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1 Determine whether the bolded value is a parameter or a statistics: a Arecent survey by the alumni of a major university indicated that the average salary of 10,000 of its 300,000 graduates was 125,000. >. The average salary of all assembly-line employees at a certain car manufacturer is $33,000. ¢. The average late fee for 360 credit card holders was found to be $56.75. 2 For each study, identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic. Use the appropriate notation! a. Asurvey of 1353 American households found that 18% of the households own a computer. b, A recent survey of 2625 elementary school children found that 28% of the children could be classified as obese. c. The average weight of every sixth person entering the mall within 3-hour period was 146 Ib. 3 For each study, identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic, Use the appropriate notation! a. InaUSA Today Internet poll, readers responded voluntarily to the question “Do you consume at least one caffeinated beverage every day?” b. Astronomers typically determine the distance to galaxy (a galaxy is a huge collection of billions of stars) by measuring the distances to just a few stars within it and taking the mean (average) of these distance measurements, 4 For each study, identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic. Use the appropriate notation! a. A researcher wants to estimate the average height of women aged 20 years or older. From a simple random sample of 45 women, the researcher obtains a sample mean height of 63.9 inches. b. A nutritionist wants to estimate the mean amount of sodium consumed by children under the age of 10. From a random sample of 75 children under the age of 10, the nutritionist obtains a sample mean of 2993 milligrams of sodium consumed, 3 For each study, identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic. Use the appropriate notation! a, Nexium is a drug that can be used to reduce the acid produced by the body and heal damage to the esophagus, A researcher wants to estimate the proportion of patients taking ‘Nexium that are healed within 8 weeks. A random sample of 224 patients suffering from acid reflux disease is obtained, and 213 of those patients were healed after 8 weeks. b. Aresearcher wants to estimate the average farm size in Kansas. From a simple random sample of 40 farms, the researcher obtains a sample mean farm size of 731 acres 6 For each study, identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic. Use the appropriate notation! a. Energy official wants to estimate the average oil output per well in the United States. From a random sample of 50 wells throughout the United States, the official obtains a sample mean of 10.7 barrels per day. b, An education official wants to estimate the proportion of adults aged 18 or older who had read at least one book during the previous year. A random sample of 1006 adults aged 18 or older is obtained, and 835 of those adults had read at least one book during the previous year. 7 According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the texfnared Deveae every da Sample: Serps of Arnrians fom ths Inert poll B= propor sample who eonsme > 1 calleinated beverage ‘ery dey Populations Allstar in the sky ie rue og dtance 10 gely Sample: Sampleara et start Fang disance 1a fo ronda selected stars. 4a, Population: All women 2 20 yeas ol fs tc ang hgh of women 2 20 yeure ol ‘Sample:45ranomly sampled women 2 20 year ld. B= ong high of vanpled women > 20 years old Population: All chldren< 10 yeas old = sco mg of olin eanssed i bike 10 yes la Sample: 75 randomly sampled children $0 yeas od «of sodium consumed i sampled children € 1. St Population: All patents aking Nexis ‘pre proportion of patents taking Neko tha ‘are heated wih eek ‘Sample: 224 paint uring fom aidan 95 (rp of sped pant ning Nexinn that wore heed thin vk, 4, Populi: All Frm in Kane b= ie ag ie offarns Sample: 40 randomly slete farms in Kans 731 (avg se of ample farms Population: All wll in the ied Stes, b= true ang ol utp of wells n US Sample: SU randomy sessed walls treughout us. = 107 lg harel of ody of complied wee | Population: adults 18 yen old p= tre prop who have read > 1 book i pst 1,006 adults 18+ years old 83 (aompled prop wa have read > 1 book Imposter) 7, Mean height 1 ofthe 250 SRS of L6eyeold Tomales, 5. Roughly syrametie with « mets of 64 (ume as population mean) ands specad em = 624-657 84, No, his appeared apron marerous ines in ‘he 250 SRS of sz 20, 1, We would not have evidence suggest that he femal eights inthe sebool fer From the atoal averages since the hgh of 68.7 i.e ‘elavely ly 0 osurineadom saps om, 2 population with (64.2.5). 9. The sample variance for lou of 500 SRS of sie 1. 10. The sample ninimum for out of 1000 SRS of ize 25, 1, we took many SRS and Caleulated th sample proporion sch time, we would ot consistently over oF underestimate th ae proportion who favor the incumbent. 12, SRS ofsize 20,00 would provide ‘se fa bs vey ® att ay mictelacl aged 13-17 andeaealat the proportion ofeach empl who do crugs Graph all the sample prop, a oh us “41 eat, «crac ons otadiales calculate the proportion ofeach simple ‘who doa'twath tei hands, Graph each sample prop.

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