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Figure D8

Figure D7
Figure 6
This nomograph solves the Archie water saturation equation Sw = R0 FR
r w
Rt Rt
It should be used in clean (nonshaly) formations only. If R 0 (resistivity when 100% water saturated) is known, a
straight line from the known R 0 value through the measured R t value gives saturation, Sw. If R 0 is known, it may be
determined by connecting the formation water resistivity, R w , with the formation resistivity factor, F R , or
porosity, Ø
Example: Rw = 0.05 Ω.m at formation temperature
Ø = 20% (FR = 20)
Rt = 10 Ω .m
Thus, Sw = 31.6%
Chart Sw-1a

Figure D2
Figure D4
Figure D5
Figure D9
Figure D10
Figure D9
Figure D9
Figure D10
Figure D10
Figure D10
Figure D9
Figure D7
Figure D8

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