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Every year, three days before the DRAG QUEENS R US competition, MizLadie goes

and gets her hair all done up for the big day. Her normal stylist, Sheila wasn't there so she went
with the only available dresser, Henretta, who was still an intern. MizLadie explained to Henretta
that she wanted an orange to copper balayage with a big huge blowout. Henretta shook her head
yes and got to work. About 5 minutes into the appointment MizLadie had fallen asleep due to the
pure exhaustion of getting ready for the big day. When Henretta tapped her shoulder to wake her
up, MizLadie was enraged.. She had bright blonde hair with horrid brown streaks, nothing that
she had wanted at all. She looked at Henretta and started screaming, however, Henretta was just
staring at her. After about 10 minutes of ripping Henretta apart, MizLadie asked “What is your
problem?”. Henretta looked at her, giggled, and responded with a shrug of the shoulder and said
“No Habla English”. MizLadie was so upset she just stormed out of that salon and ran straight
home. She had no choice but to compete like this. The next 2 days MizLadie spent sobbing in
bed because she knew she wouldn't win this year, it was her 12th year competing and she won all
11 years prior. She hopped in her beat up honda civic and drove to the competition anyways.
Upon arrival nobody recognized her at all. She got ready anyways and the competition started.
Everyone looked stunning and MizLadie felt so out of place, her hair was a disaster and
everyone knew it. When they called her name for formal wear and she walked on stage, her heart
sank. As she looked out to the crowd all she saw was people laughing and whispering, she knew
it was her hair. It looked like a second grader had colored her hair with a crayola washable
marker and there was nothing she could do. She put on her smile and rocked the stage anyways.
Once she got off stage she ran straight to her fitting room and cried. She knew she had no shot at
winning and she also knew her career as a drag queen was ruined. She put on her talent outfit and
decided exactly what to do. MizLadie’s talent was archery, so she went up on stage with her
arrows in hand. Once she arrived on stage for talent she signaled the DJ to cut the music and
stared directly into the crowd. “GO AHEAD AND TALK ALL YOUR MESS NOW THAT I
CAN HEAR YOU” she yells into the crowd. The crowd remains silent and MizLadie starts
crying. “You think your words can hurt me?” she says. “I'm the only one who can hurt me!” she
yells as she jabs an arrow into her skull. The crowd starts yelling and screaming and begging
MizLadie to stop. She proceeds to jam her arrow straight through her skull laughing the whole
time. She then takes what looks to be a blade out of her pocket and slits her throat. The crowd is
going insane dialing 911 and screaming for help. The whole time MizLadie is standing there
staring at the chaos. Finally a man says, “hey wouldn't she be dead by now if that was real?” and
the crowd pauses. MizLadie looks at them and laughs, “You see I knew I couldn't win but I
wanted to prove a point that words do hurt people” she explains. The crowd starts to cry as
MizLadie removes the arrow headband she placed on her head and pulls out a makeup wipe and
wipes away all the FX makeup she had done. “You people need to be nicer, we all need to be
nicer” MizLadie explains. She walks off stage and is happy, she knows she wasn't the most
beautiful today but she really hoped she had made an impact on everyone who was doubting her.
When it came time for crowning MizLadie decided to go on stage so she could celebrate with
whatever sister won. When the announcer got to 3rd place and she still hadn't heard her name
yet, she was so confused. “And in first place with a unanimous decision…. MIZLADIE!!!!!” the
announcer yelled. MizLadie was shocked but she knew exactly what had happened. Beauty is
within and not what is on the outside. MizLadie took her 12th first place trophy and retired from

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