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qxd 5/20/2002 12:47 PM Page 1


YSGG Laser Root Canal Therapy

ccording to the American

A Association of Endodontists
(AAE), 17 million root
canal procedures are performed
every year. In a study also conduct-
ed by the AAE1, a high percentage
of adults surveyed described the
By William H. root canal procedure as “painful” or
Chen, DMD, “extremely painful.” In view of
MAGD, FACD, these findings, the challenge for Figure 1. A flexible fiber tip aids in preparing Figure 2. Patient presents with edema at the
FICD canals.
dentists is to discover new treatment apical mucogingival tissue of tooth no. 27

modalities that are effective and

provide better comfort to our
patients. Furthermore, we do not
want patients to avoid treatment out
of fear, because serious complica-
tions can-and often do-arise. This
can be addressed by providing them
with a more gentle therapy.
Figure 3. Enamel and dentin are removed Figure 4. Laser fiber tip is used to enlarge the
using the laser system to expose the pulp. canal.
The challenge for dentists is to
discover new treatment modalities ous diameters and lengths that pro- Waterlase Hydrokinetic system is
that are effective and provide better vide access to effectively remove already very versatile for both hard
pulpal tissues and tooth structure and soft tissue applications, and the
comfort to our patients. from the root canal walls, and pre- YSGG laser endodontic application
pared the canal for opturation. is yet another remarkable innovative
Dentistry has now been intro- By utilizing the hydrokinetic discovery for dentistry.
duced to a new root canal treatment process, in which water is energized In my practice today, I use the
using the Er,Cr:YSGG (erbium, by the YSGG laser photons to cause Waterlase Hydrokinetic endodontic
chromium: yttrium scandium galli- molecular excitation and localized system to perform root canal thera-
um garnet) laser to provide addi- microexpansions, hard tissues are py in all anterior teeth and premo-
tional important benefits to our removed cleanly and precisely with lars that require root canal treat-
patients. This new system should no thermal side effects. The ener- ment. One remarkable finding that
help reduce patient fear and gized particles are able to provide a convinced me to start using this sys-
improve their general attitude gentle environment for removing tem in place of the conventional
towards dentistry. The device that tissue at the target point. High tem- approach was the patients' consis-
provides such a treatment is the perature which is a general concern tent intraoperative and postoperative
Waterlase Hydrokinetic Hard and with most laser systems, is not an comfort levels. This finding paral-
Soft tissue laser (Biolase issue with the Waterlase lels the benefits we generally see in
Technology, Inc), the only laser sys- Hydrokinetic system. Studies have YSGG Laser applications in dental
tem to receive FDA clearance for shown that the temperature of the surgeries and in tooth and bone pro-
complete endodontic therapy pulpal tissue remains stable or drops cedures.
involving enamel, dentin, pulp, and approximately 2 Co below the nor- Initial findings from working
other root canal procedures. This mal temperature when the laser and with this system on extracted teeth
laser uses specialized fibers of vari- spray reach the pulpal tissue.2 The demonstrated that utilizing the thin
Reprint.qxd 5/20/2002 12:47 PM Page 2


and flexible fiber tips (Figure 1) was asymptomatic, I decided to perform the cha points fitting the canal the working
effective, and I was able to successfully procedure without local anesthesia. length. The canal was then dried with
debride, clean, and shape root canals in Although this particular case as complet- paper points and sealed with sealant and
relatively straight and mildly curved ed without anesthesia, I have used anes- gutta percha.
canals. The results of YSGG Laser instru- thesia in other cases. Further studies will The patient was very pleased with the
mentation showed that the canal shape determine how frequently YSGG laser treatment and quite surprised to find that
established with this method of treatment endodontic cases can be performed with- there was minimal discomfort throughout
was similar to the conventional approach. out anesthesia. Access opening was made the procedure. She was happy to leave the
Following is a case report on one of the using the laser system to remove the office without the numbness that normally
root canal clinical treatments that I per- enamel and dentin to expose the pulp follows mandibular block anesthesia. A
formed using this new laser system. (Figure 3). The Pulpotomy was performed prescription for antibiotics and pain med-
ication was given before dismissing the
patient. At the 24-hour postoperative tele-
phone interview, the patient informed me
The most important benefit of this that she had no complications such as
swelling or discomfort, and that she had
revolutionary technology for endodontic no need to use the pain medication.

treatments is the ease of using the system From my experience with the
and the great degree of patient comfrot Waterlase Hydrokinetic system on
patients, the most important benefit of this
during and after the procedure. revolutionary technology for endodontic
treatments is the ease of using the system
and the great degree of patient comfort
during and after the procedure. Also, I
at soft tissue settings. The patient did not have found a reduced need-and in some
CASE REPORT experience any pain during the access cases no need at all-for prescription pain
The patient, a 64-year-old female opening and pulpotomy. medication. Furthermore, postoperative
with good general health, had been com- To begin, I used small K files to complications such as inflammation,
plaining about the presence of selling in establish the working length. I started the swelling, and pain were significantly
the mucogingival area of the mandibular initial preparation with the Waterlase reduced. In addition, the possibility exists
right cuspid. Clinical examination Hydrokinetic system using the thinnest that more root canal therapy can be per-
revealed edema at the apical mucogingi- fiber tip at low power settings in combi- formed without any anesthesia. Also, due
val tissue of tooth No. 27 (Figure 2). The nation with an air and water spray. The to the antibacterial effect of the YSGG
tooth was asymptomatic and slightly ten- laser fiber tip was used to enlarge the laser, it is my opinion that this will lead to
der under percussion and palpitation. canal (Fig.4). At the same time, deconta- a reduction in the need for postoperative
Vitality tests showed that the pulp was mination of the canal was induced by antibiotics. All of these factors help to
nonvital and probably necrotic. The peri- YSGG laser photons. This first procedure improved patients' attitudes toward den-
apical preoperative radiograph revealed was followed by the next size fiber, uti- tistry.
that tooth No. 27 had a periapical lesion. lized to further enlarge and clean the
Radiolucency around the apex of the canal. The procedure continued until the REFERENCES
tooth was also noted. The diagnosis was canal was debrided and cleaned to the 1. Pain jokes no laughing matter to root canal
periapical abscess of endodontic origin. working length, enabling a No. 35 K file specialists. Press release. American
Association of Endodontists. March 29, 2000.
The treatment plan was root canal therapy to reach the apex. The shaping of the
using the Waterlase Hydrokinetic system canal by the YSGG laser enabled a No. 60 2. Rizoiu, I. Kohanghadosh, F., Kimmel, Al.
as the modality of choice. K file to reach the middle third of the Eversole, LR. Pulpal thermal responses to an
Because the infected tooth was canal and to accommodate the gutta-per- Er,Cr:YSGG pulsed laser hydrokinetic system.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol

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