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Weekly Legislative Action Alert from Jackie Cilley


Hi Folks:c
The upcoming week would typically be the legislative holiday for both the NH House and the NH Senate.
However, in a break with that tradition, House leadership decided that it would forgo the vacation and
remain in Concord to work on the many, many pieces of controversial legislation. So much damage to
do, so little time! The esteemed House has plenty on tap in the upcoming week that is intrusive,
dangerous and just plain silly.c
The Senate, by contrast, opted to leave and will return on March 7. Consequently, there will be no
mischief from that chamber in the upcoming week.c
It is very important that you contact the individual legislators on committees hearing bills that are
important to you and it is equally important for you to reach out to your own legislators to share your
view. You can find a listing of committees and committee membership at
and you can find your legislator at
Your efforts continue to pay dividends. Although we have not been able to halt all of the harmful
legislation (i.e., the House passed the repeal of the Greenhouse Gas Initiative last week despite
overwhelming testimony in opposition to the bill that cited the millions of dollars of benefit to NH
ratepayers from the program and the dozens of jobs that had been created), you have stopped others
and you have definitely brought broad-based public attention to the absurdity of what is occurring in
Concord. It is critically important to continue to contact your legislators, write letters to the editor and to
reach out to your friends, family and neighbors.c
Below are several pieces of legislation profiled for this Legislative Alert that strike one as especially
noteworthy. However, this is but a tiny sampling of the bills that are still being heard or are being voted
upon in each of the House committees. The full listing of House Committee hearings are contained at the
end of this e-mail. A number of the bills that you may want to follow further or know more about are
highlighted there as well.c
Remember ÿ 

 The only way that any of us will have true representative democracy is if we
participate in the process. I hope that you will do whatever you can to share your voice
and opinion (attend a hearing in Concord, write to your State Representatives and State
Senator, write letters to the editors of your local newspapers, talk to your family, friends
and neighbors about legislation of interest and importance to you).c
Thank you for all that you do.c

2  c

!"#""$% &'c

 When asked why he
sponsored HB 577, Rep. Ulery explained his intention was to prevent retailers from
becoming isolated   2+
,-( ± apparently Rep. Ulery
believes that this persecution of Jews was a voluntary move downtown. HB 577
requires ÿ    
    The bill will be heard before the House Commerce and Consumer
Affairs Committee on Tuesday, March 1 at 11:30 a.m.     
÷  ,,
. ,      / A
breathtakingly retrograde and draconian bill would make it far more difficult, if not
impossible, to divorce if you have children under the age of 18 years. HB 587 will ban
the use of ÿ  
  if there are minor children involved. For more
than 40 years, the use of  
 has allowed individuals to avoid
costly, public airings of the reasons for the dissolution of their marriage. Adults
generally know whether their marriage is salvageable and one would hope, that they
also know what is best for their children in such cases as well. For inexplicable
reasons, the sponsors, including local State Representative Warren Groen, obviously
believe that   know better. They will force parents to prove that one has, for
example, committed adultery, been extremely cruel, become impotent or been a
drunkard or abandoned the family for at least two years ± you¶ll just have to suffer for
the other year and 364 days ± among other ? 
for divorce. (See RSA 458:7 for a
comprehensive list of grounds that may be used to  cause as to why a court may
grant a divorce.) HB 587 will be heard before the House Children and Family Law
Committee on in Rm. 206, LOB, on Thursday, March 3 at 9:30 a.m.. ë  
"##  # # #   $%&'()  
'    +You might ask them while you¶re at it to explain how an
intrusive bill such as this helps to balance the budget and create jobs.c
d ,    '  c

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  .  Although the minimum wage law was championed by Republican
Governor Styles Bridges more than 70 years ago, the current legislature is  
 '  *     and tie it to the federal rate. HB 133,
the bill that would accomplish that will be heard on Tuesday, March 1 before the House
Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Committee in Rm. 303 of the LOB. After
nine years of stagnation, the minimum wage was finally raised as one of the first pieces
of legislation passed by a Democratic majority in 2007. Poll after poll shows the
majority of American citizens believe, as Gov. Styles Bridges did, that the minimum
wage is an appropriate bar for government to set. By contrast, '-./   
    01  This House Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative
Services Committee will be voting on this bill on Tuesday, March 1 at 1 p.m.c

 2 +
2 -  ,2(
! #/As US students
continue to lose ground to their counterparts around the world and just as our President
calls for increasing investments in educating our young to give them the tools to
compete in the world of tomorrow, our legislators are turning back the clock. On March
1 at 2 p.m., '-2345        6  , will
be heard before the House Education Committee in Rm. 207 of the LOB. Four years
ago the drop out age was raised to 18 and New Hampshire currently enjoys one of the
lowest high school drop out rates in the country. But we don¶t want all that to get in the
way of a good debate about just how much schoolin¶ is good µnuf. Better show up at the
hearing on this one or it could be your kids or grandkids that turn out just like some of
the folks you¶ll see in Concord these days.c
Ô *
 , ,  
  Despite the unceasing mantra of there being a ³hundreds of
millions of dollars gap in the State budget, our legislators have found ample time to
into matters that have no bearing on the budget. And, talking about
?? ?, that brings
to mind one of the more quixotic pieces of proposed legislation is '!6/ 
    7 8
  $     9  
:       As it turns out, poor Meriwether, of the
Lewis and Clark famed expeditions, met an untimely death in the fall of 1809 on a trip
from the State of Louisiana, to which he was appointed governor after exploring it for
President Thomas Jefferson, to Washington, DC. There has, indeed, long been
controversy over whether Meriwether was murdered (seems he had a bit of a penchant
for quarreling with those around him) or committed suicide (seems he also had a bit of a
penchant for quarreling with himself after bouts of heavy drinking). Solving this mystery
would undoubtedly be quite interesting were it not for the fact that it won¶t help us create
more jobs here in New Hampshire. It is also noteworthy that the National Park Service,
who have been petitioned to exhume Lewis¶ body in the past, have declined for sound
reasons. '!6/      '8 ;    
< = 53/(5:>-d  59  ( 4  You might want to
contact your legislators to let them know there are more important things to be
concentrating on at the moment.c
; ?- ! <c
The following are bills that have already been heard before their respective
committees. If you haven¶t weighed in on some of these before now, it would be
advisable to send individual e-mails or letters to the members of the committee to
register your support or opposition.c
 The Special Committee on Public Employee Pensions Reform will hold a
public hearing on an amendment to this bill on Monday, February 28 at 11 a.m. in Rm.
307, LOB. This bill will have retirees, many of whom will have no options to increase
their incomes, pay up to $10,900 toward their medical benefits. This will affect retirees
collecting as little as $18,000 in retirement benefits. It doesn¶t take a rocket scientist to
understand the impacts this is likely to have on these folks. But it¶s not that obvious to
Rep. Neal Kurk, the prime sponsor of the bill, who states ³

3 3  ( 
4 c

  This is a decidedly odd piece of legislation sponsored by Rep. John Hunt
who otherwise champions plenty of choice by the free market. The bill specifically
states that ÿ        


 ?   ?




    This may be a back-door approach to creating consumer
dissatisfaction with the new healthcare reform act by forcing those currently holding a
more comprehensive policy into a basic policy ± something that has been consistently
refuted by the current Administration. '-4    d 59  6 (
  '! != !  (/35
'-145@            7  
7  = ! = Despite hearing from Atty. General Delaney that
this bill is unconstitutional and will result in yet another Supreme Court case (which
many of the bills being passed by this legislature are likely to result in as well), the
House has already passed the bill by the full body once. It is now being reviewed by the
 8     d 59  6
3/:>- 6/ .c
'-2125@         Despite
estimates of several million dollars of costs     

 'A ; for testing more than 51 thousand food stamp
recipients, the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs continues to + on
this shameful piece of legislation. '-212  
  ''  5' 
   = ! d 59  6 4  3/.5
   Although those who educate their children
through alternative approaches do not place additional burdens on school budgets, the
same could be argued about folks with no children and the elderly whose children are
grown and gone. If this bill passes municipalities will face between $89 to $186 million
revenue gaps. This legislation is being championed by local State Representatives
Carol Vita, Laura Jones and Lou Vita. '-(2/  
9    !A
d 59  65 (/65:>- 66
For the remainder of the bills being heard or exec¶d in their respective House
Committees please see the following list.c
; '   " "##  # # #   c
!>99dd 9 dA8c
9>,=ë5; -=ë31c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=8B8=! #!>89 7>d !d>
10:00 a.m. Insurance /Consumer subcommittee work session on 5relative to insurance payments
for ambulance services.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53635:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Correctionsc
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Servicesc
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on &%6requiring parental notification before abortions
may be performed on unemancipated minors.c
1:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on  5%6relative to end of life aid in dying for certain
persons suffering from a terminal disease. c
Executive session may follow.c
9!7=:=,!>dëA>< 9 d5(/65:>-c
10:30 a.m. Executive session on ""relative to assessment of the land use change tax on cluster or
condominium developments,  %6relative to notice to owners of upstream dams, 
allowing towns and cities to exempt farm buildings and structures from property taxation,  relative
to the maintenance, repair, and preservation of burial grounds, "&%6%6requiring impact studies for
large-scale retail development.c
>:;,,8-8 9 dB8=62,"2C5(/.5:>-c
9:00 a.m. Regular meeting.c
87 !=:!>99dd >7-:! 97:>ë 7 8>8 ;>95(/)5
10:00 a.m. Public hearing on proposed amendment to 5%6relative to payment of state retiree
medical benefits for spouses and dependents. The proposed amendment establishes specific monthly
payments by state retirees toward their health care premiums. Copies of the proposed amendment are
available from the Sergeant-at-Arms Office.c
11:00 a.m. Full committee work session on 5%6relative to payment of state retiree medical
benefits for spouses and dependents. c
12:30 p.m. Executive session on 5%6relative to payment of state retiree medical benefits for
spouses and dependents.c
d 8,=ë59=!'6c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=8B-=EA#-8 88,<8>C5
10:00 a.m.  5regulating guaranteed price plans and prepaid contracts for petroleum.c
10:30 a.m. "$relative to propane sales.c
11:00 a.m. &$%6relative to the regulation of oil heating technicians.c
11:30 a.m.  ''relative to the use of foreign languages by retail establishments.c
1:15 p.m. "5'repealing the prohibitions on Sunday business activities.c
2:00 p.m. %6repealing certain provisions relating to the sale of oleomargarine.c
2:30 p.m. $$ %6relative to the regulation of electronic tracking devices.c
Work sessions on these bills may follow the public hearings.c
3:00 p.m. Full committee executive session on &"relative to issuance of individual health insurance
policies by health carriers, relative to New Hampshire domestic liquor and wines, "%6
relative to beverage manufacturers, 5"%6prohibiting interference with access to medical services
and health insurance of New Hampshire citizens, 2prohibiting the implementation of the insurance
department rules regarding the New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association, 
 requiring consumer protection for prepaid services, '"%6relative to wine manufacturers, 
$'relative to seller financing of mortgages and making changes to the laws regulating mortgage
bankers and brokers and debt adjustment services, &5relative to permissible fireworks, 5'5
relative to restrictions on liquor licenses, 5' relative to technical changes in life, accident, and health
insurance, $5&%6relative to language in insurance certificates, &requiring condominium
management companies to make certain disclosures to the condominium board of directors, 
relative to occupancy fees charged by manufactured housing park owners, $ relative to dissolving
corporations, $relative to residential mortgage loan transactions, 5'relative to fire warning
devices and carbon monoxide detection devices in dwellings, $establishing a commission to study
business regulations in New Hampshire, $establishing a committee to study the feasibility of
establishing a state development bank in New Hampshire, &relative to service animals.c
!>8ddd>=: < D=,8d=dd>ë !>,;!=d>53/5:>-c
10:00 a.m. Executive session on & requiring the attorney general to join the lawsuit challenging
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.c
!9=:28d! =,7-:!8=; dë53/25:>-c
10:00 a.m. %6relative to impaired drivers.c
10:45 a.m. $"%6relative to penalties for alcohol ignition interlock circumvention.c
11:15 a.m. "%6making the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person's breasts
or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault.c
1:00 p.m.  relative to the law on wiretapping and eavesdropping.c
1:45 p.m.  establishing a committee to study repealing the revisions to the law implemented by
SB 500-FN of the 2010 legislative session.c
2:30 p.m.  $%6excluding persons convicted of violent crimes from mandatory early release on
probation or parole.c
3:00 p.m. Rescheduled public hearing on  '"%6relative to the right to brandish a firearm in
defense of one's property.c
Executive session may follow.c
10:30 a.m. &"relative to procedures for juvenile delinquency petitions filed by a school district or
school official.c
11:00 a.m. ''%6requiring daily physical education for public school pupils.c
11:30 a.m. $prohibiting vaccinations in public schools. c
1:00 p.m. 'making changes to the pupil safety and violence prevention act.c
2:00 p.m. $&permitting a child 16 years of age or older to withdraw from school with parental
2:30 p.m.  5%6%6requiring the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in public schools.c
Executive session may follow.c
: !d>:=D5(/15:>-c
10:30 a.m. Executive session on 5"%6relative to restrictions on political communications, 
 5relative to absentee ballots,  'relative to removal of political advertising,  eliminating
certain unenforced election laws, $55relative to distributing campaign materials at the polling place,
$ 5%6prohibiting the use of prerecorded political messages for political advocacy within 30 days
prior to an election, $ &%6relative to placement of political advertising.c
11:00 a.m.  relative to polling hours and location of polling places.c
11:15 a.m. $relative to including workplace harassment in the legislative ethics law.c
1:00 p.m.  &prohibiting a candidate from receiving the nomination of more than one party.c
1:45 p.m. $'%6prohibiting political advertising on public property.c
2:15 p.m. $5relative to candidates for United States senator.c
Executive session may follow.c
<>9 d=,=A!:d 5(/(5:>-c
11:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on $"relative to the membership of the current use
advisory board.c
1:00 p.m. Executive session on $"relative to the membership of the current use advisory board,
 %6relative to the purchase of ill animals from licensed animal vendors and inspections of animal
vendor premises by the state veterinarian, $& %6relative to the prevention of the use of pesticides
on the grounds of child day care facilities, schools, and state parks.c
F !d< , 7=d9 d8=,=,98d=d>5(/5:>-c
10:00 a.m. $$$%6making John Stark Day a New Hampshire state holiday.c
10:30 a.m. $$&%6expanding the information available on the state transparency website.c
11:00 a.m. $%6establishing a state renovation, repair, and painting (RRP) rule program relative
to lead-safe practices.c
1:00 p.m. relative to reciprocity for licensure by the board of veterinary medicine.c
1:30 p.m. $'"%6establishing an independent board of psychologists.c
Executive session may follow.c
2:00 p.m. Subcommittee work session on 5'%6%6relative to the state fire code and the state
building code, "relative to the state fire code and the appeal process for decisions of the state fire
;=! 536/3665:>-c
10:00 a.m. Or immediately following the Chairmen¶s meeting, executive session on "&%6
establishing a priority based budget system focused on measurable results, $ %6%÷%6making an
appropriation for the special education catastrophic aid program for the 2011 fiscal year, $%6%÷%6
relative to county reimbursements for nursing home services, "5%6requiring state agencies to
submit an efficiency level expenditure estimate to the commissioner of administrative services as part of
the biennial budget process.c
10:30 a.m. Or immediately following the executive session, full committee work session on "
requiring the Congress of the United States of America to reaffirm its adherence to the Constitution of the
United States regarding international agreements and treaties.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53635:>-c
-D8 c
1:00 p.m. Or immediately following the full committee work session, Department of Corrections.c
;=! ?B,<8>C536/3665:>-c
1:00 p.m. Or immediately following full committee work session, budget work session.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
1:00 p.m. Or immediately following full committee work session, Department of Health and Human
' =:d'5'9=8 <! 8=, :, :ë=;;=853/.5:>-c
8:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on "$%6requiring the departments of health and human
services and administrative services to jointly issue a certain request for information. c
9:00 a.m. Executive session on  relative to inter-facility transfers of critical access hospital
patients, ' establishing a commission to study bed bugs in New Hampshire, 5&5relative to the
community mental health system, 5%6relative to notice required for the fluoridation of drinking
water,  'relative to the administration of certain pain relief medications by a school nurse, "
relative to labeling requirements for dispensing of drugs by automated pharmacy systems, $%6
relative to contact lens prescriptions, 5"establishing the medical sharps advisory council on
disposal of medical sharps, $'establishing a committee to study the rising incidence of autism, 
$$%6requiring random drug testing of food stamp program participants, $ %6relative to
requiring photo identification for 5food stamp program participants, "$%6requiring the departments
of health and human services and administrative services to jointly issue a certain request for information.c
' c
10:00 a.m. $$%6relative to the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.c
Executive session may follow.c
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on $'exempting from nondisclosure the records of
accidents involving and violations by county, city, and town employees and officials.c
10:30 a.m. Full committee public hearing on  &"establishing a recommended procedure upon the
abandonment or foreclosure of a manufactured home within a housing park.c
11:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on "'%6relative to lowering the legal drinking age for
members of the armed forces.c
Executive session may follow.c
1:00 p.m. Executive session on ÷55relating to terms for state judges. Providing that all state
judges be commissioned for renewable 5-year terms, 5$5relative to the treatment of cable television
as a protected utility service, 5 relative to the misuse of social security numbers,  $relative
to offers of judgments,  relative to the homestead right, 5$relative to judicially appointed
officials, 5 relative to appointment of attorneys by judges, marital masters, and judicial officers, 
&%6requiring parental notification before abortions may be performed on unemancipated minors, 
$$%6establishing a judicial performance review commission, $&%6relative to alternative
dispute resolution in civil cases, $5establishing a committee to study issues of judicial standing
under federal and state law, $5relative to psychiatric evaluations, $'%6relative to the
definition of marriage, $$%6establishing that marriage between one man and one woman shall be
the only legal domestic union that shall be valid or recognized in this state, $&&%6relative to the
employer's lien on damages and benefits recovered from third persons by employees who have received
workers' compensation,  5%6relative to end of life aid in dying for certain persons suffering from a
terminal disease,  5$relative to entry on private land,  %6relative to elder abuse,  '
relative to tort reform,  %6relative to municipal liability for dog bites,  "&%6establishing
domestic union as a valid contract and extending certain rights to parties to a domestic union,  '$
relative to the taking of private property during a state of emergency, "&%6establishing the New
Hampshire circuit court to replace the current probate courts, district courts, and judicial branch family
division, "$%6relative to notice to the department of health and human services of the allocation of
spousal income and relative to estate planning by guardians, "$5%6relative to lien authority for the
office of reimbursements within the department of health and human services, 5'declaring that
Copp v. Henniker and the opinions which subsequently relied upon Copp versus Henniker are void and of
no force, 5declaring Merrill v. Sherburne to be void and of no force, 'directing the house
judiciary committee to investigate whether grounds exist to impeach marital master Phillip Cross and/or
any justice of the New Hampshire superior court.c
:=->5,8d=:=, '=-:d=d< 8 <! 85(/(5:>-B7  
9:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on "%6clarifying the definition of gross misconduct for
purposes of unemployment compensation.c
10:15 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on $%6relative to voluntary registration for independent
contractors under workers' compensation law.c
11:00 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on $&$%6relative to tipped employees who deal card and
table games at games of chance venues.c
Executive session may follow.c
1:00 p.m. Executive session on 5relative to the minimum wage, 'relative to public or
private criticism of employers by employees, ' establishing an employers' private right of action to
enforce the payment of workers' compensation coverage, $5relative to postsecondary training for
workers with disabilities, "%6clarifying the definition of gross misconduct for purposes of
unemployment compensation, "relative to workers' compensation for illegal aliens, "
relative to binding arbitration in public labor relations disputes, $%6relative to voluntary
registration for independent contractors under workers' compensation law, $&$%6relative to tipped
employees who deal card and table games at games of chance venues,  "increasing the minimum
wage,  relative to communication between employers and employees during bargaining
negotiations,  &repealing written majority authorization for an employee organization to be certified
as the exclusive representative of public employees in a bargaining unit, "$'relative to withholding
of wages.c
: A8:=d< =,98d=d>56/25:>-c
10:00 a.m. Executive session on 5&relative to legislative study committees, 55$establishing
a committee to study merging the state heritage collections committee and the joint legislative historical
committee,  '%6suspending the payment of travel expenses for legislators and staff,  %6
requiring certain bills to have performance standard notes. c
11:00 a.m.  "5%6prohibiting the state payment of the cost of wireless communications services for
legislators and staff.c
Executive session may follow.c
9!7=:=,!>dëA>< 9 d5(/65:>-c
8:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on %6relative to abandoned homes in manufactured
housing parks. c
11:00 a.m. Executive session on "5enabling counties to adopt semi-annual payment of county
taxes by towns and cities&%6relative to phasing out and repealing the exemption for water and
air pollution control facilities from local property taxation, $5relative to local spending caps, $ '%
6reducing the interest rate on late and delinquent property tax payments, subsequent payments, and
other unpaid taxes, $%6promoting parental choice in education and providing for an abatement
from the education taxes for parents of children not enrolled in the public school system, 5&relative
to residential fire sprinklers, %6relative to abandoned homes in manufactured housing parks.c
10:00 a.m. '%6%÷making an appropriation for funding disaster relief and hazard mitigation in
response to the May 2006 Suncook River avulsion.c
Executive session may follow.c
!           '-3.c
1:00 p.m. Adjutant Generalc
1:30 p.m. Department of Cultural Resourcesc
2:00 p.m. Veterans Home c
2:30 p.m. Liquor Commissionc
3:00 p.m. Department of Safetyc
 8>! 85 ! =d>=,, < :>79 d5(/.5:>-c
1:00 p.m. Executive session on 'relative to de minimis impact work in designated rivers, 
relative to the preservation and care of the Franconia Notch forest reservation and memorial park, 
5$&designating segments of the Lamprey, North Branch, Pawtuckaway, North, Little, and Piscassic
Rivers as protected rivers, $$relative to toilets at campgrounds and exclusions for such
requirements for certain parcels of land, $&%6%6relative to claiming an invasive species as a
habitat, $'%6repealing the comprehensive shoreland protection act,  "relative to smoking
within certain areas of New Hampshire state parks and historic sites.c
8! ! 5d !'>:>Aë=,  Aë5(/25:>-c
10:15 a.m.  $%6relative to biomass combined heat and electricity facilities.c
11:15 a.m. Continued public hearing on %6requiring providers of prepaid wireless services and
voice over internet protocol services to pay surcharges for deposit in the enhanced 911 system fund.c
1:00 p.m. Continued public hearing on 55%6relative to solar renewable energy.c
1:30 p.m.  &establishing a committee to study methods of encouraging the installation and use of
small scale renewable energy resources by homeowners and businesses and authorizing the
development of a solar photovoltaic renewable energy project in Manchester.c
Executive session may follow.c
9:45 a.m. Subcommittee work session on $relative to boat operation rules,  $relative to
boater safety education and relative to the minimum age for operation of motorized vessels. c
10:00 a.m. "5%6%÷establishing number plates supporting New Hampshire public higher
10:30 a.m.  $%6relative to motor vehicle inspections.c
11:30 a.m.  %6%÷establishing multi-use number plates.c
1:15 p.m. &'relative to image display devices in motor vehicles.c
Executive session may follow.c
D , 8,=ë59=!'3c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=85(/35:>-c
3:00 p.m. Or immediately following the House session, continued executive session from March 1, if
F !d< , 7=d9 d8=,=,98d=d>5(/5:>-c
2:00 p.m. Or 45 minutes after the House session, executive session on &%6%÷allowing the
state veterinarian to employ a meat inspection services administrator, $$"%6repealing the authority
for regulation of certain professional occupations, $ relative to the regulatory authority of the board
of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics,  5'%6repealing provisions concerning licensure of fuel
gas fitters, $relative to the adoption of forms under the administrative procedures act, 55
relative to the review and approval of proposed agency rules under the administrative procedures act, 
5%6relative to the use of open data formats and the adoption of a statewide policy regarding open
government data standards, 5%6relative to posting agency expenditures on the state
transparency website, $%6transferring the duties of the racing and charitable gaming commission
to the lottery commission and abolishing the racing and charitable gaming commission, and prohibiting
new electronic gaming devices without statutory authorization, $5%6requiring state agencies to
consider open source software when acquiring new software, $ %6%÷establishing a sunset review
process for executive agency and judicial programs and making an appropriation therefor,  "
establishing an interdepartmental public health and environmental coordinating committee, %6
relative to administrative rules which contain a fee increase, allowing political subdivisions to object to a
proposed rule, and eliminating certain statutory provisions granting general rulemaking authority.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53635:>-c
Budget work session immediately following the House Sessionc
3:00 p.m. Or immediately following the House session, executive session on $ %6authorizing
optional enhanced drivers' licenses and optional enhanced nondrivers' picture identification cards, 
$&relative to driver's license reexaminations, 5$relative to eligibility for walking disability plates,
"5%6%÷establishing number plates supporting New Hampshire public higher education, &'
relative to image display devices in motor vehicles,  $"relative to the use of hand-held cellular
phones while driving, $relative to boat operation rules, '5%6%÷establishing number plates
for firefighters and emergency medical care providers,  $relative to licensure requirements for retail
vehicle dealers,  5"%6%÷establishing Red Sox number plates to benefit the Children's Hospital at
Dartmouth,  $relative to boater safety education and relative to the minimum age for operation of
motorized vessels,  %6%÷establishing multi-use number plates,  $%6relative to motor
vehicle inspections.c
!':, =,;=9:ë:=D53/5:>-c
9:30 a.m.  'relative to grounds for divorce for persons with minor children.c
10:30 a.m. $5 relative to access to abuse and neglect investigation records pending a child
custody dispute.c
11:30 a.m.  "%6relative to false allegations of child abuse.c
1:30 p.m.  &5relative to the determination of parental rights based on the best interest of the child;
relative to grounds for modification of an order regarding parental rights and responsibilities, and relative
to grandparent and stepparent visitation rights.c
Executive session may follow.c
12:00 p.m. Subcommittee work session on  relative to grounds for modification of parental rights
and responsibilities.c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=8B8=! #!>89 7>d !d>
9:00 a.m.  5%6relative to insurance reimbursement for doctors of naturopathic medicine.c
10:00 a.m. "'relative to exemptions under the consumer protection act.c
10:30 a.m. ""establishing a committee to study the formation of a consumer protection working
11:00 a.m.  &%6prohibiting the use of certain information to underwrite insurance coverage.c
11:30 a.m. $$relative to surplus lines tax collection.c
1:15 p.m. $ %6relative to insurance payments for ambulance providers.c
2:00 p.m. "5"%6relative to coverage for divorced spouses.c
Work sessions may follow the public hearings. c
2:45 p.m. Full committee executive session on  5regulating guaranteed price plans and prepaid
contracts for petroleum, "$relative to propane sales, &$%6relative to the regulation of oil
heating technicians,  ''relative to the use of foreign languages by retail establishments, "5'
repealing the prohibitions on Sunday business activities, %6repealing certain provisions relating
to the sale of oleomargarine, $$ %6relative to the regulation of electronic tracking devices.c
!>9988>d>8d,ë G 9 d8;>8=; =,8 ! :=,;::8
B'-)35! 3.3"65: 3//)C5(/25:>-c
1:00 p.m. Regular meeting.c
!9=:28d! =,7-:!8=; dë53/25:>-c
10:00 a.m. '%6relative to physical force in defense of a person.c
5%6relative to the use of deadly force to protect oneself.c
 "'relative to physical force in defense of a person.c
1:00 p.m. Continued public hearing on $$relative to procedures for investigating law enforcement
officers involved in critical incidents.c
1:30 p.m. Rescheduled public hearing on  "%6relative to the natural right to carry a firearm,
openly or concealed, without a license.c
Executive session may follow.c
10:00 a.m. Executive session on 5&establishing a committee to study the abolishment of the
department of education, %6relative to the approval of plans and specifications for the
construction of school buildings, &relative to staffing exceptions for small schools, &"relative
to procedures for juvenile delinquency petitions filed by a school district or school official, "&%6%6
relative to withdrawal from a school administrative unit or an authorized regional enrollment area school,
'making changes to the pupil safety and violence prevention act, '"relative to
representative voting on joint boards of school administrative units, ''%6requiring daily physical
education for public school pupils, "adding Granite State college to the university system of New
Hampshire corporate charter and adding a student trustee from Granite State college to the university
system board of trustees, $prohibiting vaccinations in public schools, $&permitting a child
16 years of age or older to withdraw from school with parental permission,  5%6%6requiring the
teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in public schools,   %6making charter schools eligible
for grants for leased space,  %6%6requiring school districts to develop a facility maintenance and
capital improvement program,  $%6amending the school attendance statutes, amending the
statute for suspension or expulsion of a pupil for possession of certain weapons, and repealing the
rulemaking and reporting provisions of the Parents as Teachers program.c
F !d< , 7=d9 d8=,=,98d=d>5(/5:>-c
9:30 a.m.  allowing a master electrician to have 2 apprentice electricians under his or her
10:15 a.m.  %6establishing a performance measurement system for state agencies.c
11:00 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on "prohibiting preferences in recruiting, hiring,
promotion, or admission by state agencies, the university system, the community college system, and the
postsecondary education commission.c
1:00 p.m.  " establishing a dental hygienists committee within the board of dental examiners.c
1:30 p.m. $ %6establishing the independent regulation of dental hygienists.c
Executive session may follow.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53635:>-c
-D8 c
9:00 a.m. Judicial Branchc
1:00 p.m. Judicial Councilc
;=! ?B,<8>C536/3665:>-c
10:00 a.m. Budget work session. c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Servicesc
;8'=,A=9 =,9=  8>! 85(/)5:>-c
9:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on  '5%6relative to lobster and crab licenses issued by
the fish and game department.c
10:00 a.m. Executive session on 5&$repealing the prohibition on having or carrying certain
crossbow, rifles, or shotguns in vehicles, 5&"relative to the certificates of completion of a basic
hunter education program or bow hunter education program, "%6establishing an apprentice
hunting license, &$relative to the distance from highways for the taking of moose,  '5%6
relative to lobster and crab licenses issued by the fish and game department.c
' =:d'5'9=8 <! 8=, :, :ë=;;=853/.5:>-c
9:00 a.m. Full committee work session on '5authorizing establishment of pharmaceutical drug
take-back programs.c
Executive session may follow.c
10:00 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on $&%6relative to the certification of integrated
residential communities.c
11:00 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on $&%6relative to health information exchange.c
1:00 p.m.  $relative to mental health records.c
Executive session may follow.c
10:00 a.m. Continued executive session from March 1, if needed and executive session on $'
exempting from nondisclosure the records of accidents involving and violations by county, city, and town
employees and officials,  &"establishing a recommended procedure upon the abandonment or
foreclosure of a manufactured home within a housing park, "'%6relative to lowering the legal
drinking age for members of the armed forces.c
: A8:=d< =,98d=d>56/25:>-c
2:00 p.m. Work session on Rep. Michael Brunelle¶s qualifications to serve subject to Part II, Article 7 of
the NH Constitution.c
9!7=:=,!>dëA>< 9 d5(/65:>-c
10:30 a.m. Executive session on 35 relative to the duties of tax collectors and clerks, 35"relative
to amendments to warrant articles,  relative to merger of lots or parcels, $%6requiring a
public hearing on certain school district warrant articles,  $5relative to ownership of property placed
in trust qualifying for certain property tax exemptions and credits, "relative to adjustments to the
semi-annual collection of property taxes in towns and cities.c
!           '-3.c
9:30 a.m. Administrative Servicesc
1:00 p.m. Department of Correctionsc
2:00 p.m. Department of Educationc
2:30 p.m. Judicial Branchc
 , 88>;A <=! 856/25:>-c
10:00 a.m. Continued hearing and work session on Petition 1.c
8! ! 5d !'>:>Aë=,  Aë5(/25:>-c
10:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on $&"%6relative to radiological monitoring in nuclear
emergency planning zones.c
8d=d ; , =: :=d>8=,< d =8=;;=853/(5:>-c
9:00 a.m. Executive session on 55to urge the Congress of the United States to withdraw the
membership of the United States from the United Nations so that the United States may retain its
sovereignty and control over its own funds and military forces, 5urging the National Park Service
to permit the exhumation of the body of Meriwether Lewis to determine the cause of his death, 5 
ordering our federal senators to vote against the Law of the Sea Convention, &urging Congress to
support H.R. 6416 or similar legislation relative to airport security, urging the Transportation
Security Administration to terminate recent changes to pat down search procedures and urging Congress
and the President to change or discontinue the use of advanced imaging technology at airports, 5
urging Congress to pass legislation against losses in value due to money supply by the federal reserve;
restoring gold and silver money; and phasing out the federal reserve system, 5$applying to
Congress to convene a convention proposing amendments to the United States Constitution, 5
urging Congress to withdraw the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
in accordance with Article 2205 of the agreement.c
=,98d=d< : 8B8=.26="3C5(/.(/)5:>-c
9:00 a.m. Continued regular meeting.c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=8B-=EA#-8 88,<8>C5
10:00 a.m.  ""relative to the identification of dental prosthetic appliances.c
10:30 a.m. "preventing prescribing practitioners from owning pharmacies in-state and out-of-
11:00 a.m.  'relative to payment at time of medical services.c
11:30 a.m.  $%6licensing reverse distributors of drugs and requiring manufacturers and
wholesalers to report changes in ownership.c
1:15 p.m.  %6relative to the applicability of licensure requirements for mortgage bankers and
2:00 p.m. "5establishing exemptions from the licensing requirements for first mortgage bankers
and brokers. c
2:30 p.m.  "relative to overdraft fees charged by banks.c
Work sessions may follow the public hearings. c
;=! ?B,<8>C53635:>-c
-D8 c
1:00 p.m. Department of Administrative Servicesc
;=! ?B,<8>C536/3665:>-c
10:00 a.m. Budget work session. c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Servicesc
87 !=:!>99dd > ,!=d>;,A ;>953/)5:>-c
9:00 a.m. "declaring that the Claremont case's mandates that the legislative and executive
branches define an adequate education, determine its cost, fund its entire cost with state taxes, and
ensure its delivery through accountability, are not binding on the legislative and executive branches.c
Executive session may follow.c
9:30 a.m. Full committee work session on ÷'relating to education funding. Providing that the
general court shall distribute funds in the manner that it determines will best promote an equal opportunity
for an adequate education, ÷5relating to funding of public education. Providing that the legislature
shall define standards for education, determine the level of state funding thereof, establish standards of
accountability, and allocate state funds in a manner that mitigates disparities in educational opportunity
and fiscal capacity, provided that a reasonable share of state funds shall be distributed on a per pupil
basis. c
10:00 a.m. Or immediately following the work session, executive session on "declaring that the
Claremont case's mandates that the legislative and executive branches define an adequate education,
determine its cost, fund its entire cost with state taxes, and ensure its delivery through accountability, are
not binding on the legislative and executive branches, ÷'relating to education funding. Providing
that the general court shall distribute funds in the manner that it determines will best promote an equal
opportunity for an adequate education, '%6%6relative to the calculation and distribution of
adequate education grants.c
87 !=:!>99dd >7-:! 97:>ë 7 8>8 ;>953/6
10:00 a.m. $"%6relative to the retirement age for group II members.c
11:00 a.m. $"%6relative to the determination of employer assessments for excess benefits paid
by employers in the retirement system.c
1:00 p.m.  %6%6relative to the New Hampshire retirement system.c
Executive session may follow.c
2:00 p.m. Full committee work session on '%6relative to the membership of the retirement
system board of trustees, $"5%6relative to repealing the authority for retirement system members
to purchase service credit for certain out-of-state service, $"$%6requiring the transfer of certain
retirement system group II special account funds to the state annuity accumulation fund, $ "%6
relative to the calculation of average final compensation for the purpose of determining retirement system
benefits, " %6redefining earnable compensation in the retirement system for new and non-vested
members in service, $"%6relative to the retirement system maximum initial benefit limitation, 
"%6establishing a state defined contribution retirement plan for state and political subdivision
members of the retirement system and establishing a committee to study the transition of current
employees into the new plan and administration of the new plan, $&%6establishing a deferred
retirement option in the judicial retirement plan, and relative to benefits related to service of certain judges
of probate retiring because of permanent disability, $" %6relative to the number of years for
calculating average final compensation for retirement system benefits, $"%6relative to the
retirement age for group II members, $"%6relative to the determination of employer assessments
for excess benefits paid by employers in the retirement system,  %6%6relative to the New
Hampshire retirement system.c
3:00 p.m. Executive session on '%6relative to the membership of the retirement system board
of trustees, $"5%6relative to repealing the authority for retirement system members to purchase
service credit for certain out-of-state service, $"$%6requiring the transfer of certain retirement
system group II special account funds to the state annuity accumulation fund, $ "%6relative to the
calculation of average final compensation for the purpose of determining retirement system benefits, 
" %6redefining earnable compensation in the retirement system for new and non-vested members in
service, $"%6relative to the retirement system maximum initial benefit limitation, "%6
establishing a state defined contribution retirement plan for state and political subdivision members of the
retirement system and establishing a committee to study the transition of current employees into the new
plan and administration of the new plan, $&%6establishing a deferred retirement option in the
judicial retirement plan, and relative to benefits related to service of certain judges of probate retiring
because of permanent disability, $" %6relative to the number of years for calculating average final
compensation for retirement system benefits, $"%6relative to the retirement age for group II
members, $"%6relative to the determination of employer assessments for excess benefits paid by
employers in the retirement system,  %6%6relative to the New Hampshire retirement system.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Services building blocks.c
D>E 8H!>97 8=d>=,<8>ë!>!:B8=316="3C5(/)5
9:00 a.m. Rescheduled regular meeting.c
d 8,=ë59=!'1c
=,<=! ,9=;=!dA ,!=d>=,<8>ë!>!:B8=611
3:00 p.m. Regular meeting.c
D , 8,=ë9=!'4c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Services building blocks.c
8! ! 5d !'>:>Aë=,  Aë5 
' c
10:15 a.m. "$relative to eminent domain petitions by public utilities.c
1:30 p.m. "$&relative to the Northern Pass Project to construct and operate transmission lines
from the Canadian border to a proposed terminal in Franklin, New Hampshire.c
Executive session may follow.c
D=ë8=,9 =853/35:>-c
10:00 a.m. Rescheduled public hearing on "55%6%÷relative to determination of the reasonable
compensation deduction under the business profits tax.c
1:00 p.m. relative to vessel registration.c
Executive session may follow.c
2:00 p.m. Executive session on ÷"relating to taxation. Providing that a 2/3 vote is required to
pass legislation imposing new or increased taxes or license fees provided that the legislature may
increase the rate of taxes and fees with a majority vote in any fiscal year that insufficient revenues are
provided to pay the principal and interest on a debt payable in that year, to which the state has pledged
its faith and credit, ÷5relating to establishing a New Hampshire state reserve fund. Providing that
the New Hampshire state reserve fund shall be under the authority of the state treasurer and dedicated to
offset the business profits tax, business enterprise tax, and the interest and dividends tax for purposes of
lowering the rates of such taxes, relative to vessel registration, $ $%6%÷establishing a job
creation credit against the business profits tax and the business enterprise tax for small businesses
increasing employment in New Hampshire,  '%6%÷relative to the standards and burden of proof
with respect to the business profits tax deduction for reasonable compensation attributable to owners of
partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships, "55%6%÷relative to determination
of the reasonable compensation deduction under the business profits tax.c
!>99 ! =,!>89 =;;=85(/35:>-c
1:15 p.m. Full committee public hearing on 5 %6relative to lawful commerce in firearms,
including manufacture and sale, in New Hampshire.c
2:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on $$%6requiring that New Hampshire join the lawsuit
challenging federal health care reform legislation, and repealing the authority for state implementation of
federal health care reform.c
Executive session may follow.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Services building blocks.c
!           '-3.c
9:30 a.m. Department of Employment Securityc
10:00 a.m. Department of Environmental Servicesc
1:00 p.m. Department of Transportationc
D=ë8=,9 =853/35:>-c
10:00 a.m. Continued executive session from March 9, if needed.c
;=! ?B,<8>C53/45:>-c
-D8 c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Services building blocks.c
d 8,=ë59=!'6.c
!           '-3.c
10:00 a.m. Department of Health and Human Servicesc
11:15 a.m. McAuliffe Shepard Discovery Centerc
1:00 p.m. Department of Information Technologyc
2:00 p.m. Department of Resources and Economic Developmentc
!           '-3.c
9:30 a.m. Community College Systemc
10:30 a.m. University of New Hampshirec
1:00 p.m. Other Departments, Agencies, etc.c

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