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Heading of the Dhamma talk - "Mind"
C' 0 Lecturer Sayadaw Venerable Je Yapandita
GOYJ~: G::DJ ~EiPGa:i.J ~~c~~9°WO?
0 C C) (Pilot Sayadaw)
( 'CC:~CO?SO~~O??

Date of Lecture - 14-1-2009

GOYJ~::).)t2~ °9-0-JOO~
Venue of Lecture - Parani Dhamma
'I Q cc
GOYJ~::)') t2G9 EiP Ol~'-'
~ I., II
Retreat, Sydney,
r::::: 0 C' e C' o:l r;:!' ,Australia.
l:j$~ro:9~cc, SO$Cift.:ll.

~~ ~:.J)')::DJ[g ~
Myanmar Version
- '-'130;,£"8: -, Reproduced By - Ma Mya Than tar QQ.~-
J~C020f(:O)[G<0(9~ '> \

r English Translation - U Myint Thein

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II Rendered By
LO L IL Chairman,
emc-~~o~ Dhamma cakkhu
m'" ~ Ci> r)
~e- ,
oy')~Ot~~· i. Translation Group I

c- c- / ,---;t / Yangon ,-/

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t::.:r ",c: Heading of the Dhamma talk - "Mind"
C' 0 Lecturer Sayadaw Venerable Je Yapandita
GOYJ~:G:::D'J 8:J6'PGaYS ~~CG~9°WO?
(Pilot Sayadaw)
C- GCC?SC~<a O':>?

Date of Lecture - 14-1-2009

GOYJ~:J,)~Gt °9-0-JOO~
Venue of Lecture - Parani Dhamma
'I 0 0c
GOYJ~:J,)~GcIf~ OI"I~,I.. ~~~O~
~ \, I
Retreat, Sydney,
~ OC-. C- 0r5?- .Australia.
t:::llZ>GO?:9~ccl SClZ>~'fl.:Jl.

Myanmar Version
~§~~e: -, ~eW'oduced By Ma Mya Thantar QQ.~-

o§C'S 8:)G
° 0: ::D o~c--oc--
r English Translation - U Myint Thein
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0 ::D,):xl') co e:~9~'f: Ii Rendered By
LO T L IL Chairman,
omc-~~oCJ.::I Dhamma cakkhu
l:.m"" <:>(j)j, r'
,~c-- ,
o:r.>~~t~g· r. Translation Group I
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II':. )(.:11
\' g)IO)O)GroJO')C\(!~J)~
S C' • 0 '1
0 The lesson I am going to teach now is about mind. It is
C C'

about the mind. Keep in mind that all ~~e beings in this whole
C' 0 C'C C' ,G 0 C' 0 -, '1
cooc G<j> OY.)C\(. ~ 0) t:3 GfJ II 3d3 GCD? 0)O)~ O? J) mOl world are led mainly by the mind. Therefore, <illthe beings who
~C' 0 C' 0
C' C' C'OC'O
GpO') O)()')O( have the mind should also know about the mind. Then if they
C' 9~ C' 0 C' c C' I-:' c C' ,G 0 C' 0
can control the mind, they will have peace of mind. Therefore
O:'rC~O)~qCCDe::: <tJ~:::D'Jl52380)~1I 3d3Gcy:>?O)()')O( successive philosophers have tried to discover what the mind
(.I ~ C'
c r:::32., (fl,
O~~CGcgO') s:QY.):e:GOJ?OY:>We30I()')O)II
c:::: '1 C'
,lull is. The scientists of this modern age also have made the same
10 c c OC'O ("0 0,0r,:J? effort. They also wanted to know how the mind arises. Here if
l")OO;'),Y.)~C~:CD~: 0)0)0( :nu)C\(lD'J'=iJl:CDC\(. e3l!QY.)!
, c("~' • 0 C' 0 C'~ C' G
.the mind actually exists, one must be able to answer the four
q. t3O)GOCO,)«O(CD~! ::DC?JCt23(),)o)lI3Gq>Eip?fJ questions. Let us look at this diagram. (The diagram of four ques-
moS~oS¥lt G~:3~:GCD:yG~:~G::oSG~t8q~oS ---------ii9ns.f-:

622qG3dJt~1I (G~:3~:Gco:<t~) /. .'- ',•.\.

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O'X>cBGal (What ... '?) ~~~oS~~ (v'!,

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With regard to the mind of human being it is termed as
c)?,,?W'j'JOJ Q)CD~GtC o I~'j'JOJGCD? Q)<;??
I Q)<;??O?

, '~O c C' r,~ 0 C' 0 C' C' r,~ 0 C' 0 0 0 <,

citta in Pali language. In Myanmar language the supersuipted
(J'f '=:ne\( OJ 3d::D coco t2l9: Q)CDe\(. CDO0: ~ (9 W 19: GeD? Q)()')e\(. ~F~:JJ tevowlifer are( -) is inserted simply and the ~ett~r "t" is deleted.
C' C' 0 C' C' 0 C' 0 'T' C' E oc . d It is known as "ceit". It is termed as mind in English. Therefore

IJ:-, • c:::: C'
)<.> ::A?:e3CDWIl 3d3GCD? Q)CD~::DG:J.Y.)CD€p:::D2
-, G 0 C' 0 -, C' ' , 0 'T'
J.Y)02GOlI coco
" ,, if you are asked as to "what" is meant by the principle) of mind,
you should be able to answer it. Once again it should also be
I) " C' c;: 0 C' C' 1 C' C' 1 ' , C' 0 C' , , C C' 'T'
III~ G0:~GJY) G~<fCGt0W1OO.IGfJII CDQ)OlI JJ<..D3dcrJ'i'YV) ~Q)GOI asked as to "when" it arises. When you study about this, the four
C' C' 1
31 1Oq>C\YJO?3dOl
' " 1 00
C'~ questions of Greek philosopher. Socrtes should be used here, If
IJ G " C' 0 G • C' C' C' G C'~
a prireciple is preasented and if it is insisted that it actually ex-
'l,roGGt:CD:~ 100:§'i':GCD:<i>0( 3 'P:A(:::Dc;CDWGf0I1 3 O~~Ce3:~
ists, this whilosopher said that the answer should be brought
C' ~ C' C'O C' 0 C' E 0C'
CDOJWffDW~C 3d()rooJ.Y)~OJ1O<D,? about through the four questions of what? when? where? and
why? It should be asked as to what it is called, when it arises,
What? When? Where? Why? # G0:8~:1Oro:«~ 3dG~O?aScnoSll
where it arises and why it arises. These four questions are al-
,.J< 'T''' C' OC' 'T' -, C' 'T'" C' 0
l\lt' 100lI::Drol JJW3d<yJ'i''j'J1OOI(),),)CDI JJwGf'PGOI ::Drol JJ<..DO{' ways'used. These four questions are the best of one's liking. It is
,-- C'
c:::: C' c;: C'
,0 C'
100:§'i':GCD:<i>0? 3d~(),)0:3.(
0 G\ C', •
:(),)<..DII 3d3
C''''' G the same here. If somecome asks what the mind is, it is(meatnt

~ 'T' 1 r,::::Q C' • C'" 1 C' G OC'

by the principle) it is important that you should be able to an-
~~f:1Oro:« OJ OJ~01OOI'P 3 13de3l()')0X(:100:s'i':01OO) GfJII 33dO(lC:
swer it vividly. Again, if it exists, it must be examined as to when
Co it arices. Here the question of the term whem must be used. It
I I)
0 C' 0
3·· ·:J.Y.)O(1Ooil
0 'T" 0 "
C' C' C' C' C'
C' 0

~ C' C' C' 1 0 C' 0 C' C' OC' c.: C' 'T' ,0 means a question. Again, if it is known that the mind really ex-
"l:C3:CDWGf0" CDQ)Ol
I· •• ~CDW~GtC JJ<..D3d<yJ'f'P ~0GOI cr:YJroC\(.
ists, There must be a place where it arises. There must be a place
G C' 10Wh '10. C' 1 C' C'10C'0
" ,O:6)2:0WII 3102 en,<\py:'j'J1 100: 'i':1OO.IGfJII()')Q)0l1 Q)O')~
where the mind arices. Again there must also be a cause. Why
.<:'0 C' 0 00 C' CC' 'T'" 0 C' 0 C'CC' 'T', does it arices? How the mind comes into existance must also be
"11(),JfP:lW ::D~C t3Q)GOI0?4'%0!fffi0WII Q)()')t3Q)1OOI
Cf) Gf%0!f
known. If we achieve the answer through these four questions, it
C' 1 c:::: C' 0 ,0 C' C' 0 c:::: C' c:::: C'
II CDQ)OlI3d1Oec:~ro IJlGt0WII JJWO{' 3d1O~C:Ge:30c; must be kept in mind that we have learnt the art of controlling
~Q)GOI ::Droll
'T' , 0 C' C;:C'
Q)CD ~Q)GOI C\YJ»O?ro~:O
'T' '. 0 C', 0
C' G C'
the mind. These four questions have been answered by the
o '0 C' " c;: 00 C' 0 C' 0 C' c:3?-. 0
Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The Lord Buddha
0( 1O~ 100:8'i':1Oro:y~ 3dGt3GtC?fAC1O<D,?
appeared then. By the word lard Buddha, you should not find it

<: -c; -c; ,'.

o C' ~C'
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e C1:l q o C' 0 (0'2c:G~SO~fG~
C' C')

1)1' <:, '1 c ~ 0 c c G c 0 c r:::3? 0 confusing. He was not a celestial lord. He was not (bral~. He
" ",,:GO?PC:CQ0t:?GO}~ 1iSO? 'fOOq"KDII 3G0:89:GCD:yO( J("t:C3:0(2
c ,~<: c <:,' c 1<: 0 c was an ordinary human being. He had both parents. Tliere was
03d0~qO? ~O')~J(6[J:~CI CB9~O?f0GO'C: J~OOI 3dyOX[>qc
his birth place depinitely. His child h?od name of Siddhattha
c r,~ c c <:,' <:, G c
Prinee also existed. Never theless he was the' owner of the most
GOiPW:L9GfJiI 8~GOJ)~~0? J(6[J:~LCII 3d3GOJ? J'(6[J:il.C

I) c 0 <:0 c 1,G c c c C perfect structure. He ~nd wed with the thirty two distinctive
I" I~(\)~: 0')'tJ~ ~CD00CD~OI~2:1 9()')J(6[J:CD~: 00()')Jf?:1 LSo;p
features in the person of tEe BucIdflas. Theeochir~of the eyes
c c 0 0 '1 , c 0 1 c c
0«)')Jf?:~1I lI:11:C'J?:D'J:O'J)II 3dGC93dG0CD~:~OI(),)()')II G~:9.0 and ears were not like that of ordinary human being. As @he ~
c 0 01
c c
~ Icoco II c ().)400~ ° c 0 c
J,) ~ ~0C::D'J:
0 c
ear love of the ear under the outer ear was long and majestic.
.1 0 c c 1 c 0 , c ~<:. -, <:. But it was not saidthat the ears propped up against at the shoul-
I I.)cy'(/ ~(),)()')~II 3 IG00o,?O? C'J?:xD:COy,,)3d;o~3d~~OX[>: ~.0~:y·
ders. It was only said that the ears were charming. Then it wes
• c c 10 0 c <:., c ('.
CDo;?C1D'X)y:;oo,?f001:~ ~(),)()')II "ijCDC\(:q, (),)~~CDyl said that there w~re fo~_tyteeth. The teeth were neither. frontruding .)
c ; c , c 0 c '1 c nor.placed one upon another. They were all even. There was no
G()OJCDYGOJCD :D'J09C'J?9. 0a;(Jf?:~II <f0:ox[>9.C3dGO I CD
tooth which was either smaller or larger. Then the eyes were very
c G <:m. <:. c c 0 '1 1 .
::)')~:)'):CD~~L9: C?O()')())II 0y: Goy)CDO')())~ 00101~:II beautiful. Then the complexion was bright whith golden colour.
c , 1 1 c
c " c Then the ridge of nose was majestic. Then vack of the hand,
insten,nape and neek were plump. There was no deression on
I' 1111
<:k<: 0 G c
~.,JI"~C;:ICOOl3C: 0~qJf?:II ~"4'9.0())II 3dGJ,):
0~: 0
the surface. Then the tips of four fingers were even. They were
c c c c c c
I' I'1')1~11
I I. \:.
(I/m,,?:CD~: 3'dC0()')90?9.0())II ~CD 3d:xD:3dG9.CDc\)~: also long. The girths were also charming. The tips were also even.
<:C<: c • c c c 1 c c Altogether there were eight even tins if it is taken for both hands.
1D()')CD~: 3dC00')9C?GO.'9-011 G<f0CD
The ten toes were even. The heel was long. In this way the Bud-
<: <: ~ <:m <: 0<: 0
I CD~OC:GOJ'P t922~l:"4'9.0~" "iJl~ (;:}~9.~:II dha was endowned with the distinctive features. Especially the
• c 0<: G c c c c c tongue is distinctive. The tougue was thin and soft. It could turn
ro:G<tPC: COOGOJ~9.0())II ~CD~:~0()')II

G c c c 0 C: c G c
around the ears. It could cover the forehead. Only whem one
\1r-~: ~G"(0())II f0:::DD)0X[> ~0G<tPC:~9.(;:}()')II
was endowed with these distinctive fectures, one would become
, c c c <:C<:
" C9~0~~~9.0()')II 0:)')~~~ CDo;;?cuy) a noble person who was endowed with these distinctiure fea-
c k c tures one woned become a noble person who was endowed these
~GOJ)000 q(:~:9.0()')11 C2P000
thirty two distinctive features when one took shape after COl1-
I. U c c 0 <:, G
" '.'1'1' I( 117,jl)0?<.DII
9)l:3f0or.9.()')())11 3d3CDo;;?cuy)

-c; '.. ,-;

C ~C
8 00 C
0 (0"
'1 0 C' -, G~ • C', ~I I.' I.' 'I I.' 0 c: 0
ception. If one was such a noble person, the mind which de-
I~() I <r «mCD'j'J:::DG~<r8: yG~CQ3d~ (\)06C1lY)~:O:OO??Q)o I: 19~0(
o C'C: I.' 0 I.' ,(;I C' C' G ,0 C' I.'C:C'
pended on that human being was indeed supreme. It was also
Ym(\)~O')~qc 3d3C)?J.Y):(\)~: ~.6JOYJ «jCQQ)O')m 3d;o9~9
peaceful. It must be his physical strength. The tresence of the
C' I.' C' C' ,C'<" '1,.0<"
I 'iii ctJ8:(\)~: <t]8:J.Y)0')()')1I ~.q6J03dC3d):G0.l1I ~.q,m:::Dg;>3dC3d): force of karnme (pest deeds) must be regarded- as the most extra
c-c:c- . ordinary attribute. Only when wuch a person developed his con-
()Y) 3d;o9 ~ 9 ~: or.
0 c c 0 I.' 0 c 0
«j 0') q 8 ().) II 3d3 C\( C)?'iJf).YJC2J C 00') O?

centration to the highest level, the element (hatujof extraordi-

Go::YJC8:Ga:J? 3dJ:lS~G3dJC
c: C- c
'j'J Q)0')'j'J 3dCDG:
0 I.' c
nary light appeared in him. Then a power of knowledge on all
() (9..
• 0 C-
C- c: C-0 C- C- 0 C-
Q)0')'j'J <J.:?20?
C- , events arose in him, The light of wisdon which appeared in him
was incornperable, Because he attained perfect enlightenement
• C-
·"',nenm 0 c-r~ C- c:::;:: I.' H
«~ C\(. "0
3d0(8~CDC:8:GOJ~)(Y.)'J 8C;;GJ.Y)Gl52P9 then and there, he was proclaimarned I a Buddha. Do you un-
I' ~~
'f'J:CD~8C\)'):1 «~
0 "
c-~c-" I
" «~;, derstand it? "Bhddha" means "enlightenment" "Buddha" is en-
, ,. I c:c- c: c::::: C- '1 G I-=:C- ., lightenment Repeat it "Buddha" is "enlightenment". If some one
I: lS'fGt:rC3~O'2:
, ,
«~ "" I.'
SlC;;t3G: Gc'(-III:::rYJSlC;;:::DCD
I.' C-, <,

asks what kind of enlighter ment it is it is the (the appearance of

I,it I Il)O?'j'J~CQ
V -~ 0,
0 C-
, C-
extra, ordinary) light of wisdom in mind, incornperally, He was a
~C;; C)?J.Y):0')0GOYJm
C- C- Cc-, c:c-
'1 0 C- 0 human being. However, he was an extra ordinary human being.
C- C- co 0 c-, '1 0 C- c-~
Moreever, when he 'Developet his conceitration to the highest
,7.,1:GO'YJC:G3dJC<Y.(j9C\(mO?~ I<f"J 3dO(8~ 3dC\)c:GJO')C3: level he gained power of knowledge on all events as a result of

C- C- c:c- C- "C:::;::
31 GeP9
C- 00
0 C- 00
the incomparable of the in comperature extra or dirary light of
C- C- c-, 0 I.'CI.'~ 0 C- • ,G wisdom. Therefore he proclained himself Buddha who has at-
• 3dCDC:GJ0')89CQ ymCD1308CYo 0'f~CD'J:0J')1I 3d3
tained enlightement as he knew himself perfectly. That notle
C- 0 c-c:::::
' I.' C- 0
C- 0 C-
Bhddha had taught beeings about. the mind. That just now men-
::J.) OJ 3d<t]'f «j'J
oc Cc- 'T'
~ 0 GOI C\)')OJ')(\)
I ::J.) 0)
tioned sage who proclained himself as Bhddha had kindly pro-
vided all the answers to all questions of what, when, where and
r::::: C- c::::: C- C C-, c- 0 c: " <,
"r\"'''''~eC:G~9~Q):DCD G8:8'f:or '?'fGt:r~O? why of the mind. Let' us look at this. Let us look at this dia-
_~~ 'C 0 OC-, I.' '1 0 gram.
oO?C3:m 3dG~3dJ:C\(:GO:~C~O')o)ll 310[l
'""" C' I.' C-

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j 1 O)GCYJ?
C' C' 0
::y(i:J'(i~o(. 3GOlCD::D~O~~IC~:q.
Q C' O. C',
This is a diagran of comparison hetween the ideology of
o C' C'0 C' C'C;:C', '1 C', C' scientists of this modern age and the teachings of Gotama Bud-
8113'dCDGG')a:xrc11CBQ)0? GOICD8c(23d82::qO? 0e:?J~P
C' 'T' C' C' OC' C' 0 C'C:::: C' ,. '1 ,
dha who was the owner of in,~?mperable, extraordinary light of
8i.GCDJ'filOYJ0( 0-»2C3220?«O'J'J1I
~:~CGOlI CDooG<f011
wisdom. The seicutists of the lriodem age are of the of opinion
C' 0 C' C' G C' C'C C' 'T' C' 0
o~~c~:m Q)CD::D~ 2:G'pmm Q)CDC~Q)GOI
CDooC\(o that the mind originates in the brain. It originates in the vrain.
G C' C'CC' 'T' C' CC' 'T' '1 C'
cooou ~Q)GOI~ G<fqJGO)G<f011 It is the location of orisigin. They pointed it 'Outas the location.
. C'c:::: C' 0 C' 0 C', C' C' c-:m. They Demonstrate their ideology to the world through their
1.11)11~l~ ~ie::r:CDooli m~00(c\)~: ~0(.Q)CD%Q)8:J:)(Jlge:GOY,?
, C) ~ ,C' C'r C' G C'" 0 C'0 C' 0 G 0 C'• appropiatc and electric waves. Their fundamental belidf is that
II: I( VC:G~ Q)8::)')0[3CDooli2:G~~ Q)~OOC\(o 3~on>~
C C'C-:C'I'C', C' '1C' C' OC'O, , 0
the mind orginates in the burain. But the Buddha pointed out
I j 11,1 '>11 ~'f 3d;:;O<;i3<;~Q)O?
tQ)GOIC: J~~oGcwm 3d8~~?0? 3d0'(811
that the mind originated in the chamber of heart over 2550 years
~ OC' C' C'C-: C'~ • OC', CC' 'T' C' 0
iiHll.Jl\:lC:«C~C 3d~ci3CDC3:mGoy'? tC\(:3d8CD?j'J ~Q)GOICDoocy. ago. The scienticts of later ages assumed that the mind origi-
"~ C' 0 C'C-: C' C' C' C' o , C'
~Q)0)00cy. GOYJml9CDOOIiG<f0m GOlO)O~~CI ::D~O~~C nated in the brain. Think over it. The Buddha taught that the
o C'
1~:Gc~Dmm 00)001 Q)2:00:G<f011
C' C' C'
O,)8~~ 3d8~qO?\
C'" heart is the origin of the mind. These two theories were ex-
1./ ',S'r,::::Q 0 C' C'0 C' C' C', pounded many years ago. No comparicon between them is pos-
~I' '1CJJe3:mGOJ? 3d0(8~ 3dc\)C:~00)«,C'~y ~~3d8~qO?
I (' ~~ • 0 C' , Q. t: C' ~I C' 0 OC'0 C'
sible because they are so different. One theory does not fit the
Iill (la;)C3:mGOY,? tC\(:3d8CD?j'J 3dG150l~0GO0)00C\(. 3d8~~CDooli
other one It was impossible to do so. Foreign scholars came to
tQ)~C»OI(g1i Of2C\(. CDOC\(.
'1 (b'
C' 0
8q?~:11 i3'i'80
C' 0 r=> C' , c-: C'
Myanmar and put up questions to Sayadaws. Then Sayadaws from
rn. 0 C' • Q C' rv-S.r:::3i? 0
ll.j:G<J.Q?CCl3J:JJ0: 0e:?J~CG06 ~G'(JGv..J-'C3:G06o(G8:C3
c:::: Myanmar explained tham through Pali conon and the texts. But
') G '10, C' c-: C' C', C' c-: C' 0 C'
they still remained uncominced of the Buddha's teachings and
Oil e co o'~'1'.SlC:l9 cocou CY:{j8:'i'.~C:(90)001iJ:(.GJY)
" C'. c:::: C' OC' C' 0C:::: they returned home. They were not satisfied with the explana-
C\)mOl J30:C3qCDoo II ::DOGOJ?GCY:{j'i'0~8~C3Ji{:II
o C' C'C::::' '1r.R C' C' C' '1 0
tion. We could make a guess. It was many years ago. As I am
C\(.,qCDoolitQ)~C»ollSlI J'('i':J'('i':C\)~: 310(
interested in this issue. I have studied it. When the seience of
~ C' C' ,G C', C' 0 C'
~O")ooGpIl 3d3::pmGOl~Goy'? 0l~G~3Q)CDO~ anatomy becomes prominent in modern age. 1 made a study of
'?'i'm GOl0)8~~3d8~qo? it. Then I gained some strength to support the validity of the
c-: C' C' C' 0 C' C' 0 Buddha's teachings. I have tried to produce the diagram. Then I
G<YYJG190Cijmm'i'i'm'i'OYJO( J'('i':J'('i':ac.
'1 .. ~ C' C' ') 0 CJ< m. .' C' found that there are four compartments in the chanber of the
)I0")0011J'('i':J'('i':310( C3l:00:e:GOY.? «0(0)
heart about which the Buddha had said. It is true for almost

<; "'-.

o C' r-,...
C' 0 (0<rC:G~?~~G~
C' C'J
€>OO~Gt::j-'C: ~r ~9 ~'ftCG<;I90~0':l

.1:. ,'" coco,. oc C co 0

.\YJII3d3GCD? J(6fJ~~[c3d'4§'P? to?:~'P 3d~1:GC\):~1:wnO(> every being. It is also true for human beings. The present day
1 oc 0 0 1 ceo C C seientists can reveal the structure of the chamber of heart in
II ::Dg>O 1O'(CO?O(GO.l GcfJII C)?::D'J:GO;>'PC\)~: ~~()')().)9D1I
C C c. 0 C o, C 0 C detail. This is the outline of thediagram. We can also study the
~~'i':(),)~Gcx::DmyO'( 3d'l?G~(),) ::D~ 02:::?~CGO;> 3dG::D~0(),)
I' 0 ~~ C 1 ceo ~ C c. c:: C C C
original diagram. This diagram will be shown first. Let us look
'Ill 1)'i'-C0(),)()')1I 31mGCD? J(1:J(1:~ "'tB~<zl2~y t30~()')().)9D1I
at it.
~'O C ceo 01 C 10 ceo
V"l<';yO'(c\)~~ J('1'~J('1'~0?0GC9CDJ<y.QOI(),)o)lI 310( J(1:J'('1':0?' '
"'"'~ C C ~ c c t(--~~~
0~:BO)G<fJ1I t23~QG3d)CII .-, I
~~~--·~i ..- ~~.

! '.; j---t ..· r

---t .. i ., ,
i \
t ~ J r

, " I
t j f
I ~

f t I
I \( J i


t --.-~-J 7
,', ''-, -c;

o C
~:l ~@ C
° (OC

111 IOO:O~~C'W:
C O. C -,
Thanks to the medical scholars in medicine and modern
I. '''I C :T C C C C C 0 C C '- 1 scientists this diagram was brought about. Look at it carefully,
11'(1 I~1~~)IG<p1l
3dGO,0')~ID0I9!1G3dJO')O') ~ID0I9:~P:)(.D"22ID~''r':)
There are two upper compart'mepts and two lower compartments.
C• Cr,~ C C C 0 c C G
0')0( II mIDt1lc90') 22IDO'YJO( G06.qmOOG<fJII 3YJ It is found that both the upper pair and the lower pair squeeze
c 'T'
G3dJO')(JO')O') l'ID0I9:~0ImOOIl
CC01 C C
3dGOIJ)O')O') simultaneously. Look at the' partition into ~ompartments here.
C) 0 C' ,. o r::::::CO<:"1 C There are two compartments on the lower side. There are also
'fJ 3d~.~.CO')GCD:G06q. «0( e3aO(O')OIIl G3dJO')O')

9 0 C C G <:" G
two compartments. Look at the diagram of the tiny valve here.
30') OO)W:O'YJ G06.qmOOIl 3GJ):0')G9 gs:O?(JY.) 30')
Whenthe lower compartments squeeze, it is found that this is
C' c" 1 G 0 C c G c c C
~II t2IDO?3dOlI 30')0mmOOil 3m8s:mWIl G'3dJO')O') blocked. This is the place where this lateral side is opened. When
, 'T'. C C C • r::::::
a,)GOIO') o(22ID0)00 G<fJII '3dJ\lGe:pG06O')
C C C it is wqueezed, this is blocked. This is opened. The lower pair is
' Q. 3dOG<-(pG9CD2:0 J.j(0') 3d::Dm~qc:~c" c
squwezed. The upper pair is also squeezed. As there are nerves
I It,CI~"Y.
•I :
O.••.• 0 C C C " C
all around it, it works while he is breathing although he is asleep.
I.' o r:::::: C C C C c c c , 0 c 0 0, C
lll' IJ II 3 'fJt3a~~1I G'3dJO')(JO')O')l'ID0I9:'fJ ~0C\(0')C\(..~q~ You should have known it. Look at this. When the lower pair is
'I' c "" 0
) OO')O')J)~ oO)t1:GCD?a::D Gr:mG9"~O')~:O'YJ
<:~ c G06.q
squeezed, the blood does not rise up but it is blocked. It is found
co" ~<: c::IDmOO
c c f.R c <:' c • that it squeezes out through the side. This is one vessel that goes
II i I Q
CI').~1~CO(W!O? ld9 t3 C
G<fJ1I8:Qc m00(OOC\(:y.0?
0 0 -,

to the valve. You should also known that there transpgarts is the
s 0 0 c c c (,~ " 1 0 C' c
l 0') 310X( G'3dJO')(JO') ehamber of the heart that transforts the blood to the whole body.
.S 'T' C'. C c 0 0 o~ c 0 c It's good. well, if this is so, you have known that the lower pair
WII 3dGOIO')CD2: ~22omoo~O( ::D8GpIl ~.~J.C
C' r:::::: C'O 0 C' C' 0 as well as the upper pair are squeezed. Isn't it that the blood
'JfJ~yG~S:~.O(. G~:<JY) CD2 o mO(. QB~:Y,(:c\y'):1I
circulctes because of the closing and apening of the valves. It
~ ~ "G G C' 0 C' [":<: "
c:811 3d3GOJ? 2:G~0myc:0') 89c\y')O?G~:1 does. It's good. Therefore suppose that the blood that returns
'- C' C ( ) 0 c C' 0
first from the brain and the old blood which returns from the
U,~c\y')o:?G~:G(JY.)c:G06(JY.)3d0l9: J O(?ocmoocy.

.s 1" c C' 0 C' "I r:::::: -, G c ( ) whole body enter the Not l ) compartment. Look at it. So when it
e3t2C\(O')OIIl 3d3Goy? 3d0l9: J YJ
') -, ""I~ C' 0
is asked as to what the blood that enters the No (1) compart-
()IC\Y.)CD GB:O?3dOlIe3Goy? 3d)?G0mO( ment brings along with it is should he leept in mind that it brings
C' C'" <:C'
II J)0G')m::DOOC\Y.)BCDIl 3d)?G0mG9011 the element of heat. What kind of element does is bring? it is
the element of heat. This is the reason why the element of heat

-,'; -c; <: ....•

° e r::::...•.c
~o:l~Ge3"'C: oq ::>0 C'
0(0<:'cec:G~QC~GCO? <:')
C' ')
,0 C'
G::D~CWO? 0)(\)00~~o)G(\)~Gcg
<, C' C'
is brought. The timy cells are also called rupatmetter). The tiny
Ii . 'i' ') C' ,C' C' C' 'T' C' C' C' C' cells are also celled rupa. They are also celled kalepas (cells).
II J,):~ ))101CDW II ;;:c)(\)G(\)~Gc::g<JYJ
ED ()(\')~~G<YI 8 W II 0)(\)00 ~~(\)~~
As the cells are too small, will the bits of them remain when
, "II ~
" " C' C' r:::J2. C' Q ,')
I\ III .:OG(\):Gcg(JY.) GJ.):CWCB'i'~3d):~~GOJ? <iJ0)0~W~0?3d0l I~ they are destroyed? They do HOt. If it is so. When it is asked as to
\\ ')
C' C' Q
C' C'
C' , what remains then, the element of heat is produced. So it is said
C'"o c C' C'1r:;::::::C'
as energy in English lauguege. For example you bend and
0iJ9<?CDC\(.G8:GO'Y? 3d)?G0CDCBo)~:OJWII 3 Ge<;(
. straighten out your hand about forty or fifty times and experi-
o c:. r:;:::::: C' C' "C' C' 0
)OY.)~ energy or. Gtp~OJWGfJ" 20803d):~<;( (\)0)0( ence it. Will it become cold of hot? That's right. You should not
I"LU:I:.'1 :;x)WGC\J.)m
C' C' 0 C' C' 0
GO(?:O(o)l ~O(O)
C' C'
C' 0 C'.
r:;:::::: C' C' be hapPTfbr getting hot. The trny Kalapas or the tiny cells or
C'r:R C' 0 C' C'
those which are called rupas discppeared without leaving be-
:1 i\(C\YJ0c\y)~1IO(CD~GfJ" i\(C\YJor. 08:JY.)0~ 80(CDJf?:
hind even bits of them. The element of heat comes out of them.
C' , C' C' ( 0 C') " C'
G::D:CWO? 0)(\)00~:o)GCD:Gcg J-?80(OJ OOCDGCD:Gcg Then it is replaced by new nutrient essence contained in the
C' C' C'
blood. Keep it in mind. It must ~e noted that this element of heat
C' C' C', C' ,0 ,\
is transported by the vein. The blood that carries all the element
~CD')(Y)')II 9'Jm 3d::D03d::D09. 0'J00l1 G~:(x)~~O?
of heat from the brain as well as from every part of the whole
o C' C' " Q ," IC' 0 c:.C'
3d0'):CX(~W~q(Y)'J1l ~OJGfJII 3d33d)(G'JOJGcg0( G~:~9 body enters the No.(l) compartment. The scientists termed them
o C' C' Q C'OC' C' 0 C' • as oxygen and carbondioxide. Whatever they say, it is carrying
CD')(Y)'JC\(.~CDq8WII 2:G~Do)~C:o)G6p OJ00(WC\(:
C', C' C', C'
the element of heat. Only ofter that it goes down to the No. (2)
: mGCD ::DWC\YJO? 3d)?G0CD::D())CD')O? G~:~: J.) ~
compartment when the lower compartment is squeezed, it does
C' o, C' C'Q C' C'OC'
0011J.)~O~~C~:o)GOJ? G3dJ0) OO<1]CI0)'J89:rc not get out of it. It doeds not rise up through the side. The vessel
",oS' C' OC' 0 • r:;:::::: '1 C' C' 0 c:. c:. just now mentioned opened up and it is learnt that it goes to the
'~?·f~CG3d)m0l(3or. J-?:~~GO.'GfJ" J)WC\(GtpGtp
lungs. It is one track. The lungs are indeed aballoon. All knew
'"l C' r:R C' ( '1
0,l GfJII e:GO'Y?~ 3d0l9: J ) 0(0 C'
C' 'C'
about it. In this bonned balloon the cepillaries are formed into
c:.C' C'" - 'T' C'"
• 3dt:lC8CBO)J)~ GJ):0)9 3dGOI8OJmJ)~ tiny compartments on the walls like a network. It is known that
c:. 'c:.C' '1 C' C'~ C' 0 there are even over twenty millions of them when they are counted
BJO? ~9GCD:GO.IGfJI 8<;(e:GOJ? 3dOX(00(
by scienticts. How many are there? Over twenty millions. The
9J?; C' C' C' 0 C'~
: 1LSGf'J" 3dOI(CDo) ~9GOJ? GCD3dCDC3: blood passed through these over twenty million compartments

-,', -c; '-.

o c
r.:::: e
:)B JO c 0
~:>G:)C <::; 0·0:>1 Q cr.>O':J
QC: ~ Cl:Y:>QO G;p~ ~
J\# ....:or' ~ C) \0

-, C' ,G
3d3 GC03dme3:«->
0 C'~ •
and then they Join together and go to the No(3) comportment
I e 0 C C',m ~
Therefore, they left the element of heat while they pass through
tilj'( 1,1m:)')<:\( G~~GffGco~G0dm 3d<Y"f:gol2:l:GCD?W~t?3O'YJI'
and then they enter the No(3) compartment Note that the in-
, ., C' 0 o, C' C'~ C', 'I C' C' C'
i ilM'~"(..)1C!Oj? :)Ji:?02::?11.CGo;:?
Gq0d(ne3~o:?3d<Y1 'fJ ?0:)J"f~GCt:(.P coming cool air enters the It{~gS'.This is the cool air that enters.
_S 0 0 C' C' C' " C' C' C' C' ,0 The element of heat has thenature of conduit. Is it right? For
)wcy. :)JqmwlI :),)WGQ"Y)mo:?coll to:)J"f!GCJ-tPG<f'J1l 3d<:\(

0, C'. 0 C c c r,:; ~C' 'I c R example let us take a plain tea cup. Isn't it that people in clina
r·I.\J(I)~ ~'i':GCO:G<{?Oj? G~~mBm:)J"f!8:GOJ?~ 8"fGO'C:~:
take plain tea. People in Myanmar also take plain tea. Isn't it
"( ) 0 0 '- G G, C c c 0 C' c
"I'; \' OJ?W!O)')Oj? 3d3G~ 33dCD'fJ Bm:)J"f~ym~ 3d)?G')0') that plain tea cup is cold before hot water is filled into it? It is
r c c like thcexanple of a tumbler. Suppose it is going to he filled
J (I:('OO?~
C' ( )
3d<Y'i'! \l 0(~:0)')[g0mWlI
0 C'
with hot water. It is cold before it is filled up with hot water.
I; c -, 0 c 0 e-, c c
i' )113dOl:(O')CDO( OC~!O)')O(II OCO?GCOG3d!GfJII 3d)?G'J0')
Pour out the hot water after the cup is filled up with it. Isn't it
G, 0 '1 c c (,~ ' Cc c
II )(iY.):m 0!0(il!0?:)JG::D'J 11.01
coco II ~0')L9(\)')~ II 2000BS: qc that the heat is left behind. That's right I think you understand
~ C' 0 C'~ c c C' c ~ c it. It is like that example. It is because the heat has the nature of
w.,,:m"fll ~o 0')Ej)0')82«->GO'Y'? com(9mq~ GqG8-!t?3B\
c ~(' 0 c• C' ~ C' c c
conduit. Therefore the heat contained in the blood permeats the
O?O')(\)')! II ~'i'OO~CC 'fJC02:::! GqG8-!t230!G::D')mO')OJGCD II
I -,
.• , cold air. So isn't it that the air that comes out of the nose is
~ c c c C'
0:0'i':m"fm GqG8-~0CD~~C'fJ G3d:0G<fJ;?!(\)')!1I 2000 warmer? 'It is. You got it? Isn't it that the breathing rate becomes
C' C', C' C' 0 ~l c c c higher when one becomes tired because of too much actions
II (9'i'BmCD~ GqG8-!CDt£0W ¥> Gcn;?Gfl1l CdCO~C'fJ
C'r,:; ~c: C' 0 c C' -, e-R and his whole body becomes hot. That's right. When it is ob-
G[Gg!CDt£03!GOJ? 19"f:>g"formll ~CdCY.(j"f7J;(~CDJ!1I
0?0')t:l served, the Duty of the lungs is the exchange of the heat and the
'1." c c ,G 0, _ C' G -,
,(")IO?O')W901I 3d30Cd'JorOIl 3d~G'JO')m 0:0(il!0?:)JG8'Y.:> cold. The heat is left behind in the cold air. Once again it seeks
'1 '- '- '1 '- c c the heat. It leaves ti behind. I think you understand its nature.
'MY.'> (")I(\)')o:? G:>g:CO~y)OICD:)o:?
~G'J0')~1')::)J2 GCOG3d!
That's all right. Therefore the blood that has become cold and
I fll, I'.. _.\' '1 ~ co 0
ni~I:(')')WII 3IGc::r~~.o?
'1 c
c -,
GC00J0 «~:
purified (oxygenated) proceeds to the No(3) compartment. Then
m c c
II 6'J.~9,)1I 3dqCd!OCO"f!C\(. c:t?0W:Q)'J~:qc
c c 0 C' - c it goes down to the No( 4) compartment. When it is squeezed in
.c the No(4) compartment the blood is transported to the whole
c c ~('
~"f0CDJJ;(:CDJ!1I 0?0')811
=v=c body. You got it? There it spreads to the whole body. This com-
I 'III~~(\~ I -, , 0 C'
I , O??('f)') 3d)( I 3dG3d: roO? :)J G::D'Jl1O')OOII partment is the topmost part of the heart The just now men-
tioned Gotema Buddha had pointed out that the mind originates

"" .. '""
-,'; '",

o C' ~C'
y C' 0 rzs:
~~CG"'9Q~C;l ~c:<ZC\j?e:o~G~
$OO~Gb'"'c: JJ
o C>, C' C'1 C' C' C' C'1 C'
in some blood contained in the topmost part of the heart. It was
"~i) ·J.~GOJO? ~a)())11 0')0@1 CO~O')WII 3d)(~WGOolG¥J1I

u.) 1 (1
(' C'
)O)GcpIi GOJ)C~~II 3d3GOJ? G3d:8:1 :::D'f8::DJ:
C' rx -, G ro ~f,;
C' pointed out that the mind originetes in some blood contained in
the top most part of the heart. Therefore when it is studied
)f/~ ~:(J)oSll (\> )m1 (<;)d? ~t:CDJd?1I (<;)m'j (J)~C;;1
, !J ~

accarding to medicle science, iris found to be this compartment.

C' 0 C' 0 0 00, C' C::C' C' ,G
• CD00?WOY:3d?0?y.a;? 3d@cf: t::30Gcf(J)WII q~c\y'):11 3d3~ It is also very realistic, Again how the mind originates in this
". • 0 C:C' C' C' G C' • 0 C' , 0 C'
I'U)CV:3dt.0? ~cfW:CDWG¥J1I 33d@ef:m '1'-OY::DJ:yC:q, ~:yC: compartment was also preached by late Mchasi Sayadaw who
, C:' 1 C', C' • -, was very famous then. He was praised by senior Sayadaws and
rC1)( \ ~II <r9'mGtYJa;? GOICD8C(~ 3d82qa;? J(~:51C m '1'-CY::)y.):q,
C' C' C' 0 C'G C' 0 C'C:, C' C' ,G Theras .as the most learned Sayadaw in teaching practical work
'A~~:CWG::D'J G~:~ 0CD'j(J)WCI(. ~~~CDWGfJIt 3d3GOJ?
side byside with theory. It was during the time when the actual
q GC9CD'JGCD? 33d@ef:t::30GcfCDWIl :::DJYJO(\)~:
C' c:: C' C' C'
C' C'
6th Great Council was held. Sayadaw could teach the practical
C' 1 ,G C' 0 C'GoG C' 0 C', C'r::;?'
II CD0@1 3d3 3d@ef:?J 0CD'j«'jef~:0((\)~:J) ¥>8~ts:a;? work side by side with theory. Senier Theras also spoke in
C' c r::;? 0,
C' C' homour of him that it was not even easy to find one who was
l' , C' -, c 0 0 C' '\ equally learned, not to say.of one who was more learned than
'II()',~ O?2~:GOJ?OJ)~a;?Gcf6[J~ 3dG~:CI(. ~~G~:GOO'I
1/ G. c:::: C' 0 I,


' C' C'
Mahasi Sayadaw, in such matters. Sayadaw made an explanation
, 1\ I'I '1:"02m <t]:<Y.(Jll:C>tsCDWIl 07. ~~:::D()..YJW¥> CDCO?ef:m here. When others requested him to explain them on the ground
I [n°j: ?JG<f0 I
,'}~ C' C'"
'r,~ c: 0 C' C'
3d3GCD? 00ef.
that they could not understand well what was written in the texts
1'(.1",1 \~ (~: ~cfCa;?Gcf6[J~
c: 0 C' , c: C'
C' C'
... 1I
of the Buddhist literature. Then he pointed his fore finger at the
o ,0 C' c 0 C' 1 0 C:C' electric bulbs. They are 'electric bulbs. Sayadaw asked how many
:)y')O'YJGO:oa, o;(a;?«Rl(\)GO'YJC q~8CBWOIc\y'):oa, 3d~S:
.,1:~"'()d(Y.) <:YJ:<Y.(Jll:@'~)('lCDWIl c c: times of off and on of electricity there were in a second.
G. -, C' G C' C'r::;?
3'f?0J~: ~6[JGO'YJts:m ~,C:~
Accoarding to the measurement of the scholasrs there are fifty
\' S - <;' c:::
1{,)1I CD3dGtsJC:O(a;?
C' 0,
0J(X)(.9(J)qO'YJ1I C(~0JGOOO(9()')qO'YJ
,C' , C'
times of them. How many times are there? Then Sayadaw said (0
Il' !J
\'ie'1:J(CP:0(. 3dGSGO')')Ca;?3d@1
c:: 0 c
~OO08:CY:GOO'0? (\)m2I?:~
C' -v- 1 C' C'G. 0 0,
them-to note so. Sayadaw said to them that the mind arises and
" 1:'8' C', GG ., -, C' C' C' C' dissolves in a person at a tremendone rate of more (linn It
I,ll "1'11.)0)0) :CY:GOO'GfJII 3d38:CY:OO~a;? ()')00<J?,*'J0 <=21000
, '[ UI:' C' ,0 1 C' ,G C'
thousond billion (1012 )times per eye-wink. This is in accordnncc
'1"111) l0t?j(Y.):::D(\)C\(. G8:0ICDWIl 3d3GCD? O~51CGcg
with the original teaching of the Buddha. There upon I ht'Clllttf'

,'. ,', ,',

o C
r::::.,..,c C 0 (0crC:GCI:>?SO~G~?
C C'
J? J9 ~nCG~90~CO

II 'l(\ \~G().>?
"- e38J?'l':C r::J1.C' C' ')
C' 0
CDo) II e38 J?'l':J)O)GC\Y)mEjlCDXDIl
C' C' C'O , convinced of the Buddha's teachings and was able to produce
oc C':1 0 OC'O, C' C' C' C' C' 'T' 0 C' this diagran. Think over it. As to the arising of the mind the cir-
'I'C:'fCDOICY. 3d8'l'.~~CDo)lI ~mGO'Y.)c CD0eyCD'f'J GOI cyml
, r,:::g C' C' C' ') C' C' OC' C'0 C' 0 OC' 0, C'
culating blood contains ahara(n.~tritive essence). What does the
1"(( J ~0J?'i':::D2 O(G~GOI c: CD0::D'l':G<Y(pEjlCDo)C\(o
circulating blood contain? It is the element of nutritive
C' OC' C' G C' ~ ') C'r:.~
:~.(JY) ~qC:3dCY(C:9'0" 3GCD?'f J('l':e3:m JJGJY)GOlm(9: essencet ahara). Then it contains the force of past deeds
• -
? ~)(D: CX(CDCY.qOJJ
C' 0 C'
II 02: 0':): 9'0"
C' 0 q~C'
0 CD~ 0 GO1CD')
3 co (kamma). It also contains the character ristic of utu (heat ele-
, , ') C' C' C', ') , ment). Only then the mind gets the chance to arise. As a result
Ie I Je."yO? G~:'f'Jm 3d.)(JY)qOICDo)lI CY220CDO?G~:'f'Jm JY)01
C' C' C' ~ C'., 0') C' ,
of interactions among kamrna, citta, utu and ahara, the mind gets
U'YJqG'JCD1 3d.)OY:lqG'JCDGf'JII (9: q C co 61. ::Dgj>0 ICD0) II 20(61.
the chance to arise suddenly. To give another example don't you
C' ') C' ,G 0 C' 'T' C' " 0 C'
,')):0 1CD0) II 3d3GCD?'f'J 0CDmGOI8S?qO'Y.)II ml 0CDI 20(1 see the rotation of a dyrano? It is the Dyanmo that produces
_ C:::C'f,; C', C', 'T' C' C'
11'1 ~(.)202 ~0lS:GCD?roJ ~mm'l'l ~mm'l' GOI8S?q(J)')1I Cl.Xf2: electricity. When it remains static like this, it does not produce
C' G
3GeyCD iC'l''?
C' OC' 0 C'
C' C' OC' 0 electricity. Only when it rotates, it produces electricity. You will
C', OC' 0 G OC' r9C' C' C' C' C' understand it. It is the same like this. It is in accordance with
examO? iC'l',?GCDIl 33dO(C: l5~~~C ~000G'JCD
C' 0 C' ') C' C' C' I C' C' C' C' C'
this example. So as long as the blood circulates the flickering
I~:IICY~eyl'f C:X1000G'JCDcg(Y.)(\.)'JCDo)ll qo:CD280)GqOiI mind keeps on arising. It is getting the- chance to arise. Do you
n oc C' C' C' C' C' • 0 C'
understand it. You got it. There fore, it's nature is very much

0':) 3dO(C: 090 II G~: CD2 OCD::D22roJCDOCDCY: 0 CDm

IC,':I.\\,.uTC\Y.)¥JII~8~qGCj>8oSll ::DGJY.)GOl~:1I qlSGcjhIl ~GCJ.Y.? like the electricity. With regard to the number of times the say-
C' C', C' C' C' r::J1.C' C' ing that it arises and dissolves at a rate of more than a thousand
IIJ:m <=21000 1. 3dC8CD'l' OJ?GcfCDO)IIe38st'i'!<J.(JGCD?6p
') C' C' o c C' C' o c C' 0 -,
bittion (1012 ) times per eye-wink is effective. It means that it is
0(GliGO'C: CD0::D'l'.!GO':{P1 CD0::D'i':GO':{P~0?
between a thousand bittion times and two thousand bittion times.
n>- C' OC' ~ 0 ') C' C' o c
,)"","1to::D'l':e:p:'f'J51(J)')1I O'"(G~GO1C: CD0::D'l': It is between more than one thousand billion times and two
HilOY.lIIGq;>! -r= t.::?3 qC:~
C' ,. C', C'
3dC 8 CD'l'1?GCD')C
C' 00 C'
tharsaurd billion times. It one becomes very hot because of too
') C' <, C' 0 0 much thoughts, the nunber of times comes close to two thou-
/I :l:)GJY.)GO1mCD'): II 3d3dGq;>:'l'2:cy. G3d!~:cy.
l' G 0 C' C' C' C'
sand billion times. Do you understand it? If the thoughts be-
Iq'I,II1C)(\f.)O'Y.)II3 ::DGJY)O(
il qo:CD2::DS?CDo)lI q80)
come few and he becomes cool, the number of times again comes

,,'. ,'. -c;

o C'
r:::::; C'
}s C'
o (0<tc:<zC''':y?so~",<z~
C' C')
c 0 G. ~-.~~ C- C- 0 G • 0 C-
close to one hundred thousand billion times. You should un-
O(()')O( B~C\(:G<{?~CDII 8(c'P::)?9:0?' B:or>:Gq;>?J ~CGCD
o c 0 c-, ') o c ,') C- derstand this nature. I think you will understand it. To know
CD GCfY)"j0 iC9'1'CY~0?3ddl 3d~9~:W:0?3ddlCY.(jqC
C-~G :1 C- C- C- c- whether it is right or wrong, look at the light bulbs. Sometimes
ram ()')3d):CDC:~:GOJ? GOlmCBm~"J:oJ')1I 0djB:W:()')().)1I
in rural areas when the velocity'orth'e dynamo is too great, the
') c c c OC-~C- c R c c 0
x.o Im()')OJGcf'J" 3dffi~<;C\)'Jqc )2t3:GOJ?O'Y.)8<;O(?m~:OJJO(II light bulb become very bright and it is broken. It is burnt up. I
, ..
c rR
)2~:GCJ.Y?O'Y.) think you understand it. When the velocity becomes too great,
c: BC\)'J~: C\)'J:II
coer C\)'J()')().)Ii
?0 GJ'YJ.f~:9
c C- ')
~:GO Im()')().)GfJII
C- c c it becomes, so hot and it is broken. It is like this. If the thoughts
c c c G~ c c G~ c 0 0 c become too much and too serious, isn't it that the chest becomes
" v-~.
"IC:O;?G9()')OJG9011 qlS Gcf'JII GOYJC:lSll 3dGoa:'i'~:W:C\(.~qc
hot and stilf? It becomes stiff. Do you understand a little? The
)~;~: G3d:BCD0:r;(:CD0:11O(OS@II 3l~ :DJ)')OO?J~II 3l~8
nature of them is the same. You got it? That's right. If the
i ',HJ)OJ
c 0
c 0 c
G~ G
r. c
'T' 'C- 0 c
()')().)C\(. ~O')q thoughts become few, isn't it that the heart becomes less stiff
\ c-r,:?'
I' III U'«()')811 3d ~:8OJO')')m
c ~ c oc
c c
Jj(m J)PC00')C\?,..
c-o c 0 and becomes cool? That's right. So it becomes realistic. There-
~I \ _Q c 0 c c 'T' c • 0 0, •
-, fore it becomes certain that the mind originates here. Keep in
fT,H \)11 3d00(),)CD~: Gdl BOJII 3dJ~GoaO( B:D~:O?I 3dG06:«G06
• 'T', OOC-I ,o·~·r • mind that it originates here. that's right. Ah, the strange thing is
I '11):11
3dGq;>:«Gq;> BGOI :::r;(:0?11B:DetC:::r;(:O?II et:GOJ?~JJ0 3dJ~1
that when one is asleep, it is called contimuun (Phavanga citta).
_!: cR • 'T' 0 o~c- c G
1,1 :~~ ,T)m~OJt3:GOJ? 3dGq;>:«GOJGOIOJJ~ ~t9'i' O')()')II 300'Y.):3dq It is also called the mind which arises when one is asleep. It is
dlPl1 ; )(llcGq;>m comp 1am
. c-~
c c c c·~
c said that it is not aware of the sense objects. No thought image
,c-oc- c ,0 c c c arises. It is said that no image of the thought arises. It is said
:~I,)OO:CDqC Q)()')J)OJYJW:C00:BCDC\(. GB:§'i':o(O')O')().)II

'c-oc- c ,0 c c c-c-
that it is not awarre of any present object. It is again said that
oY):roqc 00')J)OJYJW:C00:8c;?0? G8:§'i':0(0')0')().)Gcf'J1l
only when one wakes up, the image of thought arises after the
.e c ~ c ~ c
"1 )Q)(~ro6j?GO')')J(6j?:8:m ~C:~O')()')II ooacou ill 1 31()') arammana (sense object) and the dvara (sense door) are con-

0 ~
c ') , '
c-cc- °, qO')()')O?II
c ,
nected. Some scholors made complaints on the ground of this
c 0 c 0 c , (' <.c 0 c 0 c -, c saying. They give orguements. They question as to where the
~Ol 00')0( G;;:COCO?~OIl G::>a:(X)~ 00')0( G;;:COCO?~O
c-C3?, .'oc-, ') c c c mind will he placed when this heart is being transplanted. They
IOlCl?0:3dq J?'i':8:m 'tC\(:§00')0?3dd 1~ ~0')0')8:O')C
put up the question as to where the mind will be placed if the

-c; <,'; -c;

o C- ~C- c 0 (0 C C-)
J1 JQ ~~CGG\9Q~~l '2C:Gro'?~~G~

'- GG 0 ~ e: e: -, G G -, 0 e: e: heart is transplant Mahasi Sayadaw gave an explanation in this

11-, I):O? m80? e:3~E.l::Yf(~mw" 3d3<poo 33dCD0'( occgmw~CD'J
~ 0 .e:e: ,e:,o~e: c c regard. Sayadaw explained the hadaya, ha, da, ya (heart base)
r"f ~.~:G~GCldO'( 1-o-?~<j?'t'stq>:o;?0?0OO(x)0'(Gt:PC:(x)~OO'):(),)WII
did not mean the heart. It means the act of generating other
I( • c c ,e:, 0 0 ~ c c e: I

!) ,i) J f-C\(:Y'1'()'):X;cjDlI o;?0?00:>(X)0'( G=B:GCldO? Gt:Pc:(x)~CO'J:mwll

things. There is the rupa (matter) that gemerates the mind. There
c • q~::c 'I c ~ •
I'[ H':"ymGOJ? '~Q..
1-O-?~OO 3dq?mt::30w:anG0.lGcjDII e:GOJ? 1-O-?:J.Y.): is the matter that generates the mind. It is said that there is riipa
, e:, c , G oc 0 c 0 c ce: c
"rlJl\Y.)()')WII OOG=B~OOCD2::BGi'::Yf(:CD'J:1I3d3~~ 3a:)Q)()')t30G9()')WII , (matter) in the blood which generates the mind. With regard to
1 s... ,0 Ce: c 'I c ,e: 0 c 0 this saying I have seen a television documentary on a heart trans-
I )~.<'?r.J::DO?:A(.t::30Gq>mw II ::DG:J'Y)GOI OOC\YJ~ II G~:(x)~ 0()')<J{
, , c 0 0, G 0c c ,0 Ce: c c c plant operation. In that documentary the arteries which come
,,)I~O?l10 flG9CDJO?" 3d3GOJ? 3dOG<{p::Do:?J.? t30Gi'()')WII 6lBWGcjDII
into here are transferred to an appuratues which has the same
, • ~e:~ ,~ ~'~e: c c
I' HT) tC\(:J.Y.):tN~~GOJ? 3d0'J~CD~~GOJ? G=B:GeGCld 8q>~mBwll breathing rate. That apparatus generates the heart to throb. The
I' • c ~e: c c C' 0 c C'
IIIX-;OJ? «~q>8q>CY~B~~::Yf(:CD'J~1I ~oo~c: B1-:G::D:Jj?:GfJII 3dC3dJ: blood is transferred into a sinilar apparatus. When it is trans-
I ~ 0 0 0 C' , ~e: 0 ~ c c 0 . 0 ferred the heart becomes free. Then the heart is left aside. Well
L1l1( \Y,)e~OJ?'i q><23dCf(C~O~q>cf~~~Go':Q(D') 3d~m3d=BU)61Cl(. 3dJ3\

I'~ c '10 c c; 0 ~ c e:~ 'ICe: G isn't it that the blood is circulcting. At that time the sleeping
" f~O)O')WII 31<>?61CCDmo>or.61~Gt~11 6lB~~1I G~C:~II 31t::3S:3YJ
(dormant) mind is arisi,ng. It is as if he is asleep. Do you under-
C' 0 e:. Ce: oe:.,V'>,-,.~ c c ~ 'ICe: c
w~oo ::D()JG::D0>3dJ:t3S: ?C0.A.v-'lJ<..>Gcf-l1l
G<Y.Dc:ell 31t3S:61C stand it? It is about the matter in the blood which generates ates
c c c ce: c
G)?: 3 00 G~:(X)YJflO?
t::30()')W \l OGCldq>.0m::D2::
3d2:: 2:: 8 the mind. So it is as if he is asleep. I think you will understand it.
e:, C' 0 c ,0, C' c ., Then when the heart is transplanted, the arteries are reconnected.
I' .. XY2CD2:::J) J)WC\(cjD:CD2::61<pCDCI(.0 GB:61BWGfJII GB~GOJ? oo~
When connected, isn't it that it becomes normal. He does not
~ Q~
e:, c 0
wake up immediately. When he regains strength he regains
e:"., 0'1 e:oe: 0 c
~C~O? mGJ.. ::DmOIC\YJ8W~61C ()')~~ G~:mc;;o) consciousuress because normal connections have been made .
..~ • ~ 'I c c 0 c c e:. 'I
1'(1)0.:)11?ey:G~:G~3dGOIOOG0d o:::?J2:an~'lmwlI m00>q>:8ol If it is. so, you could have accepted it. You got it? That's good. If
'II t.J,),\\:8olanCD2:::
'I c 0
c e:
''Ie: c C'
-s= it is so, it is a firm evidence that the mind originates here'. That's
'11 c c ,co> oe: ~e:1 good. If it is so, you should ask me as to how you should under-
,,\r.J()lolC\YJmmmWII 3d3GO'Y? 0mmGq:> e32::0.IBCDJ:1I
<;: 1 c 1 c ., c C' e:1 c
stand the corre1ction between the metter and the mind contained
II' :('~(JII 3 Im0<j? GO.IGcjDII oo~om::Dooanll ()')00>I(),)GCD<J':{J61C
in this blood. If it is asked, it must be said that it is also related

,', ", -c;

o C
~ C
~;tcoa-.90WO:> (OC
° '2c:oc..:>?~~o~ C)
" , I(
, • oc C- 00 C- r::::::. C-
c: C-
'1 C-
to kamrna. If perhaps if some have killed or hurt others 111
, C- 1 1 OC- r::::::. C-0 0 0 C- < 1,
, JII ()')00l1 G31::D3dffiGe::rs;:'?C\(.
G3!::D(y)1 3d0(::l.(C\)(Y) I G31::D~ pastexistences some may be afflicted with blood cancer, There
, '''' OC-
II~O( 3dfjltf3dU(tf CDG~S;:C\)2::::
c-. r::::::. C- C- • ~
C- ~
m may be coronary throrntosis. There may be the lack of one com-
J I (i)()')().)C\)2:::
C- C- 0
EjlOJ()')1I 0OJOI
C- 0 C- 1 c-r'C-
G(90(Y)lStf0~')~Jj(~C\Y):1I 3
1 partment. I think you understand it? There may be diseases since
I c
c 0... 0 c C- birth, So can there he peace of mind. There cannot he. This is
:)1 : 1) G::rYJG'f011 G<f0CD 2 Of:I
OJ (Y)co ~' (Y) GEjl:0 (Y)'): EjlOJ co
01 C-" C-OC- c c
one thing. It is related to kamrna. Sometimes the arteries may
,I\I~'.C\)3d~:E>tS;:GCDI 0tfCDyC:~ G3d:G3d:'tJ0:<tJ0: ::D')::D')().)')().)')
break because of past karnma. I think you understand it. Again
; c • c ,C- 0 C- c;:c-
(',' (»)( GXl: Jj(: 0l:(61c
Ol0'):)t CDC\)2:::~ G3d~'tJ0 ~GOO? J.( Olt3 0 9 OJ co II because-of dosa, which is akusale kamma, the heart may be-
" 0 c c- ...
'jl!: G3d~09Jj(:CD0:11 0OJ0G(90CDG::D:Jj(:1I 3d~:~:()YJ 1il~0? come enlorged. His mental behaviour may become atmormeal.
••.G OC- c r;-:c- 0 'c- c
tr':(t):J 3d3~¥J 0G(9')(Y)G::D:Jj(:!I 9~S;:0? ~O?()')II ~C\)~: It is due to the force of kamma. The next is ututheat-element.)
.~....Q. c- c- • c- -, G OC-
There is an ancient saying. "Ne Myint Le, Ayu Yint Le" (the
" 1 Ie1) <>y E>tC9)?CD0 E>t
c Ol0'):)t (Y)CD2:::: )?0 C\Y)Jj(: C\Y):II 3d3 3d<{Jtf

IJ ': c r;-: c-... c r::::::. c c r c r;;; c c higher the sun rises, t~re .insane one becomes. In the morn-
I. II 7Xy')CD2::::GtpC:CDCD0OJ().)II 0C32:::0C-0C~0lS: G<f0OX\)'JOJo)~
'1 ~
c C- 1 C- 1 C- C-
,U) mOJwG<f011 ::DGJJ0GOICDOIOJ().)GpIl ~.~~Oll
-, G 0 C-... 0 C- 0 C-
ing as the weather i~oot lnd the sun does not shine brightly
r::::::.c-c- r,~' r~ yet, one has peace of mi'IiCf~ The blood is stilto~ He is not yet
t::322 6"llC co010 IOJ().)C-II C-C-I
0 C Otf: C\Y)lSI 9' (Y)C\)2::::
)?CD0lS II
insane. The mad men' are still normal at that tlI1~When the sun
II rt ~
t;'G),C )?CD0OJ')tf. G31::D~002()')c\y)OJ()')1I
••. '1 c:: C- C- C- '1 r::::::. C-0
) 3d0'):3d0')
0 C-

3d')()YJEi], G~:OlG00?1



come" unpleosant.
r 2
rises up,_one becomes hot. If he is hungry, his feelings will be-
Then his mind also changes. He feels con-
fuseh and hlLtr:i- d becomes in disorder. I think you understand
'T' C- C- 1 C- C- C-
1"".\i):11 ~GOIJ{(:Gtf')" OJ00l1 3dEi],(y)GJ.Y)(Y)Cf)().)I G~:CD
it... It is like this. One knows it if one obserues it. If one be-
\ Tl:II V<?E>tC
0<' C- GO C-
30CD(y)CD2:::: 0~tfGCD?Jj(:1I J)?~a;0OJ(y)c\)~:
C- C-,' G ,0 C- C- comes tired and hungry and the sun is hot, one gets angry, eas-
c -, 0 C- 0 C- C- 1 1C;:c- ily, So it is elso related to utu. The next thing is ahara. If one
CD~:O?YmC\)CD 0OJo;(.:)tGC8 '~tf0.' 0C\Y): II 31 t3,S;:
, c '1 c;:c- c-. 0 takes food that congec1s the blood or persons the food the mind
III' ~','): XlCD0 G<fJj(~ CDJ~II 3 It3 s;:6'lC CD::D<6;'I 2 O? I 3d')()YJ9,11
(I .... r,~ c: ••.••. 0 c: (consciousness) does not arise in him. If he one takes alcoholic
1'111 0) CD 3d)~ ~ OjflS: GCD?(Y)') lSl::D~JC\)2::::0 G~ :CD0(
"C- c c-. 0 -,
drinks, alcohol seeps into his blood. Then his mind becomes in
~:OJWII tf,):CD~0c\y):1I Cf)0(y)~?~: 0::D0? disorder. His thoughts are nolonger right. So it is also relcted to

...:. -c; .•.'; <,';

° C ~
eo,,~G~c: C
?J C
~;tCGGl90~0":I ° (OC C)
~ c -, 1'" ,0 c 00<:: • 0 c 0
ahara. So there is correlation between the force of kamma, utu,
I( t 1\ I )Ol~m I 3d31 0 I l:23LmO'Y)O( 0CY)(YJ 3dJ~ Ui(C\(.qO')0) II GC{;>!C\(.
, (,~ 0<:: (;; 0<:: GG c 0 GG ahara and the mind. The mind takes sense objects and generates
"'ll ,,;cg!t3!O(C!1 GC{;>:t3:O(C:'j0 C083dG§Ul8:COO:::DC\jl1 0')83dG§
o c G 0 <::... c 1 r=> C' 0 c ~ c actions which in turn leave the force of these actions(kcmmas)
J~'»c\(9'J1I 3'j0(YJ JJ«'?5>GC{;>
0iJq>~0')0)1I 3IG&S: 00')G~S:
in the blood. Do you understand it That is the thing which all
o r;:, c r;:, C' C' C'(f{. C'
:J.) «'?5>
GC{;> GlSJC : "n·d'J: ~: CDJ: I GlSJC ! 0')0) I cfJ: CD2:::t3 ~ II the people of the whole workrdo not know. The mind takes what
~ C' C' 0 C' 0 r;:, C' c CC'
lI'l(')8JS:CD2:::: 00')0(GlSJC:G0()')0)1I 3d2:::82::: t308Gq>~:CD'J!1I it likes as object. It thinks of 'what it likes. Every thought is like
I" 1ITPS:CD2::::
CO 0<::0
-r= C'.
C' . something which is put on a tape. The force of past kemma is
I:' 0 ~C' <::G 'o~ r;:,C' ••. C'O left there. So the mind also causes a change in the force of
Ie 11113d2:::82:::~ 3dBq>~ ~CY)JO?GtrO'Y)II Gex:~O')wO?
(,~ c c (,~ ...G • 0 0 C'. 0
kernma: .TYougot it. Ahare also changes the mind. Aren't they
II qt3Gq>'J1l G(YJ'JC:t311 3d3GCD? 3dJ~Gc{;>ar! ::D§s:q«GCD:O(
correlated to one another? (Istu) also changes the mind. Next
c C' C' 0 0 -, 0 0 C' C" C' c
I ~I~".I;)'JCGq>'J1l ::YJ0)0:( JJJJCD~O'Y)O? 0')0~S: ~mqG3dJC II karnma also changes it. Afiiiarnafifia means depen ding on one
<:: C' G • 0... OC' • c=''''- C' • 0 C' C'
C~II 3~ 3dJ:C\(:JJO;'X3dO(?C:3d.)llGe:??~0e:::y ~0)~1I another mutually Note that it is changing. Now you got it. That's
• G C' 0 C' r;:,C' 0 c good. So let us proceed to hi~ it takes the things as object. Let
1·0:(:G~:v"Y) 2:G1'-'JmO(CD2:::: 3d~:3d8q>' ~Gq>0')0)~
... C r;:,C' 0 C' C' G C' C' us take proced forward as to how it becames aware of objects.
I H7)~:0? G~:GeY3d~!3dBq> ~()')0)~I!{ ~:G1'-')(YJ(YJO')~S:
, • ~ (;3? C' 0 C' .•.G I .' G -, 0 C' C' Let's see; As you all know here is the nenvous system. So the
r'li.n ,;)'JllGC'~0~:CD2:::: ~0')0)1I 3d3Gm;? ?-C\(:G~:~~o.? 00')JJ~
blood from the heart flows in and flows out of the brain. There
c C' 0 1 C'fP. fP.
8~0J?Gi'CY)J0?" JJG::YJ'JGOI(YJeC\.."'0:11 e:qcC' -, G 0
3d3 00')::DG::YJ'J
are arteries through which the blood flows in and flows out of
.~ C' ·C'OC' •• 0 C' C' C'O
r III}:) 3d.)~G~m0')0;;:OS:
(),)0.0"(0)0:(: 3d1'oar! ~m~0)O')0)C\(. the brain. There is also the main artery which branches out from
I' , H I)
II 3&3 1~
"1 0
1 C' C'(,~ C' 0 C' .•.
II 0 0') q, ::DG::YJ'JO')qJ: (YJ the brain. So the mind which depends on the blood of the heart
_~ C' C' C' fP. C' G C' C'" 1 is very much alike electricity. Do you understand it? Moreover,
1)\\: '1;X;8~o;?()')0)1I CP:C\J2:::0CDJ:1I e:qc 2:G¥JmG~mCJ.?3d<YI?y)
I' • ~ C' C' c 0 C'c'. 0 C' C' C' 0
it is known that the mind is connected with the whole body
I II; I :j;'y)\1G8J~:~(),)0~S: CYJ00(0)CY:~ ~(YJJb0)COO:O')0)C\(.
through mervous system. So you should understand it. The ma-
I[) • c::::: -, c::::: C'
1/ 33dJ\1Gc:PG060'Y) G~:W:o.?3?Gey 80(0')~:1I GJb:8W: ture of mind is very much alike electricity. The blood does not
c c -, G G C' 0 C' '1 (;:::Q
II tltJlt.'\~<aW~1I 3d3'j0 3d~3d1'0(YJGCD:GC{;> ~0')0)11 OIW'Jt:3l: flow through these nerves. The blood does not flow. I hope you
~. C' C' 0 C'. • 0 C' c C' C'
understand it. There are some fatty subslance there. It is very
I I 1", o;?0')0) II CYJ00(0)C\jl : 3d1'0 0( ~(YJ Jb 0) COO:0') 0) II 'i"J=CD2:::
\' C'... 0 C' r;:,... C' much ealike wire. It is connected with the whole body. I think
I' ill ."O,)=BW~~':XfG06o( J(~:1tCIl yq>(YJGtSJO? J(qJ:~.C(YJ
you understand it. The Gotama Buddha h~d pointed out all the


° C ~C
$O?~Gb"'c: rr r1
~~CGc:.90~~ ° (OC
'tc:G~~~G~ C)
<:, c S 0 c 0, Or;: c 0 c , places in this body where the cornsciousness can mise through
3d8~qo:? :Y(Ei'P~51cm2Je?OO'P51o:? 3dJ.)~0'tco:?9GpI
0<: 0 c oC<:o<: -, 0 his innate wisdon. The mind connot know yet by it self. There
:m Jj(03dO(>C:8::DG::D:~:GfJIi
are( s) pleaces. I will demonstrate by a new diagram. Look at
<:C": <:. C": c
'W\ l~mG~.
c c-, c ( ) c
3dO(9'lSo)OOIl ~ Gcf~qo)OOIl CCQ)0CCGlS'JC:GO:

this diagram. '" "
\ (lor::::::c 0 c '1 -:.-. ...
r Iii 3CCe3~C\(mOIIi


)€) ;'.)
", "
k <rl---..r--
\ Fye,
\ A..__
o .4 ( l,........,;

-, l'Ear/'J ~.
••••rrv « J I,
\j£ J •..

.!)18: ~ G

Nosel t

G 4~

TIongue 9 4·
7 _,~",

.BodY S ~, ..
's ~~.
-c; '-, -,.

o C' r::;:~,"5
~~~a;;t::J ...c: p@ C'
C:>nCGG'-90~~ 0 (>?
C' C')

IlCrJ<"qJGCD?::1f4':::1f4':0(. 31m OC080CD'i~
C' C' 0 '1 0 C'G
This diagram is where the mind depends on first It is
C' c: -, ') C' G C' 0 , ~ like the place where electricity is produced. There are arteries
CDC.BCD~~~~ q(0ICDOJIl 2:G<jDmO(?w:0? G~:G~
""""9 C' 0 G ~ T C' ') 0 0 C' 0 C'
through which the blood flows in and flows out of the heart.
9r~f1'CDOJiI tj8'JO( 3~Gcr:;.> G,?G~GOII CDOJII3107 0CDC\(m
These are me gyaw (carotid arteries) in Myanmar language.
'-') r-~ T C' C' -, G G r, C' 0,
,,,r'le: ()!.i)C~:1I
3d3Goo;?3~m el8'JlS~~w? When it is blocked, one knows ,nothing. It is called carolid ar-
,- \., C C' C' r,::::Q 0 C' C' ,
Ie (} PUI q)ilCD0GO)'Jmm ::1f4':e3:0(? G8:J(?:CDOJII3d~c::1f~:O? teries. So a neurologist in Myanmar once asked me. "Venerable
,.s;.. G
,-,(.m 3'P0CD'iCDOJ~(),),)0?
0 CG C' 0 0
m~j?0( 08::::D0l90?
0 C' C'C 0 Sir" We can demontrate to the whole world through experiment
C' G 0 C'G C"O 0 C' C::C' T' using apparatus how the mind originates here. How are you go-
II :Ju~c::Y(~:m 3~ 0CD'fCDOJ~CDJO(?0CDC t30GOIO? ~E>p
,~o 0 C' or" 0 ') C'
ing to demonstrate your theory to the world? Then when I de-
mwO(? J.)().)o(lS8CD ::Y(E>p:0?0
G8:0ICDOJIl G8:Gcr:;.> mon strated my diagram. he accepted it. He said that it was all
(J.,.s;.. C'C" c, c,) C,', C',
j 1)"c' O(CDlSG~ CDmOlCDOJIl 313d'f4'00?1IOI§OGel3<Y.(j8:~ right according to anatomy. That's good. I can say so because I
C' ~
C' ~'C'
~E>p04'Cj: ~Gcr:;.>Gf->3d8~
C'~ 0 ' C' OC'
have many hooks on medicine which belong to my father who is
~ 0 0 C' ~ C OC' ') C' ~ 0 a doctor. That's good. So are these called carotid arteries? I am
•.,~<ctP:e?,:~C\(.:DJ Gl9'J1'C()')')OIIl GQ'J')C:lSc\?"

I ' r-~ T 0 00 C' 0 C' C' 0 C' 0 "-

going to block them. If the mind does not originate in the heart
~i~rKJy') J..)roJ:O?oIl
~.~OJot?ll CDm~
but it still has the chance to originate in the brain, the letter is
f.i - C' -, G C' 0 C'I C::C" ':.:rr C' C' 0 C'
I \1)(1 J)OU(CD~ 2:G<jDm~:::D') 0CJ.XDt30GOI8~ q~8OJ¥l.C the place where the mind, originates first. If the mind does not
"y~G¥J11 0Q)~t30E>p~~~~1
OC',C::C' C::::::C',
3dGe::rc:~CD03 ~~ originate in the heart, but if still originates in the brain although
'~ it is blocked here there will he connection between the mind
I(~I1)'<~8().)~qC C' 0 C' G 0 C' C', ') C' C'
\ I 3 moCDCO'J:CD~:J.) 31Gcg 3d~m3d~OJ

I1'"\"11 c:
r,C' C' C' G 0 C'
C::C' T C' 0 C' and the brain, which is said to be the place, the condition and
r;:::;::. OC'OC' C' ~0C'0C' C' C' G
the origin of the mind. Itsn't it correct? I will repeat it. If the
:(,~ oCDO(m80J1l G~:Ge::roCDO(m80J9'J1l aco mind arises here, think over it. I will block this blood vessel. I
C'O, ') C', 0 C',
J- 3Cl0(4'~Gf~J.)GCDIl :::DGJ.)'JGOlmq,roJ:1I0CDq, will block it. There are all the connections here. Do you under-
, C' G C' c:: C' C' 0 C' Go,
stand it? If the mind originates in the brain, if it is not related to
,", I 'iT) ~:,,'I'(,P$j~:::D~ 2:Gpm~:::D? t308OJ~qC 3tO(::::D'):~
_~ 0 C' 0 C' 0 C' C' C' r C' 0 C' 0 C' the heart, if it is not the origin of the mind, r will block the blood
1)O'J~:~C 0CD0(008OJII 02:0'J:G~GfJII oCDC\(m
c:. vesseL Think over it and answer. I will block it. If these are still
s==s= _S ')C' OC'
~mC\(:1 ~:I t'JGOIIC:1 C;XPI0(OJ~
connected with the eyes, ears, nose, tougue and body, there will
') C', 0 C' G 0 C' 0 C' ,
.y'f'JG0.l U(CDq,CD0:11
::A(.G:DJaco o(Y)O(m~ still he consciouness. Right? But is there consciousness when

C\( : G=B:~'i
c:: C' C' 0
t30 (Y)().);YCD'J:::D
3d'i4' o 0(0
C', 0
these are blocked? So, one must accept the fact that the mind

-,'; ,'. ,'.

e C' r-..., C'

C' 0 (0"2c:G~QO~~
C' C')
$,"~(Qe:f-'C: pq po ~'ftc(Q~9Q~0':l

:).)GJY.)GOIOO9,C\YJ:1I qL9 Gcj>0
II 31 ~yqc
c-, m c 'ICe- c G
c originates in the blood of the heart. Do you understand it? You
got it? So if it is asked whether it is not related to the brain nerves,
80d)::Dd>~:C\YJ:d?Gw:? 3d~8~1 J.)(>So?G~T cD
--\ c , c c c 0 c 'I c r~ c
note that they are related to one another mutually in the way of
[q'y'I~C\j'90 OCD::DCDGcj>CDWC\(o~CDOIII'i'0:(\)~l99'0i1 aramanna. You got it? Do you understand it. That's good. The
e-~ G c c c • ~ 0
Gm0c:ell e:GpOOOOCD0;;oy 3dJ'i)G~G06O? nerves they are like the branches stemming from the brain. Do
~SG<tOlCDoSl! ::DGJ.DGold>qcw:1I G~-«r~iJBG~- you underetand it? In 1963 scientists deteched the skull of a
q(fOI).!,~CG06(J)'J G§:CD0Gm0CO(
c c 0 •
2§§0G?OOCDWIl 2§ §0L9:
0 e- c • m. dog. Then they atteahed a transparent, initation skull so that they
~~ 0 e-r,e-, ~ c C',. e-r,e- could the brain through it. Then they made the dog gain
1':::,.,~.I0OOO?G<90OO(3cqO? t:3~(\)CO? 2§3d0(' G<90m~c
m. consciousness. Then they made on experiment. They made a
, t'
\1\ '~CY.) 2§3dO(
• r,e- c 0
~3FoG?OOCDWIl 3Fo Gw;,:xr:n G§:O'[>3d::DOO
c c c
e: 0 c
sound. As Soon as it is heard, the blood gathered at a certain
'I ~ c 'I c r..~' 'I c c ,e- •
[ \,UGo:CDWG0.l GfJII L9:0?3d~ IYJ 08:::D0CD0Gcj>0113d::D place of the brain which was of bright red colour. Again when a
c::::::. ,G c c , " visible object was shown, the blood gathered the same way, When
~:CD0'i'. 2:G1'-0OOOO CD09'6'(JYJ qm'i'G=B:G06
..~ c 'I e-. c r,e- 00 e-, c the smell was given, the blood gathered but at a different place .
WII CD0~ I ~ffiC\(l:OO 3d;;OC:l3CC\(.jflC(\) CD~G<t~'P '
• c c e-, -, \ Then when the taste was given, the blood gathered at a certain
~Go:qC(\)~: Gcj>6'(J8Ojt~:1 CD09'~YJ qoo'i'
. place as before. When the body was touched, the blood gath-
3dq::D0Go:~d>~~q~(\)~: ~S9~YJ qoo~ ered as before. So they thought that the mind works in the brain.
o c c c " G c
';>0 c:oqC(\)~: CD09'6'(JYJ Ei'lOO'i'Q(Gw:?
2:Gpoo You have seen what they had found. So they are of opinion that
C' r;::::::: c C' c 0 , the mind originates in the brain. Do you understand it? In real-
COCG4't:3CDW II G06.CDWGcj>0IIJ)?o? G06.~CD011
:\OC' Ce- c C'r~ ~ c ity it must" be noted that these five places are five seperate
U 0CDm0~0CDWC:OCL9:Gw:?m0 Uf(;;ot:3CDWIl
.S G C' 'I 0 oc -, -,
branches. You got it? Note' that they are truly connected with
WGCD?m0 3J)moo C I:£)0'10'[> C\(lC:G06§CXY.):a.? this. You got it? The Buddha had given cobweb an on example.
,~ G, C' C' e-, 0
I L?"~lIj\\':)( ~)II 6'),8(\)0:11 3'i'o;;om~wC00:CD0 3d~'i'0C\(o::D'J It was likened to a colowel strings are connected in a cobweb
I~f.,):~¢J(~:@3:o? J(~~G(J)'JG9CD0§GCD?0J0 and the spider remains in the centre? That's good. Isn't it that
r.:::::. C' C' OC', C' 0 ,C' the colweb is shaken when small anrnials are entangled in it.
~y o<;Of(~o;(CDwO? 20m GO:?CDWII
C' OC' r::::9. c Then the spider goes there. Where does it eat the prey when it is
II Uyo;(3d8YJ t:3l:Go;:?~W8C00~~:CW: II
carried into it? It eats it at the centre of it. The Buddha had given
C' r~ C' CJ2. C'
0G1'~:C\YJ:1I Gm0c:L9GfJII t:3l:0CD00YJ this example. It is the example given by the Bhddha who is just
\.1' C' ,G OC' C'
"1 /_)1 "t708W:~:C\YJ:1I 3d33d~'i'YJ Oyo;(OO now mentioned. It is reallv true. Look here. When the visual
-' I

-c, -c; -,';

o C"
r.::-'....,., C" C"
~ftCGa>.90~O:>0 (0~c:G~sc<:-pG~
C" C"J
?B 9°
'R :g:>:8:G~
c Re: 0'):0?3d@1~
'1 object strikes at the eyes, it is like electricity being switched on.
) ,. O)J:~(\)II
, c
c ,G 0, 0
The swith is on. When it strikes at this, it is burnt making a sud-
r:' 1 c c c -, r: den sparkle. Then it is said that it happens without a lapse of
/I ,'I~ 1m 'r~ffiGtSJO? C(~GOICD851CGO'YJ~CDm 20~GO:~
time. How will we call it? It is connected here without a lapse of
i _~ c c G ~ c c e:. c
~~:9°O<..D1I 3~tS229'J1! ~ffiC\(:~ 3d<;:OC:
time. When it connected an inage appears. It is said to be very
W~~ o;co?::DGJ)')m @C\(6g~<XD:cQ::DGJ)')o? switch fast. This nerve and the brain 'are medium. The nerve and the
c c c G 0 c 0 c -, c -,
II GC\(o gc.:<XD:O'YJGfJII 3~(\),)CDCD<..D~6[CO ~i':ffii' brain are mecium. It is said that when it connected, the image
') R
~.().III ~:6[c
r:::: <: c 0 T -, r::::
appears. Again the same is true for ears. When the sound strikes
, 0 c: ,0 e: 00 e: • T , c: e: at it is connected
., here. After the sound is recorded. . it is formed
g.C\(ffiCD'J1l g.C\(ffiC\(.516[C «GOI0)JOIl 3dC8CDi'
here without a lapse of time. Then it is said that the image ap-
3dJ~Gm. 2:GPd:Jm §:~~II', 3dJ~Gm.
pears. This is the method taught by the Gotama Buddha morethan
•.• >-. G R -, 0 c oc
T e:,
:i~C'4'-'1I3~(\)')8:GO?? g.C\(mG~ 3d 6[0 GOI CD<..DO?" 2550 years ago. This was his principle. Again when the smell
"G 0 c '-
:Jd3 3dO(C:O
0, oc G
3 ~(\)'J8:Gcy:x'?
m also strikes at the nose, it is formed. A sudden flare rises up and
, • -OR c r:::: G R' 0 c 0 c \ the image appears. It is the same for the tongue. The same is
f f II\ III ,.»)):De:6[c OYJCD8@: 3~(\),)~~, &C\(mG~ 3d6[0
e:r:e:~e:, c 1e: "'e: 1 also true for the body. That is practical experience, Let us take
II 11)"i'(,I~l ~/.X~~c.:~00? ?-0GOIC: J~~O G<Y.{Pffi GOICD8C(~
the example of ears. All those who are listening will be taught
c:r:rS.CJ2. r:'
=e= met hod; 0
0Gf>1I ~.90.YJ8011
0 ,
by the example of ears. Look at them. I will tell you now. You all
II.:'.- H?';) rf;'l~vr:mO? 3d~~~:
oc c 'fe:R
~c: ~e:
listen through your ears. I will say "sin'{elephant). Don't you
II R ' 0 c 0 c T c G 0 c -,
(? Kmt3:G~ g.C\(ffiG~ 3d 6[0 GOI CDWII 33dO?C:0 hear "sin" elephant. This sound wave strikes at this. It is known.
c 0 c OrG c c:, 0ft~ c G
O?().)cx?6[C :Dl9!6[C I CDffiffii' ::Dt3!6[C 3~ It is the sound of "sin". It is the "sinin sound. Then isn't it that
<;: , 0 c oc T c 0 c c the image appears dimly. It appears even before the sound comes
o ~.C\(mG~ 3d 6[0 GOI CD<..DIIO?<..D~CD~:
1c 0 c c e:, OR ' c to an end. Do you understand it? It is very fast. So it is really
:GOIC:C\(ffi6[C ,CDm@9 ::De:~ ::nOC~
, ,1 c: eo c: . . true practically. It actually exists: Do you understand it? The
O?II 3d3 I CDffiG06. OOffi<..D519CD<..D
II pI ac-
merves and the brain are medium. They are also related to one
II,< •••~CD<..DII2°00
c c
3dC( another mutually. (You must note) that it actually exists. Can
== • <,
c: c r::::::::e:oc:
you guess it? I think you got it. If this is so, I will teach you how
°.» (.
II ~:~ 3dJ:CY:

c:~ c 0 c
it arises in two stages.

.•..', .•..-. .•...• -c;

o c ~<:
e 0 (0~c:G~SO~GCO?
e <:)
e>co~GL.::::J""c: <tJ ~~tCG$90~CO

I' •• 0 ~ C" , C' " '1 C' .'" C' , , ~ C' G

III (\."),G@'=lWII ~C G0.lGfJII 3d:D ~C I t:3:qc 3'{J<Y.(JGO'Y,?
T' • C'. 'T'
~.1~1i):"q:GOI '=lC\)')J(?:C\)'):1I 3d:))GQY)C0~~G:D:J(?: GOI C\)')QY)GCDII
. _~ C' ~C' C' '1 0 C' C' C;:C' C' C' ~ '1
j\iC\, J:II :.:r.x:;'=l~~90J)GpIl 31¥).C CDo:x;cg.3dJ~BS:: CD(y')W~"'9lSGqlll '" !,

\'~ C' • ~ G C'

In J(\)(lf4'QY)" fJ:CD~'=lC\)'):1I 3dJ6JG~G0d1 2:G1'-,)(y')G0d(y')GO'Y,?
i. '1 C' 0 C' C' C' '1 C' 0 C' 0
O.IGfJII 3d~'=l~ ~O(.CD~: OCD:D(y')OICDWIl ~G'fCDWC\(o
---'~ ~
C' 0 ~ '1c;:C'
C' C' C' 'l' 0 C' IrS?, 0
.lSGpIl 3Il::3S::'f1D~ GOI QY)GCD:O( J(9:ts
V '" v-p

: ~~I
---~ .~.
G .

---~ ~.
~ ¢I

Diagram showng appearance in 2 stages

.. I


(1· t" .•••-, •.,-,~ .#

'-, '-, '-,

o e
~C' C' 0 (0 C' <:")
1r 11 ~~CGG\90~O:> '2C!G~~G'('G~

t:o C' C' OC' C' OC' 0 GO, As soon as the light wave and visual object wave strike at
11\1.)0)'.(-> 3dCDC:G0CDC)(C!1
3d;;x:)C!C)(C!mGCV!or 3 Y:;COOCOO')
, C' 0 0 C' -, oC::C' 0 c C' r:: the tip of the merves in the eyes, consciousness arises, It arises
~!YJGp CDcvm~ 3dJOt:300?mCDWIl (DJCV0@! in the mind like a flash, When the sound object also strikes at
'T' C'
(DWII cf0:~ 3dJOO(mC\(.
• 0 C' 0 C',
CDm01'f J00(m8!0')
0 0 C'r;.;;; ... the ears like a flash, it appears in, the mind like a flash, When
" C' , 'T' C' 1C' C'. 0 C' 0
the smell strikes at the nose also, it appears in the mind like a
:0 0Gcf0¥J CDm01'i'GOI(DOJII f0G01IC:¥JCD~: ~Pi?OJ0(. flash. Next when the taste strikes at the sensitive part of the
• ~YJCD2:0
OC' c ,
C' -, 'T' C' C'
~~<;:. tangue it also appears in the mind like a flash. It is very fast.
""'Q. C'... 0.... 0 C' .C' -, C' ... l'
Next as soon as whichever place is touched in the body it arises
1.13'-'I:' CDm01'i'JOO?3dctJ'i'¥JCD2:0 0GpY:; CDOJ 01'i'GOI O'Y)II in the mind like a flash. Next when the taste strikes at the sensi-
~ r,"'} coo tive part of the tongue it also appears in the mind like a flash. It
(/ ~~'e)'O'Y.)Gcf0" -r= O(OJYJCD2!0
C' 0 C' C' -,
0 0 C -,

is very fast. Next as soon as whichever place is touched in the

C' ... 'T'
CDOJII3d3 <f0;;x:)~m o:DCD0@!,3dJ0130
~Gcf0'P CDm01'i'GOI
C' ....G C C' r:: ' oc::<: body it arises in the mind like a flash. These things happen in
c~o. 'T' -, C' ooc c two stages without a lapse of time. The image appears when it
:1('i'!8!0(' YGOIGCD,?CD'J0Gcf0"
arises in the mind. It becomes known. If this is so, you should be
~ C' 0 C(}; C' c· ....
GC3JC! JOG(\)')mt3Gp" Eil0C\Y.)!1I
'Nm G0!8'i'~GCV:,?~ \ able to know about the mind. You got it? I will conclude my
<: • •... 1 o~ C'r:::;:C' c::C C '". 0 c .... lecture with the just mentioned four questions. Well, all of you
")YJII3d.)!O?!O 310(8~®C!3d.)!t:3~ CD0m~0OY: JOJO<;o;?l
should know .that this is what all the beings of the world, who
'1 0 C, r--'C' C' OCO, C
)11006 JOJO<;a.? 3dG~C:GpIl 0CD~JOGJ)'JCD6f>!JO~ have mind in the themselves, should know by studying it. What
does the principle of mind mean? When does it arise? Next,
't C' OC' 'T' 'r;.;;; C' 1'''''
::nW3dctJ'i'¥J 1001(),),)CDI8:GCD,? ::::DW96f>Y:;GO' JOCVI
where does it arise? Why does it arise? All trese four questions
" 'I' .... G0:8'i':m 3dor'i'8:~:8Gcf0"
,H; (:0 :A:)CDox;?a.?
0 •... C (}; r;~ C CC'
3 OJ 0Gt:390
C' G
have been put up. Begin your answer from this point. This is the
__~ ~ C C ~ C c. C c -, reason for elerninating the time and place of the mind. This is
WG8JC:Gc-(011 3dGe:rC:m9011 <f0(:G~:CV~OO')O') the reason, When the blood of the heart is in circulction, the
• 0 1co. oc 0 ccc C force of kamrna, utu and ahara associated with one another in
JO~ I 2 cy(I 3d.)U'Y)EilGO
Ic:0(. <fey:3d0Y:; 00') t3 0 8 <;
~ o~ C ~ C' C 1 ' • -,
the blood. Then mind gets the chance to arise in the chanber of
C:JOt3Gcf0"t3!EilC(D00l196f>~0:fmGm:? ~'f <fO?:q the heart. You have known about this. Then the place is the
")':11cf0!CD2 0(\)'):11 G~:~
C Gr;~
c<: co
conpartrnent from where the blood of the heart is transparted to

.). oc 1 C'.... 0.... 0 C'

the whole body. Do you understand it? It is known that it arises
'r-,II3dcm3dOlImCD2:0 JOa.?3'dO(C: ~.JOGJ)'JO')6f>! depending on the blood of the heart. You have known one thing.
The time also takes its own caurse as you know it. It's nature is

'", -c; '", '",

o e
~ e
<][5 e
0 (0'tC:<a~SO~<a~ e-)

c r:-:' C- G C- c-, c-, 1" C;:C- C- the arising of it in flashes when the courses are sufficient. Do
::D~ 3dG~C:~220,)GO':Q'fJ CDOJ019I CDOJ019GOI<Y.YJ~0G'f0XDli
you understand it? Then it should be asked as to what it is, It is
r:R C- 0 1", ''1 C- c-, C- C- C-
q~:K\),):1! tS:qc J.DO? GOlI::DCDG~:0)3dOl1~ ~00~ 3dC~~O;?9'0X)')1I very much alike electricity, Do you understand it? Ah now one
c-r;;' 0 GGC:C'(~-:C- 0 C- • 'l gets the chance to know about it's principle clearly. Isn't it that
9'J:CD~t)C\Y): II 3d Ji(.::DGJ.DO')Ei[J:O( OOl9Cl9C ::D8yqOJ:l 3d.)~ I ~ I q
one becomes aware of sense objects in flashes when the
o c-, oc c-, c-, Or;::;: 0 0 C-
O(OJO?3dC{ji'I "CDco 019I CDOJ019 BJ.Jt:s~:C\Y): II J.JGO':Qfcj e 0') CD arammana (sense objects)strike at the dvaraisense doors). Only
.0 c-o TOO C;:Tr~C- C- r:.~ when one becomes aware of them, it can be said that the mind
J.)O')().)O? G01IOl:(C,(. q<Y.YJ1I 3dG~GOllSG'f'J1l GB:89:GCD:<r qlS
becomes aware of the sense objects. The answers have cropped
C- c:c- c: C- C- • 0 C-', OC- C- C-, ,0 C-
BO(O')C\Y):n 199GG,,)B()')~11 3d.)~O?OJO) 3d<m'fcj'J~000~0j(0)0a)CD up. Isn't it that the four questions have been answered. I will
'l C- 0 C- , C-(() C- C- 0 0 C- C- 0 repeat it. When (he sense objects strike at the sense doors, the
CVJGOIC:C\(OJ~ 0')0~LC9CD B::DqJ(?:C\Y):1I J.JqO')()')~11 B~3dCO
mind which isIike the electricity is formed. Isn't it that
C- C- 0 C- C-r:R C- r;:; C- oc '1 0 C-, OC- -,
1'-0;;QYJ.JqO')().)1Icf'J:CD~t)~1I t):qc 34.t1'3dOlIOJG<::n;J
CJ?CDO)3d<tffYJO conscionsness arises simultaneaously? It arises. It has to un-
o C- C- c;:c- C- C-, OC- e OC-C- r C- dergo two stages till the mind becomes aware of the sense ob-
J.J0J:l~"'j0110')9~:3d.):~y G~:CD~OO')O)3d<m'fcj'J 1'-C\(:3dB~ 3dG~:
jects . I think you got it. Then as to the time when consciousness
G C- • C- C- C- 0 r;::;: c-r;; 0 C- , arises, it arises when the sense objects strike at the sense doors.
~22 O')GO':QfcjCDq ().) I 20( q ().) I 3d.)O')'Jqq().) 0( t:s22tS: GO':Q<y00)0)

1" C- C- c;:c- C- C- c-, C- c-, 0 'Fhe other words it arises when the blood is in circulation and
GOI8yqO)().)1I 3d~B~ ~0G'f0)()')1I ~000~ 3dCBO')i'o;?O?:.??G:::rY:>0?
when the conditions are sufficient in the chamber of the heart.
o C- r~ C- • OC-, o c C- 0 C- • 0 , The mind gets the chance to arise based on kamma, utu and ahara.
J.JCO):G'f'J1l lS:qc G'fE>p~P9OJ 1'-C\(:3dBq. 3dCW:YC: 0')0q().)cy:«.0?

c-c;:c- C- r:.~ r,~ C- r;::;:c- c-, o.

They depend on one anothermutually. Keep in mind that it's
3d019:~0G'f0,)()')11 qlSC\Y):1I lS:qc 3dG~~:OJCD~:O <r9OJCy (})I nature is very much alike electricity. Then the "place is the top-
o C- c;:c- 0 • C- C-
0(1 3d.)O')'Jq00)G<{? 3d~B~~0CYo CDq()')1 20(q().) I =v=n=C- most part of the then ber of the heart from where the blood
C- c-, 'l 1" C- 0 oc C- C- C- 0 0 C-
from the heart it transported to the whole body. You got it? Then
"'?2200)0?3d011'fJ GOI 8Y qOJ:lO( II 3dOGl{pG'fqCCD~: ~GO':Q ~O)().) II the canse also is sufficient only when the just mentioned kamma,
c-o c-c;:c-
C- 0
B::DJ(?:II qt)~11
r;; C- 'lC;:c-
C- C- IG
• utu, ahara and citta are associated with one another mutually. It
gets the chance to arise when kamma utu and ahara are in circu-
o C- -, '1 c;: C-r,~ 0 C- r;::;: C- 0 0 C- r~ 0
q G;;D')Cco):O?::D<6;lO I~0l~:;: 00')3dG~C:0( JJ8 GO':Q y qtSO?o lation, It still exists when one is asleep, Then continuum
t: r;::;: c-c- r,~c-, C- (bhavangacitta) arises, It is not aware of present events. I think
IO;::D'Jt:sqBOOG'(-J" qlSG'f'J1l CD cf'J:qG3d.)C II
you got it. Therefore, as we all are beings who have the mind
and elredy gained the chance to know about the mind, we should
be good of it. I think you got it. \Vell, let's take a rest.


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