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Duration 20-25 minutes

Equipment Per Group:
- Two bats
- One ball
- Two wickets
- 10 cones/markers
Area Size - Spread groups out evenly over the school oval
Instructions Rules and set up:
- Set up the game in a V formation
- Position the wickets at the point of the V and one opposite
at the end
- Game played with 6 players on each team
- Batters get out if they are caught, bowled or if they hit the
ball outside the V on the full or past the stumps where the
bowler is
- Fielders return the ball to the bowler
- Rotate teams once all batters get out
Variation and Variations:
Progression - No one gets out, instead batting pairs face an over each
and every time they get “out” they reduce their runs by 5
- Use a tee if wides and no balls are being bowled
- Bowler bowls underarm to batter
- Change rule on ball being hit outside V
Teachable Moment - Students umpire their own game. You are there to provide
feedback to the batter, bowler, wicket keeper and fielders;
not to umpire each game.
- Use simple key teaching points when giving feedback
- Move around to each group to make sure students are
staying on task
Make sure each
group has enough
room between them
Teacher should
position themselves
in the middle of all
the groups so they
are able to see each
student at all times. SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play
L – students are in teams of 6 with two teams versing each other
E - Per game:
- Two bats
- One ball
- Two wickets
- 10 cones/markers
S – V shape marked out with cones; all games spread out evenly
T – 20-25 minutes
Pair cricket +
judging a run
Duration 20-25 minutes
Equipment Per group:
- 2 bats
- 2 balls
- 2 wickets
- 1 tee
Area Size - Large space on school over with decent amount of space
per group
Instructions Pairs Cricket – game rules
- Students to get in teams of 8
- Players compete in pairs against one another
- Batters can get out by being bowled, caught or run
- If a batter gets out, they swap ends and continue batting
- After 2 overs (6 balls each), batting pairs swap out
- Each player will bat 1 over while their partner wicket keeps
- They swap once they complete the over
- If the bowler bowls a ball wide, the batter gets a free hit by
placing the ball on a tee and hitting it
- When a pair isn’t batting or bowling, they are to be fielding
the ball
- When you hit the ball, you can choose whether you want
to run or not
Variation and Variation: judge a run
Progression - Get pairs to join another to make groups of 4
- One team is batting and the other is bowling and wicket
- The other team is fielding
- The aim for the bowler is to bowl the ball so the batter can
push or pull the ball towards the large gaps
Teachable Moment - Students should be umpiring their own game
- Use simple key teaching points for the batter, bowler,
wicket keeper and fielders
- Move around to each group to make sure they are on task
Provide spacing
between each
Teachers should
stand in the middle
of all groups where
they can provide
feedback and make
sure all students are SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play
L – students are to get into groups of 8
E - Per group:
- 2 bats
- 2 balls
- 2 wickets
- 1 tee
S – groups spaced over a large school oval, providing enough
spacing between each game
T – 20-25 minutes
Continuous Cricket
Duration 20-25 minutes
Equipment Per game:
- 2 bats
- 2 balls
- 1 set of wickets
- 4 cones/markers
Area Size Students set up wickets 7 metres apart. 2 cones to be places 7
metres from the batting wickets. Games can be played back to
Instructions - organise students into teams of 8
- make sure there is one bowler, they ball for 1 over each (6 balls –
1 over)
- there is one batter who the bowler bowls under arm to, the
batter then hits the ball then runs around either cone A or B
- the fielders need to get the ball back to the bowler, who can then
bowl the ball again at any time
- batters can either be caught out or the ball may hit the stumps
while bowling it
- when batter gets out the next batter gets to the wickets straight
away to start batting
- batters can get out by being caught or bowled

Variation and Variations:

Progression - Add in 2 cones to the field where the batting team desires,
if the batter hits the ball through those cone’s they
automatically gain 4 extra runs
- If bowlers feel confident, they can bowl the ball instead of
underarm throwing it
Teachable Moment - Students should be in charge of their own game and the
batting team should be taking note of how many runs they
are on.
- Use simple key teaching points for the batter, bowler,
wicket keeper and fielders
- Move between each game to make sure they are on task
Both games should
be facing away from
each other. SportPlan (2021)
Teacher should
position themselves
in the middle of
both games so they
are able to keep an
eye on both, making
sure students are on

LEST and Rink Rink Stage 4 – complex game play

L – students in teams of 8, two teams of 8 versing and the other
two versing
E - Per game:
- 2 bats
- 2 balls
- 1 set of wickets
- 4 cones/markers
S – large space on the oval with teams playing the games back to
T – 20-25 minutes

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