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Marvin Basiao CRIM 1 – CAD


1. How do most Filipino relate to God?


Filipinos, in general, are very religious. Every filipino household recognizes God, regardless of religion.
Our relationships with our families and friends somehow portray our connection to God. One best thing
that Filipino people do portray is the notion that goes “Marami siyang kakilala” (he knows many people),
or “Marami nakakilala sa kanya” (many people know him) – this concept leads to the understanding that
Filipinos are very much open with binding relationships that are lasting. With this being said, there is a
certain indication that we are openly close to God in one way or another. God, being an omnipotent
being, is very much relatable because He is available all the time. Constant prayer, discernment of one’s
conscience, and the growth of our faith can make us a lot closer to God thus we can then relate to Him.

2. How does the Creed describe God?


The Creed describes God as “The Father Almighty”. Primarily, God showed himself in the natural signs of
the beauty and abundance as reflected in the natural resources available today. Second, “The Biblical
Signs”; in God’s inspired world in the scriptures, the official book of the church revealed His majesty.
Third, through the church’s liturgical signs, we encounter the risen Christ in the sacraments. God makes
himself known to us through the ecclesial signs of the church’s proclamation of the creed and his moral
teachings and commitment to service.

3. How does God enter our lives?


We, as Catholics, witness to our own faith and the way of life in the Catholic Church. God enters our
lives through proclaiming His holy name. His proclamation of His kingship is a great sign that He wants to
be a part of us. Christ teaches us the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus Christ is our both mediator and
the fullness of all revelation. Through deep and serious meditation and prayer, and also by doing works
of mercy, and being a good person, the presence of God in us will be very visible.

4. What are some of the bibles most basics faith affirmations about God?


He performed greatest work for His chosen people and proclaimed their saving power and truth through
the prophets’ words. Even God’s revelation in history was weakened by the infidelities and hardness of
hearts of His chosen people. But God loves us and our world, so He sent His only Son to be our Savior.
Jesus Christ revealed himself as one of us, but He did not share with our sinfulness. He completed and
perfected His revelation by the words and works signs and all miracles; but above all, by His death and
glorious resurrection from the dead.
5. How did God reveal himself in the salvation history?


God gradually revealed Himself through the chosen people, progressively preparing mankind for Christ.
His gospel and the church are prefigured in this history. God is the source of life; He gave His people all
wonderful things including Jesus Christ. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the epitome of the great love
that everyone wants to experience. He saved Noah and htis family through the ark which, in a sense,
signifies the church while the waters washed away the sin of the world prefiguring baptism.

6. Why do Christians affirm that God is “Father”?


It is because the Christian Creed included and affirmation of the belief in God the Father Almighty,
primarily as His capacity as “Father and creator of the universe”. They believed the concept of the God
as the Father of Jesus Christ. It goes metaphysically further than the concept of God as the creator and
the father of all peoples, and the creator of heaven and earth as well.

7. What does “Almighty” tell us of God?


It means when we say God is one. God is self-sufficient. He does not give birth neither is being born. And
there is no likeness unto him for he is unique or he is the one and only one. He is the one and only, the
creator of all living and non-living things in this world. God, being an invincible being, is a great source of
faith as we journey our lives here on earth.

8. If God is “Father” and “Almighty”, why does He allow so much evil and suffering?


Based on my understanding as I have read in this module/lesson, I learned that God gives so much evil
and suffering. It is because He wants to test us on how deep or how great is our faith is. He wants to
show or tell us that living in this world that He gave us is not easy. There are always temptations and
sufferings that test us on how deep our trust, faith, and love for Him. God wants us to be strong enough
to face and fight those different kinds of temptation and sufferings. For us, these does not mean that He
doesn’t love us. He wants us to be strong enough to fight and face those challenges in our lives now and
in the future.

ESSAY: (10 pts)

In our life, do you see God as your father? How would you describe your present relationship with him?


Yes, I do see God as my father. I consider God as my Almighty Father today and forever. In our present
life, our confidence in God is really fundamental to our belief and to everything that has something to do
with it. Generally, God is at the center and everything else is as it is because of its relation to Him. Our
lives centered to the norms that are mandated by God brings us in a different wavelength as compared
to the usual. Being self-centered is a prevalent thing in the present times, however this is opposing to
the teachings of God. Being egocentric and conceited is utterly contrary to the bible’s way of looking
into things. Sometimes, I get to overwhelmed with worldly circumstances and become selfish. I am fully
aware that my actions speak differently from that of the ideal as suggested in the scriptures. I know for a
fact that the normal thing to do is to be nice and be grateful thus this must be followed by everyone. In
the ministry today, it is extremely important to challenge the attitude self-centeredness. We must dwell
to the good part of life and focus on God and His teachings. To change one’s perspective from being self-
centered to God-centered is not as easy as we think, however it is attainable in one way or another.

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