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Pre-Assessment Strength and weaknesses

● This assessment provided concrete and objective evidence of students' knowledge of
● This assessment allowed measurement of student progress over time. The pre-assessment
scores will be compared to the post-assessment scores to show growth in learning.
● The assessment assisted in differentiation strategies throughout the unit such as pairing
students for partner and group activities and accommodations for struggling students.

● Formal assessments can be challenging for some students and may skew student results.
● Some students who struggle to read and those students who are in resource for reading
may struggle with understanding the questions asked. There were students who did not
understand what the instructions asked them to do. I put the test under a projector and
projected the test on to the smartboard. I read aloud the directions for each question.
● The assessment will be given first thing in the morning and may not accurately reflect the
students knowledge of fractions. This can be due to lack of sleep, whether the student ate
breakfast, or started the day unhappy.

How the collected student data informed the unit development and instruction:

The data collected helped to inform unit development and instruction. Students began learning
fractions in 2nd grade. However, the elementary school had a soft close during this time. This
assessment will provide evidence of what knowledge students have of fractions. Do students
have the basic knowledge of what a fraction is such as the numerator and denominator. Do
students understand how to represent a fraction based on its shaded and unshaded parts, and do
students understand equal parts? From the data gatherers students demonstrated knowledge in
equal parts of a fraction. During my planning and preparation, I intended to review parts of a
fraction, introduce different sized fractions, and fractional units. I observed the class as a whole
spent much time on the word problem . With much planning I intended to add fraction word
problems in each lesson.

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