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1. The intersection of a column and row is called?

a) Sum
b) Chart
c) Shell
d) Worksheet
2. A group of cells is called a?
a) Multicell
b) Chart
c) Cell Range
d) Cell Cluster
3. Where is the fill handle located?
a) In backstage view
b) At the beginning of every formula or function
c) On the right side of the home tab of the ribbon
d) In the bottom right corner of the selected cell
4. In this image, why does the value in cell G1 look slightly different from the value in the formula

a) It’s using formula

b) It’s using an absolute cell reference
c) It’s using conditional formatting
d) It’s using currency number format
5. You can click the tabs at the bottom of a workbook to switch between __________.
a) Permissions
b) Worksheets
c) Formula
d) Number Formats
6. Let’s sat you’re trying to find your average grade. What’s wrong with the formula shown in the

a) It should use the COUNT function instead

b) It should use quotation marks instead of parentheses
c) There is nothing wrong with the formula
d) It should have an equals sign (=) at the beginning
7. you can view a formula by double-clicking the cell that contains the formula
a) True
b) False
8. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
a) A:2
b) $A$2
c) #A2
d) A2
9. Which of the formulas below are valid? Select all that apply.
a) A3+100
b) =F2+F3+F4+53
c) =R2*D2
d) =5B+6B
10. What value would Excel return for this formula? =(82-32)/5+8*2
a) 91.6
b) 36
c) 7.69
d) 26
11. In a spreadsheet formula, which symbol is used to divide?
a) -
b) *
c) /
d) +
12. To copy the formatting of one cell to another you would use the?
a) Copy and paste
b) Format painter
c) Delete key
d) Chart wizard
13. I want to add cells value from C5 to C70 and show output of this addition in cell A3. Which
formula should I use?
a) Write in Cell A3, =Add C5:C70
b) Write in Cell A3, =add C5 to C70
c) Write in Cell A3, =SUM(C5:C70)
d) Write in Cell A3, =SUM(C5 to C70)
14. What is the name of the area within a worksheet that is current, or ready to receive information?
a) Active cell
b) Worksheet
c) Office assistant
d) Cell
15. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet?
a) Diagonal
b) Horizontal
c) Counter-clockwise
d) Vertical
16. A column is
a) Vertical and designated by a number
b) Vertical and designated by a letter
c) Grid made of columns and rows
d) Horizontal and designated by a letter
17. To add a new row, click a cell in the row immediately above where you want the new row to be.
a) True
b) False
18. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
a) Time ()
b) Now()
c) Date()
d) Today()
19. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
a) *
b) $
c) ;
d) %
20. In which tab of the ribbon can you change Workbook Views to Page Break Preview?
a) View
b) Page layout
c) Review
d) Data

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