonesian
federal problem. 24, 1951: 284-295
FELDMAN,Herbert. The communal problem
in the Inda-Pakistan subcontinent: FISCHER,Joseph. Universities and the
some current implications. 42, 1969: political process in Southeast Asia.
145- 163 36, l 963: 3-1 5

FERNANDO, Tissa. Elite politics in the __ and Juwono Sudarsono. Indonesian

new states: the case of post-independ- student activism. (RA) 44, 1971:
ence Sri Lanka. 46, 1973: 361 -383 92-96

FICKETT,Lewis P., Jr. The politics of FISHER,_Allan G:B. Standards of living

regional ism in India. 44, 1971: 193- and 1nternat1onal trade competition.
210 17, 1944: 285-293

FIELD, Frederick V. American Far FISHER, Fred C. The moral aspects of the
Eastern policy, 1931-1937. 10, 1937: Philippines question. 3, 1930: 460-469
FISHER, Galen M. The cooperative move-
The documentation of the Yosemite ment in Japan. 11, 1938: 478-491
--Conference. (PAB #4) 9, 1936: 562-
582 __ Main drives behind Japanese national
policies. 13, 1940: 381-392
Communalismand constitution-making in
Fiji. R.K. Vasil. 45, 1972: 21-41 Floating factories on the Pacific.
Seishi Idei. Nov. 1929: 699-700
Fiji: Colony in transition. Ronald
Gatty. 26, 1953: 118-130 The North Pacific fisheries. Edward
Weber A11en. l O, 1937: 136-1 51
Fiji, its position and problems: an
outline summary. Sir Maynard Hedstrom. The Russo-Japanese fisheries controv:ersy.
3, 1930: 947-955 Barbara Wertheim. (SR) 8, 1935: lfJ5-
Fiji -- where three continents meet.
A.W. McMillan. July 1929: 397-405 Two hundred mile zones: the pol iti cs
of North Pacific fisheries. Barba,ra
"The Pacific way" -- consociational Johnson and Frank Langdon. 49, lr:176:
politics in Fiji. R.S. Milne. 48, 5-27
1975: 413-431
AND POLITICS FITZGERALD, C.P. The Chinese rev,olution
Problems of political advancement in and the I-Jest. 24, 1951: 3-17
Fiji. F.J. West. 33, 1960: 23-37
A fresh look at the Chi•nese
POPULATION --revolution. 36, 1963: 47_,j3
Postwar Fiji: 1946 census. W.E.H.
Stanner. 20, 1947: 407-421 Peace or war with Chi1na? 24,
--1951: 339-351
- 33 -

Reflections on the Cultural Elite images and foreign policy choices:

--Revolution in China. 41, 1968: Krishna Menon's view of the world.
51-59 Michael Brecher. 40, 1967: 60-92
Religion and China's Cultural Europe lays Asia open to aggression.
--Revolution. (NC) 40, 1967: 124- Nicholas Roosevelt. 11, 1938: 447-453
129 An experiment in diagnosis. J.B.
Condli ffe. Mar. 1929: 103-11 5
FONG,H.D. The prospect for China's The Far East and the new order in
industrialization. 15, 1942: 44-60 Europe. Lawrence K. Rosinger. 12,
FOODSUPPLY 1939: 357-369
see FOODSUPPLY as a subheading
The human factor in foreign aid. Hugh
Tinker. 32, 1959: 288-297
CHINA INDIA National foreign policies and the
ASIA strategy of peace. Arnold Wolfers.
7, 1934: 139-152
CONCESSIONS When East first met West: some notes on
see FOREIGNCONCESSIONSas a sub- early contacts. Kenneth Saunders. 5,
heading under CHINA 1932: 608-61 5
FOREIGN POLICYASSOCIATION The work of the Asia Foundation. Robert
Blum. 29, 1956: 46-56
Knowledge and the fate of nations:
how they are interwoven. James G. World sovereignty and world culture: the·
McDonald. Mar. 1928: 7-8 trend of international affairs since
the war. Arnold J. Toynbee. 4, 1931:
see FOREIGNRELATIONS as a subheading FORRESTER,Duncan B. The Madras anti-
under: Hindi agitations, 1965: political protest
ASIA LAOS and its effects on language policy in
AUSTRALIA LATINAMERICA India. 39, 1966: 19-36
BHUTAN MEXICO Subregionalism in India: the case
BURMA MONGOLIA --of Telangana. 43, 1970: 5-21
CANADA NETHERLANDS FORSYTH, W.D. Stability in the Pacific:
CHINA NEWZEALAND Australia's position. 16, 1943: 7-20
INDONESIA USSR A French "Ottawa": the Imperi a 1 Confer-
JAPAN UNITEDSTATES ence. Roger Levy. (CO) 9, 1936: 94-
KOREA (Dem.Rep.) VIETNAM(Dem.Rep.) 101
Far East
The contribution of the press to inter- French neutrality during the Sino-Japanese
national relations. D.C. Wu. Dec. 1929: hostilities. Roger Levy. 11, 1938:
762-763 433-446
Diplomatic relations in the Pacific. Indochina
W.L. Holland. (RB) Apr. 1929: 184-199 Indo-China in the new French colonial
framework. Jean de la Roche. 18,
1945: 62-75
- 34 -

FRANCE- continued FRY, Thomas Penberthy. Papua and

mandated New Guinea today. 19, 1946:
The Vietnamese community in France.
Virginia Thompson. (NC) 25, 1952: FRYER,D.W. Economic aspects of Indonesian
49-58 disunity. 30, 1957: 195-208
FRANDA,Marcus F. Electoral politics FUCHS, Walter. The personal chronicle
in West Bengal: the growth of the of the first Manchu emperor. (PAB #1)
United Front. 42, 1969: 279-293 9, 1936: 78-85
The organizational development of FURBER,Holden. The unification of India,
--India's Congress party. 35, 1962: 1947-1951. 24,1951:352-371
J.S. Capitalism in Indonesia.
FRANKS,Lawrence M. see GOODMAN,
Allan E. (NC) 20, 1947: 66-69
FREEDMAN,Maurice. Chinese communities Colonial Southeast Asia -- instruct-
in Southeast Asia. ( RA) 31, 1958: --ion or education. 15, 1942: 77-89
The future of Burma. 18, 1945: 156-
The family in China, past and --168
--present. 34, 1961: 323-336
Twilight in Burma: reconquest and
The growth of a plural society in crisis. 22, 1949: 3-20
--Malaya. (NC) 33, 1960: 158-168
Twilight in Burma: independence and
FRENCHOCEANIA --after. 22, 1949: 155-172
French Oceania takes stock. Nancy
Robson. 26, 1953: 24-43
Edward. WhyAmerica fights in
Asia. (RA) 43, 1970: 258-267 "G.F.R." New Caledonia and the war. 19,
1946: 373-383
FRIEDMAN, Harry J. Pakistan's experiment
in basic democracies. 33, l 960: 107- GADGIL,D.R. The economic prospect for
125 India. 22, 1949: 115-129

FRIEDMAN,Irving S. Indian nationalism Some requirements for technical

and the Far East. 13, 1940: 17-29 --progress in Asia. (NC) 24, 1951:
FRITERS,Gerard M. The development of
Outer Mongolian independence. 10, GAMBA,Charles. Labour and labour parties
1937: 315-336 in Malaya. 31, 1958: 117-130

The prelude to Outer Mongolian GAMIO,Manuel. Observations on Mexican

--independence. l O, 1937: 168-189 immigration into the United States.
Aug. 1929: 464-469
FROST,Richard A. The Indian problem:
a Moslem's suggestion. 18, 1945: GANDHI,MAHATMA
273-284 Mahatma Gandhi: seen through his auto-
biography. Kenneth Saunders. 4, 1931 :
Reflections on British colonial 201-209
--policy. 18, 1945: 309-320
- 35 -

GATTY,Ronald. Fiji: colony in transition. GOLDENBERG,H. Carl. Reform and politics

26, 1953: 118-130 in Canada. 9, 1936: 44-52
GERMANY GOLDMAN,Rene. Mao, Maoism and Mao-ology.
FOREIGNRELATIONS ( RA) 41, 1968: 560-574
Far East
Germany's Far Eastern policy under GOODMAN,Allan E. Conflict and accommod-
Hitler. Lawrence K. Rosinger. 11, ation within a legislative elite in
1938: 421-432 South Vietnam. 44, l 971 : 211-227

GINSBURGS, George. Mongolia's "Socialist" __ and Lawrence M. Franks. The dynamics

constitution. 34, 1961: 141-156 of migration to Saigon, 1964-1972. 48,
1975: 199-214
and Michael Mathos. Tibet's admin-
--istration during the interregnum, 1954- GOODRICH,L. Carrington. China's greatest
1959. 32, 1959: 249-267 book (The Ssu K'u Ch'uan Shu). 7, 1934:
and Michael Mathos. Tibet's admin-
--istration in the transition period, __ Some publications in "occupied"
1951-1954. 32, 1959: 162-177 China. (RA) 20, 1947: 432-435

GIRLING,J.L.S. Laos: falling domino? GORDON,Bernard K. The potential for

43, 1970: 370-383 Indonesian expansionism. 36. 1963:
__ Nixon's "Algeria" -- doctrine and
disengagement in Indochina. 44, l 971 : GOUGH, Kathleen. Class and agrarian
527-544 change: some comments on peasant
resistance and revolution in India.
__ . _Thailand: the coup and its impli- (NC) 42, 1969: 363-368
cations. 50, 1977: 387-405
Peasant resistance and revolt in
Thailand's new course. 42, 1969: --South India. 41, 1968: 526-544
GOUROU,Pierre. For a French Inda-
GITTINGS,John. The Chinese army's role Chinese federation. 20, 1947: 18-29
in the Cultural Revolution. 39, 1966:
269-289 Notes on China's unused uplands.
--21, 1948: 227-238
G. deT. British Empire migra-
tion. (CO) 7, 1934: 437-439 GOVERNMENT

GLAZER,Sidney. The Moros as a political see GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS as a

factor in Philippine independence. subheading under:
14, 1941: 78-90 ASIA JAPAN
GO, Toshi. The future of foreign conces- BANGLADESH KOREA (Republic)
sions in China. 12, 1939: 394-399 BURMA LAOS
GOLAY,Frank. Economic consequences of CHINA NEPAL
the Philippine Trade Act. 28, 1955: FIJI PAKISTAN
The Philippine monetary policy INDONESIA continued
--debate. 29, 1956: 253-264
- 36 -

ANDPOLITICS- continued (trans.) Cultural policy in Taiwan
--and the problem of "Kominka". (CC)
SARAWAK SRI LANKA 14, 1941: 358-360
SOLOMONISLANDSVIETNAM (trans.) Growing difficulties with
SOUTHASIA VIETNAM(Dem.Rep.) --raw materials for special steels. (CC)
SOUTHEASTASIA VIETNAM(Republic) 13, 1940: 456-457
Ethnicity, democracy and political (trans.) A sudden increase of defense
development. R.S. Milne. (RA) --expenditures in the Soviet budget. (CC)
46, 1973: 435-444 13, l 940: 452-456
Political modernization and development.
R.S. Milne. (RA) 39, 1966: 135-144 GRATTAN,C. Hartley. The British Dominions
and the Pacific. (RA) 16, l 943: 80-85
The West and democracy. Rupert
Emerson. (NC) 27, 1954: 153-154 Perspectives on Australian foreign
The West and democracy. Willis --policy. (RA) 48, 1975: 87-93
Airey. (NC) 27, 1954: 150-153
GRAY,F.W. Commenton "Public finance
GRAD,Andrew J. Land reform in Japan. in postwar China". (NC} 19, 1946:
21 , l 9 48 : 11 5- l 35 290-293

GRADY,Henry F. Tariff and trade; the GREAT

new American schedule in relation COMMERCE
to Pacific commerce. 3, 1930: 719- Some implications of Anglo-Japanese
734 competition. Barbara Wootton. 9,
1936: 524-531
GRAJDANZEV,Andrew J. Formosa (Taiwan)
under Japanese rule. 15, 1942: 311- FOREIGNRELATIONS
324 America's interest and Britain's policy.
Robert J. Kerner. ( CC) 11 , 1938: 363-
India's economic position in 1944. 367
--17, 1944: 460-477 Britain's affairs in the Pacific. John
W. Wheeler-Bennett. Nov.. 1928: 14-16
India's wartime economic difficult-
ies. 16, 1943: 189-205 The British in Asia. H. Venkatasubbiah.
(NC) 21, 1948: 295-298
India's wartime finances. 16, British policy in the South Pacific
--1943: 418-440 [1786-1893]. J.W. Davidson. (RA)
21, 1948: 408-41 0
. Japan's co-prosperity sphere.
--16, 1943: 311-328 Great Britain and the Pacific: a
report of occurrences bearing on Pacific
Manchuria as a region of colon- affairs for the quarter September -
--ization. 19, 1946: 5-19 December 1928. John W. Wheeler-Bennett.
Feb. 1929: 65-70
. Manchuria: an industrial survey. Great Britain and the Pacific: a
--18, 1945: 321-339 report of occurrences bearing on Pacific
affairs for the quarter December 1928 -
Profit and loss in Manchuria. March 1929. Stephen A. Heald. May 1929:
--8, 1935: 144-158 249-258
The Trans-Siberian Railway and Great Britain and the Pacific: a
--the problem of Soviet supply. 14, report of occurrences bearing on Pacific
1941: 388-415 affairs for the quarter, March-May, 1929.
Stephen A. Heald. July 1929: 409-415
- 37 -

BRITAIN- continued The British period of Indian history:
FOREIGNRELATIONS- continued some recent interpretations. Peter
Great Britain and the Pacific: a Harnetty. ( RA) 37, 1964: 179-193
report from Great Britain covering Thailand
the period September, 1929 - April, Britain and Siam: the latest phase.
1930. Stephen A. Heald. 3, 1930: Alec Peterson. 19, 1946: 364-372
Great Britain and the Pacific: report British defense of the South Pacific.
from Great Britain covering the Donald Cowie. 12, 1939: 296-301
period April-November, 1930.
Stephen A. Heald. 4, 1931: 17-40 WORLDWARII
Great Britain and the Pacific: report Britain and Australia in the war against
from Great Britain covering the Japan. Louis Morton. (RA) 34, 1961:
period November, 1930 - May, 1931. 184-189
Stephen A. Heald. 4, 1931: 672-694
Great Britain and the Pacific: report GREEN,Elizabeth. Conference trends in
from Great Britain covering the China: a general indication of round
period June, 1931 - February, 1932. table discussion. 5, 1932: 1-34
Stephen A. Heald. 5, 1932: 404-431 Crisis in Manchuria. 4, 1931:
Great Britain in the Orient. Lord --1 005-l 013
Hailsham. 3, 1930: 17-26
Jellyfish and crustacean. G.E. The do's and the don'ts: problems
Hubbard. (CO) 9, 1936: 91-94 in agenda making. 3, 1930: 470--475
Recent advances in British colonial The Feetham report, Volume II: a
policy. A. Creech Jones. (NC) --digest. 4, 1931: 806-818
17, 1944: 204-209
Reflections on British colonial policy. "In the eyes of the world": excerpted
Richard A. Frost. 18, 1945: 309-320 --press comment on the Kyoto Conference.
3, 1930: 143-153
A report from Great Britain on discus-
sions bearing on Pacific affairs during Indian minorities under the Amer-
July 1929. John W. Wheeler-Bennett. --ican New Deal. 8, 1935: 420-427
Nov. 1929: 689-692
China . Judge Feetham surveys Shanghai:
British financial diplomacy in China: --a digest [of volume I of the Feetham
the Leith-Ross mission, 1935-1937. report J. 4, 1931 : 586-614
Stephen L. Endicott. 46, 1973: 481-501 Kyoto trends. 3, 1930: 92-107
Great Britain and Japan's war on China.
0.M. Green. 11, 1938: 224-232 The little conference: entertainment
Far East
--features. Dec. 1929: 764-766
A British view of the Far East.
Kenneth Younger. 27, 1954: 99- 111 Nara and Kyoto: their opening
--significance. Dec. 1929: 747-751
On criticisms of British Far Eastern
policy. Sir John Pratt. 16, 1943: Pacific and the International Labor
133-148 --Conference. 3, 1930: 845-853
British impact on India: some recent Pacific items: notes on events by
interpretations. Peter Harnetty. (RA) the editor. Nov. 1928: 16-19; Dec.
39, 1966: 361-375 1928: 25-26 - continued
- 38 -

Pacific items: notes on events by The Australian political scene.

the editor. - continued --20, 1947: 276-289
Feb. 1929: 73-76; Mar. 1929: 130-134;
Apr. 1929: 204-209; May 1929: 275-281; GREENWOOD, R.H. The challenge of tropical
June 1929: 361-363; July 1929: 428-431; Australia. Part I: 29, 1956: 126-140;
Aug. 1929: 498-501; Sept. 1929: 580-581; Part II: 29, 1956: 223-242
Oct. 1929: 659-660; Nov. 1929: 715-717;
Dec. 1929: 796-797; 3, 1930: 212-220, GUERILLAS
285-293, 390-397, 483-492, 588-595,
668-681, 763-774, 865-869, 967-972, see GUERILLASas a subheading
1057-1068, 1146-1155; 4, 1931: 54-63, under:
142-155, 225-241, 329-343, 408-418, CHINA PHILIPPINES
523-526, 615-625, 711-718 INDIA SINO-JAPANESE
The Pacific technique: new clinical
--notes on its evolution. Aug./Sept. 1928: GUAM
The GuamCongress. Roy E, James, (NC)
Pacific trends: notes on events by 19, 1946: 408-413
--the editor. 5, 1932: 240-252, 333-341,
432-439, 512-516, 616-621, 720-730, GUILLAIN,Robert. The resurgence of
775-786, 973-978, 1061-1079; 6, 1933: military elements in Japan. 25, 1952:
24-42, 87-108, 197-221, 305-314, 525- 211-225
GULL,E.M. The powers and the unity of
Progress of the Manchurian disease: China. (CO) 10, 1937: 72-73
--as viewed from Peiping and Tokyo. 5,
1932: 42-65 GURTOV,Melvin, Sino-Soviet relations
and Southeast Asia: recent developments
The provisional court settlement: and future possibilities. 43, 1970:
--Chinese courts in Shanghai. 3, 1930: 491-505
This is the China Conference. 4, GUS
FIELD, Joseph R. Political community
--1931: 1085-1103 and group interests in modern India.
38, 1965: 123-141
GREEN,Howard. Canada and the Pacific
area. 34, 1961: 3-4 GUYOT,Dorothy. The politics of land:
comparative develorment in two states
GREEN,0.M. Great Britain and Japan's of Malaysia. 44, 1971: 368-389
war on China. 11, 1938: 224-232
GREENBERG,Michael. India's independ- H
ence and the war. 15, 1942: 164-187
(Sir Douglas Hogg). To
The Soviet-German War and the Far our Japanese hosts: response to addresses
--East. 14, 1941: 261-271 of welcome, opening meeting of the Kyoto
Conference, October 28, 1929. Dec. 1929:
GREENE,Jerome D. American attitudes and 752-755
relations in the Pacific. 3, 1930:
63-69 Great Britain in the Orient. 3,
--1930: 17-26
GREENWOOD,Gordon. Australian attitudes
toward Pacific problems. 23, 1950: HAINSWORTH,Geoffrey B. see CHAMBERLAIN,
153-168 Heath B.
- 39 -

HALL,D.G.E. On the study of South- HANDY, Willowdean C. Renaissance in

east Asian history. 33, 1960: 268- Inda-China: a French experiment in
281 reviving Cambodian art. Feb. 1929:
Problems of Indonesian histori-
--ography. (RA) 38, 1965: 353-359 HANSEN,G. Eric. The impact of the
border war on Indian perceptions of
__ Recent tendencies in the study of China. 40, 1967: 235-249
early history of South-East Asia.
(NC) 39, 1966: 339-348 HANSEN,Gary. Rural administration and
agricultural development in Indonesia.
__ Vietnam's political history. (RA) 44, l 971 : 390-400
32, 1959: 94-96
HANSON,Haldore. The guerilla war in
HALL,Russell E. Americans look at their China. (CC) 12, 1939: 184-185
Far Eastern policy. l 0, 1937: 190-195
__ The people behind the Chinese
HALL,T.D.H. Status of aliens in New gueri 11 as. 11 , l 938: 285-298
Zealand. 4, 1931: 700-710
__ Smuggler, soldier and diplomat.
HAMAGUCHI, Premier. Premier Hamaguchi's 9, 1936: 544-556
greeting. Dec. 1929: 760
HANWELL,Norman D. The dragnet of local
Ellen J. The Bao Dai experiment. government in China. l O, 1937: 43-
23, 1950: 46-58 63

Blueprinting a new Indochina. HARADA,

21, Tasuku. Japanese character and
--1948: 252-263 Christianity: a study of Japanese
ethical ideals as compared with
__ Progress report on Southern Viet Nam. teachings of Christianity. Nov. 1929:
30, 1957: 221-235 693-698

South Viet Nam: the limits of HARDGRAVE, Robert L., Jr. The DMKand
--political action. 35, 1962: 24-36 the politics of Tamil nationalism.
37, 1964: 396-411
HAN,Y.C. The 1969 constitutional revision
and party politics in South Korea. 44, HARNETTY,Peter. The British impact on
1971: 242-258 India: some recent interpretations.
(RA) 39, 1966: 361-375
__ Political parties and political
development in South Korea. 42, 1969: __ The British period of Indian history:
446-464 some recent interpretations. (RA) 37,
l 964: l 7 9- l 93
HANDY, E.S. Craighill. Culture and educ-
ation: what is the cultural destiny of . Historical writings on South Asia.
Pacific peoples? 6, 1933: 267-280 --i-RA) 36, 1963: 78-85

Humanresources and civilization. HAROOTUNIAN,Harry D. E.H. Norman and

--8, 1935: 312-320 the task for Japanese history. 41,
1968: 545-552
__ The insular Pacific: ethnic fugue
and counterpoint. 5, 1932: 487-496 HARPER,Norman. Asian students and Asian
studies in Australia. 31, 1958: 54-64
The renaissance of East Indian
--culture: its significance for the Australia and Southeast Asia. 28,
Pacific and the world. 3, 1930: --1955: 203-220
- 40 -

Security in the South West Great Britain and the Pacific:

--Pacific. (NC) 24, 1951: 170-178 --report from Great Britain covering the
period June, 1931 - February 1932. 5,
HART,Donn V. Projects and progress 1932: 404-431
in the Philippines. (RA) 27, 1954:
353-366 Great Britain and the Pacific: a
--report on.occurrences bearing on
HART,George H.C. The Netherlands Indies Pacific affairs for the quarter December
and her neighbors. 16, 1943: 21-32 1928 - March 1929. May 1929: 249-258
HAWAII Great Britain and the Pacific: a
Economic adjustment of Hawaiians to --report on occurrences bearing on
European culture. Stella M. Jones. Pacific affairs for the quarter, March-
4, 1931: 957-974 May, 1929. July 1929: 409-415
Hawaii emerges from the war. James HEATON,W.R., Jr. Mongolia at fifty.
H. Shoemaker. 19, 1946: 182-192 47, 1974: 485-499
Suit to test Hawaii's status. Royal
N. Chapman. (CO) 7, 1934: 440-441 HEDSTROM,Sir Maynard. Fiji, its position
and problems: an outline summary. 3,
The university and the community of 1930: 947-955
races. Robert E. Park. 5, 1932:
695-703 HEGINBOTHAM,Stanley J. In the wake of
SOCIETY Bangla Desh: a new role for India in
Further developments of race Asia? 45, 1972: 372-386
contacts in Hawaii. RomanzoAdams.
Oct. 1929: 625-634 HELTON,William R. Political prospects
of Soka Gakkai. 38, 1965: 231-244
HAWKINS,Gerald. First steps in
Malayan local government. (NC) HENDRY,James B. American aid in Vietnam:
26, 1953: 155-158 the view from a village. (NC) 33,
1960: 387-391
. Reactions to the Malayan union.
----rNc) 19, 1946: 279-285 HIGGINS,Benjamin. Indonesia's develop-
ment plans and problems. 29, 1956:
HAZARD, John N. The constitution of the 107-125
Mongol People's Republic and Soviet
influences. (NC) 21, 1948: 162-170 Western enterprise and the economic
--development of Southeast Asia. (RA)
HEALD,Stephen A. Great Britain and the 31, 1958: 74-87
Pacific: report from Great Britain
covering the period September, 1929 - HILL, Wa~ter see WOOD,G.L.
April, 1930. 3, 1930: 541-577
HINDER,Eleanor M. Pacific women: personnel
Great Britain and the'Pacific: of the Pan-Pacific Women's Conference,
--report from Great Britain covering the Honolulu, August 9-19, 1928. July 1928:
period April -November, l 930. 4, 1931: 9-12
HINDLEY,Donald. Foreign aid to Indonesia
Great Britain and the Pacific: and its political implications. 36,
--report from Great Britain covering 1963: 107-119
the period November, 1930 - May, 1931.
4, 1931: 672-694 Thailand: the politics of passivity.
--41, 1968: 355-371
- 41 -

HISTORY Economic factors in the Pacific

see also HISTORY as a subheading
area. (RB) June 1929: 329-346
ASIA JAPAN Mr. Chi-ming Chiao's new study of
--China's rural population and vital
CHINA SOUTHASIA statistics. (SR) 7, 1934: 77-82
INDONESIA VIETNAM Political China today. (RB)
--May 1929: 263-274
Prehistoric East-West contacts across
Eurasia. E.G. Pulleyblank. (NC) Recent Sino-British relations. (NC)
47, 1974: 500-508 --16, 1943: 226-227
HOCHI MINH , Research and the Institute of Pacific
Thoughts on Ho Chi Minh. W.E. --Relations: a brief survey of the 1931-33
Willmott. (RA) 44, 1971: 585- program. 5, 1932: 168-175
Supplementary note on I.P.R.
HO, Ping-ti. Records of China's grand --research in China. (NC) 17, 1944:
historian: some problems of translation. 217-218
(RA) 36, 1963: 171-182
War aims and peace aims in the
Some problems of Shang culture and --Pacific. 15, l 942: 410-427
--institutions. (RA) 34, 1961: 291-297
HOLLERMAN,Leon. Industrial structure
HO, Samuel P.S. China's economic develop- and economic planning in Japan. 33,
ment in historical perspective. (RA) 1960: 219-226
50, 1977: 460-466
Japan and Far Eastern development.
Industrialization in Taiwan: recent --24, 1951: 372-397
--trends and problems. 48, 1975: 27-41
HOLMAN,D.S. Japan's position in the
HODSON,H.V. The nemesis of national economy of the Far East. 20, 1947:
planning. 9, 1936: 53-59 371-380

HOGBIN,H. Ian and Camilla Wedgwood. Native HOLMES,

John W. Canada and the Pacific.
welfare in the Southwest Pacific Islands. 44,1971:5-17
17, 1944: 133-155
The I.P.R. in retrospect. (RA)
HOGG,Sir Douglas see Lord HAILSHAM --47, 1974: 515-520

HOLLAND, W.L. China's monetary and HOLMES,Robert A. Burma's foreign policy

financial position. (NC) 17, toward China since 1962. 45, 1972:
1944: 489-490 240-254

. Cultural contacts in the Pacific. HONEY,P.J. North Vietnam's Workers' party

-----rRB) July 1929: 418-427 and South Vietnam's People's Revolution-
ary party. (NC) 35, 1962: 375-383
Conference literature in review.
--3, 1930: 108-125 HONGKOMG
Current research projects of the Hongkong looks ahead. E. Stuart Kirby.
--I.P.R., 1951-52. (NC) 24, 1951: 419- (NC) 22, 1949: 173-178
Impressions of post-war currency problems
. Diplomatic relations in the Pacific. in Hongkong. Harold W. Larsen. (NC)
-----rRB) Apr. 1929: 184- 199 19, 1946: 285-290
- 42 -

HORELICK,Arnold L. The Soviet Union's HSU, Paul C. Rural cooperatives in China.

Asian collective security proposal: a Oct. 1929: 611-624
club in search of members. 47, 1974:
269-285 HSUShu-hsi. Japan and Manchuria. 3,
1930: 854-864
HORN, Robert C. Indonesia's response to
changing big power alignments. 46, Manchurian backgrounds, II. 5,
1973: 515-533 --1932: 131-150

HOUN,Franklin W. The draft constitution HSUYung-ying. Chungking press views on

of Communist China. 27, 1-954: 319-337 China's postwar problems. (NC) 16,
1 943: 230-240
HOWARD, Harry Paxton. The diplomatic
prelude to the China war. 14, 1941: Critics of economic control in
334-357 --China. (NC) 15, 1942: 222-229
HOWES,John F. Newwriting on Japan's Dimensions of China's unity.
religions. (RA) 37, 1964: 166-178 --,5, 1942: 287-310

Western words and Japanese pre- The revival of the land problem
--occupations: the English-language --in China. (CC) 15, 1942: 96-107
works of Uchimura Kanzo. 38, 1965:
307-325 Sidelights on China's wartime
--production. (.NC) 16, 1943: 482-485
HOWLAND,Charles P. What are we doing
to end war? An Armistice Day address. HUHeng Sin. Foreign economic domination
6, 1933: 22-23 in China. Nov. 1929: 707-714

HSIA, C.L. China's People's Convention: HUShih. Two wings of one bird: a Chinese
national constitution and ten-year attitude toward Eastern and Western
plan. 4, 1931: 779-798 civilizations. May 1928: 1-8
The reorganization of education Which road are we going? 3, 1930:
--in China: comments on the League --933-946
Mission's report. 5, 1932: l 027-1037
G.E. The British loan to China.
HSIA Pin-fang. The future of China's (NC) 17, 1944: 341-342
finance. 5, 1932: 35-41
Jellyfish and crustacean. (CO)
HSIA, Ronald. The Chinese economy under --9, 1936: 91-94
communist planning. 27, 1954: 112-123
Measuring-up China. (RA) 19,
Private enterprise in Communist --1946: 97-100
--China. (NC) 26, 1953: 329-335
HUBBARD,L.E. A capitalist appraisal of
HSIANG,C.-Y. Mountain economy in the Soviet Union. 11, 1938: 171-185
Szechuan. 14, 1941: 448-462
The standard of living in the Soviet
HSU, Leonard S. Rural reconstruction --Union. (CC) 11, 1938: 372-376
in China. 10, 1937: 249-265
HUNSBERGER,Warren Seabury. The O'Ryan
The sociological movement in mission to Japan. (NC) 16, 1943:
--China. 4, 1931: 238-307 347-357
- 43 -

HUNT,Chester L. Moslem and Christian INDEPENDEMCE

in the Philippines. 28, 1955: 331-349 see INDEPENDENCE
as a subheading
HUQ,A.M. Pakistan's economic development. BANGLADESH INDONESIA
32, 1959: 144-161 INDIA PHILIPPINES
HUQ,Abul Fazl. Constitution-making in
Banglade"h. 46, 1973: 59-76 IMDIA
HUTTON,D. Graham. Mexico and the Pacific. After the war in India. B. Shiva Rao.
11, 1938: 149-158 18, 1945: 169-179
India today and tomorrow. Kate L.
Mitchell. ( RA) 16, 1943: 185-188
The price of Indian liberalism.
IDE, Kirkue. Japan's new woman: legal Maurice Zinkin. (NC) 22, 1949:
and political relationships of women 376-381
of Japan today (an interpretation).
Aug-Sept. 1928: 1-11 AGRICULTURE
Agricultural credit in India -- the
IDEI, Seishi. Floating factories on the missing link. ~'.L. Dantwala. 25, 1952:
Pacific. Nov. 1929: 699-700 349-359
Agricultural growth and rural change
IDEOLOGY in India in the 1960's. John Adams.
see also IDEOLOGYas a subheading 43, 1970: 189-202
under JAPAN Howgreen a revolution? W. Klatt.
Institutions and ideologies: American (NC) 49, 1976: 516-522
and Asiatic. William Brandt. 15, Indian agriculture -- problems and
1942: 61-76 programmes. K.G. Sivaswamy. 23, 1950:
IKE, Nobutaka. The development of
capitalism in Japan. (NC) 22, ATOMICENERGY
1949: 185-190 Indian attitudes on international
atomic energy controls. Michael J.
Japanese memoirs -- reflections Sullivan III. 43, 1970: 353-369
--on the recent past. ( RA) 24, 1951:
The Indian business communities and
__ Recent Japanese works on Japanese the evolution of an industrialist class.
politics. (RA) 29: 1956: 65-68 Helen B. Lamb. 28, 1955: 101-116
see CHRISTIAN,John L. The position of foreign business in
India today. W.F. Rivers. 28, 1955:
see IMMIGRATIONas a subheading Public enterprise in Indian industry.
under: George B. Baldwin. 30, 1957: 3-21
NEWZEALAND Constitutional communismin India.
In the Orient view: from the periodical Marsha11 Hi ndmi11er. 31, 1958: 22-35
press of Japan and China. April 1928: Indian communism:the new phase. Madhu
20-22; June 1928: 27-32; July 1928: Limaye. 27, 1954: 195-215
17-24; Aug./Sept. 1928: 26-27; Oct. Kerala in cr1s1s. Benjamin N. Schoenfeld.
1928: 9-15; Nov. 1928: 20-26; Dec.
1928: 21-23; Jan. 1929: 20-22 32, 1959: 235-248
- 44 -


Indian democracy and the general elect-
ion. Richard Leonard Park. 25, 1952:
The renaissance of East Indian culture: 130-139
its significance for the Pacific and
the world. E.S. Crai ghill Handy. 3, Indian voting behaviour. W.H. Morris-
1930: 362-369 Jones. ( NC) 30, 1957: 265-268
The 1962 election in North Bombay.
Norman D. Palmer. 36, 1963: 120-137
Development programs in China and India.
18, 1945: 84-93
The economic prospect for India. D.R. India's wartime finances. Andrew J.
Gadgil. 22,1949:115-129 Grajdanzev. 16, 1943: 418-440
Indian economic planning. Vera Anstey. Newsources of industrial finance in
(RA) 23, 1950: 83-86 India. Daniel L. Spencer. 31, 1958:
Economic development in China and India:
some conditioning factors. Barry Richman. Taxes, enterprise and foreign capital
45, 1972: 75-91 in India. William W. Lockwood. (RA)
31 , 1958: 390-397
India's economic position in 1944.
Andrew J. Grajdanzev. 17, 1944: 460-477 FOODSUPPLY
India's economic potential. Kate Political aspects of Indian food supply.
Mitchell. 15, 1942: 5-24 Norman K. Nicholson. 41, 1968: 34-50
India's first five-year plan a FOREIGNRELATIONS
descriptive analysis. V.K.R.V. Rao. The foreign policy views of the Indian
25, 1952: 3-23
right. Howard L. Erdman. 39, 1966:
India's wartime economic difficulties. 5-18
Andrew J. Grajdanzev. 16, 1943: 189-205 In the wake of Bangla Desh: a new role
Reflections on India's five-year plan. for India in Asia? Stanley J. Heginbotham.
C.N. Vakil and P.R. Brahmananda. 25, 45, 1972: 372-386
1952: 248-262
Indian neutralism reconsidered. Werner
Report on the Indian economy. H.M. Levi. 37, 1964: 137-147
Trivedi. ( RA) 22, 1949: 295-297 India's planning and foreign aid. Daniel
Social analysis and national economic L. Spencer. 34, 1961 : 28-37
development in India. Albert Mayer. Nehru's policy and the China-India conflict
35, 1962: 128-140
revisited. (RA) Michael Brecher. 50,
Utilization of idle manpower in India's l 977: 99- l 06
economic development. T.R. Sundaram. China
34, 1961: 131-140
India begins to study her neighbors. Japanese foreign relations with India,
(NC) 16, 1943: 227-229 Pakistan and Bangladesh. Zillur R. Khan.
48, 1975: 541-557
Indian education: retrospect and prospect.
M. Mujeeb. 26, 1952: 208-219 Pakistan
Muslim education in India at the cross- Kashmir: a case study in United Nations
roads: the case of Aligarh. Theodore P. mediation. Michael Brecher. 26, 1953:
Wright, Jr. 39, 1966: 50-63
- 45 -

INDIA- continued The Indian princes and politics. Sir

William Barton. 17, 1944: 181-189
Sikkim The Indian Pound Table Conference:
India and Sikkim: redefining the second session. Frederick G. Pratt.
relationship. Leo E. Rose. 42, 5, l 932: l 51-1 67
1969: 32-46 India's one-party democracy. Irene
Tinker. (RA) 29, 1956: 265-268
Britain's transfer of power in John Morley's acid test: India, 1906-
India. Percival Spear. (RA) 1910. R.J. Moore. (RA) 40, 1967:
31, l 958: 173- 180 333-340
Changing patterns of political Kerala in crisis. Benjamin N. Schoenfeld.
leadership in l~est Bengal. Myron 32, 1959: 235-248
vJeiner. 32, 1959: 277-287 The Madras anti-Hindi agitation, 1965:
Elections and the political system political protest and its effects on
in India: the 1972 State Assembly language policy in India. Duncan
elections and after. Norman D. B. Forrester. 39, 1966: 19-36
Palmer. 45, 1972: 535-555 Nehruism: India's revolution without fear.
Emergency rule in India. Benjamin Taya Zinkin. 28, 1955: 221-234
N. Schoenfeld. 36, 1963: 221-237 The organizational development of the
The exploration of Indian political Congress party. Marcus F. Francia.
life. H.H. Morris-Jones. (RA) 35, 1962: 248-260
32, 1959: 409-420 Political development or political
Extra-parliamentary opposition in decay in India? L.P. Singh. 44, 1971:
India: an analysis of populist 65-80
agitations in Gujarat and Bihar. Political community and group interests
John R. Wood. 48, 1975: 313-334 in modern India. Joseph P.. Gusfield.
Factions in Indian village politics. 38, 1965: 123-141
D.F. Miller. 38, 1965: 17-31 Political re-alignment in India. Pran
The fate of India's parliamentary Chopra. 44, 1971: 511-526
democracy. Ramesh C. Thakur. The political role of India's caste
49, 1976: 263-293 associations. Lloyd I. Rudolph and
Free speech and parliamentary Susanne Haeber Rudolph. 33, 1960:
privileges in India. M.V. Pylee. 5-22
35, 1962: 11-23 Public protest and the political process
Generals and politicians in India. in India. David H. Bayley. 42, 1969:
Lloyd I. Rudolph and Susanne Haeber 5-16
Rudolph. 37, 1964: 3-19 Social mobilization and political
India and military dictatorship. Taya development in South India. David
Zinkin. (NC) 32, 1959: 89-91 J. Elkins. 47, 1974: 326-343
India in a changing Asia. Krishnalal Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian
Shridharani. 14, 1941: 5-20 National Army. Stephen P. r,ohen.
36, 1963: 411-429
The Indian deadlock. Reginald
Coupland. 17, 1944: 26-37 Subhas Chandra Bose -- his legacy and
legend. Nirad C. Chaudhuri. (NC)
Indian democracy and the general 26, 1953: 349-357
election. Richard Leonard Park.
25, 1952: 130-139 The unification of India, 1947-1951.
Holden Furber. 24, 1951 : 352-371
- 46 -


Linguistic regionalism in India.
GUERILLAS Marshall Windmiller. 27, 1954: 291-
Nagaland: the agony of ending a 318
guerrilla war. Gordon P. Means &
Ingunn N. Means. 39, 1966: 290-313 The Madras anti-Hindi agitation, 1965:
political protest and its effects on
HISTORY language policy in India. Duncan B.
The British impact upon India: some Forrester. 39, 1966: 19-36
recent interpretations. Peter Maharashtrian linguistic provincial-
Harnetty. (RA) 39, 1966: 361-375 ism and Indian nationalism. Robert
The British period of Indian history: W. Stern. 37, 1964: 37-49
some recent interpretations. Peter
Harnetty. ( RA) 37, l 964: 179- 193 LAWS
Background of the Hindu code bill.
Sources, methods and concepts in Renuka Ray. (NC) 25, 1952: 268-277
early Indian history. Barrie M.
Morrison. (RA) 41, 1968: 71-85 The Indian experience with preventive
detention. David H. Bayley. 35, 1962:
The Indian problem: a Moslem's
suggestion. Richard A. Frost. MILITARY
18, 1945: 273-284 Generals and politicians in India.
India's independence and the war. Lloyd I. Rudolph and Susanne Haeber
Michael Greenberg. 15, 1942: 164-
Rudolph. 37, l 964: 3- 19
187 The Indian Navy in the seventies.
Raju G.C. Thomas. 48, 1975: 500-518
LABOUR Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian
Labour reforms in contemporary National Army. Stephen P. Cohen.
India. P.S. Narasimhan. 26, 1953: 36, 1963: 411-429
Slavery, Indian labour and British MINORITIES
colonialism. Usha Mahajani (RA) see also MOSLEMS as a subheading
50, 1977: 263-271 The communal oroblem in the Inda-
Urban unemploymentin India. Wilfred Pakistan subcontinent: some current
Malenbaum. 30, 1957: 138-150 implications. 42, 19691: 145-163
Utilization of idle manpowerin India's Delusions and discoveries about the
economic development. T.R. Sundaram. British in India. Philip Mason. (RA)
34, 1961: 131-140 46, 1973: 430-434
Landlords without land: the U.P. [Uttar Muslim education in India at the
Pradesh] Zamindars today. Thomas R. crossroads: the case of Aligarh.
Metcalf. 40, 1967: 5-18· Theodore P. Wright, Jr. 39, 1966:
Ideology and realities: land redistrib- 50-63
ution in Uttar Pradesh. Richard S. NATIONALISM
Newell. 45, 1972: 220-239 Indian nationalism and the Far East.
The impact of Bhoodan and Gramdanon Irving S. Friedman. 13, 1940: 17-29
village India. Roderick Church. ( RA) Maharashtrian linguistic provincial-
48, 1975: 94-98 ism and Indian nationalism. Robert
W. Stern. 37, 1964: 37-49
- 47 -

INDIA- continued The organizational development of

India's Congress party. Marcus F.
Japanese reactions to India's Francia. 35, 1962: 248-260
nuclear explosion. Frank C. The politics of regionalism in India.
Langdon. 48, 1975: 173-180 Lewis P. Fickett, Jr. 44,1971:
Evacuee property in India and POPULATION
Pakistan. Joseph B. Schechtman. The population issue in India. W.D.
(NC) 24, 1951: 406-413 Barrie. (RA) 36, 1963: 74-78
India and Pakistan: the demography Population pressure in India. H.
of partition. Kingsley Davis. Belshaw. (RA) 21, 1948: 413-415
22, 1949: 254-264
Population pressure in India. S.
PHILOSOPHY Chandrasekhar. 16, 1943: 166-184
Philosophies of India. T.M.P. The prospect for planned parenthood
Mahadevan. (NC) 25, 1952: 401- in India. S. Chandrasekhar. 26,
404 1953: 318-328


The birth of India's Samyukta The DMKand the politics of Tamil
Socialist party. Benjamin N. regionalism. Robert L. Hardgrave,
Schoenfeld. 38, 1965: 245-268 Jr. 37, 1964: 396-411
The Communist party in India. M.R. Linguistic regionalism in India.
Masani. 24, 1951 : 18-38 Marshall Windmiller. 27, 1954:
Congress, dead or alive. W.H. 291-318
Morris-Jones. (RA) 42, 1969: The t1adras anti-Hindi agitation, 1965:
199-205 political protest and its effects on
The DMKand the politics of Tamil language policy in India. Duncan B.
nationalism. Robert L. Hardgrave, Forrester. 39, 1966: 19-36
Jr. 37, 1964: 396-411 Maharashtrian linguistic provincial-
Electoral politics in West Bengal: ism and Indian nationalism. Robert
the growth of the United Front. lL Stern. 37, 1964: 37-49
Marcus F. Francia. 42, 1969: 279-293 Nagaland: the agony of ending a
Indian communismand the new Soviet guerrilla war. Gordon P. Means &
line. Marshall Windmiller. 29, 1956: Ingunn N. Means. 39, 1966: 290-313
347-366 The politics of regionalism in India.
Indian Communist party strategy since Lewis P. Fickett, Jr. 44, 1971: 193-
1947. John H. Kautsky. (NC) 28, 210
1955: 145-160 Subregionalism in India: the case of
India's Swatantra party. Howard L. Telangana. Duncan B. Forrester. 43,
Erdman. 36, 1963: 394-410 1970: 5-21

Mobilization of Indian youth in RELIGION

the Shiv Sena. Mary F. Katzenstein. Christian missionary decline in India.
50, 1977: 231-248 Roland W. Scott. (NC) 30, 1957:
Observations on the Indian Communist 366-376
party split. John B. Wood. 38,
1965: 47-63
- 48 -

INDIA- continued Structure and change in Indian

REVOLUTION society. F.G. Bailey. (RA)
Class and agrarian change: some 42, 1969: 494-502
comments on peasant resistance and
revolution in India. S.A. Shah. WOMEN
(NC) 42, 1969: 360-363 Background of the Hindu code bill.
Renuka Ray. (NC) 25, 1952: 268-277
Class and agrarian change: some
comments on peasant resistance and WORLD WAR II
revolution in India. Kathleen India's independence and the war.
Gough. (NC) 42, 1969: 363-368 Michae 1 Greenberg. 15, 1942: 164-187
Peasant resistance and revolt in
south India. Kathleen Gough. YOUTH
41, 1968: 526-544 Mobilization of Indian youth in the
Shiv Sena. Mary F. Katzenstein.
RURAL DEVELOPMENT 50, 1977: 231-248
Agricultural growth and rural change
in India in the 1960's. John Adams. India begins to study her neighbors.
43, 1970: 189-202 (NC) 16, 1943: 227-229
Development projects in an Indian
village. Adrian C. Mayer. 29, INDIANOCEAN
1956: 37-45 Regional organization for the Indian
An Indian community development Ocean area. K.M. Panikkar. 18,
block revisited. Adrian C. Mayer. 1945: 246-251
30, 1957: 35-46 Strategic politics and the Indian Ocean.
Richard Burt. (RA) 47, 1974: 509-514
India's scientific development. INDOCHINA
William A. Blanpied. (RA) 50,
1977: 91-99 see also CAMBODIA
Authority and community in village Blueprinting a new Indochina. Ellen
India. Hugh Tinker. 32, 1959: J. Hammer. 21, 1948: 252-263
L'ecole francaise d'extreme orient.
The Hindu joint family: the norms ( NC) 25, 1952: 292-296
and their numbers. Henry Orenstein
and Michael Micklin. 39, 1966: 314- For a French Inda-Chinese federation.
325 Pierre Gourou. 20, 1947: 18-29
The Indian business communities and Inda-China in the new French Colonial
the evolution of an industrialist framework. Jean de la Roche. 18,
class. Helen B. Lamb. 28, 1955: 101- 1945: 62-75
116 Freedom in Inda-China. Francis J.
Indian castes old and new. Michael Corley. (RA) 34, 1961: 375-380
M. Ames. (RA) 44, 1971: 81-91 The French Colonial Empire and Popular
Social analysis and national economic Front government. Jean-Yves le Branchu.
development in India. Albert Mayer. 10, 1937: 125-135
35, 1962: 128-140 Inda-China in 1931-1932. Roger Levy.
Social mobilization and political 5, 1932: 205-217
development in south India. David The international situation in Indochina.
J. Elkins. 47, 1974: 326-343 Brian Crozier. 29, 1956: 309-323
Indochina since Geneva. Bernard Fall.
28, 1955: 3-25
- 49 -

INDOCHINA - continued International position of Netherlands

Recent publications on Indochina. India. G.H. Bousquet. 12, 1939: 379-
Bernard B. Fall. (RA) 29, 1956: 393
57-64 The international oosition of Nether-
lands India. Owen'Lattimore. (CC)
The rice export from Burma, Siam and 13, 1940: 192-197
French Inda-China. C.J. Robertson. The Netherlands Indies and her neighbors.
9, 1936: 243-253 George H.C. Hart. 16, 1943: 21-32
CULTURE Sukarno's Indonesia. Justus M. van der
Renaissance in Inda-China: a French Kroef. (RA) 46, 1973: 269-288
experiment in reviving Cambodian art.
Willowdean C. Handy. Feb. 1929: 71-72 ADMINISTRATION
DEVELOPMENT Development and changing bureaucratic
Financing the Lower Mekong River styles in Indonesia: the case of the
Basin Development. P.K. Menon. 44, Pamong Praja. Millidge Walker and
1971: 566-579 Irene Tinker. 48, 1975: 60-73
Postwar problems of French Inda-China: Indonesia's government estates and their
economic aspects. Gaston Rueff. 18, masters. J.A.C. Mackie. 34, 1961: 337-
1945: 137-155
MINORITIES The agrarian conflict in East Sumatra.
Aspects of a minority problem in Karl J. Pelzer. 30, 1957: 151-159
Indochina. Georges Condominas. (NC) Problems of agriculture in Indonesia.
24, 1951: 77-82 E. de Vries. 22, 1949: 130-143
NATIONALISM Rural administration and agricultural
Annamese nationalism. Dang-Chan-Lieu. development in Indonesia. Gary Hansen.
(NC) 20, 1947: 61-66 44, 1971 : 390-400
Postwar problems of French Inda-China: Generals and business in Indonesia.
social and political aspects. Gaston Harold Crouch. 48, 1975: 519-540
Rueff. 18, 1945: 229-245 Western business in Indonesia today.
Audrey G. Donnithorne. 27, 1954:
Dilemmas of Indonesian communism.
Dutch charter for the Indies. Raymond Justus M. van der Kroef. 35, 1962:
Kennedy. (NC) 16, 1943: 216-223 141-159
Economics and administrative policy Indonesian communismsince the 1965 coup.
in the Dutch Indies. Amry Vandenbosch. Justus M. van der Kroef. 43, 1970: 35-
5, 1932: 886-890 60
Indonesia and the Netherlands. Jan Interpretation of the 1965 Indonesian
O.M. Broek. (RA) 16, 1943: 329-338 coup: a review of the literature. Justus
Indonesia at the crossroads. J.A. M. van der Kroef. 43, 1970: 557-577
Verdoorn. 19, 1946: 339-350 CULTURE
Indonesia before and after the Untung The clash of cultures in Bali. John
coup. W.F. Wertheim. 39, 1966: 115- Coast. (NC) 24, 1951: 398-406
- 50 -

- continued Nether fonds
Indonesia and the Dutch. Justus M. van
der Kroef. (RA) 36, 1963: 290-293
Peasants, peddlers and princes in
Indonesia. W.F. Wertheim. (RA) The in Indonesia.
37, 1964: 307-311 Justus M. van der Kroef (RA) 30,
1957: 254-250
Aspects of planning in Indonesia. The Netherlands-Indonesian agreement.
Virginia Thompson. (NC) 20, 1947: W.H. van Helsdingen. (NC) 20, 1947: 184-
178-183 187
Capitalism in Indonesia. J.S. GOVERNMENTAND POLITICS
Furnivall. (NC) 20, 1947: 66-69 Army and Islam in Indonesia. Allan
Economic aspects of Indonesian dis- A. Samson. 44, 1971: 545-565
unity. D.\~. Fryer. 30, 1957: 195-208 Centralization in Indonesia. Leslie
The effects of the economic crisis in H. Palmier. (RA) 33, 1960: 169-180
Netherlands-India. J.H. Boeke. 7, Economic aspects of Indonesian dis-
1934: 29-41 unity. D.W. Fryer. 30, 1957: 195-
Impediments to economic progress in 208
Indonesia. H. deMeel. 24, 1951: 39-51 Finance and politics in Indonesia.
Indonesia's development plans and Nathan Keyfitz. (RA) 34, 1961: 57-62
problems. Benjamin Higgins. 29, Foreign aid to Indonesia and its poli-
1956: 107-125 tical implications. Donald Hindley.
Indonesia's economic future. Justus 36, 1963: 107-119
M. van der Kroef. 32, 1959: 46-72 Generals and business in Indonesia.
Indonesia's eight-year development Harold Crouch. 48, 1975: 519-540
plan. Guy J. Pauker. 34, 1961: 115- Indirect rule in East Indonesia.
130 George McT. Kahin. 22, 1949: 227-238
EDUCATION Indonesia in retrospect. B.H.M.
Aspects of planning in Indonesia. Vlekke. (RA) 22, 1949: 290-295
Virginia Thompson. (NC) 20, 1947: Indonesian communismand the changing
178-183 balance of power. Justus M. van der
ELECTIONS Kroef. 37, 1964: 357-383
Toward elections in Indonesia.
Herbert Feith. 27, 1954: 236-254 The Indonesian federal problem. Lawrence
S. Finkelstein. 24, 1951: 284-295
Finance and politics in Indonesia. The Indonesian federal problem recon-
Nathan Keyfitz. (RA) 34, 1961: 57-62 sidered. L.G.M. Jaquet. (NC) 25,
1952: 170-175
Foreign aid to Indonesia and its Indonesia's political prisoners. Justus
M. van der Kroef. 49, 1976: 625-647
po1it i ca 1 imp1i cat i ons . Dona1d
Hindley. 36, 1963: 107-119 The military in Indonesian politics:
Indonesia's response to changing Big the burden of power. Roger K. Paget.
Power alignments. Robert C. Horn. 40, 1967: 294-314
46, 1973: 515-533 Military politics under Indonesia's
The potential for Indonesian expansion- new order. Harold Crouch. 45, 1972:
ism. Bernard K. Gordon. 36, 1963: 378- 206-219
393 Political consequences of rural develop-
ment programs in Indonesia. Guy J.
Pauker. 41, 1968: 386-402
Malaysia and Indonesia. George McT.
Kahin. 37, 1964: 253-270
- 51 -


Military and Islam in Sukarno's Indon-
GOVERNMENT ANDPOLITICS - continued esia. Howard M. Federspiel. 46, 1973:
The political role of the army in Indo- 407-420
nesia. Daniel S. Lev. 36, 1963: 349-364
The military in Indonesian politics: the
Problems of Indoneisan constitutionalism. burden of power. Roger K. Paget. 40, 1967:
Charles Wolf, Jr. (NC) 23, 1950: 314-318 294-314
Provisional government in the Netherlands The political role of the army in Indo-
East Indies. Frans H. Visman. 18, 1945: nesia. Daniel S. Lev. 36, 1963: 349-364
180-1 87
Students and politics in Indonesia and The Eurasians of Indonesia: castaways of
Korea. Princeton N. Lyman. 38, 1965: colonialism. Paul W. van der Veur. 27,
282-293 1954: 124-137
Sukarno, the nationalist. Leslie H. Inda-European problem in Indonesia. W.F.
Palmier. 30, 1957: 101-119 Wertheim. 20, 1947: 290-298
Taking stock in Indonesia. C.A.O. van A problem in Java: the Chinese in the
Nieuwenhuijze. (RA) 25, 1952: 76-80 Dutch East Indies. Amry Vandenbosch.
HISTORY 3, 1930: 1001-1017
On the writing of Indonesian history. MOSLEMS
Justus M. van der Kroef. 31, 1958: The Dar ul-Islarn movement in Western
352-371 Java. C.A.0. van Nieuwenhuijze. 23,
Problems of Indonesian historiography. 1950: 169-183
D.G.E. Hall. (RA) 38, 1965: 353-359 Indonesian Islam under the Japanese
INDEPENDENCE occupation, 1942-45. Harry J. Benda. 28,
An appeal to reason. W.F. Wertheim. 1955: 350-362
( RA) 21, 1948: 405-407 The military and Islam in Sukarno's
Autonomy for Indonesia. A. Arthur Indonesia. Howard M. Federspiel. 46,
Schiller. 17, 1944: 478-488 1973: 407-420
Economic conditions for Indonesian Modern Islam in Indonesia: the Muhammadiyah
independence. J.H. Boeke. (NC) after independence. Leslie H. Palmier.
19, 1946: 394-402 (NC) 27, 1954: 255-263
The Indonesian problem. J.H.A. NATIONALISM
Logemann. 20, 1947: 30-41 Indonesian nationalism reconsidered.
Justus M. van der Kroef. 45, 1972: 42-59
Colonial labor problems: the labor Nationalism in Netherlands East India.
contract with penal sanction in the Dutch Amry Vandenbosch. 4, 1931 : 1051-1069
East Indies. Amry Vandenbosch. 4, 1931: POLITICAL PARTIES
318-324 Indonesian communist policy and the
The Coolie Budget Report. W.F. Wertheim. Sixth Party Congress. Justus M. van der
(NC) 26, 1953: 158-164 Kroef. 33, 1960: 227-249
The Indonesian language -- by-product of Demographic dilemma in Indonesia. H.
nationalism. Takdir Alisjahbana. (NC) de Meel. 24, 1951: 266-283
22, 1949: 388-392 PUBLISHING
LAWS Broadening Indonesian horizons. C.A.O. van
Native customary law in the Netherlands Nieuwenhuijze. (NC) 25, 1952: 399-401
East Indies. A. Arthur Schiller. 9, REVOLUTION
1936: 254-263 The end of the Indonesian rebellion.
Herbert Feith and Daniel S. Lev. 36,
1963: 32-46
- 52 -

- continued NATIONALISM
~istori~al s~tting of Inner Mongol-
RUBBER ian nationalism. OwenLattimore.
Restriction of rubber production in 9, 1936: 388-405
Netherlands-India. Cecile Rothe. (SR)
8, 1935: 66-80 INNES, F.M. The political outlook in
RURALDEVELOPMENT Pakistan. 26, 1953: 303-317
Political consequences of rural develop-
ment programs in Indonesia. Guy J. INNES, Harold A. Forest industries in
Pauker. 41, 1968: 386-402 Canada: their relation to Pacific
trade. Sept. 1929: 551-552
Rural administration and a·gricultural
development in Indonesia. Gary Hansen. INOUYE,JUNNOSUKE
44, 1971: 390-400
The late Junnosuke Inouye: an
SOCIETY appreciation. Soichi Saito. 5, 1932~
Aspects of Indonesia's social structure. 1057-1060
Leslie H. Palmier. 28, 1955: 117-131
Changes in Indonesia's social strat- INSTITUTEof International Education.
ification. W.F. vlertheim. 28, 1955: Ploughing the field of international
41-52 educational relationships: a memorandum
upon the origin, organization and act-
Social change in Java, 1900-1930. W.F. ivities of the Institute of International
Wertheim and the Siauw Giap. 35, 1962: Education. Apr. 1928: 3-8
Indonesian student activism. Joseph As the research plan shapes:· sketch
Fischer and Juwono Sudarsono. (RA) of Dr. Condliffe's tour. J.B.
44, 1971: 92-96 Condliffe. Apr. 1928: 12-14
Students and politics in Indonesia and A British appraisal. [1927 conference]
Korea. Princeton N. Lyman. 38, 1965: Lionel Curtis. Mar. 1928: 14-16
282-293 Conference literature in review. [1929
co.nference} W.L. Holland. 3, 1930:
At the crossroads of Inner Asia. The conference method in international
OwenLattimore. 23, 1950: 34-45 relations: Havana and Honolulu. Ray
LymanWilbur. June 1928: 1-3
Inner Asia: from inside and out.
OwenLattimore. (NC) 27, 1954: 160- Conference Supplement [1933, Banff].
170 6, 1933: 439-524
Some recent Inner Asian studies. Owen Conference trends in China: a general
Lattimore. (RA) 20, 1947: 318-327 indication of round table discussion.
Elizabeth Green. 5, 1932: 1-34
A treasury of Inner Asian history and
culture. OwenLattimore. (RA) 50, Current research projects of the !.P.R.,
1977: 426-444 1951-52. W.L. Holland. (NC) 24, 1951:
INNERMONGOLIA Diplomatic machinery in the Pacific:
A critical survey of Chinese policy in its place at the Fifth I.P.R. Conference.
Inner Mongolia. Chen Han-seng. (RR) Australian Council (I.P.R.) 6, 1933:
9, 1936: 557-561 182-189
Inner Mongolia -- Chinese, Japanese or The documentation of the Lucknow
Mongol? OwenLattimore. 10, 1937: Conference. Philip E. Lilienthal.
64-71 (RA) 23, 1950: 402-416
The phantom of Mengkukuo. Owen The documentation of the Virginia
Lattimore. 10, 1937: 420-427 Beach Study Meeting. Philip E. Lilien-
thal. (PAB #7) 13, 1940: 63-80
- 53 -

INSTITUTEOF PACIFICRELATIONS - cont. Research program, Institute of Pacific

The do's and the don'ts: problems in Relations, 1949-50. 22, 1949: 398-413
agenda making. Elizabeth Green. 3, The Stratford conference. 20, 1947:
1930: 470-475 477-479
Eleventh conference of the Institute Supplementary note of I.P.R. research
of Pacific Relations. 23, 1950: 193-194 in China. W.L. Holland. (NC) 17,
Europe meets the Institute. J. Merle 1944: 217-218
Davis. May 1928: 8-15 The technique of diagnosis. J.B.
Governor Sagami's greeting. Governor Condli ffe. Sept. 1929 !: 537-550
Sagami. Dec. 1929: 761 "This is the China Conference". Eliz-
The Hot Springs Conference. Edward C. abeth Green. 4, l 931 : l 085-1103
Carter. (NC) 18, 1945: 94-96 To our Japanese hosts: response to
The !.P.R. in retrospect. John W. addresses of welcome, opening meeting
Holmes. (RA) 47, 1974: 515-520 of the Kyoto conference, October 28,
1929. Sir Douglas Hogg (Lord Hailsham).
In the eyes of the world: excerpted Dec. 1929: 752-755
press comment on the Kyoto Conference.
Elizabeth Green. 3, 1930: 143-153 Will Kyoto find the trail? J. Merle
Davis. Dec. 1929: 756-759
The Institute of Pacific Relations
and the crisis in the Far East. Sir The Yosemite Conference and Japan.
Frederick \1hyte. 9, l 936: 5- 12 Tadao Varnakawa. 9, l 936: 51 5-523
Kyoto trends. [1929 conference] ISAACS,Harold R. Perspectives of the
Elizabeth Green. 3, 1930: 92-107 Chinese Revolution: a Marxist view.
Light from three conferences. Charles 8, 1935: 269-283
F. Loomis. 3, 1930: 126-142
The little conference: entertainment J
features. Elizabeth Green. Dec. 1929:
764-766 JAMES,Roy E. The Guamcongress. (NC)
Nara and Kyoto: their opening signif- 19, 1946: 408-413
icance. Elizabeth Green. Dec. 1929:
747-751 The South Pacific Commission. (NC)
--20, 1947: 193-198
News notes. Jan. 1928: 14-16; Feb.
1928: l 9-22; Mar. 1928: 16-20; Apr. JANEWAY,
Eliot. Japan's war hunger. ( CC)
1928: 18-19; May 1928: 22-26; June 11, 1938: 97-101
1928: 20-22; July 1928: 15; Aug/Sept.
1929: 20-23 JAPAN
Opening address at Kyoto. Inazo Nitobe. The cooperative movement in Japan.
Nov. 1929: 685-688 Galen M. Fisher. 11, 1938: 478-491
Premier Hamaguchi's greeting. Premier The future of Japan: a Canadian view.
Hamaguchi. Dec. 1929: 760 Anonymous. 17, 1944: 194-203
The press in Great Britain and the Inst- The future of Japan: an American view.
itute of Pacific Relations. Feb. 1928: M. Searle Bates and Kenneth S. Latour-
17-18 ette. 17, 1944: 190-194
Research and the Institute of Pacific A German analysis of Japan's destiny.
Relations: a brief survey of the 1931- Bruno Lasker. (CO) 7, 1934: 88-89
33 program. W.L. Holland. 5, 1932:
168-175 Japanese memoirs -- reflections on the
recent past. Nobutaka Ike. (RA)
24, l 951 : 18 5- l 90
- 54 -

JAPAN- continued The Japanese camphor monopoly: its

Population and conquest. Freda Utley. history and relation to the future
10, 1937: 16-29 of Japan. vJalter A. Durham, Jr.
5, 1932: 797-801
ADMINISTRATION Japan's war hunger. Eliot Janeway
The role of the bureaucracy in Japan. (cc) 11 , l 938: 97-1 01
John M. Maki. 20, 1947: 391-406
The position of silk in Japanese
AGRICULTURE exports. John R. Stewart. (NC)
Beyond the land reform: Japan's agric- 21, 1948: 46-51
ultural prospect. R.P. Dore. 36, 1963: The pro bl ems of sanctions in the Far
265-276 East. Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter.
12, 1939: 245-262
The great purge in Japan. Harold S. Sanctions against Japan. Kurt Bloch.
Quigley. 20, 1947: 299-308 (CC) 12, 1939: 430-438
Japan -- storm center of Asia. vJang Sanctions against Japan? Digest of
Yun-sheng. (C) 21, 1948: 195-199 replies to questionnaire in September
1939 Pacific Affairs. Owen Lattimore.
Reflections on Japan. W. Macmahon (CC) 12, 1939: 427-430
Ball. 21, 1948: 3-19
Some implications of Anglo-Japanese
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY competition. Barbara Wootton. 9,
Dissolution of the Japanese combines. 1936: 524-531
Corwin D. Edwards. 19, 1946: 227-240 Whowants sanctions against Japan?
Increase of Zaibatsu predominance in OwenLattimore. (CC) 12, 1939:
wartime Japan. T.A. Bisson. 18, 1945: 302-303
55-61 Canada
Industrial relations in the new Japan. The Canadian-Japanese tariff war.
Solomon B. Levine. 30, 1957: 209-220 K.W. Taylor. (CO) 8, 1935: 475-477
Industrial structure and economic plan- China
ning in Japan. Leon Hollerman. 33, International law and anti-Japanese
1960: 219-226 boycott. H.C. Wang. 6, 1933: 373-381
Japan's overseas investments. Isaiah Japan's economic relations with China.
A. Litvak and Christopher J. Maule. Roy Hidemichi Akagi. 4, 1931: 488-510
46, 1973: 254-268 On the legality of the Chinese boycott.
Policy centralization in Japan under Kenzo Takayanagi. 5, l 932: 855-862
the Kokutai principle. William H. The politics of Sino-Japanese trade
Taylor and Robert A. Brady. 14, relations, 1963-68. Chae-Jin Lee.
1941: 51-77 42, 1969: 129-144
The Zaibatsu's wartime role. T.A. New Zealand
Bisson. 18, 1945: 355-368 Japan and New Zealand: an interesting
trade agreement. Guy H. Scholefield,
CENSORSHIP Mar. 1929: 123-130
Textbook censorship in Japan: the
Ienaga case. (NC) R.P. Dore. CULTURE
43, 1970: 548-556 Japan and the vJest. Miriam s. Farley.
(RA) 23, 1950: 77-82
Japan and Far Eastern development. The road to understanding: its lies
Leon Hollerman. 24, 1951: 372-397 along the way of a nation's inner life.
Tomoyoshi Murai. Jan. 1928: 1-4
- 55 -

JAPAN- continued The importance of educational

traditions: Japan and elsewhere.
ECONOMICS R. P. Dore. 45, 1972: 491-507
The development of capitalism in Japan.
Nobutaka Ike. (NC) 22, 1949: 185-190 ELECTIONS
Growth and cycles in the Japanese Behind the 1959 Japanese elections.
economy. Hugh T. Patrick. (RA) Douglas H. Mendel, Jr. (NC) 32,
36, 1963: 276-283 1959: 298-306
"Guns" and butter in Japan. Kurt Foreign policy issues in Japan's 1958
Bloch. 14, 1941: 416-429 elections. I.I. Morris. 31, 1958:
A historical study of Japanese
capitalism. Saburo Matsukata. (SR) Japanese election candidates in 1955.
7, 1934: 71-76 R.P. Dore. (NC) 29, 1956: 174-181
Industrial structure and economic plan- Japanese election results reconsidered.
ning in Japan. Leon Hollerman. 33, Nobushige Ukai. (NC) 26, 1953: 139-
1960: 219-226 146
Japan and Far Eastern Development. The 1976 general election in Japan.
Leon Hollerman. 24, 1951: 372-397 Karl Dixon. 50, 1977: 208-230
Japan's economy in the 1970's: Political change in Tokyo and the 1973
implications for the world. Wilbur Metropolitan Assembly elections. Alan
F. Monroe. 45, 1972: 508-520 G. Rix. 47, 1974: 20-36
Japan's economy on the road back. EMIGRATJON
Jerome B. Cohen. 21, 1948: 264-279 see also JAPANESE
Japan's "new economic structure". Japanese emigration to Brazil. J.F.
H.T. Oshima. 15, 1942: 261-279 Normano. 7, 1934: 42-61
Japan's position in the economy of the
Far East. D.S. Holman. 20, 1947: FINANCE
371-380 Japanese state finance, Guenther
Stein. 10, 1937: 393-406
Problems of war production control in
Japan. T.A. Bisson. 16, 1943: 301-310 Japan's interest rates and the 'grey'
financial market. Hugh T. Patrick.
The role of subsidies in Japan's 38, 1965: 326-344
economic development. Herbert M.
Bratter. 4, 1931: 377-393 FOREIGNRELATIONS
Some lessons of Japan's economic Continuity and change in Japanese
development. M. Bronfenbrenner. foreign, policy. J.A.A. Stockwin.
34, 1961: 7-27 46, 1973: 77-93
The structure of Japan's postwar Foreign policy issues in Japan's 1958
economy. Shikamatsu Mukai. (NC) elections. I.I. Morris. 31, 1958:
19, 1946: 90-95 219-240
Toward economic stability in Japan. Foreign policy perspectives of the
Shigeta Tsuru. 22, 1949: 357-366 Japanese left: confrontation or
consensus? J,A.A. Stockwin. 42, 1969:
Education in Japan's growth. R.P. The growth of an independent foreign'
Dore. (NC) 37, 1964: 66-79 policy in Japan. Harold M. Vinacke.
Highlights in Japan's educational 38, 1965: 5~16
development: with special reference to Japan and world politics in the 1970's.
the introduction of foreign languages. John M, Maki. (RA) 46, 1973: 289-297
Rokuro Nakaseko. Jan. 1929: 15-19
- 56 -

JAPAN- continued Jcpan and China: a war of minds.

Robert S. Morton. 10, 1937: 305-314
Japan without Germany. T.A. Bisson. The Japan-China-USSR triangle.
l 2, 1939: 370-378 Sheldon W. Simon·. 47, 1974: 125-138
Japan's Europe. Owen Lattimore. (CO) Japanese Liberal' Democratic factional
7, 1934: 198-200 discord on China policy. Frank C.
Japan's new order in the Pacific. Langdon~ 41, 1968: 403-415
William Magistretti. 14, 1941: 198- Japan's "special interests" in China.
206 Franz Michael. 10, 1937: 407-411
Japan's preparedness for international Sino-Japanese accord: a review of the
co-operation. Inazo Nitobe. 3, 1930: Tsinan agreement. Japan National
46-56 Council (!.P.R.) May 1929: 259-262
Land and sea in the destiny of Japan. The view from Peking: China's policies
OwenLattimore. (CO) 9, 1936: 586- towards the United States, the Soviet
589 Union and Japan. Thomas W. Robinson.
Main drive behind Japanese national 45, 1972: 333-355
policies. Galen M. Fisher. 13, 1940: India
381-392 Japanese relations with India, Pakistan
A pawn approaches the eighth square. and Bangladesh. Zillur R. Khan. 48,
Quincy Wright. (CO) 7, 1934: 326-331 1975: 541-557
The Philippines as a pawn in the game. Indonesia
Sir Frederick Whyte. 7, 1934: 163-168 Indonesian Islam under the Japanese
The quest for peace in the Pacific. occupation, 1942-45. Harry J. Benda.
J.W. Pickersgill. (Cb) 9, 1936: 443- 28, 1955: 350-362
448 Netherlands India and Japan. Amry
Theodore Roosevelt and Japan's Monroe Vandenbosch. 13, 1940: 253-262
Doctrine. Ching-chun Wang. (CO)
9, 1936: 86-91 Korea (Democratic People's Republic)
North Korea's relations with Japan since
Treaty revision in Japan: a survey of detente. Seung K. Ko. 50, 1977: 31-44
the steps by which the abolition of
foreign privilege was accomplished Korea (Republic)
in the Island Empire. William P. Ker. Japanese-Korean relations in persp~ctive.
Nov. 1928: 1-8 Chong-Sik Lee. 35, 1962:.315-326
World peace machinery and the Asia Netherlands
Monroe Doctrine. Yasaka Takaki. Netherlands India and Japan. Amry
5, 1932: 941-953 Vandenbosch. 13, 1940: 253-262
BangladEsh Pakistan
Japanese relations with India, Pakistan Japanese relations with India, Pakistan
and Bangladesh. Zillur·R. Khan. 48, and Bangladesh. Zillur R. Khan. 48,
1975: 541-557 1975: 541-557
China Philippines
see also MANCHURIA Third conquest of the Philippines?
SINO-JAPANESE WAR S.P. Vak, Jr. 14, 1941: 287-299
The "anti-hegemony" controversy in Thailand
Sino-Japanese relations. Yung H. Thailand in Japan's foreign relations.
Park. 49, 1976: 476-490 John L. Christian and Nobutake Ike.
15, 1942: 195-221
- 57 -

JAPAN- continued Contemporary Japanese political forces.

Masao Takahashi. 21, 1948: 399-404
USSR The functions of factionalism in
The Japan-China-USSR triangle. Sheldon Japanese politics. George 0. Totten
W. Simon. 47, 1974: 125-138 and Tamio Kawakami. 38, 1965: l 09-122
Japan's image of the Soviet Union, 1952- Imperial conspiracy in Japan? Richard
61. James W. Morley. 35, 1962: 51-58 Starry. (RA) 45, 1972: 272-276
The Russo-Japanese fisheries controversy. "In the name of the people": an expl an-
Barbara Wertheim. (SR) 8, 1935: 185- ation of politics in Japan in terms of
198 sovereign and populace. Sakuzo
Some determining factors in Soviet- Yoshino. 4, 1931: 189-200
Japanese relations. Peggy L. Fal kenheim. Japan as a political organism. T.A.
50, 1977: 604-624 Bisson. 17, 1944: 392-420
Soviet relations with Japan. Asiaticus. The Japanese constitution and the
14, 1941: 272-286 militarists. Joseph E. Power. 15,
1942: 188-194
United States
America's strategy against Japan. Japanese popular attitudes toward the
Gumpei Sekine. (CC) 14, 1941: 215-221 Emperor. Hugh H. Smythe and Masaharu
A decade of American diplomacy in Japan. Watanabe. (NC) 26, 1953: 335-344
Tyl er Dennett. ( RA) 17, 1944: 320-324 The liberal myth in Japan. Charles
Japanese-American relations and the Nelson Spinks. 15, 1942: 450-456
second generation. V.S. McClatchy. The making of political demands in
Arp. 1929: 200-203 Japan. Frank C. Langdon. 39, 1966:
The O'Ryan mission to Japan. Warren 37-49
Seabury Hunsberger. (NC) 16, 1943: "National Socialism" in Japan. Nobutaka
347-357 Ike. (NC) 23, 1950: 311-314
Peace on the Pacific -- Japan and the Parliament and parliamentarians in
United States. Viscount Shibusawa. Japan. Hans H. Baerwald. 37, 1964:
3, 1930: 273-277 271-282
The United States and the Far East: a Political conditions in Japan after
survey of the relations of the United the application of manhood suffrage.
States with China and Japan -- Sept- Tai Sekiguchi. 3, 1930: 907-922
ember l, 1930 to September l, 1931. Political difficulties of the Japan
T.A. Bisson. 5, 1932: 66-81 Diet. Tamon Maeda. 4, 1931: 471-478
The United States and the Orient:
a survey of the relations of the The political orientation of Japan.
United States with China and Japan G.B. Samsom. (NC) 24, 1951: 306-312
June l, 1929 to September, 1930. Recent Japanese works on Japanese
T.A. Bisson. 3, 1930: 1118-1145 politics. Nobutaka Ike. (RA) 29,
The United States in the Pacific: a 1956: 65-68
survey of the relations of the United Recent trends in Japanese political
States with China and Japan and thought. Chitoshi Yanaga. 13, 1940:
American opinion thereon. August l, 125-137
1927 - June l, 1929. Harold S. The working of the Japanese Diet. Hattie
Quigley. Aug. 1929: 470-495 Kawahara Colton. (NC) 28, 1955: 363-372
AND POLITICS Yasukuni jinja hoan: religion and
The changing status of the Cabinet politics in contemporary Japan. Cyril
in Japan. Yasushi Sekiguchi. 11, Powles. 49, 1976: 491-505
1938: 5-20
- 58 -


HISTORY Echoes of militarism in Japan. Hanji
E.H. Norman and the task for Kinoshita. (NC) 26, 1953: 244-251
Japanese history. Harry D. Evidences of antimilitarism in prewar
Harootunian. 41, 1968: 545-552 and wartime Japan. Alvin D. Coox. 46,
E.H. Norman: structure and function 1973: 502-514
in the Meiji state, a reappraisal. Japanese and American naval power in
Bernards. Silberman. 41, 1968: 553- the Pacific. Hector C. Bywater. 8,
559 1935: 168-175
Political consciousness in Japan: a Japanese views on national security.
retrospect on E.H. Norman. David Kazuo Kawai. 23, 1950: 115-127
Abosch. 42, 1969: 25-31
Japan's self-defense: the Naganuma
IDEOLOGY case and its implications. Robert L.
Fascist tendencies in Japan. Emil Seymour. 47, 1974: 421-436
Lederer. 7, 1934: 373-385 The land power of the Japanese Navy.
Is Japan a post-Marxist society? OwenLattimore. (CO) 7, 1934: 436-437
J.A.A. Stockwin. 41, 1968: 184-198 Militarists in the Japanese state.
E. Herbert Norman. (RA) 16, 1943:
LABOUR 475-481
Labor policy in occupied Japan. Miriam
S. Farley. 20, 1947: 131-140 The resurgence of military elements
in Japan. Robert Guillain. 25, 1952:
The peasant worker in Japan. K. 211-225
Matsuoka. 3, 1930: 1109-1117
Significance of the military in post-
LAND war Japan. I.I. Morris. 31, 1958:
Land reform in Japan. Andrew J. Grad. 3-21
21, 1948: 115-135 Soldier and peasant in Japan: the origins
of conscription. E. Herbert Norman.
LAWS Part I: 16, 1943: 47- 64
The dispute over Japan's police law. Part II: 16, 1943: 149-165
D.C.S. Sissons. 32, 1959: 34-45
Soldiers of the Showa Empire. Richard
Occidental legal ideas in Japan: Starry. (RA) 49, 1976: 102-107
Their reception and influence.
Kenzo Takayanagi. 3, 1930: 740-753 NEWSPAPERS
The press and Japanese thought. A.
LITERATURE Morgan Young. 10, 1937: 412-419
Contemporary Japanese literature: a
foreigner's view. Glenn W. Shaw. Through the eyes of a Japanese news-
8, 1935: 292-301 paper reader. Guenther Stein. 9,
1936: 177-190
Literature and politics in the Japanese
magazine, Sekai. Josepn K. Yamagiwa. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES
(NC) 28, 1955: 254-268 The Genyosha: a study in the origins
The originality of Japanese civil- of Japanese imperialism. E. Herbert
ization. Arthur Waley. Dec. 1929: Norman. 17, 1944: 261-284
Periodicals in occupied Japan. Andrew The dispute over Japan's police law.
Y. Kuroda. 22, 1949: 43-52 D.C.S. Sissons. 32, 1959: 34-45
Western words and Japanese preoccupat- Policeman and student in Japanese
ions: the English-language works of politics. I.I. Morris. 32, 1959:
Uchinuna Kanzo. John F. Howes. 38, 5-17
1965: 307-325
- 59 -

JAPAN- continued Japan's population problems in war

and peace. Allan B. Cole. 16, 1943:
The growth of a "popular" Japanese
Communist party. Karl Dixon. 45, Recent population developments in
1972: 387-402 Japan: some facts and reflections.
Irene B. Taeuber. 29, 1956: 21 -36
The Japanese Communist Party, the
Soviet Union and Korea. Paul This complex problem of existence:
Langer and Rodger Swearingen. 23, Japanese opinions on world population.
1 950: 339-355 T. Nagai . Apr. 1 928: 1-2
Japanese Liberal Democratic factional RELIGION
discord on China pol icy. Frank C. The essence of Shinto. Takahiko
Langdon. 41, 1968: 403-415 Tomoeda. 3, 1930: 343-349
Political prospects of Soka Gakkai. Newwriting on Japan's religions.
William Helton. 38, 1965: 231-244 John F. Howes. ( RA) 37, 1964: 166-
Organized interests and their influence 178
on political parties. Frank C. Langdon. Political prospects of Soka Gakkai.
34, 1961 : 271 -278 William R. Helton. 38, 1965: 231-244
Party battles in Japan. Shigeharu Religion in politics in Japan: the
Matsumoto. 5, 1932: 299-305 Soka Gakkai. Charles D. Sheldon.
The people's parliamentary path of (NC) 33, 1960: 382-387
the Japanese Communist party. George The religious sense of the Japanese
0. Totten. Part I: Agrarian policies. people. Inazo Mitobe. Feb. 1929:
46, 1973: 193-217. Part II: Local 58-64
level tactics. 46, 1973: 384-406
Yasukuni J&nJa hoan: religion and
Postwar political parties in Japan. politics in contemporary Japan. Cyril
Charles Nelson Spinks. 19, 1946: Powles. 49, 1976: 491-505
Problems of Japanese socialist leader- REPARATIONS
ship. George 0. Totten. (NC) 28, Japanese reparations: fact or fantasy?
1955: 1 60- 169 Martin Toscan Bennett. (NC) 21, 1948:
Religion in politics in Japan: the
Soka Gakkai. Charles D. Sheldon. Japan's position in the economy of the
(NC) 33, 1960: 382-387 Far East. D.S. Holman. 20, 1947: 371-
Conquest and population. Chen Han-seng. REPATRIATION
(CO) 10, 1937: 201-207 Repatriate organizations in Japan.
F.W. Warner. (NC) 22, 1949: 272-276
Demographic research in Japan. Irene
B. Taeuber. (NC) 22, 1949: 392-397 SOCIETY
The future of the Japanese population. Chanoyu, or the tea philosophy of Japan:
Teijiro Uyeda. 6, 1933: 297-304 a Western evaluation. A.L. Sadler.
Oct. 1929: 635-644
Japan and overpopulation. I. Taiguin.
July 1929: 405-408 The Doya-Gai: a Japanese version of
Skid Row. Carlo Caldarola. 41, 1968:
Japanese emigration and Japan's 511-525
"population pressure". F.A. Rager.
14, 1941: 300-321 "Ecstasy years" -- old age in Japan.
David W. Plath. 46, 1973: 421-429
Japan's increasing people: facts,
problems and policies. Irene B. The ethics of the new Japan. R.P.
Taeuber. 23, 1 950: 271-293 Dore. (NC) 25, 1952: 147-159
- 60 -


SOCIETY - continued see JAPANESE OCCUPATION as a subheading
Japan -- attitudes, power and ideas. under:
R.P. Dore. (RA) 30, 1957: 260-265 FAREAST TAil/AN
Japanese character and Christianity: KOREA
a study of Japanese ethical ideals as
compared with teachings of Christian- JAQUET,L.G.M. The Indonesian federal
ity. Tasuku Harada. Nov. 1929: 693- problem reconsidered. (NC) 25, 1952:
698 170-175

JARDINE,R.I. The student and the future;
Japan's "dangerous" students. E.H. international student service and the
Anstice. 4, 1931: 695-699 Pacific. 4, 1931: 113-119

Policeman and student in Japanese JENKINS,D.R. Policy and strategy of

politics. I.I. Morris. 32, 1959: the New Zealand Labor Party. 12,
5- 17 1939: 54-66

URBANIZATION JENKINS,Shirley. Financial and econo~ic

Urbanization and population pressure planning in the Philippines. 21 , 1948:
in Japan. David H. Kornhauser. 31, 33-45
1958: 275-285
JENNINGS,W. Ivor. The Dominion of Ceylon.
WOMEN 22, 1949: 21-33
Japanese womenand party politics.
H. J. Jones. 49, 1976: 213-234 Politics in Ceylon since 1952.
--27, 1954: 338-352
Japanese womenand the dual-track
employment system. H.J. Jones.
49, 1976: 589-606 JESSUP, Philip C. Determinants of a
Sino-Japanese settlement: an impress-
Japan's new woman: legal and political ion of the !.P.R. study meeting. 13,
relationships of womenof Japan today l 940: 5-16
(an interpretation). Kikue Ide. Aug./
Sept. 1928: 1-11 JOHNSON,Barbara and Frank Langdon. Two
hundred mile zones: the politics of
YOUTH North Pacific fisheries. 49, 1976:
Indoctrination and re-education of 5-27
Japan's youth. Charles Nelson Spinks.
17, 1944: 56-70 JOHNSON,Graham E. Chinese urbanization
and economic development. (RJI.) 44,
JAPANESE NATIONAL COUNCIL (!.P.R.). Sino- 1971 : 580-584
Japanese Accord: a review of the
Tsinan agreement. May 1929: 259-262 Rural Chinese social organization,
--tradition and change. (RA) 46, 1973:

The fate of the Japanese in North JOHNSTONE, William C. The price of security
America and Hawaii. Norman Thomas. in the Pacific. (RA) 16, 1943: 66-72
(RA) 16, 1943: 92-95
United .States
The San Francisco Conference. 18,
--1945: 213-228
The changing Japanese situation in
California. Tsutomu Obana. 5, 1932:
954-966 JONES, A. Creech. Recent advances in
British Colonial pol icy. (NC) 17,
l 944: 204-209
- 61 -

JONES, DawnE. and Rodney W. Jones. __ International aspects of Philippine

Nationalizing education in Pakistan: independence. 6, 1933: 17-21
teachers' associations and the
People's party. 50, 1977: 581-603 KAMENEVA, O.D. Cultural rapprochement:
the USSRsociety for cultural relations
JONES, F.C. The tragedy of Korea. (RA) with foreign countries. Oct. 1928: 6-8
41, 1968: 86-89
JONES, H.J. Japanese womenand party see CAMBODIA
politics. 49, 1976: 213-234
A.J. The sale of the Chinese
Japanese womenand the dual- Eastern Raih1ay. 8, 1935: 397-408
--track employment system. 49, 1976:
589-606 KASHMIR
JONES, Rodney W. see JONES, DawnE. Kashmir: a case study in United Nations
mediation. Michael Brecher. 26, 1953:
JONES,Stella M. Economic adjustment 195-207
of Hawaiians to European culture.
4, 1931: 957-974 KATZENSTEIN,Mary F. Mobilization of
Indian youth in the Shiv Sena.: 50,
JOSEY,Alex. The political significance 1977: 231 -248
of the Burma lJorkers party. 31 , l 958:
372-379 KAUFMAN,Richard H. Problems in Pakistan's
prosperity. (NC) 35, 1962: 59-65
JUMPER,Roy. Mandarin bureaucracy and
politics in South Viet Nam. 30, 1957: KAUTSKY, John H. Indian Communistparty
47-58 strategy since 1947. (NC) 28, 1955:
JUPP, James. Constitutional developments
in Ceylon since independence. 41, 1968: KAVIC,Lorne J. Canada and Asia: evolving
169-183 awareness and deepening links. 45, 1972:
Democratic socialism in Sri Lanka.
--50, 1977: 625-643 KAWAI,Kazuo. Japanese views on national
security. 23, 1950: 11 5-127
KAWAKAMI,Kiyoshi K. Manchurian back-
grounds, I. 5, 1932: 111-130
. The unsolved naval problems of
KAGAWA,TOYOHIKO --the Pacific. 4, 1931: 863-879
Toyohiko Kagawa: the St. Francis of KAWAKAMI,
Tamio see TOTTEN,George 0.
Japan. Kenneth Saunders. 4, 1931:
308-317 KEARNEY,Robert N. Sinhalese nationalism
and social conflict in Ceylon. 37,
KAHIN,George McT. Indirect rule in East l 964: l 2 5- 136
Indonesia. 22, 1949: 227-238
KEENLEYSIDE,T.A. Canada and the Pacific:
Malaysia and Indonesia. 37, 1964: policies for economic growth. 46, 1973:
--253-270 5-28
MaximoM. Filipino opposition to KEESING,Felix M. Education and native
the Japanese. 18, 1945: 340-345 peoples: a study in objectives. 5, 1932:
- 62 -

Government of Pacific dependencies. KIM, K.W. Ideology and political develop-

--3, 1930: 448-459 ment in South Korea. 38, 1965: 164-176
The Maoris of NewZealand: an KING, Peter. The political balance in
--experiment in racial adaptation. Saigon. 44, 1971 : 401-420
Oct. 1928: 1-5
KINOSHITA, Hanji. Echoes of militarism
Social problems in Pacific in Japan. (NC) 26, 1953: 244-251
--dependencies. 4, 1931: 576-585
KIRALFY,Alexander. The armed strength
Standards of living among native of the United States in the Pacific.
--peoples of the Pacific. 8, 1935: 21- 11, 1938: 208-223
see PARRY,Albert
KENNEDY, Raymond. Dutch charter for the
Indies. (NC) 16, 1943: 216-223 KIRBY,E. Stuart. Hongkong looks ahead.
(NC) 22, 1949: 173-178
KER, William P. Treaty revision in Japan:
a survey of the steps by which the KLATT,W. Agricultural planning in
abolition of foreign privilege was East Pakistan. (NC) 25, 1952: 263-268
accomplished in the Island Empire.
Nov. 1928: 1-8 Asia's agrarian agonies. (RA)
--48, 1975: 583-589
KERKVLIET, Benedict J. Land reform in
the Philippines since the Marcos Coup. Howgreen a revolution? 49, 1976:
47, 1974: 286-304 --516-522

KERNER, Robert J. America's interest and Learning from ta-ch'ing: China's

Britain's policy. (CC) 11, 1938: 363- --oil prospects. (RA) 50, 1977: 445-459
Reflections on agricultural modern-
KERR,John R. White boycott in New --isation in Asia. 46, 1973: 534-547
Guinea. (NC) 32, 1959: 401-409
. Taiwan and the foreign investor.
KEYFITZ,Nathan. Finance and politics --50, 1977: 644-659
in Indonesia. (RA) 34, 1961: 57-62
KLEIN,Thomas M. The Ryukyus on the eve
KHAN,Zillur R. Japanese relations with of reversion. 45, 1972: 1-20
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 48,
1975: 541-557 KO, Seung K. North Korea's relations
with Japan since detente. 50, 1977:
KHANH,Huynh Kim. The war in Viet Nam: 31-44
the U.S. official 1ine. (RA) 42,
1969: 58-67 KOH,B.C. North Korea and its quest for
autonomy. 38, 1965: 294-306
KIM, C.I. Eugene. Korea at the cross-
roads: the birth of the Fourth Rep- KOREA
ublic. 46, 1973: 218-231
see also KOREA
(Democratic People's Rep.)
Patterns in the 1967 Korean KOREA
--elections. 41, 1968: 60-70 \:JAR.

see LOVELL,John P. Korea: the first year of liberation.

George M. McCune. 20, 1947: 3-17
KIM, Ilpyong J. North Korea's Fourth Recent studies of Korea. ~Jayne Patterson
Party Congress. 35, 1962: 37-50 and Hilary Conroy. (RA) 45, 1972: 409-
- 63 -


North Korea's Fourth Party Congress.
The tragedy of Korea. F.C. Jones. Il pyong J. Kim. 35, 1962: 37-50
(RA) 41, 1968: 86-89
The political evolution of the
JAPANESEADMINISTRATION Pyongyang government. ~/ilbert B. Dubin.
Problems of Japanese administration (NC) 23, 1950: 381-391
in Korea. Tadao Yanaihara. 11, 1938:
North Korea's Fourth Party Congress.
L·JhatKorea pays for Japanese rule. Ilpyong J. Kim. 35, 1962: 37-50
OwenLattimore. (CC) ll, 1938: 252-
255 Soviet Russia and the Korean Communist
party. John N. Washburn. (NC) 23,
NATIONALISM 1950: 59-65
Rebel Korea. NymWales. 15, 1942:
25-43 KOREA(Republic)
Korean confucianism today. Wil1iam
KOREA(Democratic People's Republic) A. Douglas and Yi Myonggu. 40, 1967:
North Korea and its quest for autonomy. 43-59
B.C. Koh. 38, 1965: 294-306 South Korean development in wider
North Korea and the path to socialism. perspective. R.P. Dore. 50, 1977:
Philip Rudolph. 32, 1959: 131-143 189-207

Foreign relations of the Asian commun- Patterns in the 1967 Korean elections.
ist satellites. Thomas Perry Thornton. C.I. Eugene Kim. 41, 1968: 60-70
35, 1962: 341-352
China Japan
The Chinese Communists' economic and Japanese-Korean relations in perspective.
cultural agreement with North Korea. Chong-Sik Lee. 35, 1962: 315-326
S.B. Thomas. (NC) 27, 1954: 61-65
Korea (Democratic People's Republic)
Japan North-South Korean relations: from
North Korea's relations with Japan dialogue to confrontation. Koon Woo
since detente. Seung K. Ko. 50, 1977: Nam. 48, 1975: 477-499
United States
Korea (Republic) Role of the United States in South
North-South Korean relations: from Korea's democratization. John Kie-chiang
dialogue to confrontation. Koon Woo Oh. 42, 1969: 164- 177
Nam. 48, 1975: 477-499
Russia looks at North Korea. John M. Ideology and political development in
L<Jashburn. 20, 1947: 152-160 South Korea. K.W. Kim. 38, 1965:
Soviet policy towards North Korea and
Korean unification. Jane P. Shapiro. Korea at the crossroads: the birth of
48, 1975: 335-352 the Fourth republic. C.I Eugene Kim.
46, 1973: 218-231
The Soviet press views North Korea.
John N. Washburn. (NC) 22, 1949: The 1969 constitutional revision and
53-59 party politics in South Korea. Y.C.
Han. 44, 1971: 242-258
- 64 -

(Republic) - continued KWAN,Hai-tung. Consular jurisdiction:
AND POLITICS - continued its place in the present clamor for
Role of the United States in South the abolition of treaties. June 1929:
Korea's democratization. John Kie-
chiang Oh. 42, 1969: 164-177
South Korea: the new regime. L
Richard C. Allen. (NC) 34, 1961:
54-57 LABOUR
South Korea's search for leadership. see aZso LABOURas a suhheading
William A. Douglas. 37, 1964: 20-36 under:
Students and politics in Indonesia and
Korea. Princeton N. Lyman. 38, 1965: AUSTRALIA PHILIPPINES
Land reform in South Korea. C. Clyde
Mitchell. 22, 1949: 144-154
An I.L.O. pattern for Pacific territories.
POLITICAL PARTIES Wilfrid Benson. 17, 1944: 311-319
Political parties and political develop- The Pacific and the International Labour
ment in South Korea. Y.C. Han. 42, 1969: Conference. Elizabeth Green. 3, 1930:
446-464 845-853

STUDENTS The Pacific and the International Labor

Students and politics in Indonesia and Organization. Francis G. Wilson.
Korea. Princeton N. Lyman. 38, 1965: 5, 1932: 497-511
282-293 The work of the I.L.O. in colonial
social policy. Bruno Lasker. (NC)
17, 1944: 219-222
The Korean cr1s1s and the Commonwealth. LACY,Creighton. The missionary.exodus
F.W. Soward. 24, 1951: 115-130 from China. 28, 1955: 301-314
KORNHAUSER, David H. Urbanization and LAFFER,Kingsley., The economics of
population pressure in Japan. 31, Australian immigration. 25, 1952:
1958: 275-285 360-377

KUO,Ping-chia. Trends in China's develop- LAMB,Helen B. The Indian business

ment process: (RA) 39, 1966: 144-150 communities and the evolution of an
industrialist class. 28, 1955:
KUOTao-fu. Modern Mongolia. 3, 1930: l 01 - 116
KUOYen-ti. Pacification campaign in
north China. (NC) 20, 1947: 313-317 see aZso LANDas a suhheading under:
as a suhheading under KOREA(Republic) VIETNAM(Dem.Rep.)
KURODA,Andrew Y. Periodicals in occupied Man-madedeserts. W.C. Lowdermilk.
Japan.· 22, 1949: 43-52 8, 1935: 409-419
- 65 -

LANDON,Kenneth Perry. The problem of the LARSEN,Harold W. Impressions of post-

Chinese in Thailand. 13, 1940: 149-161 war currency problems in Hongkong. (NC)
19, 1946: 285-290
LANG,Olga. The good iron of the new
Chinese Army. 12, 1939: 20-33 LASKER,Bruno. America discussed planning:
two evaluations of current economic
Recent Russian literature on Buriat literature. II. Throwing stones into
--Mongolia. 13, 1940: 45-62 the puddle: a brief reading list on
technocracy. 6, 1933: 192-195
Frank see JOHNSON,
Barbara Comein but close the door behind
LANGDON,Frank C. Japanese [iberal you: Chinese exclusion in the United
Democratic factional discord on States. (NC) 16, 1943: 344-347
China policy. 41, 1968: 403-415
Freedom of person in Asia and the
--Pacific. 24, 1951: 143-169
. Japanese reactions to India's
--nuclear explosion. 48, 1975: 173-180
. A German analysis of Japan's
--destiny. (CO) 7, 1934: 88-89
The making of political demands
--in Japan. 39, 1966: 37-49
The Philippines. (CO) 7, 1934:
. Organized interests in Japan and
--their influence on political parties.
34, 1961: 271-278 Propaganda as an instrument of
--national policy. 10, 1937: 152-160
LANGER,Paul and Rodger Swearingen. _The . The work of the I.L.0. in colonial
Japanese Communist party, the Soviet --social policy. (NC) 17, 1944: 219-222
Union and Korea. 23, 1950: 339-355
as a subheading FOREIGNRELATIONS
under: INDIA Transpacific relations of Latin America.
INDONESIA Anita Bradley. (PAB#8) 14, 1941: 97-
l 06
LANSANG,Jose A. The Philippine-American
experiment: a Filipino view. 25, 1952: LATOURETTE, Kenneth Scott. Problems
226-234 confronting Christian missions in the
Far East. (MC) 21, 1948: 176-185
see BATES,M. Searle
see also INDOCHINA
LATTIMORE, Owen. After four years.
FOREIGNRELATIONS l 4, l 94l : l 41- l 53
The international relattons of Laos.
Bernard B. Fall . 30, 1957: 22-34 At the crossroads of Inner Asia.
--23, 1950: 34-45
Laos: falling domino? J.L.S. Girling. . Can the Soviet Union be isolated?
43, 1970: 370-383 ---rec) 11, 1938: 492-493
LAPIE, Pierre Olivier. The future of
NewCaledonia. (NC) 17, l 944: 336- China's Turkistan-Siberian supply
340 --road. 13, 1940: 393-412

LAPOMAREDE,Baron de. The setting of the . Empire and exploitation. (CO)

--7, 1934: 441-443
Siamese revolution. 7, 1934: 251-259
- 66 -

Facts do not speak for them- A Soviet analysis of Chinese

--selves. (CO) 7, 1934: 202-205 --civilization. (RA) 17, 1944: 81-89
The historical setting of Inner . The Soviet view of the Far East.
--Mongolian nationalism. 9, 1936: --rec) 13, 1940: 446-452
A treasury of Inner Asian history
The inland gates of China. (CO) --and culture. (RA) 50, 1977: 426-444
--8, 1935: 468-473
. What Korea pays for Japanese rule.
. Inner Asia: from inside and out. --rec) 11, 1938: 252-255
--rNc) 27, 1954: 160-170
. Whowants sanctions against Japan?
Inner Mongolia -- Chinese, Japanese, --rec) 12, 1939: 302-303
--or Mongol? 10, 1937: 64-71
Whose lifelines? (CC) 13, 1940:
The international position of --441-445
--Netherlands India. (CC) 13, 1940:
192-197 LAVIOLETTE, Forrest E. The Canadian
Japanese: a new look. (RA) 50,
Japan's Europe. (CO) 7, 1934: 1977: 107-111
LAWRENCE,Oliver L. Competition in the
Land and sea in the destiny of world textile market. ( SR) 7, 1934:
--Japan. (CO) 9, 1936: 586-589 169-181

The land power of the Japanese LAWS

navy. (CO) 7, 1934: 436-437
see LAWS as a subheading under:
"Limited" war and lforld war. (CC) CHINA MEXICO
--10, 1937: 450-453 INDIA PHILIPPINES
The lines of cleavage in Inner JAPAN
--Mongolia. (CO) 10, 1937: 196-201
Men, money and land. (CO) 7, Geneva through Pacific eyes. J. Merle
--1934: 200-202 Davis. June 1928: 10-16
Mongolia enters world affairs. National foreign policies and the
--7, 1934: 14-28 strategy of peace. Arnold Wolfers ..
7, 1934: 139-152
The phantom of Mengkukuo. 10, 1937: The wooden horse inside Geneva's gates.
--420-427 Joseph Barnes. (CO) 7, 1934: 434-436
Prince, priest and herdsman in LEBRA,Joyce C. The significance of the
--Mongolia. 8, 1935: 35-47 Japanese military model for Southeast
Asia. 48, 1975: 215-229
Sanctions against Japan? Digest of
--replies to questionnaire in September LEDERER,Emil. Fascist tendencies in
[1939] Pacific Affairs. (CC) 12, 1939: Japan. 7, 1934: 373-385
LEE, Chae-Jin. The politics of Sino-
. Some recent Inner Asian studies. Japanese trade relations, 1963-68 .
--rRA) 20, 1947: 318-327 42, 1969: 129-144
- 67 -

LEE, Chong-Sik. Japanese-Korean relat- LEVINE,Solomon B. Industrial relations

ions in perspective. 35, 1962: 315- in the new Japan. 30, 1957: 209-220
LEVY,Roger. French neutrality during
LEE, Frank C. Land redistribution in the Sino-Japanese hostilities. 11,
Communist China. 21, 1948: 20-32 1938: 433-446
LEIFER, Michael. Australia, trusteeship A French "Ottawa": the Imperial
and New Guinea. 36, 1963: 250-264 --Conference. (CO) 9, 1936: 94-101
Cambodia and her neighbours. Indo-China in 1931-1932. 5, 1932:
--34, 1961: 361-374 --205-217

Vietnam and the premises of LEWIS,A.B. Chinese currency policy.

--intervention. (RA) 45, 1972: 268- (CO) 9, 1936: 101-107
Silver and Chinese economic
LERSKI, George J. The twilight of --problems. (SR) 8,1935: 48-55
Ceylonese Trotskyism. 43, 1970:
384-393 LI An-che. China: a fundamental approach.
(NC) 21, 1948: 58-63
LEUNG,George Kin. The Chinese actress:
social and dramatic factors in her LI Choh-Ming. Economic and social
slow rise to fame. 4, 1931: 394-407 research in wartime China. (NC) 17,
1944: 209-216
Comedians of the Chinese stage.
--3, 1930: 437-447 LIANGChia-pin. History of the Chinese
Eastern Railway: a Chinese version.
Cross-currents in the Chinese 3, 1930: 188-211
--theatre. 8, 1935: 433-438
LIANG,M.T. Combatting the famine dragon .
. (The new tide): new
Hsin Ch'iao Apr. l 928: 8-11
--trends in the traditional Chinese
drama. Apr. 1929: 175-183 LIAOT'ai-ch'u. The Ko Lao Hui in
Szechuan. 20, 1947: 161-173
LEV, Daniel S. The political role of
the army in Indonesia. 36, 1963: LIBRARIES
349-364 The East Asian Library collection in
see FEITH, Herbert the University of Toronto. Raymond
~J.H. Chu and Shuzo Uyenaka. (NC)
LEVENSON, Joseph R. Western powers and 46, 1973: 548-556
Chinese revolutions: the pattern of The Pu-pan Chinese library at the
intervention. (NC) 26, 1953: 230-236 University of British Columbia. Yi-
t'ung Wang. 34, 1961: 101-111
LEVI, Werner. Indian neutralism re- The University of Brit1sh Columbia
considered. 37, 1964: 137-147 Chinese Library collection: a report.
Nepal in world politics. 30, Tung-King Ng. 50, 1977: 473-485
--1957: 236-248
LIEU, D.K. China and the silver question.
A note on books from Nepal. (NC) (CO) 7,1934:333-335
--29, 1956: 187
Fact-finding in China: the Chinese
--government bureau of economic inform-
Pakistan, the Soviet Union and ation. March 1928: 1-4
--China. 35, 1962: 211-222
- 68 -

The Sino-Japanese currency war. LOOMIS,Charles F. Light from three

--12, 1939: 413-426 conferences. 3, 1930: 126-142
LIEU, Dang-Chan. Annamese nationalism. LORWIN,Lewis L. Economic nationalism
(NC) 20, 1947: 61-66 and world cooperation. 6, 1933:
LILIENTHAL,Philip E. The documentation
of the Lucknow conference. (RA) 23, LOVELL,John P. and C.I. Eugene Kim.
1950: 402-416 The military and political change in
Asia. 40, 1967: 113-123
The documentation of the Virginia
--Beach study meeting. (PAB #7) 13, LOWDERMILK,fl. C. Man-madedeserts. 8,
l 940: 63-80 1935: 409-419
LIMAYE,Madhu~ Indian communism:the new LOWE,W.S. and W.T.G. Airey. New
phase. 27, 1954: 195-215 Zealand dependencies and the develop-
ment of autonomy. 18, 1945: 252-272
LIN, Sein and Bruce Esposito. Agrarian
reform in Thailand: problems and LYMAN,Princeton M. Students and politics
prospects. 49, 1976: 425-442 in Indonesia and Korea. 38, 1965:
LIN, W.Y. China's capacity to borrow
foreign capital. 17, 1944: 444-459 LYMAN, Stanford. Overseas Chinese in
America and Indonesia. (RA) 34,
LIN Yu. Twin loyalties in Siam. 9, l 961: 380-389
1936: l 91-200
Up from the "hatchet man". ( RA)
LINDSAY,Michael F.M. A U.S. view of --36, 1963: 160-171
Chinese communism. (RA) 22, l 949:
LINGARD,C. Cecil. Canada's stake in the
war and the peace. 17, 1944: 156-167 MACAO
LITERATURE New China and old Macao, George V.H.
Moseley, 3rd. 32, 1959: 268-276
see LITERATUREas a subheading
James. Australia's future in
JAPAN New Guinea. 26, 1953: 59-69
Defence and development in
LITVAK,Isaiah A. and Christopher J. --Australian NewGuinea. 23, 1950:
Maule. Japan's overseas investments. 371-380
46, 1973: 254-268
Island administration in the
LIU, James T.C. Feudalism and Asian --South West Pacific. (NC) 23, 1950:
societies. (RA) 29, 1956: 181-186 323-326
LO, Lung-chi. My frank criticisms of Paradoxes of development in the
Kuomintang. 3, 1930: 578-588 --South Pacific. 27, 1954: l38-i49
LOCKWOOD,William W. Taxes, enterprise McCLATCHY, V,S. Japanese-American
and foreign capital in India. (RA) relations and the second generation.
31, 1958: 390-397 Apr. 1929: 200-203
LOGEMANN,J.H.ll.. The Indonesian problem. McCUNE,George M. Korea: the first year
20, 1947: 30-41 of liberation. 20, 1947: 3-17
- 69 -

McDONALD,James G. Knowledge and the MAKI,John M. Japan and world politics

fate of nations: how they are inter- in the 1970's. (RA) 46, 1973: 289-
woven. Mar. 1928: 7-8 297
MacDOUGALL,John A. and ChewSock Foon. The role of the bureaucracy in
English language competence and occup- --Japan. 20, 1947: 391-406
ational mobility in Singapore. 49,
1976: 294-312 MALAYSIA
MacFADYEN, Sir Eric. A political future included here are articles on Malaya.
for British Malaya. 17, 1944: 49-55 see also: NORTH BORNEO
MacFARQUHAR, Roderick. Communist China's SINGAPORE
intra-party dispute. 31, 1958: 323-335
The future of Malaya. Rennie Smith.
MacGIBBON, D.A. The adaptation of wheat 6, 1933: 394-398
to northern regions. (SR) 7, 1934: Malayan prospect. E.H.G. Dobby. (NC)
415-424 23, 1950: 392-401
McHALE,Thomas R. Problems of economic Malaysia -- a new federation in South-
development in the Philippines. (NC) east Asia. Gordon P. r1eans. 36, 1963:
25, 1952: 160-169 l 38-159
A political future for British Malaya.
MacKENZIE,Norman. Canadian affairs Sir Eric Macfadyen. 17, 1944: 49-55
affecting the Pacific. 4, 1931: 325-
328 Reactions to the Malayan union. Gerald
Hawkins. (NC) 19, 1946: 279-285
A word of welcome. 34, 1961: 4-6
MacKAY,Robert A. Imperial economics at Malaya's rice problems. E,H.G. Dobby.
Ottawa. 5, 1932: 873-885 (NC) 27, 1954: 58-60

MacKIE, J.A.C. Indonesia's government CONSTITUTION

estates and their masters. 34, l 961 : The constitutional position in Malaya.
337-360 D.R. Rees-Wil1iams. (NC) 20, 1947:
McKINLAY,A. D. The New Zealand metro- Constitutional reform and elections in
politan press: a critical study of Malaya. Francis G. Carnell. 27, 1954:
foreign news and comment. 6, 1933: 216-235
A Malayan union: the proposed new
McMILLAN, A.W. Fiji -- where three constitution. Victor Purcell. 19,
continents meet. July 1929: 397-405 1946: 20-40

MAEDA,Tamon. Political difficulties of ECONOMICS

the Japan Diet. 4, 1931: 471-478 The politics of Malaysia's new economic
policy. R.S, Milne. 49, 1976: 235-262
MAGISTRETTI,William. Japan's new order
in the Pacific. 14, 1941: 198-206 EDUCATION
A Chinese university for Malaya.
T.M.P. Philosophies of India. RichardButwell. (NC) 26, 1953: 344-
(NC) 25, 1952: 401-404 348
The crisis in Malayan education. Victor
MAHAJANI, Usha. Slavery, Indian labour Purcell. (NC) 26, 1953: 70-76
and British colonialism. (RA) 50,
1977: 263-271
- 70 -

- continued Chinese minority aspirations and
problems in Sarawak. Justus M. van
ELECTIONS der Kroef. 39, 1966: 64-82
Constitutional reform and elections
in Malaya. Francis G. Carnell. 27, The growth of a plural society in
1954: 216-235 Malaya. Maurice Freedman. (NC)
33, 1960: l 58-168
The Malayan elections. Francis G.
Carnell. 28, 1955: 315-330 Issues and integration in Malaysia.
Cynthia H. Enloe. 41, 1968: 372-385
The Malayan elections of 1959. T.E.
Smith. 33, 1960: 38-47 Malaysia's strategy for survival. Pran
Chopra. 47, 1974: 437-454
The 1969 parliamentary election in
West Malaysia. R.S. Milne and K.J. Political Parties
Ratnam. 43, 1970: 203-206 Labour and labour parties in Malaya.
Charles Gamba. 31 , 1958: 117-130
Indonesia Political finance in Southeast Asia
Malaysia and Indonesia. George McT. with particular reference to the
Kahin. 37, 1964: 253-270 Philippines and Malaysia. R.S. Milne.
41, 1968: 491-510
Communalism and communismin Malaya. POPULATION
Francis G. Carnell. 26, 1953: 99-117 The 1947 census of Malaya. C.A. Vlieland.
(NC) 22, 1949: 59-63
First steps in Nalayan local govern-
ment. Gerald Hawkins. (NC) 26, 1953: SOCIETY
155-158 The growth of a plural society in
Malaya. Maurice Freedman. (NC)
33, l 960: l 58-168
Peninsular Malaysia: the "new emergency".
Richard Stubbs. 50, 1977: 249-262 Issues and integration in Malaysia.
Cynthia H. Enloe. 41, 1968: 372-385
Labour and labour parties in Malaya. MALENBAUM, vii1fred. Urban unemployment
Charles Gamba. 31, 1958: 117-130 in India. 30, 1957: 138-150
The politics of land: comparative
development in two states of Malaysia. Crisis in Manchuria. Elizabeth Green.
Dorothy Guyot. 44, 1971: 368-389 4, 1931: 1005-1013
Empire and exploitation. Owen Lattimore.
LITERATURE (CO) 7, 1934: 441-4~3
A distant and a deadly shore: notes
on the ·literature of the Sahibs. Harbin: strategic city on the "pioneer
George Woodcock. (RA) 46, 1973: fringe". John Wes1ey Coulter. 5, l 932:
94- 110 967-972
Japan and Manchuria. Hsu Shu-hsi.
MINORITIES 3, 1930: 854-864
Aspects of the racial problem in
Malaya. Ian Morrison. 22, 1949: Japan's Europe. OwenLattimore. (CO)
239-253 7, 1934: 198-200
The Chinese in Malaya. Ch'en Su-ching. The legal foundation of the Stimson
(NC) 21, 1948: 291-295 Doctrine. Quincy Wright. 8, 1935:
The Chinese in Malaysia. Rupert
Emerson. 7, 1934: 260-270 Manchuria as a region of colonization.
A.J. Grajdanzev. 19, 1946: 5-19
- 71 -

- continued The Kirin-Tunhua Railway and Japanese
Manchuria: an industrial survey. expansion: from a Chinese viewpoint.
Andrew J. Grajdanzev. 18, 1945: Ching Shui-kung. Aug/ 1929: 495-497
321-339 The sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway.
Manchurian backgrounds, I. K.K. A.J. Kantorovich. 8, 1935: 397-408
Kawakami. 5, 1932: 111-130 The South Manchurian Railway Zone and
Manchurian backgrounds, II. Shu-hsi the nature of its administration. M.
Hsu. 5, 1932: 131-150 Royama. 3, 1930: 1018-1034
Manchurian echoes in Chinese
nationalism. Cyrus H. Peake. MANDEL,
William M. Soviet Central Asia.
7, 1934: 406-414 15, 1942: 388-409

Manchurian questions at Kyoto: a MANDER,Linden A. The U.N. Mission's 1956

post-conference estimate. C. survey of the Pacific Trust Territory.
Walter Young. 3, 1930: 249-265 (NC) 29, 1956: 367-374
The Manchurians and their new
deal. Ernest B. Price. 8, 1935: MANIRUZZAMAN,Talukder. Group interests
in Pakistan politics, 1947-1958. 39,
l 966: 83-98
Men, money and land. OwenLattimore.
( CO) 7, 1934: 200-202 MAf'!SERGH,
Nicholas. The Commonwealthin
Military-industrial construction in Asia. 23, 1950: 3-20
Manchuria. E. Pigulevskaya (A.J.
Grajdanzev, trans) (NC) 16, 1943: MAOTSE-TUNG
223-226 The curriculum in Chinese socialist
Mukden-- where the road to Madrid education: an official bibliography
began. C.F. Chang. (CO) 10, 1937: of "Maoism". H. Arthur Steiner. (NC/B)
31, 1958: 286-299
Progress of the Manchurian disease: Mao, Maoismand Mao-ology. Rene Goldman.
as viewed from Peiping and Tokyo. (RA) 41, 1968: 560-574
Elizabeth Green. 5, 1932: 42-65 Mao's role in the Sino-Soviet conflict.
Sino-Japanese interests and issues Donald S. Zagoria. 47, 1974: 139-153
in Manchuria. C. Walter Young. Dec.
1928: 1-20 MARON,Stanley. The problem of East
Pakistan. 28, 1955: 132-144
The recent development of the Stimson
doctrine. Kisaburo Yokota. 8, 1935: MARR,David G. Nationalism and revolution
133-143 in Vietnam. (RA) 50, 1977: 86-90
Alain-Gerard. China's aid to
Economic cooperation of Japan and Cambodia. (NC) 42, 1969: 189-198
China in Manchuria and Mongolia.
Yosuke Matsuoka. Dec. 1929: 786-795 MARUYAMA,Masao. An affection for the
Manchukuo's new economic policy. lesser names: an appreciation of E.
Nagaharu Yasuo. 11, 1938: 323-337 Herbert Norman. ( NC) 30, 1957: 249-
Profit and loss in Manchuria. A.J.
Grajdanzev. 8, 1935: 144-158 MASANI,M.R. The Communistparty in India
24, 1951 : 18-38
History of the Chinese Eastern Railway: MASON,Philip. Delusions and discoveries
a Chinese version. Liang Chia-pin. about the British in India. (RA) 46,
3, 1930: 188-211 1973: 430-434
- 72 -

MASSMOVEMENTS MEANS,Gordon P. Malaysia -- a new

federation in Southeast Asia. 36,
as a subheading l 963: 138- l 59
under CHINA
__ and Ingunn N. Means. Nagaland -- the
MATHESON, W.B. NewZealand's experiments agony of ending a guerrilla war. 39,
in relation to Pacific problems. 3, 1966: 290-313
1930: 57-62
Ingunn N. see MEANS,Gordon P.
Michael see GINSBURGS,
MEEL,H. de. Demographic dilemma in
MATSUKATA,Saburo. A historical study of Indonesia. 24, 1951: 266-283
Japanese capitalism. (SR) 7, 1934:
71-76 Impediments to economic progress
in Indonesia. 24, 1951: 39-51
MATSUMOTO,Shigeharu. Party battles
in Japan. 5, 1932: 299-305 MEI, Ju-ao. China and the rule of law,
5, l 932: 863-872
K. The peasant worker in Japan.
3, 1930: 1109-1117 MELANESIA
MATSUOKA,Yosuke. Economic cooperation see also BOUGAINVILLE
of Japan and China in Manchuria and FIJI
Mongolia. Dec. 1929: 786-795 NEWCALEDONIA
Christopher J. see LITVAK,Isaiah
Maung. Burma looks ahead. (NC) Native welfare in the Southwest Pacific
25, 1952: 40-48 Islands. H. Ian Hogbin and Camilla
Wedgwood. 17, 1944: 133-155
MAX,Alfred. Against a Far Eastern
Munich. 12, 1939: 129-137 MELBY, John F. The Marshall Mission in
retrospect. (RA) 50, 1977: 272-277
MAYER,Adrian C. Development projects
in an Indian village. 29, 1956: __ The origins of the cold war in
37-45 China. 41, 1968: 19-33

__ An Indian communitydevelopment MENDEL,Douglas H., Jr. Behind the 1959

block revisited. 30, 1957: 35-46 Japanese elections. (NC) 32, 1959:
MAYER, Albert. Social analysis and
national economic development in . Okinawanreversion in retrospect.
India. 35, 1962: 128-140 --48, 1975: 398-412

MEADOWS,Martin. Challenge to the "new MENDELSON, E. Michael. Nationalism and

era" in Philippine politics. 37, 1964: religion in Southeast Asia. (RA)
296-306 38, 1965: 64-68

Colonialism, social structure and MENG,Chih. The American returnetl

--nationalism: the Philippine case. 44, students of China. 4, 1931: 1-16
1971: 337-352
MENON,P.K. Financing the Lower Mekong
__ Philippine political parties and River Basin Development. 44, 1971:
the 1961 election. 35, 1962: 261-274 566-579
- 73 -

METCALF,Thomas R. Landlords without MILITARY

land: the U.P. [Uttar Pradesh] see also MILITARY as a subheading
Zamindars today. 40, 1967: 5-18 under:
Guinea prob1 em. 24, 1951 : 131-142 CHINA NEWZEALMD
A new principle on trial: immigration Disarmament and the Pacific. F.W.
between Mexico and the United States. Eggleston. 3, 1930: 1095-1108
Paul Scharrenberg. Jan. 1928: 7-10
The Japanese press on the London
FOREIGNRELATIONS Naval Treaty. Keichi Yamasaki. 3,
Mexico and the Pacific. D. Graham 1930: 682-687
Hutton. 11, 1938: 149-158 The military and political change in
Asia. John P. Lovell and C.I. Eugene
NewMexican penal principles; as Kim. 40, 1967: 113-123
revealed in the new legislation. Jose The naval arm of diplomacy in the
Almaraz. 3, 1030: 531-540 Pacific. H. Th. deBooy. 8, 1935:
MICHAEL,Franz. Japan's "special interests" Sea power and peace in the Pacific.
in China. 10, 1937: 407-411 F.W. Eggleston. (CO) 8, 1935:
The significance of puppet govern-
--ments. 12, 1939: 400-412 Someaspects of the London Naval
Treaty. GrahamH. Stuart. 3, 1930:
Henry 842-844

MICRONESIA Strategic politics and the Indian

Ocean. Richard Burt. (RA) 47, 1974:
see also GUAM
TRUSTTERRITORYOF THE U.S. Weaponsand South Asia: a policy
PACIFICISLANDS analysis. Stephen P. Cohen. 49, 1976:
The Japanese mandate in the South The unsolved naval problems of the
Pacific. Keichi Yamasaki. 4, 1931 : Pacific. Kiyoshi K. Kawakami. 4, 1931:
Political alternatives in Micronesia.
Guy Powles. (RA) 43, 1970: 84-90 MILLAR,ThomasB. Australia and the
American alliance. 37, 1964: 148-160
MIECZOWSKI,Z. The Soviet Far East:
problem region of the USSR. 41, MILLER,D.F. Factions in Indian village
1968: 214-229 politics. 38, 1965: 17-31

MIGRATION MILLER,J. Clayton. The drama in China's

see also MIGRATIONas a subheading
anti-Japanese propaganda. 11, 1938:

Races, lands and foods. H. Belshaw. MILNE,R.S. Ethnicity, democracy and

(RA) 20, 1947: 71-80 Political development. (RA) 46, 1973:
- 74 -

'The Pacific way' -- consociational MOIR,Philip E. see CHAMBERLAIN,

Heath B.
--politics in Fiji. 48, 1975: 413-431
MOISE,Edwin E. Land reform and land
. Political finance in Southeast Asia reform errors in North Vietnam. 49,
--with particular reference to Philippines 1976: 70-92
and Malaysia. 41, 1968: 491-510
MOLOTOFF,V. The situation in China.
Political modernization and develop- 4, 1931 : 910-911
--ment. (RA) 39, 1966: 135-144
The politics of Malays1a's new The development of Outer Mongolian
--economic policy. 49, 1976: 235-262 independence. Gerard M. Friters.
. The role of government corporations 10, 1937: 315-336
--in the Philippines. 34, 1961: 257-270 Modern Mongolia. Kuo Tao-fu. 3,
1930: 754-762
and K.J. Ratnam. The 1969 parlia- Mongolia at fifty. W.R. Heaton, Jr.
--mentary election in West Malaysia.
43, 1970: 203-226 47, 1974: 485-499
Mongolia enters world affairs. Owen
MILNER,Ian F.G. NewZealand's security Lattimore. 7, 1934: 14-28
in the South Pacific. (CC) 12, 1939: Mongolia: target or screen? Victor A.
188-191 Yakhontoff. 9, 1936: 13-23
MINORITIES Notes on Outer Mongolia since 1945.
see also MINORITIES as a suhheading
Robert A. Rupen. (NC) 28, 1955: 71-79
under: Outer Mongolia, 1957-1960. Robert
AUSTRALIA INDONESIA A. Rupen. 33, 1960: 126-143
BRAZIL MALAYSIA Outer Mongolia s i nee 1955. Robert
BURMA NEWZEALAND A. Rupen. 30, 1957: 342-357
CHINA PHILIPPINES The prelude to Outer Mongolian indep-
FRANCE SRI LANKA endence. Gerard M. Friters. 10,
INDIA THAILAND 1937: 168-189
The constitution of the Mongol People's
Ethnicity, democracy and political Republic and Soviet influences. John
development. R.S. Milne. (RA) N. Hazard. (NC) 21, 1948: 162-170
46, 1973: 435-444
Mongolia's "socialist" constitution.
George Ginsburgs. 34, 1961 : 141-156
MIRKOWICH,Nicholas. Economic growth of
the Pacific area. (CC) 13, 1940: 458- FOREIGNRELATIONS
460 Foreign relations of the Asian commun-
ist satellites. Thomas Perry Thornton.
MITCHELL,C. Clyde. Land reform in South 35, 1962: 341-352
Korea. 22, 1949: 144-154
MITCHELL,Kate L. India today and tomorrow. Prince, priest and herdsman in Mongolia.
(RA) 16, 1943: 185-188 OwenLattimore. 8, 1935: 35-47
India's economic potential. 15, MONK,W.F. NewZealand faces north. 26,
--1942: 5-24
1953: 220-229
- 75 -

MONROE, Paul. "The cross fertilization __ Indian voting behaviour. (NC)

of culture": the function of inter- 30, 1957: 265-268
national education. February 1928:
1-6 MORRISON,Barrie M. Asian drama, act II:
development prospects in South Asia.
MONROE,Wilbur F. Japan's economy in the 48, 1975: 5-26
1970's: implications for the world.
45, 1972: 508-520 __ Sources, methods and concepts in
early Indian history. (RA) 41, 1968:
MOORE,E.S. The mineral resources of 71-85
Canada and the development of the
mining industry. Nov. 1929: 701-707 see CHAMBERLAIN,
Heath B.
MOORE,Harriet. Soviet Far Eastern MORRISON,Ian. Aspects of the racial
relations since 1941. 17, 1944: problem in Malaya. 22, 1949: 239-253
. Local self-government in Sarawak.
__ The Soviet press and Japan's war ~NC) 22, 1949: 178-185
on China. 11, 1938: 44-51
MORTON,Louis. Britain and Australia in
A Soviet study of the American the war against Japan. (RA) 34,
--position in the Far East. (RR) 1961: 184-189
9, 1936: 416-420
MORTON,Robert S. Japan and China: a
Years of fulfillment. 9, 1936: war of minds. 10, 1937: 305-314
MORTON,W.L. Canada's Far Eastern policy.
MOORE,R.J. John Morley's acid test: 19, 1946: 241-249
India, 1906-1910. (RA) 40, 1967:
333-340 MOSELEY,
Ge@rgeV.H., 3rd. New China and
old Macao. 32, 1959: 268-276
MOORE,Sir W. Harrison and K.H. Bailey,
G.L. Wood, P.O. Phillips and Tristan MOSLEMS
Buesst. Australian Chronicle. 3, see also MOSLEMSas a subheading
1930: 813-826 under:
MORLEY, James W. Japan's image of the INDIA PAKISTAN
Soviet Union, 1952-61. 35, 1962: 51- INDONESIA THAILAND
Japan -- protector of Islam! Yang
MORRIS,I.I. Foreign policy issues in Ching-chih. (NC) 15, 1942: 471-481
Japan's 1958 elections. 31, 1958:
219-240 MUHITH,A.M.A. Political and administ-
rative roles in East Pakistan's dist-
Policeman and student in Japanese ricts. 40, 1967: 279-293
--politics. 32, 1959: 5-17
MUJEEB,M. Indian education: retrospect
Significance of the military in and prospect. 26, 1953: 208-219
post-war Japan. 31, 1958: 3-21
MUKAI,Shikamatsu. The structure of
W.H. Congress, dead or Japan's post-war economy. (NC)
alive. (RA) 42, 1969: 199-205 19, 1946: 90-95
__ The exploration of Indian political MURAI,Tomoyoshi. The road to under-
life. 32, 1959: 409-420 standing: it lies along the way of a
nations inner life. Jan. 1928: 1-4
- 76 -

MUS,Paul. The role of the village ASIA PAPUA-NEWGUINEA

in Vietnamese politics. (NC) CHINA PHILIPPINES
22, 1949: 265-272 INDIA SOUTHASIA
MYINT,Hla. The universities of South- INDONESIA SOUTHERNASIA
east Asia and economic development. KOREA SRI LANKA
35, 1962: 116-127 PAKISTAN VIETNAM
William A.
N see also NATURALRESOURCESas a subheading
under CANADA
NAGAI,T. This complex problem of CHINA
existence: Japanese opinions on world
population. Apr. 1928: 1-2 The prospects of tin. Puey Ungphakorn.
21, 1948: 150-161
NAIRN,Ronald C. SEATO:a critique.
41 , l 968: 5- 18 NEAL,Arthur L. Canada's trade with trans-
Pacific countries. 19, 1946: 41-60
NAKASEKO, Rokuro. Highlights in Japan's
educational development; with special NEEDHAM,Joseph China: the land and the
reference to the introduction of people. (RA) 22, 1949: 282-290
foreign languages. Jan. 1929: 15-19
NEHER,Clark D. Constitutionalism and
NAM,Koon Woo. North-South Korean elections in Thailand. 43, 1970:
relations: from dialogue to confront- 240-257
ation. 48, 1975: 477-499
NAM,Tae Yul. Singapore's one-party
system: its relationship to democracy A note on books from Nepal. Werner
and political stability. 42, 1969: Levi. (NC) 29, 1956: 187
NAMASIVAYAM, S. Aspects of Ceylonese Nepal's new constitution. Benjamin
parliamentary government. (NC) N. Schoenfeld. (NC) 32, 1959: 392-401
26, 1953: 76-83
NARASIMHAN,P.S. Labour reforms in Nepal in i~orld politics. Werner Levi.
contemporary India. 26, 1953: 44- 30, 1957: 236-248
NASH,Vernon. Numerical conversion: a Nepal's experiment with "traditional
key to the maze of Chinese literature. democracy". Leo E. Rose. 36, 1963:
9, 1936: 358-369 16-31
NASH,Walter. Steps to world organization. NETHERLANDS
l 5, 1942: 280-286
NATHAN, R.S. Geopolitics and Pacific Indonesia
strategy. l 5, 1942.: 154-163 Indonesia and the Dutch. Justus M.
van der Kroef. (RA) 36, 1963: 290-293
NATIONALISM The Jungschlaeger case in Indonesia.
see NATIONALISMas a suhheading Justus M. van der Kroef. (RA) 30,
under: 1957: 254-250
- 77 -

NETHERLANDS- continued NewZealand's experiments in relation

FOREIGNRELATIONS- continued to Pacific problems. W.B. Matheson.
Indonesia - continued 3, 1930: 57-62
The Netherlands-Indonesian agreement.
ILH. van Helsingen. (NC) 20, 1947: IMMIGRATION
184-187 Statu·s of aliens in New Zealand.
T.O.H. Hall. 4, 1931: 700-710
The future of NewCaledonia. Pierre The arming of Australia and New
Olivier Lapie. (NC) 17, 1944: 336-340 Zealand. Donald Cowie. 11, 1938:
New Caledonia and the war. "G.F.R." 338-344
19, 1946: 373-383 NewZealand's security in the South
New Caledonia: orphan of the South Pacific. Ian F.G. Milner. (CC) 12,
Pacific. Jack Shepherd. 13, 1940: 1939: 188-191
The Maoris of New Zealand: an exper-
NEWGUINEA iment in racial adaptation. Felix M.
or WESTIRIAN Keesi ng. Oct. 1928: 1 -5
New Zealand a national survey. The NewZealand metropolitan press:
H.F. van Haast. 4, 1931: 565-575 a critical study of foreign news and
comment. A.O. McKinlay. 6, 1933: 1-16
Report from NewZealand. F.L.W.
Wood. 22, 1949: 34-42 POLITICAL PARTIES
Policy and strategy of the NewZealand
COMMERCE: Labor party. 12, 1939: 54-66
Japan and NewZealand: an interesting
trade agreement. Guy Scholefield. WORLDWARII
Mar. 1929: 123-130 New Zealand in the Pacific war. F.L.W.
New Zealand's Pacific trade and Wood. 17, 1944: 38-48
tariff. Downie Stewart. 4, 1931:
980-1004 NEWELL,Richard.S. Ideology and realities:
land redistribution in Uttar Pradesh.
ECONOMICS 45, 1972: 220-239
Post war economic reconstruction in
New Zealand. H. Belshaw. 17, 1944: NEWMAN, K.J. Pakistan's preventive
421-443 autocracy and its causes. 32, 1959:
Recent economic developments in New 18-33
Zealand. J.W. Williams. 20, 1947:
141-151 NEWSNOTES. Jan. 1928: 14-16; Feb. 1928:
19-22; Mar. 1928: 16-20; Apr. 1928:
FOREIGNRELATIONS 18-19; May 1928: 22-26; June 1928:
Changing perspectives of NewZealand's 20-22; July 1928: 15; Aug./Sept. 1928:
foreign policy. A.A. Cruickshank. 20-23
40, 1967: 93-112
New Zealand and the.Pacific: a national
survey. H.F. van Haast and G.H. see also NEWSPAPERS
as a subheading
Scholefield. 3, 1930: 1035-1044 under: CHINA
New Zealand and the Pacific: three NEWZEALAND
leading issues. N.E. Coad. 5, 1932:
600-607 Facts do not speak for th emselves.
New Zealand faces north. W.F. Monk. OwenLattimore. (CO) 7, 1934: 202-
26, 1953: 220-229 205.
- 78 -

NEl/SPAPERS- continued
An affection for the lesser names:
Makers of public opinion about the an appreciation of E. Herbert Norman.
Far East. H.J. Timperley. 9, 1936: Masao Maruyama. (NC) 30, 1957: 249-
221-230 253
NG, Tung-King. The University of British E.H. Normanand tbe task for Japanese
Columbia Chinese Library collection: history. Harry D. Harootunian. 41,
a report. 50, 1977: 473-485 1968: 545-552
NICHOLSON, Norman K. Political aspects E.H. Normanas an economic historian.
of Indian food policy. 41, 1968: 34-50 Kozo Yamamura. 42, 1969: 17-24
E.H. Normanas a historian: a
NITOBE,Inazo. Japan's preparedness Canadian perspective. Cyril Powles.
for international co-operation. (RA) 50, l 977: 660-667
3, 1930: 46-56 E.H. Norman: structure and function
in the Meiji state, a reappraisal.
__ . Opening address at Kyoto. Nov. Bernard S. Silberman. 41, 1968: 553-
1929: 685-688 559

__ The·religious sense of the Political consciousness in Japan: a

Japanese people. Feb. 1929: 58-64 retrospect on E.H. Norman. David Abosch.
42, 1969: 25-31
Dr. Inazo Nitobe, an appreciation. NORMANO, J. F. Japanese emigration to
James T. Shotwell et al. 6, 1933: Brazil. 7, 1934: 42-61
NORTH,Robert C. The NEPand the new
NOBLE,Lela Garner. The Moro National democracy. 24, 1951: 52-60
Liberation Front in the Philippines.
49, 1976: 405-424 NORTHBORNEO
North Borneo, 1957. Kennedy G.
NORIMS,Mc1rtin R. The ne~1Sinkiang -- Tregonni ng. ( NC) 31, 1958: 65-73
China's link with the Middle East.
15, 1942: 457-470
__ Tribal boundaries of the Burma- see KOREA
(Democratic People's Republic)
Yunnan frontier. 12, 1939: 67-79
The war in China and the Soviet
press. 12, 1939: 157-168 see VIETNAM
(Democratic Republic) ·

__ (tr~ns. of original by Ma Ning). NOUMOFF,S.J. China's Cultural Revolution

Agrarian democracy in northwest China. as a rectification movement. 40, 1967:
13, 1940: 413-422 221-234

NORMAN,E. Herbert. Militarists in NU, U

the Japanese state. (RA) 16, 1943: Nu, the serene statesman. Hugh Tinker.
47 5-481 30, 1957: 120-137
__ The Genyosha: a study in the The rise and fall of U Nu. Louis J.
origins of Japanese imperialism. Halinsky. 38, 1965: 269-281
17, 1944: 261-284
__ . So'.d~er and peasant in Japan: as a suhheading
the or1g1ns of conscription. Part under: AUSTRALIA
I: 16, 1943: 47-64. Part II: 16 INDIA
1943: 149-165 '
- 79 -

0 p

OBANA,Tsutomu. The changing Japanese "PACIFIC EOITORIAL PRESS". Reflections:

situation in California. 5, 1932: editorial opinion on the Pacific.
954-966 Feb. 1929: 77-81; Mar. 1929: 135-140;
Apr. 1929: 210-216; May 1929: 284-289;
OGDEN,Suzanne. China and international June 1929: 364-367; July 1929: 432-438;
law: implications for foreign policy. Aug. 1929: 502-508; Seot 1929: 582-586;
49, 1976: 28-48 Oct. 1929: 661-663; Nov. 1929: 718-722;
Dec. 1929: 798-800; 3, l 930: 181-187,
OH, John Kie-chian. Role of the United 299-303, 398-406, 493-500, 595-602,
States in South Korea's democratization. 688-692, 775-783, 870-880, 973-978,
42, l 969: 164-177 1069-1071, 1156-1162; 4, 1931: 64-68,
156-160, 242-251, 344-347, 419-428,
OHANJANIAN, A. Taiping agrarian policy: 527-535, 626-633, 819-824; 5, 1932:
some Chinese and Soviet views. (NC) 253-258, 342-345, 622-629, 787-796,
39, l 966: 128-1 34 891-900; 6, 1933: 43-49, 109-111
OKAZAKI,Saburo. Moscow, Yenan, Chungking. PACIFICISLANDS
(CC) 14, 1941: 107-112
see also MELANESIA
Okinawa: irredenta on the Pacific. POLYNESIA
David Wurfel. 35, 1962: 353-374 RYUKYUISLANDS
Okinawan reversion in retrospect.
Douglas H. Mendel, Jr. 48, 1975: American policy toward Pacific depend-
398-412 encies. Rupert Emerson. 20, 1947:
OLVER,A.S.R. The special commission in Government of Pacific dependencies.
South-East Asia. (NC) 21, 1948: 285- Felix M. Keesing. 3, 1930: 448-459
291 The insular Pacific: ethnic fugue and
counterpoint. E.S. Craighill Handy.
ORENSTEIN,Henry and Michael Micklin. 5, 1932: 487-496
The Hindu joint family: the norms
and the numbers. 39, 1966: 314-325 Island administration in the South
~Jest Pacific. James McAuley. (NC)
OSBORNE, Milton. Continuity and moti- 23, 1950: 323-326
vation in the Vietnamese revolution: Regionalism and the Pacific Commonwealth.
new light from the l930's. 47, 1974: M. Margaret Ball. 46, 1973: 232-253
The South Pacific Commission. Roy E.
OSHIMA,H.R. Japan's "new economic James. (MC) 20, 1947: 193-198
structure". 15, 1942: 261-279
OU, Pao-san. Recent discussion on China's Paradoxes of development of the South
food problem. (NC) 15, 1942: 345-359 Pacific. James McAuley. 27, 1954:
see MONGOLIA Social problems in Pacific dependencies.
Felix M. Keesing. 4, 1931: 576-585
Social processes in the Pacific islands.
R.A. Derrick. (RA) 25, 1952: 176-179
- 80 -

Pacific items: notes on events by the CONSTITUTION

editor. Elizabeth Green. Nov. 1928: The constitution of Pakistan. G.W.
16-19; Dec. 1928: 25-26; Feb. 1929: Choudhury. 29, 1956: 243-252
73-76; Mar. 1929: 130-134; Apr.
1929: 204-209; May 1929: 275-281; ECONOMICS
June 1929: 361-363; July 1929: 428-431; The basis of economic development in
Aug. 1929: 498-501; Sept 1929: 580-581; Pakistan. Latif AhmadSherwani. (NC)
Oct. 1929: 659-660; Nov. 1929: 715-717; 22, 1949: 381-387
Dec. 1929: 796-797; 3, 1930: 212-220, Pakistan's economic development. A.M.
285-293, 390-397, 483-492, 588-595, Huq. 32, 1959: 144-161
668-681, 763-774, 865-869, 976-972,
1057-1068, 1146-1155; 4, 1931: 54-63, Problems in Pakistan's prosperity.
142-155, 225-241, 329-343, 408-418, Richard H. Kaufman. (NC) 35, 1962:
523-526, 615-625, 711-718 59-65
The Pacific Ocean in its maps. J.C. Nationalizing education in Pakistan:
Beaglehole. (RA) 19, 1946: 294-302 teachers' associations and the People's
party. DawnE. Jones and Rodney W.
Jones. 50, 1977: 581-603
Pacific trends: notes on events by the
editor. Eliza beth Green. 5, 1932: FOREIGNRELATIONS
240-252, 333-341, 432-439, 512-516, Pakistan's relations with the major
616-621, 720-730, 775-786, 973-978, powers and some minor agreements.
1061-1079; 6, 1933: 24-42, 87-108, W.M. !Jobell. 37, 1964: 384-395
197-221, 305-314, 525-544 China
Pakistan, the Soviet Union and China.
PAGET,Roger K. The military in Indon- Werner Levi. 35, 1962: 211-222
esian politics: the burden of power.
40, 1967: 294-314 India
Kashmir: a case study in United Nations
PAKISTAN mediation. Michael Brecher. 26, 1953:
The new Pakistan: problems and 195-207
prospects. Elliot L. Tepper. 47, Japan
1974: 56-68 Japanese relations with India, Pakistan
and Bangladesh. Zillur R. Khan. 48,
Pakistan and the consequences of 1975: 541-557
Bangladesh. Elliot L. Tepper. (RA)
45, 1972: 573-581 Southeast Asia
The problem of East Pakistan. Stanley Southeast Asia in Pakistan's foreign·
Maron. 28, 1955: 132-144 policy. K.B. Sayeed. 41, 1968:
Agricultural planning in East Pakistan. Pakistan, the Soviet Union and China.
W. Klatt. (NC) 25, 1952: 263-268 Werner Levi . 35, l 962: 211-222
Afghanistan Ayub Khan as president. W.M. Dobell.
Pakhtunistan: the frontier dispute 42, 1969: 294-310
between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The East Pakistan political scene, 1955-
S.M.M. Qureshi. 39, 1966: 99-114 1957. G.H. Choudhury. 30, 1957: 312-
China 321
Ramifications of the China-Pakistan Group interests in Pakistan politics,
border treaty. W.M. Dobell. 37, 1947-1958. Talukder Maniruzzaman.
1964: 283-295 39, 1966: 83-98
- 81 -

PAKISTAN - continued India and Pakistan: the demography of

GOVERNMENT ANDPOLITICS - continued partition. Kingsley Davis. 22, 1949:
The Pakistan coup d'etat of 1958. Wayne 254-264
Ayres Wilcox. 38, 1965: 142-163 POLITICAL PARTIES
Pakistan's constitutional autocracy. Howradical isthe Pakistan People's
Khalid B. Sayeed. 36, 1963: 365-377 party? Khalid B. Sayeed. 48, 1975:
Pakistan's experiment in basic democr- 42-59
acies. Harry J. Friedman. 33, 1960: The National Awamiparty of Pakistan:
107-125 leftist politics in crisis. M.
Pakistan's preventive autocracy and Rachiduzzaman. 43, 1970: 394-409
its causes. K.J. Newman. 32, 1959:
18-33 PALFREEMAN, A. C. Non-white immigration
Political and administrative roles in to Australia. 47, 1974: 344-357
East Pakistan's districts. A.M.A. PALMER, Norman D. Elections and the
11uhith. 40, 1967: 279-293
political system in India: the 1972
Political change in Pakistan: structures, State Assembly elections and after.
functions, constraints and goals. Wayne 45, 1972: 535-555
l~ilcox. 41, 1968: 341-354
The political outlook in Pakistan. The 1962 election in North Bombay.
--36, 1963: 120-137
F.M. Innes. 26, 1953: 303-317
The political role of Pakistan's civil PALMIER,Leslie H. Aspects of Indonesia's
service. Khalid 8. Sayeed. 31, 1958: social structure. 28, 1955: 117-131
The political stability of Pakistan. Centralization in Indonesia. (RA)
--33, 1960: 169-180
Keith Callard. 29, 1956: 5-20
MINORITIES Improving Asia's villages. (RA)
--36, 1963: 283-289
The communal problem in the Inda-
Pakistan subcontinent: some current Modern Islam in Indonesia: the
implications. Herbert Feldman. 42, --Muhammadiyah after independence. · (NC)
1969: 145-163
27, 1954: 255-263
The Jama'at-i-Islami movement in Sukarno, the nationalist. 30,
--1957: 101-119
Pakistan. Khalid B. Sayeed. (NC)
30, 1957: 59-68
PAN, Kung-chan. Kuomintang and liberty.
The National Assembly of Pakistan under
the 1962 constitution. M. Rashiduzzaman. PANIKKAR, K.M. Regional organization for
the Indian Ocean area. 18, 1945: 246-
42, 1969: 481-493 251
Pakistani nationalism reconsidered. PARDEE,Ruth E. First aid for China.
Saleem M.M. Qureshi. 45, 1972: 556- 19, 1946: 75-89
PARK,Richard Leonard. Indian democracy
PARTITION and the general election. 25, 1952:
Evacuee property in India and Pakistan. l 30- 139
Joseph B. Schechtman. (NC) 24, 1951:
406-413 PARK,Robert E. The university and the
community of races. 5, 1932: 695-703
- 82 -

PARK,Yung H. The "anti-hegemony" PARKER,Harrison. International pay-

controversy in Sino-Japanese ments of postwar China. 21, 1948:
relations. 49, 1976: 476-490 348-359

PARRY,Albert and Alexander Kiralfy. PAUKER,Guy J. Indonesia's eight-year

Soviet submarines in the Far East. development plan. 34, 1961: 115-130
10, 1937: 30-42
. Political consequences of rural
PARTITION --development programs in Indonesia.
41, 1968: 386-402
see PARTITION as a subheading
under: INDIA Political doctrines and practical
PAKISTI\N --politics in Southeast Asia. 35,
l 962: 3-10
Australia's future in New Guinea. PAYNE,Robert. The challenge of Asia.
James McAuley. 26, 1953: 59-69 (NC) 21, 1948: 51-58
Colonial development in central PEACE
New Guinea. F.J. West. 29, 1956:
161-173 The indivisibility of peace and the
inseparability of East and West.
Defense and development in Albert Sarraut. 9, 1936: 509-514
Australian NewGuinea. James
McAuley. 23, 1950: 371-380 The quest for peace in the Pacific.
J.W. Pickersgill. (CO) 9, 1936:
Papua and mandated New Guinea 443-448
today. Thomas Penberthy Fry. 19,
1946: 146-164 PEAKE,Cyrus H. Manchurian echoes in
Recent constitutional developments Chinese nationalism. 7, 1934: 406-414
in Papua and New Guinea. Merze Tate.
(NC) 44, 1971: 421-427 PEFFER,Nathaniel. America from across
the Pacific. 10, 1937: 5-15
White boycott in New Guinea. John America: the jellyfish of the
R. Kerr. (NC) 32, 1959: 401-409 --Pacific. 8, 1935: 284-291

NATIONALISM PELZER,Karl J. The agrarian conflict

Secessionist politics in Papua New in East Sumatra. 30, 1957: 151-159
Guinea. Ralph R. Premdas. 50, 1977:
64-85 PENDL~TON,Robert L. Land utilization
in Southeastern Asia. (RA) 19,
1946: 101-108
PATRICK,Hugh T. Growth and cycles in
the Japanese economy. (RA) 36, 1963: PERKINS, B. Ward. The failure of civil
276-283 control in occupied China. 12, 1939:
Japan's interest rates and the
--"grey" financial market. 38, 1965: PETERSON,Alec. Britain and Siam: the
326-344 latest phase. 19, 1946: 364-372
PATTERSON,Wayne and Hilary Conroy. PFEFFER,Richard M. Contradictions and
Recent studies of Korea. (RA) social change in Communist China. (RA)
45, 1972: 409-412 39, 1966: 349-360
PATTON,Harold S. The Canadian grain
pool. 3, 1930: 165-180
- 83 -

PHILI PPINES The Bell Trade act and the Philippine

economy. M. Cuaderno. 25, 1952: 323-
The Commonwealthof the Philippines. 333
Ifor B. Powell. 9, 1936: 33-43
Financial and economic planning in the
The future of the Philippines. Philippines. Shirley Jenkins. 21,
Catherine Porter. 13, 1940: 138- 1948: 33-45
Problems of economic development in
Position of the Philippines in the the Philippines. Thomas R. McHale.
Pacific Comity. Dean Conrado (NC) 25, 1952: 160-169
Benitez. 3, 1930: 70-91
Projects and progress in the ELECTIONS
Philippines. Donn V. Hart. (RA) The 1953 Philippine presidential
27, 1954: 353-366 elections. Willard H. Elsbree.
27, 1954: 3- 15
AGRICULTURE Note on the Philippine elections.
Agrarian tendencies in the Philippines. Abraham Chapman. ( Nr:) 19, 1946:
James S. Allen. 11, 1938: 52-65 193-198
Agrarian tendencies in the Philippines. Philippine political parties and the
James S. Allen. (CC) 12, 1939: 191- 1961 election. Martin Meadows. 35,
193 1962: 261-274
A denial of some statements by J.S.
Allen. Compania General de Tabacos EMIGRATION
de Filipinas. (CC) 11, 1938: 493-495 Philippine exclusion. Daniel R.
Williams. May 1929: 281-283
Tobacco-planting in the Philippines.
Compania General de Tabacos de The Philippine problem: attitude of
Filipinas. (CC) 12, 1939: 304-309 American labor toward Filipino immig-
ration and Philippine independence.
COMMERCE Paul Scharrenberg. Feb. 1929: 49-54
The Bell Trade act and the Philippine
economy. M. Cuaderno. 25, 1952: 323- FINANCE
333 Central banking in the Philippines.
Andres V. Castillo. 21, 1948: 360-371
Economic consequences of the Philippine
Trade act. Frank Golay. 28, 1955: 53- The Philippine monetary policy debate.
70 Frank H. Golay. 29, 1956: 253-264

Communismand reform in the Philippines. A pawn approaches the eighth square ..
Justus M. van der Kroef. 46, 1973: Quincy·Wright. (CO) 7, 1934: 326-
29-58 331
Philippine communist theory and strategy: The Philippines as a pawn in the game.
a new departure? Justus M. van der Sir Frederick Whyte. 7, 1934: 163-168
Kroef. 48, 1975: 181-198 Japan
Third conquest of the Philippines?
CONSTITUTION S.P. Vak, Jr. 14, 1941: 287-299
The new Philippine constitution.
Conrado Benitez. 8, 1935: 428-432 United States
The future of Philippine-American
ECONOMICS relations. Catherine Porter. 16,
Basic problems of Philippine econ- 1943: 261-276
omic development. Salvador Araneta. The moral aspects of the Philippine
(NC) 21, 1948: 281-285 question. Fred C. Fisher. 3, 1930:
- 84 -


Land reform in the Philippines since
FOREIGNRELATIONS the Marcos coup. Benedict J. Kerkvliet.
United States - continued 47, 1974: 286-304
The Philippine-American experiment:
a Filipino view. Jose A. Lansang. LAWS
25, 1952: 226-234 Civil liberties and the mass media
Philippine-American relations under under martial law in the Philippines.
the "new society". Robert L. David A. Rosenberg. 47, 1974: 472-
Youngblood. 50, 1977: 45-63 484
The Philippines. Bruno L."asker. (CO) The Philippine Rice Share Tenancy act.
7, 1934: 85-88 DavidWurfel. (NC) 27, 1954: 41-50
Challenge to the "new era: in Phil- Communismand the Chinese in the
ippine politics. Martin Meadows. 37, Philippines. Sheldon Appleton. 32,
1964: 296-306 1959: 376-391
Communismand reform in the Philippines. Early Chinese economic influence in
Justus M. van der Kroef. 46, 1973: the Philippines, 1850-1898. Edgar
29-58 Wickberg. (NC) 35, 1962: 275-285
Martial law in the Philippines: the The Philippine-Chinese image of the
methods of regime survival. David Filipino. George H. Weightman. 40,
Wurfel. 50, 1977: 5-30 1967: 315-323
The Moros as a political factor in NATIONALISM
Philippine independence. Sidney An ambiguous legacy: years at war
Glazer. 14, 1941: 78-90 in the Philippines. David Joel
Philippine authoritarianism: framework Steinberg. 45, 1972: 165-190
for peripheral "development". 50, Colonialism, social structure and
1977: 365-386 nationalism: the Philippine case.
The role of government corporations Martin Meadows. 44, 1971: 337-352
in the Philippines. R.S. Milne. 34,
1961: 257-270 NEWSMEDIA·
Civil liberties and the mass media
GUERILLAS under martial law in the Philippines.
The Moro National Liberation Front David A. Rosenberg. 47, 1974: 472-
in the Philippines. Lela Garner 484
Noble. 49, 1976: 405-424
The Philippine agrarian crisis. POLITICAL PARTIES
David Wurfel. (RA) 45, 1972: 582- Philippine political parties and the
585 1961 election. Martin Meadows. 35,
1962: 261-274
INDEPENDENCE' Political finance in Southeast Asia
International aspects of Philippine with particular reference to the
independence: a Filipino view. Maximo Philippines and Malaysia. R.S. Milne.
M. Kalaw. 6, 1933: 17-21 41, 1968: 491-510
The Philippine problem enters a new RELIGION
phase. James S. Allen. 11, 1938: Moslem and Christian in the Philippines.
159-l 70
Chester L. Hunt. 28, 1955: 331-349
LABOUR A study of the Iglesia Ni Cristo: a
Philippine labor unions: an appraisal. politico-religious sect. Hirofumi
Meliton Salazar. (NC) 26, 1953: 146- Ando. 42, 1969: 334-345
- 85 -


Patterns of cultural conflict in NEHZEALAND VIETMAM
Philippine life. Justus M. van PAKISTAN VIETNAM(Republic)
der Kroef. 39, 1966: 326-338 PHILIPPINES
The prospect for social progress in
the Philippines. Robert P. Stephens. POLYNESIA
23, 1950: 139-152 see COOKISLANDS
Newlight on the fall of the
Philippines. Catherine Porter. (RA) POOLE,Peter A. Thailand's Vietnamese
27, 1954: 370-377 refugees: can they be assimilated?
(NC) 40, 1967: 324-332
PHILLIPS, P.O. Australia's attitude to
the Pacific dependencies. 18, 1945: POPULATION
76-83 see also POPULATION
as a subheading
The British Commonwealthof AUSTRALIA INDONESIA
--Nations: the latest phase. 3, 1930: CHINA
476-482 JAPAN
see MOORE,
Sir W. Harrison
PHILOSOPHY This human family: problems of pop-
see PHILOSOPHYas a subheading ulation and migration. Griffith
under: CHINA Taylor. Sept. 1929: 575-579
PORTER,Catherine. Autopsies on the
PHINNEY,Archie. Racial minorities in Southeast Asia debacle, (RA) 16,
the Soviet Union. 8, 1935: 321-327 1943: 206-215
PICKERSGILL, J.W. The quest for peace . The future of Phil i.ppi ne-American
in the Pacific. (CO) 9, 1936: 443- --relations. 16, 1943: 261-276
The future of the Philippines.
PIGULEVSKAYA, E. Military-industrial --13, 1940: 138-148
construction in Manchuria. (NC)
16, 1943: 223-226 Newlight on the fall of the
--Philippines. (RA} 27, 1954: 370-377
PLATH,David vJ. "Ecstacy Years" - old
age in Japan. 46, 1973: 421-429 PORTUS,G.V. The Australian labour
movementand the Pacific. 3, 1930:
POLICE 923-932
see POLICE as a subheading
under JAPAN POWELL, I for B. The Commonwealthof the
Philippines, 9, 1936: 33-43
POWER,Joseph E. The Japanese constitut-
see POLITICAL PARTIES as a subheading ion and the militarists. 15, 1942:
under: 188-194
- 86 -

POWLES,Cyril. E.H. Norman as a Propaganda as an instrument of nation-

historian: a Canadian perspective. al policy. Bruno Lasker. 10, 1937:
50, 1977: 660-667 152-160
Yasukuni jinja hoan: religion PRYBYLA,Jan S. Hsia-fang: the economics
--and politics in contemporary Japan. and politics of rustication in China.
49, 1976: 491-505 48, 1975: 153-172
POWLES,Guy. Political alternatives PUBLISHING
in Micronesia. (RA) 43, 1970: see PUBLISHINGas a subheading under
PRATT,Frederick G. The Indian Round PULLEYBLANK,E.G. Prehistoric East-West
Table Conference: second session. contacts across Eurasia. (NC) 47,
5, 1932: 151-167
1974: 500-508
PRATT,Helen. Education and social PURCELL,Victor. The crisis in Malayan
reconstruction: an annotated
reading list. 6, 1933: 291-296 education. (NC) 26, 1953: 70-76

PRATT,Sir John. On criticisms of A Malayan union: the proposed new

--constitution. 19, 1946: 20-40
British Far Eastern policy. 16,
l 943: l 33-148
PYLEE,M.V. Free speech and parliament-
PREJUDICE ary privileges in India. 35, 1962:
The social psychology of Oriental-
Occidental prejudices. Kimball
Young. Dec. 1929: 773-785 _Q_

PREMDAS,Ralph R. Secessionist pol- QUIGLEY,Harold S. The challenge to

itics in Papua New Guinea. 50, American educational leadership in
1977: 64-85 China. 6, 1933: 382-386
The Press in Great Britain, and the The great purge in Japan. 20,
Institute of Pacific Relations. --1947: 299-308
Feb. 1928: 17-18
__ The Open Door policy and American
PRICE, Ernest B. The Manchurians and neutrality in the Far East. (CO)
their new deal. 8, 1935: 159-167 9, 1936: 436-442
PRICE, Maurice T. Sinology and social The United States in the Pacific:
study: cooperative research between --a survey of the relations of the U.S.
Sinologists and other academic with China and Japan and American
specialists. 5, 1932: 1038-1046 opinion thereon, August l, 1927 - June
l, 1929. Aug. 1929: 470-495
PRIEN, Charles H. see STEPANEK,
E. QURESHI,S.M.M. Pakhtunistan: the
frontier dispute between Afghanistan
PRIESTLEY,K.E. The Sino-Soviet Friend- and Pakistan. 39, 1966: 99-114
ship Association. (NC) 25, 1952:
287-292 Pakistani nationalism reconsidered.
--45, 1972: 556-572
as a subheading
under CHINA
- 87 -

R READ,Thomas T. see WANG

kung-pi ng.
RAGER,F.A. Japanese emigration and REES-WILLIAMS,D.R. The constitutional
Japan's "population pressure". position in Malaya. (NC) 20, 1947:
14, 1941: 300-321 174-178
RAHMAN, A.T.R. Administration and its Reflections: editorial opinion on the
political environment in Bangladesh. Pacific. "Pacific Editorial Press".
47, 1974: 171-191 Feb. 1929: 77-81; Mar. 1929: 135-140;
Apr. 1929: 210-216; May 1929: 284-289;
RAJAN,M.S. Bangladesh and after. 45, June 1929: 364-367; July 1929: 432-438;
1972: 191-205 Aug. 1929: 502-508; Sept 1929: 582-586;
Oct. 1929: 661-663; Nov. 1929: 718-722;
RANGNEKAR,D.K. The nationalist rev- Dec. 1929: 798-800; 3, l 930: 181-187,
olution in Ceylon. 33, 1960: 361- 299-303, 398-406, 493-500, 595-602,
374 688-692, 775-783, 870-880, 973-978,
1069-1071, 1156-1162; 4, 1931: 64-68,
RAO,B. Shiva. After the war in India. 156-160, 242-251, 344-347, 419-428,
18, 1945: 169-179 527-535, 626-633, 819-824; 5, 1932:
253-258, 342-345, 622-629, 787-796,
RAO,V.K.R.V. India's first five-year 891-900; 6, 1933: 43-49, 109-111
plan - a descriptive analysis. 25,
1952: 3-23 REFUGEES
RASHIDUZZAMAN,M. The National Assembly see REFUGEESas a subheading
of Pakistan under the 1962 constitut- under: THAILAND
ion. 42, 1969: 481-493 TIBET
The National Awamiparty of REGIONALISM
--Pakistan: leftist politics in crisis.
43, 1970: 394-409 see REGIONALISMas a subheading
under H!DIA
A.H. The wool trade of
north China. (SR) 9, 1936: 60-68 RELIGION
K.J. see MILNE,R.S. see RELIGIONas a subheading
Growing difficulties with raw FAREAST SRI LANKA
materials for special steels. INDIA VIETNAM (Republii)
Trans. by A.J. Grajdanzev. (CC) JAPAN
13, 1940: 456-457
RAWSON, Geoffrey. Armament in the see REPARATIONSas a subheading
South Pacific. (CC) 12, 1939: under JAPAN
RAY,Dennis. "Red and expert" and REPATRIATION
China's Cultural Revolution. 43, see REPATRIATIONas a subheading
1970: 22-33 under JAPAN

RAY,Renuka. The background of the RESEARCH

Hindu Code bill. (NC) 25, 1952: see also RESEARCHas a subheading
under: ASIA
- 88 -

RESEARCH - continued . Nepa1 's experiment with "traditi ona1

--democracy". 36, 1963: 16-31
Sinology and social study: cooperative
research between Sinologists and other ROSENBERG, David A. Civil liberties and
academic specialists. Maurice T. Price. the mass media under martial law in
5, 1932: 1038-1046 the Philippines. 47, 1974: 472-484
REVOLUTION ROSINGER,L'awrence K. The Far East and
as a suhheading the new order in Europe. 12, 1939:
under: 357-369
INDIA VIETNAM Germany's Far Eastern policy under
--Hitler. 11, 1938: 421-432
RICHMAN, Barry. Economic development in
China and India: some conditioning The guerrilla war in China. (CC)
factors. 45, 1972: 75-91 --,2, 1939: 186-188

RIVERS,W.F. The position of foreign Politics and strategy of China's

business in India today. 28, 1955: --mobile war. 12, 1939: 263-277
Soviet Far Eastern policy. 13,
RIX, Alan G. Political change in Tokyo --1940: 263-278
and the 1973 Metropolitan Assembly
elections. 47, 1974: 20-36 ROSINSKI,Herbert. The strategy of the
Sino-Japanese conflict. 11, 1938: 35-43
ROBERTS, Stephen H. The crisis in
Australia: September, 1930 - January ROSSE,Robert M. The working of Communist
1932. 5, 1932: 319-332 China's five-year plan. 27, 1954:
ROBERTSON,C.J. The rice export from
Burma, Siam and French Inda-China. ROTHER,Cecile. Restriction of rubber
9, 1936: 243-253 production in Netherlands-India. (SR)
8, 1935: 66-80
ROBINSON,ThomasW. The view from
Peking: China's policies towards the . Tea production and tea restriction.
United States, the Soviet Union and ---rsR) 8, 1935: 454-467
Japan. 45, 1972: 333-355
ROWE,David Nelson. Collective security
ROBSON, Nancy. French Oceania takes in the Pacific: an American view.
stock. 26, 1953: 24-43 18, 1945: 5-21

ROMAN,Agnes. Public finance in post- ROWELL,

Newton W. Canada looks westward.
war China. 19, 1946: 61-74 3, 1930: 27-33

RONAN,William. The Kra Canal: a Suez ROY,M.N. The communist problem in East
for Japan? 9, 1936: 406-415 Asia - an Asian view. 24, 1951: 227-
ROOSEVELT,Nicholas. Europe lays Asia
open to aggression. 11, 1938: 447-453 . Democracyand nationalism in Asia.
---rNc) 25, 1952: 140-146
ROSE,LEOE. Bhutan's external relations.
47, 1974: 192-208 The state of socialism in Asia --
--Rangoon and after. (NC) 26, 1953:
__ India and Sikkim: redefining the 135-139
relationship. 42, 1969: 32-46
- 89 -

ROYAMA, M. The South Manchurian Railway RURAL

Zone and the nature of its administr- see RURALDEVELOPMENT
as a subheading
ation. 3, 1930: 1018-1034 under:
ROZMAN, Gilbert. China's traditional CHINA VIETNAM
cities. (RA) 50, 1977: 668-672 INDIA
Free rubber production - competition see RUSTICATIONas a subheading
or chaos? E. de Vries. (RA) 22, under CHINA
1949: 75-78
The prospects of rubber. P.T. RYUKYUISLANDS
Bauer. 20, 1947: 381-390 The Ryukyus on the eve of reversion.
Thomas M. Klein. 45, 1972: 1-20
RUBINSTEIN,Alvin Z. The state of
socialism in Asia - the Rangoon
Conference. (NC) 26, 1953: 131- s
SACKS,Milton. The strategy of communism
RUDOLPH,Lloyd I. and Susanne Haeber in Southeast Asia. 23, 1950: 227-247
Rudolph. Generals and politicians
in India. 37, 1964: 3-19 SADLER,A.L. Chanoyu, or the tea phil-
osophy of Japan: a Western evaluation.
__ The political role of India's Oct. 1929: 635-644
caste associations. 33, 1960:
5-22 SAGAMI,Governor. Governor Sagami's
greeting. Dec. 1929: 761
RUDOLPH,Philip. North Korea and the
path to socialism. 32, 1959: 131- SAITO, Soichi. The late Junnosuke Inouye:
143 an appreciation. 5, 1932: 1057-1060.
RUDOLPH,Susanne Haeber see RUDOLPH, SALAZAR,Meliton. Philippine labor unions:
Lloyd I. an appraisal. (NC) 26, 1953: 146-155
RUEFF,Gaston. Postwar problems of SAMSON,Allan A. Armyand Islam in
French Inda-China: economic aspects. Indonesia. 44, 1971: 545-565.
18, 1945: 137-155
SAMUELS, MarwynS. Geography in China:
__ Postwar problems of French Indo- research and training. 50;
China: social and political aspects. 1977: 406-425.
18, 1945: 229-245
Health B.
RUPEN, Robert A. Notes on Outer
Mongolia since 1945. (NC) 28, 1955: SANSOM,G.B. The political orientation
71-79 of Japan. (NC) 24, 1951: 306-312
__ Outer Mongolia, 1957-60. 33, SARAWAK
1960: 126-143
__ Outer Mongolia since 1955. 30, Local self-government in Sarawak. tan
1957: 342-357 Morrison. (NC) 22, 1949: 178-185
The Sarawak political scene. Robert
0. Tilman. 37, 1964: 412-425
- 90 -

SARITTHANARAT Native customary law in the

--Netherlands East Indies. (PAB #2)
Marshal Sarit and absolutist rule 9, 1936: 254-263
in Thailand. Frank C. Darling.
33, 1960: 347-360 SCHNEIDEROV,
Vladimir. Foothill of
death [Pamirs]. 3, 1930: 266-272
SARRAUT,Albert. The indivisibility
of peace and the inseparability of SCHOENFELD:Benjamin H. The birth of
East and West. 9, 1936: 509-514 India's Samyukta Socialist party.
Kenneth J. The heritage of 38, 1965: 245-268
Asia. 4, 1931: 880-904 · Emergency rule in India. 36, 1963:
Mahatma Gandi: seen through
--his autobiography. 4, 1931: 201-209 Kerala in crisis. 32, 1959: 235-
Toyohiko Kagawa: the St. Francis
--of Japan. 4, 1931: 308-317 Nepal's new constitution. (NC)
--32, 1959: 392-401
When East first met West: some
--notes on early contacts. 5, 1932: SCHOLEFIELD,Guy H. Japan and New
608-615 Zealand: an interesting trade agree-
ment. Mar. 1929: 123-130
SAYEED,Khalid B. Howradical is the
Pakistan People's party? 48, 1975: see VONHAAST,K.F.
SCHRIEKE,B. American Negro and colonial
The Ja:rna'at-i-Islami movement native: education and "equality". l 0,
in Pakistan. (NC) 30, 1957: 59-68 1937: 289-304
Pakistan's constitutional auto- SCHUMPETER, Elizabeth Boody. The problem
cracy. 36, 1963: 365-377 of sanctions in the Far East. 12,
1939: 245-262
The political role of Pakistan's
--civil service. 31, 1958: 131-146 SCIENCE
. Southeast Asia in Pakistan's see SCIENCE as a subheading
--foreign policy. 41, 1968: 230-244 under: CHINA
SCHARRENBERG,Paul. New principle on
trial: immigration between Mexico SCIGLIANO,Robert G. Political parties
and the United States. Jan 1928: in South Vietnam under the Republic.
7-10 33, 1960: 327-346
. The Philippine problem: attitude and WayneW. Snyder. The budget
--of American labor toward Filipino --process in South Vietnam. 33, 1960:
immigration and Philippine indep- 48-60
endence. Feb. 1929: 49-54
SCOTT,Roland W. Christian missionary
SCHECHTMAN,Joseph B. Evacuee property decline in India. (NC) 30, 1957:
in India and Pakistan. (NC) 24, 366-376
1951: 406-413
SCHILLER,A. Arthur. Autonomy for see SECRET SOCIETIES as a subheading
Indonesia. 17, 1944: 478-488 under CHINA
- 91 -

SEKIGUCHI,Yasushi. The changing status SHOEMAKER,James H. Hawaii emerges from

of the Cabinet in Japan. 11, 1938: the war. 19, 1946: 182-192
James T. Justice, East and
SEKIGUCHI,Tai. Political conditions in West. 5, 1932: 393-403
Japan after the application of manhood
suffrage. 3, 1930: 907-922 et al. Dr. Inaza Nitobe, an apprec-
--iation. 6, 1933: 545-550
SEKINE, Gumpei. America's strategy
against Japan. (CC) 14, 1941: SHRIDHARANI,Krishnalal. India in a
215-221 changing Asia. 14, 1941: 5-20
SEYMOUR,Robert L. Japan's self-defense: The SIAUWGIAP see WERTHEIM,
the Naganumacase and its implications.
47, 1974: 421-436 SIKKIM
Theodore. Economic developments India and Sikkim: redefining the
in North Vietnam. 31, 1958: 36-53
relationship. Leo. E. Rose. 42, 1969:
SHAPIRO,Jane P. Soviet policy towards 32-46
North Korea and Korean unification. SILBERMAN, Bernard 5. E.H. Norman:
48, 1975: 335-352 structure and function in the Meiji
SHAW,Glenn W. Contemporary Japanese state, a reappraisal. 41, 1968:
literature: a foreigner's view. 8, 553-559
1935: 292-301 SILK
SHAH,S.A. Class and agrarian change: The position of silk in Japanese
some comments on peasant resistance exports. John R. Stewart. (NC)
and revolution in India. (NC) 21, 1948: 46-51
42, 1969: 360-363
SHELDON,Charles D. Religion in politics A survey of silver. Herbert M.
in Japan: the Soka Gakkai. (NC) 33, Bratter. Part I - 5, 1932: 581-599;
1960: 382-387 Part I I - 5, 1932: 704-71 9
SHERWANI,Latif Ahmad. The basis of SILVERMAN, Jerry M. Local government
economic development in Pakistan. and national integration in South
(NC) 22, 1949: 381-387 Vietnam. 47, 1974: 305-325
SHEPHERD,Jack. New Caledonia: orphan SILVERSTEIN,Josef. Students in South-
of the South Pacific. 13, 1940: 423- east Asian politics. 49, 1976: 189-212
SHEPHERD,William R. The teaching of and Julian Wohl. University students
modern oriental history in the West. --and politics in Burma. 37, 1964: 50-65
8, 1935: 328-335
SIMON,Sheldon W. The Japan-China-USSR
SHIBUSAWA, Viscount. Peace on the triangle. 47, 1974: 125-138
Pacific - Japan and the United States. Some aspects of China's Asian
3, 1930: 273-277 --policy in the Cultural Revolution and
SHIH Kuo-heng. Social implications of its aftermath. 44, 1971: 18-38
tin-mining in Yunnan. (NC) 20, 1947:
- 92 -

SINGAPORE The failure of civil control in

The naval base at Sinagpore. occupied China. B. Ward Perkins.
Tristan Buesst. 5, 1932: 306-318 12, 1939: 149-156
Far Eastern war inflation. Kurt
AND POLITICS B1och. 13, 1940: 320-343
Singapore's one-party system: its
relationship to democracy and political French neutrality during the Sino-
stability. Tae Yul Nam. 42, 1969: Japanese hostilities. Roger Levy.
465-480 l l , 1938: 433-446
Great Britain and Japan's war on China.
LABOUR O.M. Green. 11, 1938: 224-232
English language competence and
occupational mobility in Singapore. Japan's war in China: historical
John A. MacDougall and Chen Sock Foon. parallel to Vietnam? Hilary Conroy.
49, 1976: 294-312 43, 1970: 61-72
"Limited" war and world war. Owen
SINGH, L.P. Political development or Lattimore. (CC) 10, 1937: 450-453
political decay in India? 44, 1971:
65-80 The lines of cleavage in Inner
Mongolia. OwenLattimore. (Cb)
SINKIANG 10, 1937: 196-201
Dilemma in Sinkiang. Chang Chih-chung. Politics and strategy of China's
(NC) 20, 1947: 422-428 mobile war. Lawrence K. Rosinger.
12, 1939: 263-277
The new Sinkiang -- China's link with
the Middle East. Martin R. Norins. The problems of sanctions in the Far
15, 1942: 457-470 East. Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter.
12, 1939: 245-262
SINO-INDIANCONFLICT The significance of puppet governments.
The impact of the border war on Franz Michael. 12, 1939: 400-412
Indian perceptions of China. G. The Sino-Japanese currency war. D.K.
Eric Hansen. 40, 1967: 235-249 Lieu. 12, 1939: 413-426
Nehru's foreign policy and the China- The Soviet press and Japan's war on
India conflict revisited. Michael China. Harriet Moore. 11, 1938:
Brecher. (RA) 50, 1977: 99-106 44-51
SINO-JAPANESE WAR The strategy of the Sino-Japanese
conflict. Herbert Rosinski. 11, 1938:
After four years. Owen Lattimore. 35-43
14, 1941: 141-153
To have and to hold. "A British
The Chinese Mongol front in Suiyuan. Observer". 11, 1938: 299-310
Evans Fordyce Carlson. 12, 1939:
278-284 The war in China and the Soviet
press. Martin R. Morins. 12, 1939:
Determinants of a Sino-Japanese l 57- 168
settlement: an impression of the
IPR study meeting. Philip C. Whose lifelines? OwenLattimore.
Jessup. 13, 1940: 5-16 (CC) 13, 1940: 441-445
Diplomatic prelude to the China The yen and the sword. Guenther
war. Harry Paxton Howard. 14, 1941: Stein. 12, 1939: 5-19
The drama in China's anti-Japanese The guerilla war in China. Evans F.
propaganda. J. Clayton Miller. Carlson. (CC) 12, 1939: 183-184
11, 1938: 465-477
- 93 -

WAR- continued SOCIETY
GUERILLAS- continued see also SOCIETY as a subheading
The guerilla war in China. Haldore under:
Hanson. (CC) 12, 1939: 184-185 ASIA MELANESIA
The guerilla war in China. Lawrence CHINA MOMGOLIA
K. Rosinger. (CC) 12, 1939: 186-188 HAWAII PACIFICISLANDS
Guerilla warfare. Kurt Bloch. (CC) I NDOCHIMA SRI LANKA
12, 1939: 309-311 INDONESIA THAILAND
The nature of guerilla warfare. R. JAPAN VIETNAM(Republic)
Ernest Dupuy. 12, 1939: 138-148 MALAYSIA

SINO-SOVIET DISPUTE American Negro and colonial native:

education and "equality". B. Schrieke.
The Communistyparty of Canada and 10, 1937: 289-304
the Sino-Soviet dispute. Ivan Elements of social organization. W.E.H.
Avakumovic. 37, 1964: 426-435 Stanner. (NC) 26, 1953: 251-253
Mao's role in the Sino-Soviet conflict. Freedomof person in Asia and the
Donald S. Zagoria. 47, 1974: 139-153 Pacific. Bruno Lasker. 24, 1951:
SISSONS,D.C.S. The dispute over Japan's
police law. 32, 1959: 34-45 Humanresources and civilization. E.S.
CraighilT Handy. 8, 1935: 312-320
SIVASWAMY, K.G. Indian agriculture - Justice, East and West. James T.
problems and programmes. 23, 1950: Shotwell. 5, 1932: 393-403

SKINNER,G. William. Aftermath of SOLECKI,Jan J. A Soviet view of China's

communist liberation in the Chengtu agrarian structure. (RA) 46, 1973:
Plain. 24, 1951: 61-76
SMITH,Rennie. The future of Malaya. SOLOMON
6, 1933: 394-398 GOVERNMENT
Native politics in the Solomon Islands.
SMITH,T.E. The Malayan elections of Cyril Belshaw. (NC) 20, 1947: 187-193
1959. 33, 1960: 38-47
SMYTHE,Hugh H. and Masaharu Watanabe. see also:
Japanese popular attitudes toward BANGLADESH PAKISTAN
the Emperor. (NC) 26, 1953: 335-344 BHUTAN SIKKIM
SNOW,Edgar. Soviet society in northwest I NOIA SRI LANKA
China. 10, 1937: 266-275 NEPAL

WayneW. see SCIGLIANO,
Robert G. The green revolution and "economic man":
some lessons for communitydevelopment
SOCIALISM in South Asia? Harry W. Blair. 44,
1971: 353-367
see SOCIALISMas a suhheading under
Asian drama, Act II: development
prospects in South Asia. Barrie M.
Morrison. 48, 1975: 5-26
- 94 -

ASIA Western enter~rise and the economic
ECONOMICS development of Southeast Asia.
South Asia's economic transformation: Benjamin Higgins. (RA) 31, 1958: 74-87
the Myrdal thesis. Maurice Zinkin.
(RA) 41, 1968: 575-579 EDUCATION
Colonial Southeast Asia -- instruction
ANDPOLITICS or education. J.S. Furnivall. 15,
Elites, ruling classes and political 1942: 77-89
power in South Asia. (RA) Elliot L. Universities and the political process
Tepper. 50, 1977: 673-679 in Southeast Asia. Joseph Fischer.
36, 1963: 3-15
Historical writings on South Asia. The universities of Southeast Asia
Peter Harnetty. (RA) 36, 1963: 78- and economic development. Hla Myint.
85 35, 1962: 116-127

Post-independence nationalism in The special commission in South-East
South and Southeast Asia: a reconsid- Asia. A.S.B. Olver. (NC) 21, 1948:
eration. Rupert Emerson. 44, 1971: 285-291
SOUTHKOREA Political doctrines and practical
politics in Southeast Asia. Guy J.
(Republic) Pauker. 35, 1962: 3-10
SOUTHVIETNAM Problems of representative governments
in Southeast Asia. Rupert Emerson.
see VIETNAM(Republic) 26, 1953: 291-302
ASIA Universities and the political process
in Southeast Asia. Joseph Fischer.
see also: 36 , 1963: 3-15
INDOCHI!NA SINGAPORE On the study of Southeas~ Asian
INDONESIA THAILAND history. D.G.E. Hall. 33, 1960: 268-
Destinies for Southeast Asia. Rupert Recent Southeast Asia historiography.
Emerson. ( RA) 16, 1943: 73-79 Frank N. Trager. (NC) 30, 1957: 358-
The landward side of Singapore.
Virginia Thompson. 14, 1941: 21-34 Recent tendencies in the study of
early history of South-East Asia.
COMMUNISM D.G.E. Hall (MC) 39, 1966: 339-348
The strategy of communismin South-
east Asia. Milton Sacks. 23, 1950: LABOUR
227-247 Labor problems in Southeast Asia.
Wilfrid Benson. 16, 1943: 389-396
ECONOMICS Labor in Southeast Asia. Puey·Ungphakorn.
The special commission in South-East (RA) 21, 1948: 411-413
Asia. A.S.B. Olver. (NC) 21, 1948:
285-291 LAND
The universities of Southeast Asia and Land utilization in Southeastern Asia.
economic development. Hla Myint. 35, Robert L. Pendleton. ( RA) 19, 1946:
1962: 116-127 101-108
- 95 -

ASIA - continued The Imperial Conference of 1937.
--,o, 1937: 441-449
see also: ASEAN(Association of South-
east Asian Nations) and SEATO(South- The Korean crisis and the Common-
east Asia Treaty Organization) --wea l th. 24, 1951 : 115-130
The significance of the Japanese milit- SPEAR,Percival. Britain's transfer of
ary model for Southeast Asia. Joyce C. power in India. (RA) 31, 1958: 173-
Lebra. 48, 1975: 215-229 180
NATIONALISM SPENCER,Daniel L. India's planning and
Nationalism and religion in Southeast foreign aid. 34, 1961: 28-37
Asia. E. Michael Mendelson. (RA) 38,
1965: 64-68 Newsources of industrial finance
Post independence nationalism in South --in India. 31, 1958: 261-274
and Southeast Asia: a reconsideration.
Rupert Emerson. 44, 1971: 173-192 SPENCER,J.E. Kueichou: an internal
Chinese colony. 13, 1940: 162-172
Political finance in Southeast Asia SPINKS, Charles Nelson. Indoctrination
with particular reference to the and re-education of Japan's youth.
-Philippines and Malaysia. R.S. Milne. 17, 1944: 56-70
41, 1968: 491-510
The liberal myth in Japan.
RELIGION --15, 1942: 450-456
Nationalism and religion in Southeast
Asia. E. Michael Mendelson. (RA) Postwar political parties in
38, 1965: 64-68 --Japan. 19, 1946: 250-259


Students in Southeast Asia politics. The dominion of Ceylon. W. Ivor
Josef Silverstein. 49, 1976: 189-212 Jennings. 22, 1949: 21-33
SEATO:a critique. Ronald C. Nairn. Peasant colonization in Ceylon. B.H.
41, 1968: 5-18 Farmer. ( NC) 25, 1952: 389-398
The Southeast Asia collective defense COMMUNISM
treaty. Ralph Braibanti. 30, 1957: The twilight of Ceylonese Trotskyism.
321-341 George J. Lerski. 43, 1970: 384-393
The aftermath of imperialism. Guy Wint. Constitutional developments in Ceylon
(NC) 22, 1949: 63-70 since independence. James Jupp. 41,
1968: 169-183
NATIONALISM The constitutional position in Ceylon.
Regional unity in southern Asia. Josiah Crosby. (NC) 19, 1946: 272-279
Virginia Thompson. (NC) 21, 1948:
170-176 The constitutional system in Ceylon.
L.J.M. Cooray and James Jupp. (NC)
The Soviet regions in central China. 4, 43, 1970: 73-83
1931: 911-913
SOWARD,F.H. The great debate over The impact of Western education on
American policy in Southeast Asia. religion and society in Ceylon.
(RA) 40, 1967: 341-346 Michael M. Ames. 40, 1967: 19-42
- 96 -

- continued SOCIETY
The impact of Western education on
- continued
EDUCATION religion and society in Ceylon.
The importance of educational trad- Michael M. Ames. 40, 1967: 19-42
itions: Japan and elsewhere. R.P.
Dore. 45, 1972: 491-507 Sinhalese nationalism and social
conflict in Ceylon. Robert N. Kearney.
ANDPOLITICS 37, l 96~: 1 25-136
Aspects of Ceylonese parliamentary
government. S. Namasivayam. (NC) STANDARD
26, 1954: 76-83 see also STANDARDOF LIVING as a
Ceylon's political left: its develop- subheading under USSR
ment and aspirations. Justus M. van
der Kroef. 40, 1967: 250-278 Economic and living standards:
American and Asiatic. ~Jilliam
Democratic socialism in Sri Lanka. Brandt. 14, 1941: 166-183
James Jupp. 50, 1 977: 625-643
Standards of living among native
Elite politics in the new states: the peoples of the Pacific. Felix M.
case of post-independence Sri Lanka. Keesing. 8, 1935: 21-34
Tissa Fernando. 46, 1973: 361-383
Standards of living and international
The nationalist revolution in Ceylon. trade competition. Allan G.B. Fisher.
D.K. Rangnekar. 33, 1960: 361-374 17, 1944: 285-293
Politics in Ceylon since 1952. Sir
Ivor Jennings. 27, 1954: 338-352 STANNER, W.E.H. Elements of social
organization. (NC) 26, 1953: 251-
Sri Lanka's electoral experience: 253
from personal to party politics.
Ca1vi n A. \foodward. 47, 1974: Postwar Fiji: the 1946 census.
455-471 --20, 1947: 407-421
GUERILLAS STAUFFER,Robert B. Philippine authorit-
The Ceylon insurrection of April 1971: arianism: framework for peripheral
some causes and consequences. S. "development". 50, 1977: 365-386
Arasaratnam. 45, 1972: 356-371
STEIGER,Andre~ J. Stone age peoples in
MINORITIES the age of the airplane. 14, 1941:
Minority problems in Ceylon. !.D.S. 207-214
Weerawardana. (NC) 25, 1952: 278-287
STEIN, Guenther. China's price problem.
NATIONALISM 14, 1941: 322-333
Sinhalese nationalism and social
conflict in Ceylon. Robert N. Kearney. . Free China's agricultural progress.
37, 1 964: 12 5- 136 ---i-Nc) 16, 1943: 339-343
POLITICAL PARTIES __ Japanese state finance. 10, 1937:
Ceylon's political left: its develop- 393-406
ment and aspirations. Justus M. van
der Kroef. 40, 1967: 250-278 Through the eyes of a Japanese
newspaper reader. 9, 1936: 177-190
The impact of western education on The yen and the sword. 12, 1939:
religion and society in Ceylon. --5-19
Michael M. Ames. 40, 1967: 19-42
- 97 -

STEINBERG,David Joel. An ambiguous STORRY,Richard. Imperial conspiracy

legacy: years at war in the Philippines. in Japan? (RA) 45, 1972: 272-276
45, 1972: l 65-190
. Soldiers of the Showa Empire.
STEINER,H. Arthur. Chinese communist ----rRA) 49, 1976: 102-107
leadership in war and peace. (RA)
35, 1962: 384-390 STRONG,Anna Louise. Eighth route
regions in north China. 14, 1941:
The curriculum in Chinese soc- 154-165
--ialist education: an official biblio-
graphy of "Maoism". (NC/B) 31, STUART,Graham H. Some aspects of the
1958: 286-299 London Naval Treaty. 3,1930: 842-844
. Re-thinking U.S. China policy. STUBBS,Richard. Peninsular Malaysia:
----rRA) 45, 1972: 255-268 the "new emergency". 50, 1977: 249-
STEPANEK, Joseph E. and Charles H. Prien.
The role of rural industries in under- STUDENTS
developed areas. (NC) 23, 1950: 65- see also STUDENTSas a subheading
76 under:
STEPHENS,Robert. The prospect for social ASIA JAPAN
progress in the Philippines. 23, 1950: BURMA KOREA(Republic)
1 39- 1 52
STERN,Robert W. Maharashtrian linguistic FAREAST THAILAND
provincialism and Indian nationalism. INDONESIA
37, 1964: 37-49
The student and the future: inter-
STEVENSON,J.A. Canadian foreign policy. national student service and the
7, 1934: 153-162 Pacific. R.I. Jardine. 4,1931: 113-
STEWART,Downie. NewZealand's Pacific SUDARSONO,
Juwono see FISCHER,Joseph
trade and tariff. 4, 1931: 980-1004
STEWART,John R. The position of silk SUHRKE,.Astri. The Thai Muslims: some
in Japanese exports. (NC) 21, 1948: aspects of minority integration. 43,
46-51 1970: 531-547

STEWART,Oliver. Air communications and SUKARNO

the Far East. 8, 1935: 344-351 Sukarno, the ideologue. Justus M.
van der Kroef. (RA) 41, 1968: 245-
STIFEL, Laurence D. Burmese socialism: 261
economic problems of the first decade.
45, 1972: 60-74 Sukarno, the ideologue: an exchange.
Bernard Dahm. (NC) 42, 1969: 55-56
STOCKWIN,J.A.A. Continuity and change Sukarno, the ideologue: an exchange.
in Japanese foreign policy. 46, 1973: Justus M. van der Kroef. (NC) 42, 1969:
77-93 56-57
Foreign policy perspectives of the Sukarno, the nationalist. Leslie H.
--Japanese 1eft: confrontation or Palmier. 30, 1957: 101-119
consensus? 42, 1969: 435-445
SULLIVAN, Michael J. III. Indian attitudes
__ Is Japan a post-Marxist society? on international atomic energy controls.
43, 1970: 353-369
41, 1968: 184-198
- 98 -

SUN, J.C. Newtrends in the Chinese UNITEDNATIONS

press. (SR) 8, 1935: 56-65 The United Nations "China tangle".
Sheldon Appleton. (NC) 35, 1962: 160-
SUNDARAM,T.R. Utilisation of idle 167
manpower in India's economic
development. 34, 1961: 131-140 TAKAHASHI, Masao. Contemporary Japanese
political forces. 21, 1948: 399-404
SUTCH,W.B. NewZealand's first year
of war. 14, 1941: 35-50 TAKAKI,Yasaka. World peace machinery
and the Asia Monroe Doctrine. 5, 1932:
Rodger see LANGER,
Paul 941-953
TAKAYANAGI,Kenzo. Occidental legal ideas
T in Japan: their reception and influence.
3, 1930: 740-753
TAEUBER,Irene B. Demographic research
in Japan. (NC) 22, 1949: 392-397 On the legality of the Chinese
--boycott. 5, 1932: 855-862
__ Japan's increasing people: facts,
problems and policies. 23, 1950: TAMAGNA, Frank M. China's economic
271-293 future. (RA) 16, 1943: 89-91

__ Recent population developments in __ China's postwar finances. 18, 1945:

Japan: some facts and reflections. 117-136
29, 1956: 21-36
Financial problems in China's war
TAI Chi-tao. A message to China's youth. --and postwar economy. 15, 1942: 325-
July 1928: 4-9 344

TAIGUIN,I. Japan and overpopulation. TAO, L.K. Social changes in China.

July 1929: 405-408 4, 1931: 659-671

TAIWAN TATE, Merze. Recent constitutional

developments in Papua and NewGuinea.
Cultural policy in Taiwan and the (NC) 44, 1971: 421-427
problem of "Kominka". A.J. Grajdanzev
(trans.). (CC) 14, 1941: 358-360 TATEYANIA,Y. A Japanese view of Thailand's
The Taiwan peasant movement, 1923- economic independence. 14, 1941: 469-
1932: Chinese rural radicalism under 472
Japanese development programs. Edgar
Wickberg. 48, 1975: 558-582 TAXATION
see TAXATIONas a subheading
Industrialization in Taiwan: recent THAILAND
trends and problems. Samuel P.S. Ho.
48, 1975: 27-41 TAYLOR,George E. America's Pacific
Taiwan and the foreign investor. W. policy: the role and the record. 14,
Klatt. 50, 1977: 644-659 1941: 430-447

JAPANESEADMINISTRATION __ The Powers and the unity of China.

Formosa (Taiwan) under Japanese rule. 9, 1936: 532-543
A.J. Grajdanzev. 15, 1942: 311-324
Reconstruction after revolution:
STUDENTS --Kiangsi province and the Chinese nation.
Silent students and the future of 8, 1935: 302-311
Taiwan. Sheldon Appleton. 43, 1970:
- 99 -

TAYLOR,Griffith. New lands and old CONSTITUTION

education. Feb. 1929: 54-57 Constitutionalism and elections in
Thailand. Clark D. Neher. 43, 1970:
This human family: problems 240-257
of population and migration.
Sept. 1929: 575-579 ECONOMICS
A Japanese view of Thailand's economic
White and black races in independence. Y. Tateyania. 14, 1941:
--Australia. July 1928: 1-3 469-472
Whyexplore the Antarctic? Its Some crucial issues in Thailand's
--meaning for Pacific iands. 3, 1930: economic development. Eliezer B. Ayal.
625-636 34, 1961 : 157- 164
Thailand's northeast: regional under-
TAYLOR,K.W. The Canadian-Japanese tariff development, "insurgency", and
war. (CO) 8, 1935: 475-477 official response. Peter F. Bell. (NC)
42, 1969: 47-54
TAYLOR,Milton C. South Viet-Nam: lavish
aid, limited progress. 34, 1961: 242- ELECTIONS
256 Constitutionalism and elections in
Thailand. Clark D. Neher. 43, 1970:
TAYLOR,Paul S. The San Francisco general 240-257
strike. 7, 1934: 271-278
TAYLOR,~Ii11i am H. and Robert A. Brady. Great Britain
Policy centralization in Japan under Britain and Siam: the latest phase.
the Kokutai principle. 14, 1941: A1ec Peterson. 19, 1946: 364-372
TEA Thailand in Japan's foreign relations.
John L. Christian and Nobutake Ike.
Tea production and tea restriction. 15, 1942: 195-221
Cecile Rothe. (SR) 8, 1935: 454-467
TEPPER,Elliot L. Elites, ruling Marshal Sarit and absolutist rule in
classes and political power in South Thailand. Frank C. Darling. 33, 1960:
Asia. (RA) 50, 1977: 673-679 347-360
The new Pakistan: problems and The setting of the Siamese revolution.
--prospects. 47, 1974: 56-68 Baron de Lapomarede. 7, 1934: 251-259
Student protest and political change·
Pakistan and the consequences of in Thailand. Frank C. Darling. 47,
--Bangladesh. (RA) 45, 1972: 573-581 1974: 5-19
TEXTOR,Robert B. The "loose structure" Thailand renascent. John L. Christian.
of Thai society: a paradigm under 14, 1941: 184-197
pressure. (RA) 50, 1977: 467-472 Thailand: the coup and its implications.
J.L.S. Girling. 50, 1977: 387-405
THAILAND Thailand: the politics of passivity.
AGRICULTURE Donald Hindley. 41, 1968: 355-371
Agrarian reform in Thailand: problems Thailand's new course. J.L.S. Girling.
and prospects. Sein Lin and Bruce 42, 1969: 346-359
Esposito. 49, 1976: 425-442
The problem of the Chinese in Thailand.
The rice export from Burma, Siam and Kenneth Perry Landon. 13, 1940: 149-
French Indo-China. C.J. Robertson. 161
9, 1936: 243-253
- 100 -

- continued THOMAS,
Norman. The fate of the Japanese
in North America and Hawaii. (RA) 16,
MINORITIES - continued 1943: 92-95
The status of the Chinese minority
in Thailand. Richard J. Coughlin. THOMAS,S.B. The Chinese communists'
(NC) 25, 1952: 378-389 economic and cultural agreement with
Twin loyalties in Siam. Lin Yu. North Korea. (NC) 27, 1954: 61-65
9, 1936: 191-200
CommunistChina's agrarian policy,
MOSLEMS --1954-56. 29, 1956: 141-160
The Thai Muslims: some as~ects of
minority integration. Astri Suhrke. Governmentand administration in
43, 1970: 531-547 --China today. 23, 1950: 248-270
POLITICALPARTIES . Recent educational policy in China.
Political parties in Thailand. Frank --23, 1950: 21-33
C. Darling. 44, 1971: 228-241
THOMPSON,Virginia. Aspects of planning
REFUGEES in Indonesia. (NC) 20, 1947: 178-183
Thailand's Vietnamese refugees: can
they be assimilated? Peter A. Poole. The landward side of Singapore.
(NC) 40, 1967: 324-332 --14, 1941: 21-34

SOCIETY . Regional unity in southern Asia.

The "loose structure" of Thai society: \MC) 21, 1948: 170-176
a paradigm under pressure. Robert B.
Textor. (RA) 50, 1977: 467-472 . The Vietnamese community in France.
\NC) 25, 1952: 49-58
Student protest and political change THORNTON,Thomas Perry. Foreign relations
in Thailand. Frank C. Darling. 47, of the Asian communist satellites. 35,
1974: 5- 19 1962: 341-352

TAXATION THORP,James. Colonization possibilities

Rural taxation in Thailand. Trent of northwest China and Inner Mongolia.
J. Bertrand. 42, 1969: 178-188 (SR) 3, 1935: 447-453
Richard C. The price of the
The Kra Canal: a Suez for Japan? white man's peace. 9, 1936: 347-357
William J. Ronan. 9, 1936: 406-415
THAKUR, RameshC. The fate of India's Tibet and its neighbors. Sir Charles
parliamentary democracy. 49, 1976: Bell. 10, 1937: 428-440
Tibet, then and now. Allen S. Whiting.
THEATRE (RA) 33, 1960: 191-195
see THEATREas a subheading The Tibetan self-image. Robert B. Ekvall.
under: CHINA (NC) 33, 1960: 375-382
THOMAS,Raju G.C. The Indian navy in Tibet's administration during the
the seventies. 48, 1975: 500-518 interregnum. George Ginsburgs and
Michael Mathos. 32, 1959: 249-267
- 101 -

TIBET- continued . Problems of Japanese socialist

--leadership. (NC) 28, 1955: 160-169
Tibet's administration in the transition and Tamio Kawakami. The functions
period, 1951-1954. George Ginsburgs and --of factionalism in Japanese politics.
Michael Mathos. 32, 1959: 162-177 38, l 965: l 09- 122
REFUGEES TOYNBEE,Arnold J. The next war -- Europe
The Tibetan community in exile. John or Asia? 7, 1934: 3-13
S. Conway. 48, 1975: 74-86
Tibetan refugees in a decade of exile. World sovereignty and world culture:
George Woodcock. (NC) 43, 1970: 410- --the trend of international affairs
420 since the war. 4, 1931: 753-778
TILMAN,Robert 0. The Sarawak political TRAGER,Frank N. The Chindits and Marauders
scene. 37, 1964: 412-425 in wartime Burma. (RA) 34-, 1961: 62-66
TIMMINS,Emily see BALLIS,William Recent Southeast Asian historio-
--graphy. (NC) 30, 1957: 358-366
TIMPERLEY, H.J. Makers of public opinion
about the Far East. 9, 1936: 221-230 TRANSPORTATION
as a subheading
TINKER,Hugh. /\uthori ty and community in under:
village India. 32, 1959: 354-375 BURMA THAILAND
Burma: the politics of memory. M.I\NCHURLI\
---rRA) 49, 1976: 108-113

Burma's northeast borderland Air communications and the Far East.

--problems. 29, 1956: 324-346
Oliver Stewart. 8, 1935: 344-351
Air transport in the Pacific: a British
Government in Asia. (RA) view. K.M. Beaumont. 16, 1943: %1-
--32, 1959: 193-198 474

The human factor in foreign aid. TREGONNING,

Kennedy G. North Borneo, 1957.
--32, 1959: 288-297 (NC) 31, 1958: 65-73
Nu, the serene statesman. 30, TRIVEDI,H.M. Report on the Indian
-1957: 120-137 economy. ( RA) 22, 1949: 295-297
. Political studies and the new Asia. TRUED,M.N. South Viet-Nam's Industrial
---rRA) 33, 1960: 300-304 Development Center. 33, 1960: 250-267
racy. (RA) 29, 1956: 265-268 The U.N. Mission's 1956 survey of the
__ see WALKER,
Millidge Pacific Trust Territory. Linden A.
Mander. (NC) 29, 1956: 367-374
Takahiko. The essence of Shinto. TRUSTEESHIP
3, 1930: 343-349
see TRUSTEESHIPas a subheading
TOTTEN,George O. The people's parliament- under AUSTRALIA
ary path of Japanese Communistparty.
Part I - agrarian policies, 46, 1973: TSENG,Yu-hao. China's new treaties: a
193-217. Part II - local level tactics, critical study in the light of inter-
46, 1973: 384-406 national law. 3, 1930: 370-382
- 102 -

TSURU,Shigeta. Toward economic stab- FINANCE

ility in Japan. 22, 1949: 357-366 A sudden increase of defense expenditures
in the Soviet budget. Trans. by A.J.
TURLEY,Wi11 i am S. Urban trans formation Grajdanzev. ( Cr.) 13, 1940: 452-456
in South Vietnam. 49, 1976: 607-624
Urbanization in war: Hanoi, 1946- Can the Soviet Union be isolated? Owen
--1973. 48, 1975: 370-397 Lattimore. (CC) 11, 1938: 492-493
Cultural rapprochement: the USSRSociety
TYAU,Minch'ien T.Z. Forging new links: for Cultural Relations with foreign
a survey of eighteen months of unified countries. O.D. Kameneva. Oct. 1928:
China's foreign relations. 3, 1930: 6-8
Soviet Russia's Asiatic frontier
technique: Tana Tuva. William Ballis.
u 14, 1941: 91-96
UCHIMURAKAMZO The Soviet Union's Asian collective
Western words and Japanese pre- security proposal: a club in search of
occupations: the English-language members. Arnold L. Horelick. 47, 1974:
works of Uchimura Kanzo. 38, 1965: 269-285
307-325 C'hina
UKAI, Nobushige. Japanese election
results reconsidered. (NC) 26, Moscow, Uenan, Chungking. Saburo
1953: 139-146 Okazaki. (CC) 14, 1941: 107-112
The Sino-Soviet friendship association.
Puey. Labor in Southeast K.E. Priestley. (NC) 25, 1952: 287-
Asia. (RA) 21, 1948: 411-413 292
The prospects of tin. 21, Sino-Soviet relations and Southeast
--1948: 150-161 Asia: recent developments and future
possibilities. Melvin Gurtov. 43,
Foothill of death [Pamirs]. Vladimir Soviet policy in China. MaxBeloff.
Schnei derov. 3, 1930: 266-272 23, 1950: 128-138
Soviet Central Asia. William M. Mandel. The view from Peking: China's policies
15, 1942: 388-409 towards the United States, the Soviet
Union and Japan. Thomas W. Robinson.
The Soviet Far East: problem region of 45, 1972: 333-355
the USSR. Z. Mieczowski. 41, 1968:
214-229 Far East
Soviet Far Eastern policy. Lawrence
Years of fulfillment. Harriet Moore. K. Rosinger. 13, 1940: 263-278
9, 1936: 157-164
Soviet Far Eastern relations since 1941.
ECONOMICS Harriet Moore. 17, 1944: 294-310
A capitalist appraisal of the Soviet Japan
Union. L.E. Hubbard. 11, 1938: 171- The Japan-China-USSR triangle. Sheldon
185 W. Simon. 47, 1974: 125-138
The rate of growth in the Soviet Union. The Russo-Japanese fisheries controversy.
Andrew W. Canniff. 11, 1938: 186-197 Barbara t~ertheim. (SR) 8, 1935: 185-198
The "war potential" of the Soviet Union. Some determining factors in Soviet-
Anonymous. 12, 1939: 34-53 Japanese relations. Peggy L. Falkenheim.
50, 1977: 604-624
- 103 -

- continued The Moscowtrials. Mary van Kleeck.
( CC) 11, 1938: 233-237
Japan - continued The Moscowtrials. \i/illiam Henry
Soviet relations with Japan. Asiaticus. Chamberlin. (CC) 11, 1938: 367-370
14, 1941 : 272-286
Korea (Democratic People's Republic) POPULATION
Soviet Russia and the Korean Communist Eastward migration within the Soviet
party. John N. vJashburn. (NC) 23, Union. Kathleen Barnes. 7, 1934:
1950: 59-65 395-405
Russia looks at North Korea. John N. RESEARCH
\Jashburn. 20, 1947: 152-160 Inter-racial study in Asia: the progress
Soviet policy towards North Korea and of orientology in the USSR. N.I.
Korean unification. Jane P. Chapiro. Borozdin. June 1929: 323-328
48, 1975: 335-352 Oriental studies through Soviet eyes.
0. EdmundClubb. (NC) 32, 1959:
The Soviet press views North Korea. 306-309
John N. lfashburn. (NC) 22, 1949:
53-59 Recent Russian literature on Buriat
Mongolia Mongolia. Olga Lang. (PAB #6)
The constitution of the Mongol People's 13, 1940: 45-62
Republic and Soviet influences. John Recent Soviet writings on the Far East.
N. Hazard. (NC) 21, 1948: 162-170 William Ball is and F-mily Timmins. (RA)
25, 1952: 59-76
Pakistan, the Soviet Union and China. Soviet Oriental studies and the Asian
Werner Levi. 35, 1962: 211-222 revolution. 0. EdmundClubb. (NC)
Southeast Asia 31, 1958: 380-389
Sino-Soviet relations and Southeast Soviet Sinology. Joseph Barnes. (CO)
Asia: recent developments and future 7, 1934: 331-333
possibilities. Melvin Gurtov. 43,
The standard of living in the Soviet
LAND Union. L.E. Hubbard. (CC) 11,
Chinese agrarian reform and Bolshevik 1938: 372-376
land policy. Ya-lun Chou. 25, 1952: The standard of lining in the Soviet
24-39 Union. Andrew H. Canniff. (CC) 11,
1938: 376-382
Soviet submarines in the Far East. THEATRE
Albert Parry and Alexander Kiralfy. Revolutions in drama, as seen in the
l 0, 1937: 30-42
contemporary Georgian theatre. S.
MINORITIES Amaglobeli. 3, 1930:.661-667
Racial minorities in the Soviet TRANSPORTATION
Union. Archie Phinney. 8, 1935: The Trans-Siberian Railway and the
321-327 problem of Soviet supply. A. J.
Stone age peoples in the age of the Grajdanzev. 14, 1941: 388-415
airplane. Andrew J. Steiger. 14,
1941: 207-214
- 104 -

UNITEDNATIONS America's Pacific policy: the role and

Kashmir: a case study in United Nations the record. George E. Taylor. 14,
1 941 : 430-447
mediation. Michael Brecher. 26, 1953:
195-207 American attitudes and relations in
The San Francisco conference. William the Pacific. Jerome D. Greene. 3,
1930: 63-69
C. Johnstone. 18, 1945: 213-228
The United Nations "China tangle". American imperialism: a Chinese view.
Sheldon Appleton. (NC) 35, 1962: 160- Chang Yun-yo. 3, 1 930: 278-284
167 American policy re-examined. K.G.
Younger. (RA) 25, 1952: 80-84
American policy toward Pacific depend-
see also ALASKA encies. Rupert Emerson. 20, 1947:
ISLANDS 259-275
I America's interest and Britain's policy.
Robert J. Kerner. (CC) 11, 1938: 363-
The American wheat program. Persia From Mukdento Pearl Harbor [1931-41].
Campbell. 7, 1934: 279-291
Tyler Dennett. (NC) 17, 1944: 93-99
COMMERCE The United States in the Pacific: a
Tariff and trade: the new American survey of the relations of the United
schedule in relation to Pacific States with Pacific countries from
commerce. Henry F. Grady. 3, 1930: September l, 1931 to September 1 , 1932.
719-734 T.A. Bisson. 5, 1932: 1047-1056
Philippines WhyAmerica fights in Asia. Edward
Economic consequences of the Phil- Friedman. (RA) 43, 1970: 258-267
ippine Trade act. Frank Golay. 28,
1955: 53-70 Australia
Australia and the American alliance.
ECONOMICS Thomas B. Millar. 37, 1964: 148-160
American capitalism and imperialism. The Gorton manner: Australia, Southeast
Leonard T.K. Wu. (CO) 8, 1935: 81- Asia and the U.S. Just~s M. van der
85 Kroef. 42, 1969: 311-333
American discusses planning: two Canada
evaluations of current economic Canada and the United States: an
literature. I. Planned control: International Joint Commission. C.A.
a selected reading list. Joseph Bowman. Jan. 1929: 32-33
Barnes. 6, 1933: 189-192.
II. Throwing stones into the puddle: Double trauma in Asia. W.M.Dobell.
a brief reading list on techocracy. (RA) 46, 1973: 565-569
Bruno Lasker. 6, 1933: .192-195
In search of a new China. Roger Dial.
FOREIGNRELATIONS (RA) 49, 1976: 680-685
Against a Far Eastern Munich. Alfred The origins of the Cold War in China.
Max. 12, 1939: 129-137 John F. Melby. 41, 1968: 19-33
America from across the Pacific. Re-thinking U.S. China policy. H.
Nathaniel Peffer. 10, 1937: 5-15
Arthur Steiner. (RA) 45, 1972: 255-268
America: the jellyfish of the Pacific. The United States and the Far East: a
Nathaniel Peffer. 8, 1935: 284-291
survey of the relations of the United
States with China and Japan -- September
1, 1930 to September 1, 1931. T.A. Bisson.
5, 1932: 66-81
- 105 -

UNITEDSTATES- continued United States Far Eastern policy.

Harold M. Vinacke. 19, 1946: 351-363
China - continued Indochina
The United States and the Orient: a Nixon's "Algeria" -- doctrine and
survey of the relations of the United disengagement in Indochina. J.L.S.
States with China and Japan -- June l, Girling. 44, 1971: 527-544
1929 to September l, 1930. T.A. Japan
Bisson. 3, 1930: 1118-1145 America's strategy against Japan.
The United States in the Pacific: a GumpeiSekine. (CC) 14, 1941: 215-
survey of the relations of the United 221
States with China and Japan and A decade of American diplomacy in Japan.
American opinion thereon. August 1, Tyl er Dennett. ( RA) 17, l 944: 320-324
1927 - June l, 1929. Harold S.
Quigley. Aug. 1929: 470-495 Japanese-American relations and the
second generation. V.S. McClatchy.
United States policy in China. D.B. Apr. 1929: 200-203
Copland. 21, 1948: 339-347
The O'Ryan mission to Japan. Warren
A U.S. view of Chinese communism. Seabury Hunsberger. (NC) 16, 1943:
Michael F.M. Lindsay. (RA) 22, 347-357
1949: 71-75
Peace on the Pacific -- Japan and the
Unravelling the China Tangle. United States. Viscount Shibusawa.
B.H.M. Vlekke. (NC) 27, 1954: 3, 1930: 273-277
The United States and the Far East: a
The view from Peking: China's policies survey of the relations of the United
towards the United States, the Soviet States with China and Japan -- September
Union and Japan. ThomasW. Robinson. 1, 1930 to September 1, 1931. T.A.
45, 1972: 333-355 Bisson. 5, 1932: 66-81
Far East The United States and the Orient: a
American Far Eastern policy, 1931-1937. survey of the relations of the United
Frederick V. Field. 10, 1937: 377-392 States with China and Japan -- June 1,
Americans look at their Far Eastern 1929 to September 1, 1930. T.A.
policy. Russell E. Hall. 10, 1937: Bisson. 3, 1930: 1118-1145
190-195 The United States in the Pacific: a
Dilemmas of American Far Eastern policy. survey of the relations of the United
John K. Fairbanks. (RA) 36, 1963: 430- States with China and Japan and
437 American opinion thereon. August l ,.
1927 - June 1 , 1929. Harold S.
Footnote on "American Far Eastern Quigley. Aug. 1929: 470-495
policy". Frederick lJhyte. (CC) 11,
l 938: 95-97 KOREA(Republic)
Role of the United States in South
The Open Door policy and American Korea's democratization. John Kie-
neutrality in the Far East. Harold chiang Oh. 42, 1969: 164-177
s. Quigley. (CO) 9, 1936: 436-442
Potentialities of America's Far Eastern The future of Philippine-American
policy. Albert K. Weinberg. 12, 1939: relations. Catherine Porter. 16, 1943:
117-128 261-276
A Soviet study of the American position The moral aspects of the Philippine
in the Far East. Harriet Moore. (RR) question. Fred C. Fisher. 3, 1930:
9, 1936: 416-420 460-469
- 106 -


The San Francisco General Strike. Paul
FOREIGNRELATIONS- eontinued S. Taylor. 7, 1934: 271-278
Philippines - eontinued
The Philippine-American experiment: a What next in California? Ella Winter.
Filipino view. Jose A. Lansang. 25, (co) 8, 1935: 86-89
1 952: 226-234
Philippine-American relations under the The armed strength of the United
"new society". Robert L. Youngblood. States in the Pacific. Alexander
50, 1977: 45-63 Kiralfy. 11 , 1938: 208-223
The Philippines. Bruno Lasker. (CO) Japanese and American naval power in
7, 1934: 85-88 the Pacific. Hector C. Bywater. 8,
South Asia 1935: 168-175
U.S. weapons and South Asia: a policy
analysis. Stephen P. Cohen. 49, MINORITIES
1976: 49-69 Amerindians: problems in psychic and
physical adjustments to a dominant
Southeast Asia civilization. John Collier. Mar.
The great debate over American policy 1929: 116-122
in Southeast Asia. F.H. Soward. (RA) The changing Japanese situation in
40, 1967: 341-346 California. Tsutomu Obana. 5, 1932:
Vietnam 954-966
Vietnam and the premises of inter- The fate of the Japanese in North
vention. Michael Leifer. (RA) America and Hawaii. NormanThomas.
45, 1972: 268-272 (RA) 16, 1943: 92-95
Vietnam (Republie) Indian minorities under the American
American aid in Vietnam: the view from new deal. Elizabeth Green. 8, 1935:
a village. James B. Hendry. (NC) 420-427
33, 1960: 387-391

Comein but close the door behind you: see URBANIZATION
as a subheading
Chinese exclusion in the United States. under:
Bruno Lasker. (NC) 16, 1943: 344-347 CHINA VIETNAM
Newfeatures of Mexican immigration: JAPAN VIETNAM
the case against further restrictive
legislation. James Hoffman Batten. UTLEY,Freda. Population and conquest.
3, 1930: 956-966 10, l 937: 1 6-2 9
A new principle on trial: immigration UYEDA,Teijiro. The future of the
between Mexico and the United States. Japanese population. 6, 1933: 297-304
Paul Scharrenberg. Jan. 1928: 7-10
Observations on Mexican immigration UYENA
KA, Shuzo see CHU,RaymondW.H.
into the United States. Manuel Gamio.
Aug. 1929: 464-469
Philippine exclusion. Daniel R.
~Jilliams. May 1929: 281-283 VAK,S.P., Jr. Third conquest of the
The Philippine problem: attitude of Philippines? 14, 1941: 287-299
American labor toward Filipino immig-
ration and Philippine independence. VAKIL,C.N. and P.R. Brahmananda.
Paul Scharrenberg. Feb. 1929: 49-54 Reflections on India's five-year plan.
25, 1952: 248-262
- 107 -

VANDENBOSCH,Amry. Colonial labor Indonesia's economic future.

problems: the labor contract with --32, 1959: 46-72
penal sanction in the Dutch East
Indies. 4, 1931: 318-324 Indonesia's political prisoners.
--49, 1976: 625-647
Economics and administrative
--policy in the Dutch Indies. 5, __ Interpretations of the 1965
1932: 886-890 Indonesian coup: a review of the
literature. 43, 1970: 557-577
Nationalism in Netherlands East
--India. 4, 1931: 1051-1069 . The Jungschlaeger case in Indonesia.
--rRA) 30, 1957: 254-260
__ Netherlands India and Japan.
13, 1940: 253-262 Nationalism and politics in West
--New Guinea. 34, 1961: 38-53
A problem in Java: the Chinese
--in the Dutch East Indies. 3, 1930: On the writing of Indonesian
l 001-1017 --history. 31, 1958: 352-371
VANDERKROEF,Justus M. ASEAN'ssecurity Patterns of cultural conflict in
needs and policies. 47, 1974: 154-170 --Philippine life. 39, 1966: 326-338
Ceylon's political left: its Philippine Communist theory and
--development and aspirations. 40, --strategy: a new departure? 48, 1975:
1967: 250-278 181-198
Chinese minority aspirations and Recent developments in West New
--problems in Sarawak. 39, 1966: 64-82 --Guinea. (NC) 34, 1961: 279-290
Communismand reform in the Sukarno, the ideologue. (RA)
--Philippines. 46, 1973: 29-58 --41, 1968: 245-261

Dilemmas of Indonesian communism. . Sukarno, the ideologue: an exchange.

--35, 1962: 141-159 --rNc) 42, l 969: 56-57
The Gorton manner: Australia, Sukarno's Indonesia. (RA) 46,
--Southeast Asia, and the U.S. 42, --1973: 269-288
1969: 311-333
VANDERVALK,M.H. The new Chinese
Indonesia and the Dutch. (RA) criminal code. (SR) 9, 1936: 69-77
--36, 1963: 290-293
The revolution in Chinese legal
Indonesian communismand the --thought. 11 , 1938: 66-80
--changing balance of power. 37, 1964:
357-383 VANDERVEUR,Paul W. The Eurasians of
Indonesia: castaways of colonialism.
Indonesian communismsince the 27, l 954: 124-137
--1965 coup. 43, 1970: 34-60
Political awakening in West New
Indonesian communist policy and the --Guinea. 36, 1963: 54-73
--Sixth Party Congress. 33, 1960: 227-
249 VANHELSDINGEN, W.H. The Netherlands -
Indonesian agreement. (NC) 20, 1947:
Indonesian nationalism reconsidered. 184-187
--45, 1972: 42-59
- 108 -

VANKLEECK, Mary. The Moscowtrials. HISTORY

( CC) 11, 1938: 233-237 Vietnam's political history. D.G.E.
Hall. (RA) 32, 1959: 94-96
Indonesian horizons. (NC) 25, 1952: NATIONALISM
399-401. Ideology arid integration in post-colonial
Vietnamese nationalism. Alexander
The Dar ul-Islam movement in ~Joodside. 44, 1971: 487-510
--Western Java. 23, 1950: 169-183 Nationalism and revolution in Vietnam.
David G. Marr. (RA) 50, 1977: 86-90
Taking stock in Indonesia. (RA)
--25, 1952: 76-80 POLITICAL PARTIES
North Vietnam's Workers' Party and South
VASIL, R.K. Communalismand constitution- Vietnam's Peoples' Revolutionary Party.
making in Fiji. 45, 1972: 21-41 P.J. Honey. (NC) 35, 1962: 375-383
(NC) 21 , 1948: 295-298 Thailand's Vietnamese refugees: can
they be assimilated? Peter A. Poole.
VERDOORN,J.A. Indonesia at the crossroads. (NC) 40, 1967: 324-332
19, 1946: 339-350
VERSLUYS,J.D.N. Soviet factors in Asian Continuity and motivation in the
rural development. 30, 1957: 160-172 Vietnamese revolution: new light from
the 1930's. Milton Osborne. 47, 1974:
see also INDOCHINA
(Democratic Republic) VIETNAM
(Democratic Republic)
HAR North Viet-Nam's constitution and
government. Bernard B. Fall. (NC)
From scholarship to "psy-war" in the 33, 1960: 282-290
Vietnam story. Dennis J. Duncanson.
(RA) 44, 1971: 591-595 North Viet-Nam's new draft constitution.
Bernard B. Fall. 32, 1959: 178-186
Local administration under the Viet Minh. ECONOMICS
Bernard B. Fall. (NC) 27, 1954: 50-57 Economic developments in North Vietnam.
Theodore Shabad. 31, 1958: 36-53
Problems of education in the Chinese and FOREIGNRELATIONS
Vietnamese revolutions. Alexander Foreign relations of the Asian Communist
Woodside. 49, 1976: 648-666 satellites. Thomas Perry Thornton. 35,
1962: 341-352
Aspects of the Vietnamese problem. GOVERNMENT
Buu Loe. 25, 1952: 235-247 North Viet-Nam's constitution and
government. Bernard B. Fall. UIC)
The Bao Dai experiment. Ellen J. 33, 1960: 282-290
Hammer. 23, 1950: 46-58
The nationalist dilemma in Vietnam. LAND
J.R. Clementin. 23, 1950: 294-310 Land reform and land reform errors
in North Vietnam. Edwin E. Moise.
Role of the village in Vietnamese poli- 49, 1976: 70-92
tics. Paul Mus. (NC) 22, 1949: 265-
- 109 -

(Democratic Republic) - continued The political balance in Saigon. Peter
URBANIZATION King. 44, 1971: 401-420
Urbanization in war: Hanoi, 1946~1973.
William S. Turley. 48, 1975: 370-397 POLITICALPARTIES
The political-religious sects of Viet-
VIETNAM (Republic) Nam. Bernard B. Fall. 28, 1955: 235-
Progress report on Southern Viet Nam.
Ell en J. Hammer. 30, l 957: 221-235 Political parties in South Vietnam
under the Republic. Robert G. Scigliano.
South Viet Nam: the limits of political 33, 1960: 327-346
action. Ell en J. Hammer. 35, 1962:
South Viet-Nam's internal problems. The political-religious sects of Viet-
Bernard B. Fall. 31, 1958: 241-260 Nam. Bernard 8. Fall. 28, 1955: 235-
Urban transformation in South Vietnam. RURALDEVELOPMENT
William S. Turley. 49, 1976: 607-624 Rural resettlement in South Viet Nam:
the Argoville program. Joseph J.
CONSTITUTION Zasloff. 35, 1962: 327-340
The president in the constitution of
the Republic of Viet-Nam. Francis J. SOCIETY
Corley. (NC) 34, 1961: 165-174 The development of social organizations
in Vietnamese cities in the late
ECONOMICS colonial period. Alexander Woodside.
South Viet-Nam: lavish aid, limited 44, 1971: 39-64
progress. Milton C. Taylor. 34,
1961: 242-256 URBANIZATION
The dynamics of migration to Saigon,
South Viet-Nam's industrial develop- 1964-1972. Allan E. Goodmanand
ment center. M.N. Trued. 33, 1960: Lawrence M. Franks. 48, 1975: 199-214
The budget process in South Vietnam. Japan's war in China: historical
Robert G. Scigliano and WayneW. Snyder. parallel to Vietnam? Hilary Conroy.
33, 1960: 48-60 43, 1970: 61-72
Nixon's "Algeria" -- doctrine and dis-
FOREIGNRELATIONS engagement in Indochina. J.L.S. Girling.
United States 44, 19Zl: 527-544
American aid: the view from a village.
James B. Hendry. (NC) 33 1960: 387- Vietnam and the premises of intervention.
391 ' Michael Leifer. (RA) 45, 1972: 268-272
The war in Viet Nam: the U.S. official
AND POLITICS line. Huynh Kim Khanh, (RA) 42 1969:
Conflict and accommodation within 58-67 '
a legislative elite in South Vietnam.
Allan E. Goodman. 44, 1971: 211-227 CITIES
Local government and national integration The dynamics of migration to Saigon,
in South Vietnam. Jerry M. Silverman. 1964-1972. Allan E. Goodmanand
47, 1974: 305-325 Lawrence M. Franks. 48, 1975:199-21'4.
Mandarin bureaucracy and politics in Urbanization in war: Hanoi, 1946-1973.
South Viet Nam. 30, 1957: 47-58 William S. Turley. 48, 1975: 370-397
National renovation campaigns in Vietnam.
John C. Donnell. 32, 1959: 73-88
- llO -

FRANCE WALES,Nym. China's new line of indust-
The Vietnamese community in France. rial defense. 12, 1939: 285-295
Virginia Thompson. (NC) 25, 1952:
49-58 Rebel Korea. 15, 1942: 25-43
THAILAND . Why.the Chinese Communists support
Thailand's Vietnamese refugees: can --the United Front -- an interview with
they be assimilated? Peter A. Poole. Lo Fu. 11, 1938: 311-322
(NC) 40, 1967: 324-332
WALEY, Arthur. The originality of Japanese
VINACKE, Harold M. The growth of an civilization. Dec. 1929: 767-773
independent foreign policy in Japan.
38, 1965: 5-16 WALINSKY,
Louis J. The rise and fall of
U Nu. 38, 1965: 269-281
United States Far Eastern policy.
--19, 1946: 351-363 WALKER, Millidge and Irene Tinker. Develop-
ment and changing bureaucratic styles
VISMAN,Frans H. Provisional government in Indonesia: the case of the Pamong
in the Netherlands East Indies. 18, Praja. 48, 1975: 60-73
1945: 180-187
WANG,Chi-chen. Western tides in Chinese
VLEKKE,B.H.M. Indonesia in retrospect. literature. 7, 1934: 127-138
(RA) 22, 1949: 290-295
WANG,Ching-chun. Theodore Roosevelt and
. Unravelling the China tangle. (NC) Jaoan's "Monroe Doctrine". (CO) 9,
--27, 1954: 155-159 1936: 86-91
C.A. The 1947 census of Malaya. WANG,H.C. International law and anti-
(NC) 22, 1949: 59-63 Japanese boycott. 6, 1933: 373-381
VOGEL,Werner. Modern Chinese law and WANG,Kung-ping and Thomas T. R~ad.
jurisdiction: some comments. 4, 1931: Controlling factors in China's coal
975-979 development. 19, 1946: ·165-181
VONDERMEHDEN, Fred. Burma's religious WANG,Yi-t'ung. The origins of Chinese
campaign against communism. (NC) books. ( RA) 37, 1964: 436-439
33, 1960: 290-299
. The Pu-pan Chinese library at the
Richard. --University of British Columbia. 34,
1961: 101-111
VONHAAST,H.F. NewZealand - a national
survey. 4, 1931: 565-575 WANGYu-ch'uan. The development of modern
social science in China. (PAB#5)
and G.H. Scholefield. NewZealand 11 , 1938: 345-362
--and the Pacific: a national survey.
3, 1930: 1035-1044 . The rise of land tax and the fall
--of dynasties in Chinese history. 9,
VRIES, E. de. Free rubber production - 1936: 201-220
competition or chaos? (RA) 22, 1949:
75-78 WANGYun-sheng. Japan -- storm center of
Asia. (C) 21, 1948: 195-199
. Problems of agriculture in Indonesia.
--22, 1949: 130-143
- 111 -

W.F. An appeal to reason. (RA)
The next war - Europe or Asia? Arnold 21, 1948: 405-407
J. Toynbee. 7, 1934: 3-13
Changes in Indonesia's social
What are we doing to end war? An Armis- --stratification. 28, 1955: 41-52
tice Day address. Charles P. Howland.
6, 1933: 22-23 The Coolie Budget Report. (NC)
--26, 1953: 158-164
WARNECKE, G.W. Australia in the United
Nations. 15, 1942: 133-153 The Inda-European problem in
--Indonesia. 20, 1947: 290-298
Suetsugu's fence - key to Pacific
--strategy. 15, 1942: 430-449 Indonesia before and after the
--Untung coup. 39, 1966: 115-127
WARNER,F.W. Repatriate organizations in
Japan. (NC) 22, 1949: 272-276 Peasants, peddlers and princes in
--Indonesia. (RA) 37, 1964: 307-311
WARNER,Kenneth 0. Australian federalism
at the crossroads. 4, 1931: 120-141 and the Siauw Giap. Social change
--in Java, 1900-1930. 35, 1962: 223-247
WASHBURN,John N. Russia looks at Northern
Korea. 20, 1947: 152-160 ~JEST,F.J. Colonial development in
central NewGuinea. 29, 1956: 161-173
. The Soviet press views North Korea.
-----rNc) 22, 1949: 53-59 Problems of political advancement
--in Fiji. 33, 1960: 23-37
Soviet Russia and the Korean Comm-
--unist party. (NC) 23, 1950: 59-65 HESTIRIAN
Masaharu see SMYTHE,
Hugh H. Nationalism and politics in West New
Guinea. Justus M. van der Kroef.
WEERAWARDANA,!.D.S. Minority problems 34, 1961 : 38-53
in Ceylon. (NC) 25, 1952: 278-287 Political awakening in West NewGuinea.
Paul W. van der Veur. 36, 1963: 54-73
Camilla see HOGBIN,H. Ian
Recent developments in West NewGuinea.
WEIMeng-pu. The Kuomintang in China: Justus M. van der Kroef. (NC) 34,
its fabric and future. 13, 1940: 30-44 1961 : 279-290
The Western NewGuinea problem. L.
WEIGHTMAN,George H. The Philippine- Metzemaekers. 24, 1951: 131-142
Chinese image of the Filipino. 40,
1967: 315-323 l1ESTERN SAMOA
WEINBERG,Albert K. Potentialities of NewZealand dependencies and the
America's Far Eastern policy. 12, development of autonomy. ~LS.Lowe&.
1939: 117-128 H.T.G. /.\irey. 18, 1945: 252-272
Po1it i ca 1 development in vJestern Samoa.
WEINER,tlyron. Changing patterns of J.W. Davidson. 21, 1948: 136-149
political leadership in ~./est Bengal.
32, 1959: 277-287 WHEELER-BENNETT, John W. Britain's affairs
in the Pacific. Nov. 1928: 14-16
WERTHEIM, Barbara. The Russo-Japanese
fisheries controversy. 8, 1935: Great Britain and the Pacific: a
185-198 (SR) report of occurrences bearing on Pacific
affairs for the quarter September-
December, 1928. Feb. 1929: 65-70
- 112 -

. A report from Great Britain on WILLIAMS, W. Wynne. The settlement of

--discussions bearing on Pacific affairs the Australian tropics. 9, 1936:
during July 1929. Nov. 1929: 689-592 231-242
WHITING,Allen S. Tibet, then and now. WILLMOTT,W.E. The Chinese city and the
(RA) 33, 1960: 191-195 Chinese revolution. (RA) 49, 1976:
WHITTAM,Daphne E. The Sino-Burmese
boundary treaty. (NC) 34, 1961: 174- The overseas Chinese today and
183 --tomorrow. (RA) 42, 1969: 206-214
WHYTE,Sir Frederick. Chungking or Yenan: Thoughts on Ho Chi Minh. ( RA)
the choice before China. (RA) 19, --44, 1971: 585-590
1946: 199-202
WILSON,Francis G. The Pacific and
Footnote on "American Far Eastern the International Labor Orgariization.
--policy". (CC) 11, 1938: 95-97 5, 1932: 497-511
The Institute of Pacific Relations WINDMILLER,
~arshall. Constitutional
--and the crisis in the Far East. 9, communismin India. 31, 1958: 22-35
1936: 5-12
Indian communismand the new
The Philippines as a pawn in the --Soviet line. 29, 1956: 347-366
game. 7, 1934: 163-168
__ Linguistic regionalism in India.
WICKBERG, Edgar. Early Chinese economic 27, 1954: 291-318
influence in the Philippines, 1850-
1898. (NC) 35, 1962: 275-285 WINT,Guy. The aftermath of imperialism.
(NC) 22, 1949: 63-70
. The Tatwan peasant movement, 1923-
--1932: Chinese rural radicalism under . An Indian prophet. (NC) 24,
Japanese development programs. 48, --1951: 414-418
1975: 558-582
WINTER,Ella. What next in California?
WILBUR,Ray Lyman. The conference method (CO) 8, 1935: 86-89
in international relations: Havana and
Honolulu. June 1928: 1-3 WITT
FOGEL,Karl August. A 1arge-scal e
investigation of China's socio-economic
WILCOX,Wayne. Political change in structure. ( RR #3) 11, 1938: 81-94
Pakistan: structures, functions,
constraints and goals. 41, 1968: WOHL,Julian see SILVERSTEIN,Josef
WOLD,Emma. Womenand nationality:
The Pakistan coup d'etat of towards equality in citizenship laws.
--1958. 38, 1965: 142-163 4, 1931 : 511-515
WILKINSON,David. Newapproaches to WOLF,Charles, Jr. Problems of Indonesian
Chinese foreign policy. (RA) constitutionalism. (NC) 23, 1950:
48, 1975: 590-593 314-318
WILLIAMS,Daniel R. Philippine exclusion. WOLFERS,Arnold. National foreign policies
May 1929: 281-283 and the strategy of peace. 7, 1934:
WILLIAMS,J.W. Recent economic develop-
ments in NewZealand. 20, 1947: 141-
- 113 -

WOMEN WOODSIDE,Alexander. The development of

social organizations in Vietnamese cities
see also WOMEN
as a subheading
under CHINA
in the late colonial period. 44, 1971:
JAPAN Ideology and integration in post-
--colonial Vietnamese nationalism. 44,
The Pacific technique: new clinical 1971: 487-510
notes on its evolution. [Pan Pacific
Woman's Conference]. Elizabeth Green. Problems of education in the Chinese
Aug./Sept. 1928: 12-16 --and Vietnamese revolutions. 49, 1976:
Pacific women: personnel of the Pan- 648-666
Pacific Women's Conference, Honolulu,
August 9-19, 1928. Eleanor M. Hinder. WOODWARD, Calvin A. Sri Lanka's electoral
Jul. 1928: 9-12 experience: from personal to party
politics. 47, 1974: 455-471
Womenand nationality: towards equal- WOOTTON,Barbara. Some implications of
ity in citizenship laws. EmmaWold. Anglo-Japanese competition. 9, 1936:
4, 1931: 511-515 524-531


war. 17, 1944: 38-48 The WHOin Southern Asia and the Western
Report from NewZealand. 22,
Pacific. F.W. Clements. 25, 1952:
--1949: 34-42 344-348

WOOD,G.L. The economic position of WORLD

Australia. 4, 1931: 799-805 see also WORLDWARII as a subheading
and Walter Hill. Australia's role AUSTRALIA INDIA
--in Far Eastern reconstruction. 18, BURMA NEWZEALAND
see MOORE,
Sir W. Harrison
Autopsies on the Southeast Asia debacle.
WOOD,John B. Observations on the Indian Catherine Porter. (RA) 16, 1943: 206-
Communist party split. 38, 1965: 47- 215
63 Britain and Australia in the war against
WOOD, John R. Extra parliamentary oppos- Japan. Louis Morton. (RA) 34, 1961:
ition in India: an analysis of populist
agitations in Gujarat and Bihar. 48, Collective security in the Pacific: an
1975: 313-334 American view. David Nelson Rowe.
18, 1945: 5-21
WOODCOCK,George. A distant and a deadly Geopolitics and Pacific strategy. R.S.
shore: notes on the literature of the Nathan. 15, 1942: 154-163
Sahibs. (RA) 46, 1973: 94-110
Factors in the settlement with Japan.
Literary lines in China. (RA) 18, 1945 : 40-54
--40, 1967: 130-138
Filipino opposition to the Japanese.
Tibetan refugees in a decade of MaximoM. Kalaw. 18, 1945: 340-345
--exile. (NC) 43, 1970: 410-420 The price of security in the Pacific.
William C. Johnstone. (RA) 16, 1943:
- 114 -

WORLD WARII - continued WRIGHT,Quincy. The legal foundation of the

The Soviet-German war and the Far East Stimson Doctrine. 8, 1935: 439-446
Michael Greenberg. 14, 1941: 261-271 ·
. A pawn approaches the eighth square.
Suetsugu's fence -- key to Pacific --rco) 7, 1934: 326-331
strategy. G.W. Warnecke. 15, 1942:
430-449 WRIGHT,Theodore P., Jr. Muslim education
War aims and peace aims in the Pacific. in India at the crossroads: the case
W.L. Holland. 15, 1942: 410-427 of Aligarh. 39, 1966: 50-63

WU,D.C. The contribution of the press
The Chindits and Marauders in wartime to international relations; an address
Burma. Farnk N. Trager. (RA) 34, 1961: delivered in Japanese at a public meet-
62-66 ing of the Third Biennial Conference
on Friday evening, November1, 1929.
EAST ASIA Dec. 1929: 762-763
Japan's co-prosperity sphere. Andrew J.
Grajdanzev. 16, 1943: 311-328 WU,Leonard T.K. America capitalism and
imperialism. (CO) 8, 1935: 81-85
Indonesian Islam under the Japanese WURFEL,David. Martial law in the Phili-
occupation, 1942-45. Harry J. Benda. ppines: the methods of regime survival.
28, 1955: 350-362 50, 1977: 5-30

__ The Philippine Rice Share Tenancy
The price of peace for Japan. T.A. act. (NC) 27, 1954: 41-50
Bisson. 17, 1944: 5-25
Okinawa: irredenta on the Pacific.
--35, 1962: 353-374
NewCaledonia and the war. "G.F.R."
19, 1946: 373-383 . The Philippine agrarian crisis.
--rRA) 45, 1972: 582-585
NewZealand's first year of war. W.B. WYE,C. Kay. Chinese unification and
Sutch. 14, 1941: 35-50 foreign penetration. (CO) 8, 1935:
Newlight on the fall of the Philippines.
Catherine Porter. (RA) 27, 1954: 370- X
XYZ. Political reconstruction in postwar
Burma. 16, 1943: 277-300
Japanese reparations: fact or fantasy?
Martin Toscan Bennett. (NC) 21, 1948: y

YAKHONTOFF, Victor A. Mongolia: target
Steps to world organization. Walter or screen? 9, 1936: 13-23
Nash. 15, 1942: 280-286
YAMAGIWA,Joseph K. Literature and politics
Mary C. The Chinese peasant and in the Japanese magazine, Sekai. (NC)
communism. 24, 1951: 256-265 28, 1955: 254-268
- 115 -

YAMAKAWA,Tadao. The Yosemite Conference YOUNG,Kimball. The social psychology of

and Japan. 9, 1936: 515-523 Oriental-Occidental prejudices. Dec.
1929: 773-785
YAMAMURA,Kozo. E.H. Normanas an econ-
omic historian. 42, 1969: 17-24 YOUNGBLOOD, Robert L. Philippine-American
relations under the "new society". 50,
YAMASAKI,Keichi. The Japanese mandate 1977: 45-63
in the South Pacific. 4, 1931: 95-
K.G. American policy re-examined.
(RA) 25, 1952: 80-84
The Japanese press on the London
--Naval Treaty. 3, 1930: 682-687 YOUNGER,Kenneth. A British view of the
Far East. 27, 1954: 99-111
YANAGA,Chitos hi . Recent trends in
Japanese political thought. 13, 1940: Western policy in Asia. 25, 1952:
125-137 --115-129
YANAIHARA, Tadao. Problems of Japanese YOUTH
administration in Korea. 11, 1938:
198-207 see YOUTHas a subheading under:
YANG Ching-Chih. Japan - protector of INDIA
Islam! (NC) 15, 1942: 471-481 JAPAN

YASUO,Nagaharu. Manchukuo's new economic YUi, David Z.T. China and the Pacific
policy. 11, 1938: 323-337 world. 3, 1930: 34-45

YEN,Hawkling. The Shanghai Provisional

Court: past and present. 3, 1930: 294- z
ZAGORIA,Donald S. Mao's role in the Sino-
YOKOTA,Kisaburo. The recent development Soviet conflict. 47, 1974: 139-153
of the Stimson Doctrine. 8, 1935:
133-143 ZASLOFF,Joseph J. Rural resettlement in
South Viet Nam: the Agroville program.
YOSHINO,Sakuzo. "In the name of the 35, 1962: 327-340
people": an explanation of politics
in Japan in terms of sovereign and ZEN, H.C. Science East and West: its
populace. 4, 1931: 189-200 evidences in the China of yesterday and
today. 4, 1931: 479-487
YOUNG,A. Morgan. The press and Japanese
thought. 10, 1937: 412-419 ZEN, Sophia Chen. China's changing culture~
4, 1931: l 070-l 081
YOUNG,C. Walter. Manchurian questions
at Kyoto: a post-conference estimate. The Chinese womanin a modern world;
3, 1930: 249-265 --studied in the light of her heritage
and her potentialities. Jan. 1929: 8-15
Sino-Japanese interests and issues
in Manchuria. Dec. 1928: 1-20 ZINKIN,Maurice. The price of Indian
liberalism. (NC) 22, 1949: 376-381
YOUNG,Clarence K. The Second Chinese
National Financial Conference. (CO) South Asi~'s economic transformation:
7, 1934: 335-337 --the Myrdal thesis. (RA) 41, 1968:
- 116 -

ZINKIN,Taya. India and military

dictatorship. (NC) 32, 1959:
Nehruism: India's revolution
--without fear. 28, 1955: 221-234

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