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Sy) diay] Chapter 1 Ski A kos Qt — practice 1 sample response: inne Arstiong i my fle model for several reasons. Fist, he 2 frst wt has won the Tour de France seven times ina ow. Tha, weve pot the only reason | respect this man. He oso battled ‘arc When | heard his stony it changed my Ife. Lance Armstiong| pred ie to never give Up on my cream of going to the Olympics, fen though it may seem lrposble, His qualies of endurance and pmseverance compeed me to become a beter athlete and a svonger peson. : 1 practice 2 Sample response: (ne gadget that has helped me with schoolwork i my “reading en To begin, have dla, a learning daily that makes reading tay lfc. The reading pen was of oreat assistance to me. scant words ona page and reads them out loud to me. 1 used i every day {eho me with my reading assignments, Without i, | would have ‘pent hous reading my assignments and wou" have had tie sy propery Because of my eadng pen, Iwas able o excel in shook Q1— practice 3 Sample response: When | was'a child, | sed to play soccer and baseball. 1 fee that ‘actcing these spots helped me greatly The chet benefit was that Competing in these sports made ny body healthy, insiing me with endurance ana strength, Paying baseball developed my upper body Strength fr hting and towing, Soccer, onthe other hand, provide mre wth lover body strength for Kiking and stamina and endurance fa playing ful 90-minute ganes. Developing a song, healthy body when (was young has been crucial in maintaining my heath later 0 ie " 92 — practice 1 ‘Sample response: fay opin highschool students should be requied to flow a Certain curcdum This erste stent re exposed 1 aide vanity abject, for example had been permite t0 elect whatever ‘ouses wort, woul on have taken courses at ound averting. ‘nthe long run, ths would have Wmted my abit to pursue ‘nail ear ih what ding now Obvious. tha been left my on devces abou choosing my couse, I woul not be whee am toy. Sample response 2: lnm opicion, educators shoud it high schoo students decide which Courses they want to study This ensures that all tdents aren charge Of their own destinies, and they shouldbe permite to determine ther ‘24m academic paths If, for empl, a student prefers art to science, vy should she waste her time studying scence? in the long rn, he efforts would be better spent on developing skis in a field that interests her Obvious, shehas to ect part of her energy toward ‘couse she does ike, she wll have less ime and energy to put toward her Yel interests (2 = practice 2 ‘Sample response t: Some celebrives become rch and famous and then retun very tle 10 society, while others attempt to use their intluence 10 raise publc awareness of a special cause, such as environmentalism o¢ human fights. in my opimon, we ae al beter off heeding the expet advice Of professionals and officias. After al, how much can a pop star realy know about song problems in Aca? Some people aj stars ‘an do a otf they get behind a particular cause, and there ay be some wath to that. However, expecting an erudite opinion fom a pop Star about health isues in Nigeria isa ciflerent mater. ‘Sample response 2: Some celebrities become rich and famous and then return very it to society, le others attempt to use the inluence to r2se pubic awareness of a special cause, such as environmentalism or human Fights In my opinion, the last the public can do is careful consider these views. Afterall a person living at the top of society probably has a much beter vew oft and can ee problems that normal people Cannot. Some cynics contend that people should ignore wel known Brtsts when they express thei thoughts on global sues, However. | Btoibute these vews to jealousy. (2 = practice 3 ‘Sample response 1: Some children begin helping out wth household chores as soon at they are old enough, while others may never it friger 1 personaly feel that chien should pitch in around the house as soon a5 posse This teaches them the valve of work and gives them a feeling of accomplish and responstily, Chicren io never have to asst sound the house often Become :poed and row up expecting thes {odo work for them. Parents may think they ae helping thei kids by doing ther wok fr ther, but in the long an, this & not the case Sample response 2: Some chuldren begin helping Out with hauzehold chores as s00n as they ae ol enough, while others may never ita finger. personaly feel hat childhood sa peda tme fr learning and paying. This helps kids develop imagination, creat and social us ¥ rough interacting with fends. Chieren who have ite time to enjoy chidbood becawe they ar doing work or chores are not given the opportunity tobe young. Parents may tink that they re teaching tei ids responsi, but ‘nthe long run, tis lesson coms ciaren ove shan ts won SHH B beste [We heard theyre going to start building that new Science Center ‘Mz That’ ight. They" starting on March 8% WE don't know why they don't hold off uti summer [M: | think they want to have i finished before September when the new schoo! year starts. [WE know, but teach a casin Clemens Hal ike you. The cacephony from the construction going to be eal distracting [M:_Oh, dt you see the antouncerent? They e going to relocate al of our cases sence 737 ‘Oh eal? Wel that aay my teas a bit. Maybe its a wise decsion afterall Where are we being moved 10? IM: don't know yet. We'e suppoted io get a memo once they fue it all out |W: Well hope it soon til take time to move al of our stuf Sample response: The woman thinks that the university ought 10 wait until summer belor they start bung the new Science Center Her concern s that the classes in nearby busing, special her class at Clemens vibe dtracted hy the noise fom He constuction. However, when she tals to the man, he els er thatthe univers is plang on cain the castes in Clemens Hall to other buiéings an campus. When she learns thi, she sreleved, and changes er mind about waiting nt summer o commence constuction an the new bung Q3 — practice 2 : [Mz Did you hear about this new anti-spam fier theyre going to implement? We Yeah, I think its tremendous. | abhor receiving spam. It watts 00 much of my time, [M:_hly worry would be that t would block important mai, though |rean, surely it wall make mistakes from time to tie, We Yes of course, thats what your bulk folder fr. IM: Bulk folder? [W:_Yes, according tothe announcement, the anti-spam fier only ing to block ma thats obvious spam. there’ any incerttude, they wil send it to your bulk older. IM Oh, s theres no chance that an email from atin or from a potential employer wil be msdentied as spam? [We No, andit would be rave that something ike that would be sent to your bulk folder (M:_Ok, Well if theres rik involved, think its great, t00. Sample response: The man and the woman are discussing new anti-spam fier that wil be installed at thei university. The woman, who hates receiving “Spam, thinks is a wonderful idea. The man, however, & concerned that the fiter wll make mistakes and accidentally block important ‘mall The woman assures him, though, thatthe fiter has a safety featue. I enly blocks mal that s obviously spam. If an incoming ‘ema looks suspicious, its sent to the persons bulk flder inthe fend, the man agrees that this system is probably sate and agrees ‘with the weman that i good idea 3 — practice 3 1M: Hey June! Do you remember what the exva cet assignment ‘was for our Web Design course? We Oh yeah Or. Penrose said we coud write a review ofthat ques speaker's presentation for 15 extra cedt points IM: Fifteen? Nicel Who the speaker? WE Oh, you know, James Brentworth, the high school whiz kd from | San Diego who made a lon dolls from his website. (Oh wen THAT guy is anna speak at ou schoo!” Wen? There ae announcements about it posted allover campus. ts gonna be Thursday night from seven to eight | heard its over in Sehwidge Hal, next to the theater IM: This should be a great opportunity. He probably has lots of Useful counsel for future web designe, Plus, its a freebie, right? We Yeah, and theres a question period afterward, t00. 1M: Excellent! Fm going to prepare a few questions beforehand, 738 tanaipts Sample response: Fists the man asks the woman for information on an esa cet dssigrment for a Web Design cles they are bath in The woman en fefers him to an announcement about a quest speaker rengng fi that they can erm tect fr ater the ak The man is nies about the opportunity for two reasons Fist, he thinks the guest Speaker wil provide usefal advice for aspwing web designers {2ation, he pleated that theres no charge for admission fo the Speech. Therefore, he wl prepare some questions to ask the pelt ‘nd attend the speech to receive extra cre. ‘You've all read about the Nash Equilibrium. Lets look at are world situation to which 2 Nach Equlioriam might apply Sane "cemingly insgnicant choces in ile become Sorvficant peop Sons agree. For example, doesn't matter it pele dive on the left side of the road oF on the ght de, provided eveyore ‘agrees on one. Because of the rk of collsion, tin eveyoes interest to adopt the same pobcy kven ding rsh hour tai tnhen driver all want to get home 23 quick 35 posse andre left lane of oncoming trafic is empty, pepe wl stay nthe slow-maing righthand lanes, ln essence, these commutes ae @ Competition with ne another to get home as quick as possle yet each driver independently chooses Ue rght side ofthe od because ofthe rsk of ale oF delay criing onthe et side wou pose ‘Sample response: The reading passage describes the Nash Equilibrium, a situation competitions im whch itis nat any competitors intrest to charge Strategy The professor expounds on thes ia by dustaing a eae trample ofthe Nash Equiv. This example refers to dives in tah thou traffic I each driver is considered a competitor, and dking or ‘one side ofthe road asthe strategy, then it fits the Nosh Equlbrun. That isto ay, tis notin a cwers interest to change satay ie hat 2 collson could hinder the succes of that driver, and conden the other divers, 100, (24 -- practice 2 [M:_The common view that the Block Pague was asain of bub plague spread by fleas ling 0 rats has come under renewed Ecrutny in rece yrs. Seva factors have led researches ropote ther rictorganims as the pits fr ths pandemic ‘The fist crucial piece of evidence comes from leland, whet rats were not introduced unt the 18005. Despite this, kel was severely affected by the Black Plague long before 1802. but not by subsequent plagues known to have been spread by rats, Furthermore, the Incubation petiod ofthe Black Plage (ip to 30 days) andthe rate at which ispread both point {rom the bacterium Yersinia pestis asa logical cause, Some researchers have proposed pulmonary anthrax or the Ela torus as mote key agents Testing for these theories issn infancy, but forensic inspection of @14"century mass grave ha revealed no traces of Yersinia pestis Semple response: Inthe lecture, the professor discusses new theories about the au of the Black Plague, disease that Kiled two-thirds of Europeans it the 14% century, The traditional theory tha twas bubonic pave spread to people by fleas caried on rats does nat match up wi comme new evidence Fist, Keland was severly affected despite th fact ithad no rat. Second, the incubation period and spreading o | neta cect - woman then et remavsing man 6 excted nk the guest desiones. in rison to the the speaker cok ata real 269 Sone fat people Joc ive on ed eveyone sineveryone’s hour afi bie, andthe stay i the yas possible, eo the road letside would a stuation in resto change ing a rele vers sh sd ing on nequlibeutn, ven that como sn of bubonic der renewed researchers 10 ths padi talon, where eis, Kelond bore 1800, een spread by lack Plague chin my eause Some to the Ebola resist tS as rave as pout the couse Europeans 9 one plague match vp with ed deste the sd seacing of nen EN ENnST nS ONONT Tc te disease fered frm those ypcal of bubonic plagues For these fess, some researchers are now proposing other diseases a the {gue suc a pulmonary anthvay of the Ebola vis a4 = practice 3 W tus that you've alread in your textbooks that the Grest Zimbabwe culzation was founded around the year 450 by Sncesiors of modeenay Shona speakers. Ts, however. has not Btways been the accepted interpretation ofthe archaeological fidence. After the British “decovery” of the ruins, British tmpenaist officals became concerned, You se, the idea of 3 Hac chlzation undermined the justification behind Bish Ipeits, narmly, that whites were superior and that was. ther duty to cae other, “savage” peoples, Government officals Commissioned a number of Brits archeeclogss, including Bent Seah to mvesigae the ite, Unfrtanaey, ese men dstoyed Be plundered much ofthe ruins and'efically concluded that the Onization had been bul by foreigners from the north. Ferunately, however, archaeologist Randal Mace investigated the stem 1905, ander fidings contracted the eater theories. The Bris Empire responded by banning archaeologist rom the ste for nearly 25 years! The racist myth about the ruins was not fly dspelled untl Zinbabsve's independence in 1980, Sample response: The lecture discusses the rewriting of the history of the Great Zab cinzaton during the Britsh Colonial peiod. The reading (tas he cncksions baved on archaeological evidence. This eadence pont to native Shona peaking Africans asthe founders of the fivllastion that boasted cites, royalty, and a monumental wall. Bish offi, onthe other hand, put fosth an offical ew that the Ciszaton mst hove been bul by foreigners from the north. The fred archaeologists destroyed evvlence and supported racist theories to ustly mperalst ventures Finally, after Zimbabwe gained independence fom Brain in 1980, the myth was dispelled and the uth bacame accepted Skill C Q5— practice 1 1M: Hey il You look abit frazzled WE Yeah wel loaned my library card to a fiend, and she's taken offer the olay, Now, Ihave a monumental eport due, and "need to borrow same books. M:_Gee, hats 3 tough ane, but guess there are a coupe of thinns| youcan do We Wel, thought 1 could just use the public library. That'd be ‘quick but they may not have al the books | need iM; Yeah thats one option. You could ao try to find someone who'd let you use thei rary cara We sul I bad thought of that. Maybe ¥ could ask around the oun, There must be someone stil around, MM; ttmght be worth a shot. let you use ine, but aad have too many books checked out for research on my fina Thats OK. Atlas have a couple of ideas now. Yah, wel, good hick with see you around Sample response 1 The womans problem i that she does not have her university rary ard, ut she needs to check ut some boOkS. The man and the {woman dscuss to options, The ist option is that she just use the Dubie Mary The second option i that she try to find someone “ose card she can Boron. think the fst option s beter. She can {0 tothe pubic brary mmediaely wihout wasting ay time looking for help. Alo, there ts no guarantee she would find anyone wing to be imposed upon, sa the second option may be a waste of Sample response 2: The womans problem is that she does nat have er university Kory Card, but she needs to check out some books. The man and the wwomnan discuss two options. The frst option f that she just Use the public iar. The second option shat she ryt ind someone whose ad she can bortow. think the second options better. Chances are very good that she wil find a fend more than hapey 1 hep he Furthermore, the pubic bxary may oat have the resources she needs, 50 it may be a waste of ime 1 go there 5 ~ practice 2 Mz Hows it going? W. Not so good. My roonmate is diving me crazy. She never ‘leans up aftr hersl, and she always eats my food Thats no good, You shoud ak to her about it The thing i she’s rely sersitne, and dont want to lose her asa fend, You think complaining would put your fendship in jeopardy? She can be realy defense. | wouldn't be surprised if she ‘moved out and never spoke to me again Well thot sounds really manipulative to me. if you tak to er shout think you'l both be happier. Pus, you won't spend Si your money feeding het. But she moves out, have no help withthe ret. “ue. Wel, if you ean tough tout, graduation st that fr oft ‘Thats what thinking. Then, won't lse er tendship, and | won't have to spend the next wo months bickering wth he. Sample response 1: The woman s unhappy Suing with a fiend who eats the woman’ food and reuses to clean, The man admits the woman could ust stick with the station for a short time longer, ut he recommends that she alk to her roommate about the problem. In my opinion, the "oman should follow the man’ recommendation. For one thing, it isnot Tar for her to have to da al the cleaning and pay forthe food her ronmate consumes. lz, # the woman cawinces er roomate to stat helping ot, they wal bth be happier because here went be any resentment between ther, ‘Sample response 2: ‘he woman fs unhappy living with a frend who eats the woman's foc an refuses to clean. The man admits the woman could just stick with the situation ft a short time laiger, but he recommends that she talk to her roommate about the prebler. nny opinion, the tora shoud flo her nines an oat to ne wher end ‘nthout complaint. For ane thing petty concerns are not worth leing 1 fend over. Also, the roommate were to\get upset and move but the woman would be stuck paving al of the rent hers Yams 738 LN 5 — practice 3 IM: You took biology last year, ight? Did you have to dsect a pig? We Yeah, it was gross mw 1 don't care if its gros, | think t's wrong. dont want to take ‘Why don’t you explain your position to your teacher? Mya he would ave you an alternate projec t do. IM: Yeah, but Im scared he wou'd hold i against me. You know some teachers don't like troublemakers. ‘wel, guess there’ a chance that might happen, Less you hove to decide what is more important to you your grades or yu values. You can suck it up and do the dsection to eae you get a. good gade, or you can stand up for wat you believe « [M:_But you know that old saying about knowing when to stand w and fight and knowing when to run, You know what? There is power in numbers yo can get yo dassmates to jin your cause, you might actly ting aout hang. There no reason why they ean't do vitual dissections in biology cass. He, you know, you'e right ple response 1: The man’ biology cles is going to dissect pig and he doesnot want take part because he believes that dissecting pigs is unethical. The ‘woman suggests that he refuse to take part inthe diction and ask teacher for an alterave project. The man expresses concer, though, thatthe teacher might be annoyed with ham and lowes hs grade because ot. | beleve the man should stick to his conwctions and not take part in activites that contravene his bells. better about himself, and protesting might result in change Sample response 2: The man’ biology dass going to dssect a pig, and he does not want take part because he believes that dissecting pigs is unethical. The woman suggests that he refuse to take part in the dsecton and ask teacher for an aterative project. The man expresses concen, though that the teacher might be annoyed with him ad lower his ‘rade because fit. believe the man should dissect the pig and not "sk getting 2 poor grade. He wl only have dec the pig once, but 2 poor grade wil cause him problems inthe future 06 — practice 1 M: So, today we're going to tak about falconry. This is a hunting ‘method whee Ue hunte, known asthe fleone, tains 2 falcon to find and catch prey fr bien, Yes? See, to me the" not hunting. is ke the fox hunt... you get ‘another ama todo the hunting for you. Where’ the sin that? (OK, well, for one thing, taming 2 wild bird is no easy task Indeed, part of that training es in teaching the bird not to il the prey. You see, n Arabia, where falconry stil takes place, the prey must be klled according to blame customs and rivals Therefore, its not a ifthe fakoner is passive during the hunt Sequence. Now, let’ talk about falconry ina historic context While toy it 9 spot, when falconry begon it was an port means of sunval For example, nomadic people who traveled the desert needed to eat. The kinds of foods that they could procure for themiehes were lacking in vanity, Consequently they enlisted one ofthe local hunters, the faicon, to help them add the dietary variety needed for subsistence. Some Historian ase that fleonry may have been the earest hunting method ‘developed by man twas in se a far back a 2000 Cin China 740 aero Sample response: Falconry vas orginaly employed as 2 too to elp people ht fat Nomadic people in the devert famed faion in order 10 hep tem hunt for lager variety of ead than they coud acquit by there, Today, in contrast people arent as desperate to meet subesne reaqarements. Nonetheless, okony i sl practiced a port Te lane i hy siled and must ot ont tame the akon, bu abo teach it hunt without king the prey. 6 — practice 2 We Any migraine sullerers eee today WE D0 you have auras? M:_ Yes, 13ee Mashing hohts WE For those of you who dow't know, “aura” refers to symp that precede an actual migraine. Sam says he ses lasing ts before hie migraines stn Thats a common type fara 5, San IM: Withia about an hou have an ncedible headache, an slart vomiting. W: Does note bother you? [ME Not as mucha ght have ofnd a dark room to retin ba Fant stand hab We Thats common a5 well So, thats what a migraines... ane headache accompanied by other symptoms, Not everyone gt them, but those who do get them apsodical. Wich ads to the question “What caunes migraines?” Well, media scene isnot real sure, but we thnk it has something to do ith Boat flowin the bran, Basal fr some reason, some people Bal esses respond in a weld way o cetan stimulants Arter bring blood to the brain contact and lint the blood su, wich means that ess 9798 geting to the bran This rb is compounded because arteries in the brain wil expand compensate, and that expansion causes pain. So, the ik preventing migraines i fiquring out what tnggers the ares. To contact in the frst pl ‘Sample response: A migraine fs 2 severe headache that ay be preceded by an a, 1 symptom that signals the sufferer tothe onset ofa migain. he trgaineisel involves a headache and other symptoms, sah vomiting or tolerance fr ight or nase. Doctors suspect poss cause that rested bleed low to the bain causes oxygen een the bain to decease, The bran ten beso compensate by enpardog the arteries in the bran, which resultsin pain, Migraine sles sa try to identily what triggers ther migraine to prevent further aad 6 — practice 3 [M:_You all should be familar with the standard view of evouon. That that species change gradually over time as a est of natural selection until a new species i eventual formed Who (OK, good. A species he horses for stance, may gow em keg these of cats tothe sizeof a madem howe over tesco tran ‘of yrs. Te change n each price generations inert, pethap less than nanometer However, the esl ecard hs fedence of another wend as we Tiss he trend fr populis to remain relatively unchanged over ng paris of tine, ad then for new species to develop quite suddenly. A new ea in evolutionary theory atternpts to account for this. is alld Bs Chay Skill A ap Sample last yea whe ‘was 2 gymbioti languages. ‘minutes have both the fact hat broadened Qt pr sample One te was te brary dong weve ‘esearch fm time. fact ample, ‘omy pte Q1 — prac Sample ye was ‘ny house tog as ding 1 there was a op hut food Jer to felp them ety themhes eet sbsitence Js a spor. The olen, but ao es t0 symptoms ses fh bah ‘ol asa 50, Sm, veadche, and torestin because fe. canintence bteeone gels Nich leads us media science odo wth blood ‘ne people’ blood fos renes that Ihe Bled supp, san. This problem ini expand to 150, the tick to foes the arteries ced by an 243 3a migraine. The ‘mptors, such 2s Supt 3 possible ssoqgen eves in te by expanding hesuflers should snthuther atlas view of evolution line os 2 vesult of aly formed. Who ‘yg em being frtenofthovands ine parent, osecord holds ‘ed or populations eros of tine, and ieny, Anew idea forthe. eis caled anna NN Punctuated Equilibrium. in Punctuated Equilibrium theory, 2 large population typically ciutes advantageous mutations ‘Accent 10 this theory, the evolution of new species typical ‘ccs peripheral subpopulations, an smaller areas in wich eka or compete gn ove econ these popusations, ‘xvantaneous mutations can quickly take over ee this change, the new spaces may or my not compete vth and eterna predecesor tant make lear that hs theory i notin coc. ‘with te radvalst vw of evolution tn fact, complemects sample response: Theresa expan two theories of evolution: one related to gra trelution andthe other lated to rapid evolution. One example peered s the elton of heres from catsized mammals to their Fr ger modem stature, This example supports te theory of aca tvolation Honever,eidnce nthe fsa record indicates that species tien remain urchaaged or lng periods, and then new specs arise tute suddenly Punctuated Equitrum is anew theory that explains the. i holds tat ge populations due new mutations. On the other hand beni mutations spread auc in pesipheral subpopulations The professor points out thatthe two theories complement rather than contradict each ot. Chapter 2 Skill A 1 = practice 1 Sample response: Last yea: mt a flow language student on an terre stdy frum van Tas tying to practice fora Chanese clas. As it turned out he wat «Chinese student tying to practice Englh, Later, we developed 4 symbiotic reatonship by helping each other practice cur respective languages. Every week, we chat for 30 mutes in English and 30 Iinutesin Chinese, By no, we have Become good frends, and we have both lore a 0. OF course, among the things ve learned 5 the fot ht Chinese cate fe fascnating, and tis experince has really broadened my view ofthe word Q1 = practice 2 Sample response: One tecinelogial innovation | witnessed during my university days wes the spread of the Internet Before tha, I spent hours Inthe rary ding research, After the Internet came into widespread use however I it have to go ta the Hoary at al 1 could do al of my research fom a computer in my dorm fOom, which saved lot ot time a fac, the Internet saved me a great deal of money, too For fame, longer had to make expensive obligatory phone calls tomy parents stead, could send them updates via email for tee (Qt — practice 3 Sample response: Mylte was changed by an unexpected bizzard. One day when ‘sft ny house to go tothe aipot, the weather was Cool but cleat. As ts dig to the atport, though, started snowing, Wahn minutes, there was raging lized | knew my fight wo Jamaica was oie tobe canceled, so | as terily dsappanted. Then, notice a strand ‘motor, 01 pulled over tohelp offered the man a itso he could Calla tow tuek, Tree years late, martied that man. Hit weren't for that bizzard, we wouldn't have met 1 practice 4 Sample response: The Optimists" Club san organization that has been very important oye. They organize fun and eniching acts for kids the cy. For example, had a great experience and forged lating friendships ‘le participating i thee youth basketball league. In ation, they provide counselors who hep troubled youths wth problems, One ime "twas on edge about my high schoo course work, and Idd not have anyone to tum to for gudance. The Optimists” Clb counselor provided ime with some very useful advice I eeded inorder to select the propriate asses to eral n 2 — practice 1 Sample response: {believe that childhood i a ctcal period ina person’ He. Fist itis the une in hich personaly developed. Second, a person experiences in cidhoad affect the remainder of hs rhe We, Fr instance, a major trauma experienced atthe age of si has a much more devastating elect than one experienced at age hry Indeed, negative or raumate ‘experiences in chidhood can lead to psychological problems in ‘adulthood, such as depression and antisocial behavi. Converse, poste, rurtutig exprionces in chidhood foster mental heath and ‘vel: being in adulthood. Thus, ti crucial to have positive influences in childhood 2 — practice 2 Sample response: ‘Most parents are capable of teaching their children to ead, wt, add, ‘and subtract, 35 well a many ofthe other basic ski children are "aught a school, However thee are some kl that cannot be taught suficiently at home, The skis am refering toa social sis. These, elev, ae the most important sil learned at school. That why am fof the cyinon that clden should learn in a socal enronment, Unfortunately, the home cannot provide an adequate social ried {or cidren to learn tole with diverse group of people, Pubic school, on the other hand, can and do provide this ztting. 2— practice 3 ‘Sample response: "beleve 2008 serve a multitude of useful puposes. For one thing, 2008 educate visitors. there were no 200s, chien would grow Up ‘ever witnessing species not indigenous to ther area. With 2005, 9 Contrast, chien can learn about al kinds of diferent arial species {and observe them up cose. Thats more captivating ad educational than looking at pictures or reading texts. For that matey, 200s prowde an entertainment venue for people of all ages. Additonal, they prowde a safe home for animals whose Survival threatened inthe ‘i Animals that are endangered canbe kept safe and wel fed, 25 Well as be encouraged to breed, 2 2 — practice 4 . ‘Sample response: in-some counties, all citizens are required to vote, while in others, ‘eeu ae fee to decde whether to vote or not. | prefer the stem i which voting & optional Fs, in this stem, publ interest fs more nies 741 en impotat because affects vater turnout Therefore, governments and candates fr office must werk harder to sway the opinions of voters Sac, people should be re to protest an election by ean Frm ang prt Indeed, he very idea of forcing constituents 10 vote rune counter to the principles upon which fre sooty i based Skill B 03 = practice 1 W. arnt realy wanted to apply forthe Study Abroud Program, bt cat alfrd i ‘he tation cost sno diferent from what you'd ay here ‘Yeah, but Tm hereon scholarship, and it can't be used toware tution abroad, : thought the announcement ssid that it cou (nly fits need-based. Mines academic That 50 arbirary and unfat know Techni, my scholarship isn't need-based, but I do reed Teauld fathom them precluding 2 person with an athletic scholarship from going, but you eaned that scholarship, Tees not much can do about it They have their rules Ir doesn't make any sense, though, What diflerence does it ‘make to them if your scholarship s based on academic merit © heed? Why should a C student with poor patents have an ‘hantage? I all for helping people out wath university cost, itt not a tht they ean use the grant mney and you can Funny ting i, | qualified for a need-based scholarship, ut sotmere money with the academic one, Wa tere you go, Theres no rasan wy you should be exclude from ths program. You'e an A student with financial needs Sample respons The mans opinion is that the schools poly of only allowing students vith need-based scholarships to use that money toward the Sty ‘trea Program unl To begin he cont tht the eran eared her choaship through academic merit father than athletic sil or finandil need. Secondly, the woman dd quay fora need-based sdhoashp but opted forthe academic one, showing that she has thesame financed a stadents wath need based scholarships. For these two reasons, he fels the woman shouldbe allowed to use her ‘gant money to pay Tor tution abroad. (03 ~ practice 2 IM: guess we'd beter sign up for that lotion {can't believe tis just doesn" seem fait Why should people studying sociology get preferential treatment? ‘Wha knave?| suppose they bring more prestige tothe school Maybe they putin moee research grant dors. These thas are wally al about the money. It should be based on need. Im just barely getting by on my ‘grant sits. Now, some kis whose parents have two houses Bre ganna get a dorm room and tm not? You might ill get a room, Anyway, they said they'd give us 3 tend for iving costs They sai a patal tution rend. | doubt i'l cover the cost of renting 2 pace in ths iy, espeially near the campus. Then have vansporation costs ontop of everything ese, and wont br able to stay atthe Hany to0 late because Ii have to cate the ast bs home, 142 rome Mz Huh. never thought about al that We should go gre them a pace of my miodl Mi Yeah, but what can they do about i? [We They should ve done the renovation inthe sumane Ether that lor made some athe arrangements for their stents, Sample response: The woman fs angry about the announced plan for a housing later for graduate students. Fst, she thinks its unfair because students of certain majors are being given pio. Instead, she believes the Fousing shoud be assigned based on need, Second, she upset because Ing olf compos wil be expensive and inconvenient. For examp she wal pay mee in en and transportation and wll nt beable ti late on campus. the end, she complains that they should have done the enovatons during the summer or otherwise accommadated the reeds ofall tudents 4 — practice 1 \W The giant squid has proven a parca ese animal. Infact, marine blogs have ein vain to conduct detaled tutes of ‘Giant qd behavior for decades, The majority of what since Knows about this species has been gleaned om the examination of dead suid cacases washed up on shore ‘Giant squid, as He name implies, af huge ceatures. The lest specimen ever discovered measured fifteen meters in length However most giant squid ae smal, growing to appreximately ten meters. They boast two large tentaes in addtion othe eight ‘arms Tove tentacles have suckers, ike that of an ectops, wth Sharp, claw tke components. They do no posses the stingers 0: notte mechansms ee rapping pte comsmonly found en passive feeders Dest this, tr enormous 2 has ed some sient to propose that lant sac are deed passive feeders. Sore then contend that, because ofthe energy requirements fr such a lage creature to move quickly enough to capture prey mus, by necesy, be pase fewer Other tects, neces to ay, are nt spate to this view. Given the evidence presented by the physical morahology ofthe animal in conjunction withthe feeding poradigm ofits sale cousin seems feasble thatthe gant Suid may be an active feeder Sample response: ‘The racing passage describes the morphological dferences between marie animals that are active feeders and parse feeders. The lecture framines the morphology of the giant squid and cifferent theres [abouts feeding habits. Fst the oiont squid ia very lage creature Second, thas two tentaces tha inde sharp, dave components. Some scents have postulated thatthe enarmous sige of the ian Sid suggests trust be a pasive feeder Other scents, in cont point to ts tentacles an the model of mae quid species as evidence ‘suggesting thatthe giant squid i an active Feder. 4 — practice 2 Me In the early 20" century, there was uproar in the musical word European cancert-qoers were plugging thelr eat, walking out fon performances, and muttering, "My toed, what is tht hornble, unstractued sound? Thot unstiucured sound vas the new, emerging syle of European -mpasiton. t came to be known as atonal musi. Bascal i was the begining of a rebellion against the way music had ‘hvays been lth rls were going out the window, music fans ‘were lambong the composers, an the compaers were rephng | radon aed

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