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Kristine Bobihis Cabalde, LPT, MSME

Learning Outcome:

1. Use a variety of statistical tools to process

and manage numerical data.
2. Use the methods of linear regression and
correlations to predict the value of a variable
given certain conditions.
3. Advocate the use of statistical data in
making important decisions.
Specific Objectives

1. To understand the nature of statistics.

2. To gain deeper insights on the different levels of
3. To clarify the meaning of some important key
4. To explore the strengths and limitations of
graphical representation.
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
describing” data in symbolic forms and
abbreviated fashions.

Inferential Statistics
has the ability to “infer” and to generalize
and it offers the right tool to predict values
that are not really known.
quantifying an observation according to a
certain rule.

body weight
mental ability

Types of Quantitative information

• Variable
• Constant
Scales of Measurement
Nominal Scale
It concerns with categorical data.
using numbers to label categories
Example : marital status
Single (1) and Married (2)

Ordinal Scale:
It concerns with ranked data.
provides ranking of the observation in order to generate information to the extent of
“greater than” or “less than
Example : sports
Determine the rank

Ratio Scale
measurement data but ratio’s point of view is about absolute value.
Scales of Measurement
Interval Scale
It deals with measurement data.
assign numbers in such a way that there is meaning and weight on
the value of points between intervals.

Academic performance of five students in a certain class

Student A Student B Student C Student D Student E

Interval Data 99 74 73 70
Ordinal Data 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Nominal Data Passed Failed Failed Failed
Key Concepts in Statistics
defined as an entire group people, things, or events having at least one trait
in common (Sprinthall, 1994)
a common trait is the binding factor in order to group a cluster and call it a
At least one common trait must be established to make a population

A group of students
A group of male students.
A group of male students attending the Statistics class
A group of male students attending the Statistics class with iPhone
A group of male students attending the Statistics class with iPhone and

any measure obtained by gauging the entire population
Key Concepts in Statistics
small number of observation taken from the
total number making up a population

any measure obtained from the sample
Graphical Representation
It is another way to visually show the behavior
of data.
To create a graph, distribution of scores
must be organized.

120, 65, 110, 75, 105, 80, 105,

85, 100, 85, 100, 90, 95, 90, 90
Frequency Distribution
provides information about raw scores, and the frequency of occurrences
provides clearer insights about the behavior of scores.

X f
120 1
110 1
105 2
100 2
95 1
90 3
85 2
80 1
75 1
65 1
Frequency Polygon
Learning Activity
Indicate which scale of measurement- nominal ordinal or interval is being used.

1. Both Globe and Smart phone number prefix 0917 and 0923 served 1 million and 2.5
subscribers, respectively.

2. The Philippine Statistics Office announces that the average height of Filipino male is 156.41
cm tall.

3. Postal Office shows that 4,231 individuals have a zip code of 4231.

4. The Sportsfest committee posted the names of individuals with their order of finish for the
first 50 runners to reach the finish line.

5. The University Admission Office posted the names and scores of student applicants who took
the entrance examination.

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