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Practice Exam

Read the questions carefully and answer the questions below correctly !
1. I need an umbrella because it’s ……………… right now.
a. rain                                      c. raining
b. rains                                    d. Rained

2. Susan and Susanna …….. writing poems for an English subject.

a. is                                  c. am
b. are                              d. be

3. Please be quiet. I …… trying to concentrate.

a. am                            c. were
b. is                              d. Are

4. what ……. you …….. ?

a. is – doing                  c. am – doing
b. are – doing               d. were – doing

5. … Mary reading a book in her classroom?

a. is                               c. was
b. am                            d. were

6. They …… …… …………………….. a cup of coffee, but chocolate.

a. is not collecting                                    c. is not drinking
b. are not drinking                                   d. are not collecting

7. Why ……. your sister crying so loud? Please give her candies or something.
a. is                                c. am
b. are                             d. were

8. Is he bringing my laptop? ………………….

a. Yes, he is.                     c. Yes, he does.
b. No, he does not.         d. No, he is.

9. ……. they ……………. in a good company? Yes, they are.

a. Is – going                        c. Are – working
b. Am – talking                   d. Were – studying

10. Every morning the watchman turns off all the lights and … around the building every half an
a) walks c) walking
b) is walking d) walked 
11. Colin: Can we postpone the class meeting until Thursday?
Bono: I’m afraid not. I … basketball on Thursday.
a) would play c) always play
b) played d) have been playing

12. I … at five o’clock every morning.

a) wakes up c) woke up
b) waking up d) wake up

13. Nadya is a nice girl. Everybody … her friend.

a) wanting to bec) wants to be
b) want to be d) wanted to be

14. This exam is important. You must …

a) studied c) study
b) studies d) studying
15. Mr. Agus: Who can answer the question?
Lorinda: What is your question, Sir?
Mr. Agus: … I’ll read the question once more.
Stundents: Yes, sir.
a) Listen carefully!
b) Write your name!
c) Open your book!
d) Look at me!  

16. They usually … rice.

a) growing c) is growing
b) grows d) grow

17. My sister and brother seldom … shirts.

a) wears c) wear
b) wearing d) weared

18. Because I always … to school early.

a) goes c) going
b) go d) gone

19. She … the house every day.

a) cleans c) cleaning
b) cleaned d) clean

20. Marsha ... chess on the weekend

a) playing c) plays
b) played d) play

Don’t cheat, Do your best and Stay Healthy !

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