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LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: 8 Time: 45 minutes Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Lesson Number 2 - Sound understanding catching and throwing KTP’s
- Have covered back catching and throwing practice in
Learning Area: Health & Physical Education last lesson

Strand: Focus Area:

Movement and Physcial Activity (MPA) Active Play and Minor Games (AP), Fundamental
Movement Skills (FMS), Games and Sport (GS)
Moving our Body (MB), Learning Through Movement

Content Descriptor: Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Modification of rules, equipment or scoring systems to - Ensure all the equipment for the lesson is available
allow for fair play, safety and inclusion of all participants - Have the cones, wickets, bats and balls required for
each drill in a pile for each group to the side
Movement skills and sequences within different contexts
with a focus on:
- 32 cones
- 8 bats
• increased accuracy and efficiency in skill
performance - 8 sets of wickets
- 16 balls
- 8 tees
Literacy Numeracy ICT Competence Critical and Ethical Personal and Social Intercultural
creative thinking behaviour competence understanding

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Confidently apply a front foot drive while batting

• Understand and apply the KTP’s of catching correctly
• Learning the KTP’s and how to bowl

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

HLTH2203 Jan 2021

Motivation and Introduction:
Welcome the class, do the role and check that everyone can participate. Then briefly describe what we are
1:15-1:18 doing today; batting, bowling and catching.
Student Organisation Lesson Content Class Organisation
(Individual task structure, differentiation) (Content & KTP) Resources/Equipment
(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class,
- One student begins as Underarm throwing: transitions)
tagger and starts in one
- Step towards the target with - Students are to be split into two
corner of the square
opposite leg to throwing groups, 16 in each group
marked out
1:18-1:25 arm - Playing in a 10x10 square marked
- The other students are to
space out evenly in the - Swing your throwing arm out with cones. 2 games will go at
square back and through towards once, so it isn’t too crowded.
- The tagger begins tagging your target
students with beanbags
- Follow through towards
below the waist
your partner
- Once you get tagged you
become a tagger

HLTH2203 Jan 2021

Bridging organization
Students will then bring the cones and beanbags in. Then get into groups of 4. They will then each gather 2
1:25-1:28 balls, 2 stumps and 2 markers. They will then find some room on the oval, with 3 metres between each group
and set up for the next activity once the teacher has demonstrated what it should look like.
1:28-1:35 Student Organisation Lesson Content Class Organisation
(Individual task structure, differentiation) (Content & KTP) Resources/Equipment
(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class,
- Students are to be in groups transitions)
Underarm throwing
of 4
-Step towards the target with - Students are to set up their drills in
- Two students begin at
opposite leg to throwing arm a 7x3 rectangle, with about 3
station A, one student at B,
-Swing your throwing arm back metres inbetween each group
one at C and one at D – look
and through towards your target - Ideally 4 in a row on one side and 4
at diagram for clarification
-Follow through towards your on the other side
- A will bowl to B, then follow
partner - The teacher should position
the ball and run through to B
- B will underarm to C, then themselves in the middle of the
follow and run through to C rows
-Running towards the marked
- C will bowl to D, then follow line near the wicket
and run through to D -Step forward with opposite leg
- Then D underarm throws to to bowling arm
A, follows and runs through -Drive your front arm down
to A towards the ground so it passes
your side
-Keep bowling arm straight, but
not too high
-Follow through with your
bowling arm still straight
-Don’t let go of the ball too
early, hold it as long as possible

Bridging organization
1:35-1:39 Students should bring all their equipment back in. The teacher will then explain the next drill and explain how it’s going to be
done in a circle formation. Get one students from each group to get a tee and walk outwards from all the equipment and
make a big circle. Show a quick demonstration using one groups set up to show what the drill needs to look like and be set
up as.

- students are to stay in the same Students are to try and hit the - students are be in a circle formation
groups of 4 cricket ball off the tee and into for this drill
one of the gaps made by the
-2 students are to field and the - Teacher should stand in the middle of
1:39-1:47 cones. Fielders are to each
other 2 are to be batting and the group for safety reasons. However,
stand in one of the gaps leaving
setting up the tee’s should still be walking around to check
one gap vacant, the vacant gap
in on each group
-target cones (black) are roughly is worth one point and if they hit
10 steps away from the tee the ball through a gap with a
(yellow) fielder and get it past the fielder
it is worth 2 points. All balls
must stay below waist height.
Batters rotate after every 3
shots and then batters and
fielders swap after the 6 balls.
Front-foot drive:
- step forward towards the tee
with the front foot, stepping
towards the target
- swing through with the bat
- show the face of the bat to the
direction of where you want the
ball to go “show your sponsors”

HLTH2203 Jan 2021

Bridging organization
Students are to bring the cones, bat and tee in from the previous drill. Keeping one set of wickets, then set up
1:47-1:50 boundary markers for continuous cricket.
Continuous Cricket Underarm throwing: - Students are set up in one game
- organise students into 2 equal - Step towards the target with - Teacher stands up near the batter,
teams so move 2 groups of 4 to opposite leg to throwing so they are able to monitor the
join another arm entire game
- make sure there is one bowler, - Swing your throwing arm
1:50-2:00 they ball for 1 over each (6 balls back and through towards
– 1 over) your target
- there is one batter who the - Follow through towards
bowler bowls under arm to, the your partner
batter then hits the ball then
runs around either cone A or B
- Track the line of the ball
- the fielders need to get the ball
back to the bowler, who can - Move your hands and body
then bowl the ball again at any to line of the ball
- Give with the ball
- batters can either be caught
out or the ball may hit the
stumps while bowling it Batting
- when batter gets out the next - Step forward with your front
batter gets to the wickets leg
straight away to start batting
- Swing through with the bat
- Show the people in front of
you your sponsors on the
front face of the bat

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Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)
- Select students to put equipment back
- Signal for all other students to come sit in front of you
- Watch students return the equipment, encourage them to be quick
- Wait till all the students are sitting down to begin the closure
- Tell students how they performed in class
- Explain the focuses of the lesson they just participated in
- Reiterate the KTP’s of batting with front foot drive, bowling and catching

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- Explain the plan for next week. The focus will be more batting.
- End of class, dismission.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

HLTH2203 Jan 2021

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