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AC503: Advanced Auditing | Unit 1

This Assignment will assess the following course outcome:

AC503-1: Define the role of the external auditor.

The Unit 1 Assignment contains four questions which explore the types of audits and auditors, the benefits and
limitations of an audit, management and auditor responsibilities, and the role of an auditor in detecting fraud. At
the completion of the Assignment, you should have an understanding about the role of the external auditor.

Boynton Textbook: Complete and submit the following questions for grading located at the end of Chapter 1
and Chapter 2

Chapter 1:

● 1-19
● 1-22

Chapter 2:

● 2-25
● 2-33
To earn full credit for the Assignment, include the following:

1. Use the Assignment template.

2. Assignment must have a minimum of 2 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Use
APA formatting (i.e., paragraphs indented 5 spaces to the right, double spacing, etc.). Include a title
page and reference page in APA format.
3. Clearly label each question (e.g., 1-25). If there are several parts to the question, make sure they are
labelled appropriately (e.g., (a), (b), etc.).
4. Use complete sentences (i.e., if you have bullet points, make sure you provide support for each point

Once completed, submit your Assignment to the Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox. The Assignment is due Tuesday
11:59 p.m. ET of their assigned unit.

AC503: Assignment 1

Item criteria: Points Points

Possible Earned

• Assignment is a minimum of 2 pages, not including title page and reference page. 40
• Answers are in complete sentences or contain bullet points that are supported by
multiple examples to illustrate each element of the question.

Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples. 30

Writing - No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations. Title page 30
and reference page are included.

Total Points 100

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