Lesson Plan Physics 12 Touchstones of Goodteaching

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Lesson Plan

Unit Lesson Plan – Electric Charge and Force

Teacher: Rosa Sarita 7 days
Grade: 9-12 High School
Subject: PSI Algebra Based Physics
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
● NGSS DCI :HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and
Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the gravitational and electrostatic forces between objects.
Unpacked Standard(s): Essential Questions:
Specific skills that students will need to ● How many types of electric charges are there?
master to be proficient on the standard is to: ● What are they named?
● Recognize the type of charges (negative and ● Which particle of an atom carries a positive
positive). charge?
● Adapt law of conservation into word ● Which carries the negative charge?
problems. ● Why is it that when you take off a sweater in a
● Learn how charges interact. dark room, you can see tiny sparks and hear a
● Adapt Coulombs Law into word problems. crackling sound?
● Make predictions about charges. ● Compare and contrast Coulomb’s Law with
● Charging objects with conduction and Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation.
induction ● (Student example of electroscope)What type of
charge is on the leaves?
Students will set their own personal goals by…
● Students were given their pre-assessment and later discussed results. The students were given 25
minutes to set some personal modifications.
● Students used their own personal rubric to track their progress and goals.

Progress on students' personalized goals will be monitored by…

● Students will check their progress by every ten minutes in the re-engagement activity by using a rubric
to measure to help them progress toward their mastery skills.
● Students will be in charge of their learning and will interact with other students in a group.
● The rubric provides information to analyze the skill achieved throughout every activity to reach the
growth mindset and their learning goals.

Rules and Procedures:

● Keep un-welcome comments to yourself.
● No access to any electronic device without the permission of the teacher.
● The student should be on time and prepared.
● Once in google meet or class, start the do now immediately.
● No talking during presentations or teaching.
● Raise your hand to ask questions and comments and keep the microphone off unless instructed to do so.
● Homework is collected during the Do now lateness will get a -10
● Every work must have a full name with date and period, no name, no credit.
● Bathroom use is permitted during class except at the beginning and the end.
● No food allowed.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Directly Aligned to Content Standard

Pre-Assessment (including analysis of the pre-assessment results): The following pre-assessment was
provided to Spanish Native speakers. Test in English in www.njctl.org

1. Un protón lleva una

a. Carga positiva.
b. Carga negativa.
c. Carga neutra.
d. Carga variable.

2. Un neutrón lleva una

a. Carga positiva.
b. Carga negativa.
c. Carga neutra.
d. Carga variable.

3. Un electrón lleva una

a. Carga positiva.
b. Carga negativa.
c. Carga neutra.
d. Carga variable.

4. Un átomo neutron siempre tiene

a. Más neutrones que protones.
b. Más protones que electrones.
c. El mismo número de neutrones que de protones.
d. El mismo número de protones que de electrones.

5. Una varilla de vidrio es frotada con un trozo de seda. Durante el proceso, la varilla adquiere carga
positiva y la seda
a. También adquiere carga positiva.
b. Adquiere carga negativa.
c. Permanece neutra.
d. Podría adquirir carga tanto positiva como negativa. Depende de la intensidad con que fuera
frotada la varilla.

6. Un trozo de plástico tiene una carga neta de +2.00 μC. ¿Cuántos más protones que electrones tiene este
trozo de plástico?
a. 1.25X1013
b. 1.25X1019
c. 2.50X1013
d. 2.50X1019
7. Dos cargas se encuentran separadas por una distancia d y ejercen mutuas fuerzas atractivas de F una
sobre la otra. Si las cargas son separadas por una distancia de d/3, ¿cuáles son las nuevas fuerzas
a. F/3
b. F/9
c. 3F
d. 9F

8. Una varilla con carga negativa es acercada a un extreme de una barra metálica no cargada. El extremo
de la barra metálica más alejado de la varilla cargada tendrá carga
a. positiva
b. negativa
c. neutral
d. Ninguna de los anteriores

9. Dos cargas puntuales, separadas por 1.5 cm, tienen valores de carga de +2.0 y -4.0 μC, respectivamente.
¿Cuál es la magnitud de la fuerza eléctrica entre ambas?
a. 160 N
b. 320 N
c. 3.6X10-8 N
d. 8.0X10-12 N

10. Un electrón y un protón están separados por una distancia de 1.0 m. ¿Qué sucede con el tamaño de la
fuerza sobre el protón si el electrón es acercado 0.50 m al protón?
a. Aumenta a 4 veces su valor original.
b. Aumenta a 2 veces su valor original.
c. Disminuye a la mitad de su valor original.
d. Disminuye a un cuarto de su valor original.

11. La carga llevada por un electrón es e = -1.6 x 10-19 C. El número de electrones excedentes necesarios
para producir una carga de -1.0 C es
a. 6.25X1018
b. 6.25X109
c. 1.6X1019
d. Ninguna de los anteriores.

12. La esfera A lleva una carga neta y la esfera B es neutra. Están ubicadas una cerca de la otra sobre una
mesa aislada. ¿Qué afirmación describe major la fuerza electrostatic entre ellas?
a. No existe fuerza entre ellas dado que una es neutra.
b. Existe una fuerza de repulsión entre ellas.
c. Existe una fuerza de atracción entre ellas.
d. La fuerza es atractiva si A tiene carga positiva y repulsiva si A tiene carga negativa.

13. Dos objetos cargados se atraen mutuamente con una cierta fuerza. Si las cargas sobre ambos objetos
son duplicadas sin modificar la distancia de separación, la fuerza entre ellas
a. Se cuadriplica.
b. Se duplica.
c. Se divide a la mitad.
d. Aumenta, pero no podemos saber cuánto sin conocer la distancia entre ambos.

14. ¿Es posible que dos electrones se atraigan?

a. Sí, siempre se atraen.
b. Sí, se atraerán si están lo suficientemente cerca.
c. Sí, se atraerán si uno lleva mayor carga que el otro.
d. No, nunca se atraerán.

15. Un electrón y un protón están separados por una distancia de 1.0 m. ¿Qué sucede con la magnitud de la
fuerza sobre el protón si se coloca un Segundo electrón al lado del primero?
a. Se cuadriplica.
b. Se duplica.
c. No cambia.
d. Se va a cero.

16. Un electrón y un protón están separados por una distancia de of 1.0 m. ¿Qué sucede con la magnitud de
la fuerza sobre el primer electrón si se coloca un Segundo electrón al lado del protón?
a. Se duplica.
b. No cambia.
c. Se reduce a la mitad.
d. Se vuelve cero.

17. Un electroscopio originalmente cero es brevemente tocado con una varilla de vidrio con carga positiva.
El electroscopio
a. Permanence neutro.
b. Pasa a tener carga negativa.
c. Pasa a tener carga positiva.
d. Podría pasar a tener carga positive o negativa, dependiendo del tiempo de contacto.

18. La esfera A lleva una carga neta positiva y la esfera B es neutra. Están ubicadas una cerca de la otra
sobre una mesa aislada. La esfera B es brevemente tocada con un cable que está conectado a tierra.
¿Qué afirmación es correcta?
a. La esfera B permanence neutra.
b. La esfera B tiene ahora carga positiva.
c. La esfera B tiene ahora carga negativa.
d. La carga en la esfera B no puede ser determinada sin información adicional.

19. Un electroscopio originalmente neutro es conectado a tierra brevemente mientras cerca de él se sostiene
una varilla de vidrio con carga positiva. Luego de retirar la varilla de vidrio, el electroscopio
a. Permanece neutro.
b. Tiene carga negativa.
c. Tiene carga positiva.
d. Podría ser positiva o negativa, dependiendo de la duración del contacto con la tierra.

20. Una moneda de cobre tiene una masa de 3.0 g. Un total de 4.0X1012 electrones son transferidos desde
una moneda de cobre neutra a otra. Si la fuerza electrostática de atracción entre las monedas es igual al
peso de una moneda, ¿cuál es la separación entre ellas?
a. 31 cm
b. 33 cm
c. 35 cm
d. 37 cm

21. Un electrón es sostenido en contra de la fuerza de gravedad por la atracción de un protón fijo a cierta
distancia por encima de él. ¿A qué distancia por encima del electrón se encuentra el protón?
a. 1.5 m
b. 2.3 m
c. 3.7 m
d. 5.1 m

22. Una carga +30 μC es atraía a una -90 μC con una fuerza de 1.8 N. ¿A qué distancia una de la otra se
encuentran las cargas?
a. 1.9 m
b. 2.3 m
c. 3.7 m
d. 4.2 m

23. Un objeto positivo toca un electroscopio neutro, y las hojas se separan. Luego es acercado al
electroscopio un objeto negativo, pero sin tocarlo. ¿Qué sucede con las hojas?
a. Se separan aún más.
b. Se acercan aún más.
c. No son afectadas.
d. No puede determinarse sin más información.

24. Una carga de 1.0 C se encuentra a 15 m de una segunda carga, y la fuerza entre ellas es de 1.0 N. ¿Cuál
es la magnitud de la segunda carga?
a. 25 C
b. 1.0 C
c. 0.025 C
d. 25 NC

25. Un átomo tiene más electrones que protones. El átomo es

a. Un ion positivo.
b. Un ion negativo.
c. un superconductor.
d. imposible.

26. ¿De qué manera puede una varilla con carga negativa dar carga negativa a un electroscopio?
a. Por conducción.
b. Por inducción.
c. Por deducción.
d. No puede.

27. ¿De qué manera puede una varilla con carga negativa dar carga positive a un electroscopio?
a. Por conducción.
b. Por inducción.
c. Por deducción.
d. No puede.
Analysis of pre-assessment :Evidence shows: Two-thirds of the test takers are most likely to succeed majority
failed the pre-test. Statistically, 13 students out of 16 performed below 50%. Three students performed higher
than 50%(excel sheet, meaning that most of the students were not familiar with electric charges).
Data collected.

Performance Task(s) or Assignment Description(s):

 The goal of this lesson is to teach the 9th grade class about Electric Charges.
 The students will learn the types of electric charges.
 The student will know how charges interact.
 The student will make predictions about charges.
 The students will participate in a jigsaw activity to demonstrate static.
 The student will solve word problems of electric charge in groups.

NGSS HS-PS2-4 Skill Beginner Intermediate Advanced
0-5 6-10 11-15
Science Practice Problem-Solving I chose a strategy I chose a strategy I chose any
Uses coulomb’s law that did not help that worked I strategy and
to solve the problem. me achieve my achieve the obtained the
result I needed correct answer but correct answer I
help to choose a with confusion I verified my answer
correct strategy. am not sure it is on my own.
1-2 steps achieved. correct. 5-6
3-4 steps achieved. steps achieved.
Cross-cutting Reading I could not identify I got confused with I identified the
Identify types of the positive and the positive and positive and
electric charges. the negative negative charges. negative charges
charges. successfully.
Cross-cutting Critical thinking I could not I determine the I determine the
determine the type type of charge thru type of charge thru
Determine of charge thru conduction or conduction or
conduction and conduction or induction with induction
induction induction confusion throughout an
throughout an throughout an electroscope on my
electroscope. electroscope with own.
help from an
Cross-cutting Writing My work was My work was clear My work was clear
unclear I was I was unable to and detailed
Making predictions unable to explain explain and organized I was
about charges and provided no provided only one unable to explain
evidence. evidence. and provided more
than two evidence.
Disciplinary Core Question and I did not I vaguely I demonstrated the
Ideas reasoning demonstrate the demonstrated the effects of how
How charges interact effects of how effects of how gravity and
gravity and gravity and electrostatic
electrostatic electrostatic interacts in the
interacts in the interacts in the positive and
positive and positive and negative charges.
negative charges. negative charges.
Disciplinary Core Investigating I designed a model I designed a model I designed a model
Ideas without using the using the law of using the law of
law of conservation conservation
Law of conservation conservation and without applying applying the
of charge without applying the scientific scientific method.
the scientific method.
Self- or Peer Assessments: Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments,
 Students were provided a pre-assessment of etc.:
the electric charge and the results.
 Students were given the rubric, where they  Students will be broken up into pair groups to
had the chance to review and modify to answer the pre-class activity. I will monitor all
monitor their progress. groups and give students feedback as they are
 Students used the rubric to set personal learning and communicating among them.
learning goals and track their progress.  While students are participating in the guided
practice student will answer the poll by making
the predictions of electric charges, I will give
feedback on what they can improve due to their
 Think- pair share to solve the word problems on
the sheet.
 Jigsaw activity will be provided to discuss the
demonstration of static electricity.
 Exit ticket will be administered to it will be a
reflection with three questions concerning about
the lesson.
 During my office hours, I will meet with
students to analyze rubric results and answer
any doubts or concerns.
 Post assessment will be administered after
completion of unit.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan – Directly Aligned to Content Standard AND Assessments

Learning Activities:
Pre-Class- The teacher will greet students and direct students to fill out the do now identify visuals that will
indicate what type of charge they identify? (Culturally responsive) students will work in pairs, one female and
one male. The idea is to work with someone from another country (curiosity, connection, coherence,
concentration, coaching, and context) (student processing 10 minutes).

Modeling Direct Instruction- The teacher will introduce the instructions for the unit 6 topic electric charges
njctl slides 1-11. The teacher will introduce examples of how charges behave and interact in different objects. A
rubric would be provided to self-assess students on every activity.
(curiosity,connection,coherence,concentration,coaching and context) (student processing 15 minutes).

Guided Practice- The teacher will introduce examples for completing the exercise of predicting what is about
to happen to the object once the charges interact. (Culturally responsive) they will share their ideas discussing
concepts in their own words, and many may relate or even resonate with their ideas from their cultural
background. There will be a poll administered to check for understanding. Think pair share will be to solve for
the word problem of electric charges. (Culturally responsive)Once in think-pair-share, students will have math
problem solving adapted to Latin countries characteristics where the student will select their preferred one out
of three exercises. Students will be selected and asked to shout out their answers by solving the word problem.
(Curiosity,connection,coherence,concentration,coaching and context) (student processing 10- 15 minutes
per activity total of 25 minutes).

Independent practice- The students will participate in a jigsaw activity to create their own static using any
material at home and demonstrate to the teacher the static effect. (Culturally responsive) Students will share
their approach while in a group and finally the jigsaw, which will build confidence in creating a static and in the
group. I believe students will bring in their electricity perspective from their country. Fill out the practice
exercise sheet, notify the teacher when finished, and turn in a google classroom form to receive a grade. Exit
ticket writes a personal reflection mention 1. interesting thing you like today 2. What did you learn today? and
3. One thing you did not like about the lesson. (curiosity, connection, coherence, concentration, coaching,
and context) (student processing 10 minutes).

Homework- How can you apply electric charges to real-world examples? (curiosity, connection, coherence,
concentration, coaching, and context) (student processing 15 minutes).

Stage 4 – Feedback Strategies, including Timeliness (Module 5)

 Students will be given feedback during their pre class activity .
 I will provide oral feedback during power point slides during the model direct instructions.
 Feedback will be provided during poll activity.
 Student will receive individual feedback comment on prediction activity,
 Student will receive positive reinforcement from word problems .
 Student will receive group feedback for the jigsaw activity.
 I will meet with students individually during my office hours to review their personal goals.
 Students will take a post-assessment at the end of the unit .
 Follow up with all students at the end of the school year with students who are interested serving as
leaders for the upcoming year.


Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). Mathematics Standards. Retrieved

from http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/5/MD.

Goodwin, B & Ross, E. (2013). The Twelve Touchstones of Good Teaching. Alexandria,


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