The Analysis of Meaning

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As we known in process of translation. Meaning plays are important role. If we’re talking about
translation, we have to talking about meaning too. Because the aim of translation is related to the
translate of meaning from a language to other languages

*Main fields of the study of meaning



Semantic is a sub discipline of linguistic which focuses on the study of meaning. Semantic tries to
understand what meaning is an element of language and how it is constructed by language as well as
interpreted, obscured and negotiated by speakers and listeners of language


 Referential meaning is the meaning that refers to an object or a notion outside the language, or
that refers to an entity in the external world, so referential meaning is extra-linguistic,
situational meaning- the meaning that occurs in a particular context. It is also called dictionary

• ( known as denotation ) which deals with the words as signs or symbols.

• Polysemous word are those which have several meanings for example chair.

• Figurative meaning are those which need to be distinguished from literal meaning for example
father of an invention and father of a child

Hierarchical Analysis

• In hierarchical analysis, we treat meaning as a kind of hierarchically structural relationship in

which each word holds a certain rank, the meaning of an upper term can include that of its
lower term

• The upper term is more general and is called superordinate ; the lower term is more specific and
is called subordinate (hyponym).

• One language has a wider range of specific terms for a given semantic field operating at various

Componential analysis

In addition to hierarchical analyses, Nida adopts (Larson's principles) componential analysis to analyze
the meaning of related words, which provided that the relationships between terms are based upon
certain shared and contrastive features. In other words, the approach of componential analysis
functions as breaking down the meanings of terms into their respective constituents of meaning, then
comparing these semantic components in order to clarify the meanings of terms.

• Identifying and discriminating specific features of a range of related words

• The prime elements of componential analysis is the notion of binary opposites

• Ex : bachelor

It would be +human, +male, -married

Connotative meaning

the emotions and associations connected to a word is known as its connotative meaning Depending on
our experiences, certain words have a positive, negative, or neutral connotation.

• Refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly

• Below are few connotations examples. Their suggested meaning are shaped by cultural and
emotional associations :

• A dog, connotes shamelessness or an ugly face.

• A dove, implies peace of gentility.

• Home suggest family, comfort and security

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