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Effects of Procrastination on Students

Procrastination is the to putting off intentionally the doing of something that

should be done. It can have a negative effect on students’ schoolwork, grades, and even their
overall health. Students who procrastinate experience higher levels of frustration, guilt, stress,
and anxiety—in some cases leading to serious issues like low self-esteem and depression.
Procrastination can have an even bigger impact on high school students. Once students reach
high school and start receiving more take-home assignments and larger projects, students
who procrastinate until the last minute tend to receive lower grades than their peers. This can
create a cycle of bad grades and low self-confidence that can be difficult for students to

Procrastination has a good number of negative effects. It is therefore, mandatory to

avoid procrastinating because it has negative effects like mental health, low grades and

To begin, students who procrastinate tend to develop mental illnesses like stress.
Piling up a lot of things to do for the last minute is detrimental to one’s mental health. When
due dates get closer and no work has been done, procrastinator may become nervous and may
become stressed up. Stress is associated with depression and anxiety. This may cause
one’s immune system no to work as well as it should.

In addition, students who procrastinate may generate low grades. Since

procrastinators tend to do their work at the last minutes, less effort is put into the work.
They may end up with a quantitative rather than qualitative work which is what matters
most. As a result of the last minutes haste, the work is not well done and the student end
up with low grades.

Also, as a result of low grades, students who procrastinate may end up frustrated.
Every students goal is to earn high grades in school. However, procrastinators who end
up with lower grades than their peer may verge to be frustrated. This may lead to lost of
self-esteem and self-confidence to the procrastinator.

Procrastination has considerable negative effects on students who engage in

procrastinating. Amongst which are mental illnesses, low grades and frustration.
Students are required to make a daily to-do list in order to avoid procrastinating. Hence,
the earlier the problem is handled with attention and care the better it may be for the


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