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Resume Webinar

Muhammad Aditya Bagus Riyadi (21020119130076)

Computational Design as Catalytic Tool in Architectural Design Process

“Architect draw what they could build, and build what they could draw”

Konversi pada teknologi memang tidak dapat dipungkiri keberadaannya, terbukti

dari evolusi hand-tool-technology yang berelangsung sekitar 2500 tahun, menuju
machine-tool-technology yang berlangsung sekitar 250 tahun, kini ke informative-
tool-technology yang berlangsung selama enam puluh tahun. Selain perkembangan
dalam teknologi, terdapat juga perkembangan dalam segi material yang digunakan
mulai dari anisotropic homogeneous, menuju isotropic homogeneus, dan kini
berkembang menjadi isotropic homogenous (with enlargement of compound) serta
individual composition of raw material. Perubahan yang terjadi selanjutnhya ada
pada conversionof the use of information, dimulai dari deskriptif, normative, dan

“is a process based on algorithms, that is processes written by programmers to

utilize the arithmetic and logical capabilities pf a computer in order to produce
certain results”

“The use of computer to process information through the understood model which
can be expressed as an algorithm”

“An algorithm is a particular set of instruction…and for these instructions to be

understood by the computer they must be written in a language the computer can
understand , a code.

Computerization is the act of entering, processing, or storing in a computer or a

computer system. Computerization is about automation, mechanization,
digitization, and conversion. Computational tools are based on algorithms, that is
processes written by programmers to utilize the arithmetic and logical capabilities
pf a computer in order to produce certain results.

Ideation Design is the key advantage of this parametric design over the traditional
design techniques is that is improves the design process to make it more efficient.
After the ideation design going through development and validation, finally it can
be produced or constructed.

Architectural design is colections of elements. If the design changes, as I will or

should do, then these collections of elements have to respond… but the basic
workflow is still the same. More complex architectural geometry are designed,
which means that more complex geometries in very large sets are involved. We will
find huge difficulties to control consistencies of all resources to create
architecture. Regarding to these complexity, computational methods and tools
become catalyst for analysis, simulation, and synthesis of systems that involve
large amount of information or information processing during design ideation to
iits actualization.

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