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Jr.of Orofac. Scie.


Journal of

Case Report
Endodontic Treatment In The Management Of Endodontic-Periodontic Lesions - A Case Report
K. Balakoti Reddy a*, Nagesh. Bollaa, Indira Priyadarshinia
Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur, India.


Article History : Occasionally periradicular lesions of endodontic origin may be radiographically
Received : 8 July 2009 indistinguishable from periodontal disease. Infected pulpal tissue and microbial
Received in revised form : 7 August 2009 by-products may move through accessory and furcal canals and cause loss of
Accepted : 28 August 2009 attachment in those areas. Accurate diagnosis may be particularly difficult when a
sinus tract originating from the endodontic lesion drains along the periodontal
Key Words : ligament space, giving the appearance of periodontal disease. Thorough diagnostic
Endo-Perio Lesion testing to confirm pulp necrosis or periodontal disease becomes critical when
Differential Diagnosis attempting to diagnose the specific disease entity accurately and then deliver suitable
Periodontal Disease treatment. This article describes the management of a patient presenting with a
combined endo-perio problem that was apparently treated adequately. However,
successful healing was obtained after thorough disinfection and sealing of the root
canal system.
©2009 SIDS.All Rights Reserved

INTRODUCTION : producing inflammation that is indistinguishable from

Endodontic periodontic relationship was first periodontal disease9. The amount of tissue destruction
described by Simring and Goldberg in 1964.Its the is directly correlated with the total microbial content in
spread of inflammation and infection from one the root canal system (Bystrom et al, 1987) and to the
component to the other. 1 Pulpal and Periodontal length of time these tissues are exposed to the infecting
problems are responsible for more than 50% of tooth organism (Korzen et al, 1974). Differential diagnosis is
mortality.2,3 The relationship between the pulp tooth and particularly difficult when a sinus tract originating from
the attachment apparatus of a tooth has been widely the endodontic lesion may drain along the periodontal
documented (Simon et al, 1972; Paul B, Hutter JW, ligament, giving the appearance of periodontal
1997; American Association of Endodontists newsletter, breakdown (Simring M, Goldberg M, 1964; Seltzer et
2001). Most of the time periodontal inflammation due al, 1967). Yamasaki et al (1994) have reported that
to pulp space toxins occur in the apical region and thus periradicular lesions may initially expand horizontally
can readily be distinguished from a periodontal pocket. through cancellous bone and then proceed
However, occasionally necrotic infected tissue by- vertically.Analyzing a series of retrospective studies,
products move through accessory or furcal canals, Blomlof et al (1993) concluded that endodontic
infection promotes periodontal pocket formation and
* Corresponding author : Dr. K. Balakoti Reddy Professor, should be regarded as a risk factor in periodontitis
Department Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics,
SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences, Takkellapadu, progression.4 Therefore, a primary endodontic lesion
Guntur - 522 509. draining through the attachment apparatus should be
treated initially by endodontic therapy (Zehnder M,
Hasselgren G, 2002)5. This must be confirmed by
Jr.of Orofac. Scie. 1(1)2009

accurate diagnostic tests to confirm pulp necrosis and at the distal root & furcation area that indicated
diagnostic probing (usually a precipitous drop in probe favourable healing and bone formation. (Fig:4).
depth is detected around a tooth) (Harrington, 1979).
A 45 year old male patient was referred to the
Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
with a chief complaint of discomfort in mandibular right
first molar. He was known diabetic and was under Fig 1: Pre operative Fig 2: Working length
medication. On intra oral examination the tooth was radiograph radiograph
heavily restored and the tooth was tender on vertical
percussion with no mobility and there was a sudden drop
of periodontal probe indicating a deep periodontal
pocket of 10mm. The tooth was found to be not
responding to pulp testing. On radiographic examination
the tooth was heavily restored involving enamel, dentine Fig 3: Post obturation Fig 4: Post operative radiograph
& pulp with periapical radiolucency. There was evidence radiograph after six months
of bone loss on the distal root and the furcation area
(Fig 1). Thus a diagnosis of primary endodontic lesion
was established. Local anesthesia was given by inferior The periodontium and the pulpal have embryonic,
alveolar nerve block of lidocaine 2% with epinephrine anatomic and functional interrelationship. They are
1:100 000 (Lidocadren; Teva Ltd, Jerusalem, Israel) and ectomesenchymal in origin, from which the cells
medium thickness rubber dam of 6x6 inches (Hygienic; proliferate to form the dental papilla and follicle,
Coltene Whaledent) was placed. Access was achieved which are the precursors of the periodontium and the
using a round diamond bur (ISO 801001016, Komet, pulp respectively. The embryonic development gives
and Lemgo, Switzerland). The pulp chamber was opened rise to anatomical connections which remain
& the canal was located. Working length determined throughout the life of the tooth.6 As the tooth matures
electronically using Dentaport ZX Apex locator (J. and the root is formed, three main avenues for exchange
Morita Mfg. Corp.japan) & confirmed radiographically of infectious elements and other irritants between the
(Fig.2) as 21mm (Fig 2). Cleaning and shaping was two compartments are created by (1) dentinal tubules,
initiated using the crown-down technique with Gates- (2) lateral and accessory canals, and (3) the apical
Glidden drills (Dentsply-Maillefer, Ballaigues, foramen.7
Switzerland) numbers 2-5 at the cervical and middle- Classification of perio-endo lesions6
thirds of the root canals. The manual instrument size There are four types of perio-endo lesions and they
15 was used to apical patency. The canal was negotiated are classified due to their pathogenesis.
to the working length, as indicated by an apex locator 1. Endodontic lesions -an inflammatory process in the
(Root ZX, J.Morita MFG Corp, Kyoto, Japan), with a periodontal tissues resulting from noxious agents
stainless steel size 15 hand file. Apical preparation was present in the root canal system of the tooth.
performed by using ProFile (Tulsa Dental Products, 2. Periodontal lesions - an inflammatory process in the
Tulsa, USA). The master apical file was size #30 for all pulpal tissues resulting from accumulation of dental
the root canals. Interappointment dressing of calcium plaque on the external root surfaces.
hydroxide was given. In the second appointment, as the
3. True-combined lesions -both an endodontic and
subjective symptoms were relived all canals were filled
periodontal lesion developing independently and
with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (Fig. 3) and the
progressing concurrently which meet and merge at
opening cavity was sealed with Fuji IX (GC Corp.,
a point along the root surface.
Tokyo, Japan). The post operative follow up after 6
months revealed no signs of pathosis with a pocket depth 4. Iatrogenic lesions - Usually endodontic lesions
of 3-4mm & radiographic evaluation showed radiopacity produced as a result of treatment modalities.6
Jr.of Orofac. Scie. 1(1)2009

Differentiating between periodontal and endodontic removes the contaminants. The canals are eventually
problems can be difficult. A symptomatic tooth may filled with a conventional obturation when
have pain of periodontal and/or pulpal origin. The nature there is clinical evidence of improvement.
of that pain often is the first clue in determining the Conclusion:
etiology of such a problem. Radiographic and clinical
In combined endodontic-periodontic lesions, it is
evaluation can further clarify the nature of the problem.
generally wise to treat the Endodontic component first,
In the preponderance of endodontic lesions, microflora
because in many cases this will lead to complete
is the etiologic vector that dictates the clinical course of
resolution of the problem. We can conclude that
the disease and therefore the treatment plan (Zehnder
endodontic lesions with involvement of the attachment
M, Hasselgren G, 2002). On occasion, a sinus tract
apparatus can be successfully healed by performing
originating from diseased apical tissues may drain
adequate root canal treatment with great emphasis on
alongside the periodontal ligament, giving the
disinfection of the root canal system. Understanding the
appearance of a periodontal pocket. After ruling out
mechanisms of bone destruction in these types of lesions
fracture as the etiology, careful examination with a
is of great importance when trying to achieve successful
periodontal probe should be done, not only at the site
of the lesion but also in the rest of the mouth. In addition,
a negative response to thermal challenge and lack of References :
mobility of the tooth may indicate that the lesion is 1) Simring M, Goldberg M. The pulp pocket approach:
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to be improving. Follow-up examination is crucial when periodontal24; 449-456,1997.
attempting to evaluate the prognosis of the treated tooth. 4) Blomlof L (1993) Relationship between periapical and
For primary endodontic lesions conventional endodontic periodontal status. J Clin Periodontol 20: 117-23.
therapy alone will resolve the lesion. A review 4-6 months 5) Jorge Vera, Martin Trope, Frederic Barnett and Kenneth S
post-operatively should show healing of the periodontal Serota Endodontic Practice May 2006.
pocket and bony repair. Surgical endodontic therapy has 6) Mhairi R. Walker. The pathogenesis and treatment of endo-
been shown to be unnecessary even in the presence of perio lesions. CPD dentistry 2001: 2 (3): 9-95.
large periradicular radiolucencies and periodontal 7) Ilan Roststein & James H. Simon .The endo-perio lesion: a
abscesses. Invasive periodontal procedures should be critical appraisal of the disease condition. Endodontic Topics
2006, 13, 34–56.
avoided as this may cause further injury to the
8) P. Carrotte F. Endodontics: Part 9 Calcium hydroxide, root
attachment - possibly delaying healing. If primary resorption, endo-perio lesions. British Dental Journal Volume
endodontic lesions persist despite extensive endodontic 197 no. 12 December 25, 2004.
treatment it should arouse suspicions of an incorrect 9) Gunnar Bernholtz. Interactions between pulpal and Periodontal
diagnosis. The lesion may have secondary periodontal disease conditions: introduction. Endodontic Topics 2006,
involvement or be a true-combined lesion, the treatment 13, 1–2.
for which is outlined later. Primary endodontic lesions 10)Pradeep S. Anand,Nandakumar. Management of Periodontitis
with secondary periodontal involvement will not Associated with Endodontically Involved Teeth: A Case Series.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 6, No.
completely resolve with endodontic treatment alone.
2, May 15, 2005.
Root/re-root canal treatment is instituted immediately
and the cleaned and shaped root canal filled with calcium
hydroxide paste. As it is bactericidal, anti-inflammatory
and proteolytic it inhibits resorption and favours repair.
It also inhibits periodontal contamination of
instrumented canals via patent channels connecting the
pulp and periodontium before periodontal treatment 39

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