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A 52 year old known asthmatic with nocturnal coughing 3x a week and diabetic has blood pressure

from 140-150/90-95 taken every morning for the past 2 months. HBAIc = 7 and Urinalysis =
proteinuria (++). Choose from below the most appropriate anti-hypertensive drug for him and
make a prescription good for one month.

(A) Preparation: Metoprolol 50 mg tablet

Recommended Dose: 50 mg bid, PO

(B) Preparation: Enalapril 5 mg tablet

Recommended Dose: 5 mg qd, PO

(C) Preparation: Losartan 50 mg tablet

Recommended Dose: 50 mg qd, PO

(D) Preparation: Amlodipine 5 mg tablet

Recommended Dose: 5 mg qd, PO

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