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Felicitación is a Spanish poem written by Jose Rizal in 1875 to greet his brother-in-law, Antonio
Lopez, on his saint’s day. Rizal was 14 years old then.
This poem is the English translation of Rizal’s Spanish poem entitled ‘Felicitation.’ It was one of
the many poems he wrote while studying at the Ateneo. Rizal wrote this poem in 1875 (when he
was 14 years old) through the encouragement of Fr. Sanchez.
Spanish English
Felicitación Felicitation

Si filomena con arpada lengua If Philomela with harmonious tongue
Al rubio Apolo, que su fa asoma To blond Apollo, who manifests his face
Tras alta loma o encumbrado monte, Behind high hill or overhanging mountain,
Trinos envía. Canticles sends.


También nosotras de contento Ilenas So we as well, full of a sweet contentment,

Te saludamos y a tu noble santo Salute you and your very noble saint
En tierno canto y fraternales metros, With tender music and fraternal measures,
Caro Antonino. Dear Antonino.
De tus hermanas y demás parientes
Recibe amable el cariñoso acento. From all your sisters and your other kin
Que el suave aliento del amor los dicta Receive most lovingly the loving accent
Plácido y tierno. That the suave warmth of love dictates to them
Placid and tender.
De maable esposa y cariñoso Emilio
Dulce recibas la sin par ternura,
From amorous wife and amiable Emilio
Y su dulzura en la desgracia ablande
Sweetly receive an unsurpassed affection;
Rudos tormentos.
And may its sweetness in disaster soften
The ruder torments.

Cual el piloto, que lochó valiente V

Con las borrascas en la noche oscura
Mira segura su querida nave, As the sea pilot, who so bravely fought
Llegado al Puerto; Tempestuous waters in the dark of night,
Gazes upon his darling vessel safe
VI And come to port.

Así, dejando los mundanos lates, VI

Tus ojos miren en el alto cielo
Al que es Consuelo de los hombres todos
Padre qauerido. So, setting aside all [worldly] predilections,
Now let your eyes be lifted heavenward
VII To him who is the solace of all men
And loving Father.
Y de nosotras, que con tierno acento
Te saludamos por doquíer festivas VII
Ruidosos vivas, que del pecho salen,
Grato recibe. And from ourselves that in such loving accents
Salute you everywhere you celebrate,
These clamorous vivas that from the heart
Be pleased to accept.

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