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As always, every country on the world has a leader, either it is presiden,king,sultan,and
others.The country must has a leader to lead and guide them, the people, to a better future
and life.Every prople on this world have many kind of leader, depend on their needed, but of
course, it is for the good of all.Maybe all the countries has a different leader ,but has the
same code, work and fight for the good of the people.Like Abraham Lincoln said,
“FROM,BY,AND FOR THE PEOPLE.But,most of the country select their leader and choose
them to become their leader.But,there is some country, that cannot choose their leader, like
Kingdom country, where they are leaded by the King,which cannot choose their king,
because the system of hereditary.For Indonesia,the people can chosee their leader base on
their voice of heart and their desire.The leader called Presiden.The people can chosee the
in Pemilu or Pemilihan Umum.We can call it Pilpres or Presiden Election.Yes,in
2019,Indonesia will held Pilpres to choose again the proper leader for Indonesia for next 5
years.This is Politics.In politics ,everybody must work hard to win the game.There is two
candidates forward for this Pilpres.My opinion, it will be excited and tense.This time,the
battle will be fierce.The candidates are Jokowi-Ma’ruf and Prabowo-Sandi.

Like be mention before, there will be only two candidates,Jokowi-Ma’ruf and

Prabowo-Sandi.Each candidates has a supporting party and bearer party.From Jokowi
camp, there are,PDIP,Nasdem,Golkar,Hanura,PPP report from Liputan 6,https://
pilkada-2018.From Prabowo camp, there are,Gerindra,PKS,PAN,Demokrat report from
these parties, they can play safety.All candidates came from different place and different
background.Mr.Jokowi from Solo and as a furniture entrepreneur.He once lead Jakarta
province as Governor and twist lead the Solo as Mayor.Mr.Ma’ruf as a Chairman of
MUI(Majelis Ulama Indonesia).MR.Prabowo as a an ex- Indonesian military officer,
businessman and politician and came from Jakarta.Mr.Sandiaga as an entrepreneur and
politician of Indonesia.All of them are great man who want to fight for the people of

We know that, the candidates, is a great man.But,all of the people Indonesia has a
time to pick a side.People must choose which candidate pair is the best or better for
Indonesian country.Each people is free to choose.But,each people are expected to use it
well.If we take look back, each every one of candidates have their own strengths and
weakness.That is why they are paired, so they can complete each other to become a great
leader and better leader.But,in the end, there is only one pair candidates will win the
game.Who is it?We’ll see, but it is depend on the people.Who’s better to become a
President?For me, it is Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair.If we see, for almost 5 years Jokowi lead the
Indonesia,this cointry become so advanced.In all region of Indonesia from the village to
City,almost of these region, become advanced.Like we all know, that,Presiden Jokowi is a
man that loved by most of the people of Indonesia.He is very close to the people of
Indonesia.No doubt, that he has a true characteristic of leadership, honest, populist, hard-
working,a man who really love the homeland.There are other reason the people love
him.The advance of Indonesia is very visible.He build roads to villages that previously had
no roads, and many others.The most fame advance,that known by public is the advance in
Papua and east Indonesia.Papuan developments are felt by all the people of Papua.Papua
that we know as a Papua, that left behind, primitive, conservative, is now
different.Development at the border and infrastructure improvements are felt by the people
in the area.The price fuel oil or BBM is
good in Papua now.”Dulu BBM begitu
mahal harganya, sampai Rp100 ribu per
liter. Tapi Pak Presiden Jokowi mampu
memberikan harga secara nasional Rp6
ribu. Dari ujung barat sampai timur sama
harganya," kata Herman di depan Istana
Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis 17 Agustus
2017.”said Herman AY Kou report from
perubahan-terjadi-di-papua.In education
case, the education in Papuan has some
progress like KPI(Kartu Indonesia Pintar)
distribution and health cards have been
done report from https://
jokowi-berhasil-membangun-papua/ where
there is some report about the
development that have been done by
Jokowi.Also the chairman of
Kapolri,Mr.Tito said that the leadership and
Jokowi programs is good and brings good impact for Papua,like the construction of the
Trans Papua Road, the repair of Wamena Airport, the equalization of the price of fuel oil
(BBM), and the construction of a cement factory in Maruni in Manokwari which has
significantly reduced the price of cement in Papua report from https://
jokowi-terasa-nyata-di-papua or CNN News.According to Herman AT Youth ,regions in
Papua,like mountains that never been touched by any President of Indonesia before
Jokowi,with the courage President Jokowi step his feet in that place.These is showing us
that how great the development of Papua than made by Jokowi.But,the point of all,not just
Papua that become advance,but almost of the regions in Indonesia have a developments
because Jokowi.There is some others achievements by Jokowi :
1 Dissolve PETRAL which can save a budget of Rp.250 billion / day.
2.Revoke fuel subsidies, so that funds can be used for various productive things.

3.Inaugurated the manufacture of the Trans Sumatra toll road stage I from Lampung-

4.Inaugurated the commencement of the construction of the Batang, Central Java PLTU
with a capacity of 2,000.MW which had been stalled for four years.

5.The start of the Jatigede Reservoir irrigation, Sumedang which functions to control floods
in Indramayu, irrigating rice fields in West Java and the construction of a hydropower plant
with a capacity of 110.MW.

6.The Jokowi government poured funds amounting to Rp.16 trillion to build infrastructure
on the Kalimantan border from North Kalimantan to West Kalimantan.

7.Construction of deep sea ports in Papua: Sorong, Manokwari, Jayapura and Merauke, as
well as road construction infrastructure that connects cities in Papua.
Many others development that Jokowi do for Indonesia,report from
2017/05/47-prestasi-presiden-jokowi-bagi-kemajuan-dan-pembangunan-indonesia/ or
Kabari News about the achievements of Jokowi during the leadership .That is why I’m no
doubt that Indonesia can be better if Jokowi lead the Indonesia.While that there is Ma’ruf
Amin as a Vice presiden of Jokowi .He is a chairman of MUI. As a chairman, he is respected
by all muslim people around Indonesia and the islam world.He’s once became Regional
People's Representative Assembly or DPRD of Centre Jakarta.He is one of the old man in
this Pilpres.He also master the economy of syariah/islam.Mr.Jokowi said that Mr.Ma’ruf is
great in economy reaper from
amin-dan-sandiaga-uno/maruf-amin-menguasai-ekonomi-syariah.html or’ruf Amin is more experience in politics than Mr.Sandi ,so that makes him
better in take care the economy and politics also other things.With some advance like
these.It is make Jokowi and M’aruf look match or suitable.Jokowi and Ma’ruf is better than
Prabowo and Sandi because, it is different to lead the the citizens than lead the army and
Mr.Sandi is younger than Mr.Amin,which is,Mr.Ma’ruf is better in economy and politics for
its experience also because Indonesian majority religion is Islam,and Mr.Ma’ruf is the
Chairman of MUI,Mr.Ma’ruf can take care with good the religions things in Indonesia.

Presiden Jokowi is a great man.He’s already playing a big role in Indonesian

development.Mr.Ma’ruf also is great man.With some skills and experience also knowledge,
both can bring Indonesia to become a better nation.But,that does’nt mean that they are the
only one that can lead Indonesia.There is still some doubt and lack from Mr.Jokowi and
Mr.Ma’ruf.Ya,Mr.Prabowo and Mr.Sandi is better to lead the Indonesia and become the
proper President and Vice President.Although there are many developments, advances,
achievement from Jokowi leadership for almost 5 years and Mr.Ma’ruf good
knowledge,skill,experience,Mr.Prabowo and Mr.Sandi also have such things like
that.Mr.Prabowo is an ex TNI officer, politician, and an entrepreneur.He has advantages in
political experience and war. Himself has often defended the homeland. Prabowo is very
caring and loving towards the people of Indonesia and the homeland. And also Mr.Prabowo
is more educated so that makes him more in charge. He has taken the lead instead
ofJokowi.There is some excellence of Prabowo that make him better in leadership than
Jokowi report from
jokowi.html.Mr.Sandi himself, is a success businesman.He is very agile in economy.It is his
things.It is proved from his success in economy.Even his name is included in rich people in
Indonesia. He founded a company in finance, PT Saratoga Advisor. Before entering the
world of politics, Sandi had also held the position of board of directors of several
companies. PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indonesia Bulk Terminal, PT Mitra Global
Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Interra Resources Limited, and PT iForte Solusi Infotek report
from or
sandiaga-uno/sandi-seorang-pengusaha-sukses.html.Although Mr.Ma’ruf Amin is good in
economy but, he is an old man.The Indonesia need a young man to take care the
country.Report from Kabar 24 that during the leadership of Jokowi government,creating a
less harmonious relationship between the government and the DPR.This is not a good
thing.Because DPR is the one who oversee the government in terms of
development.Also,as we know there is some have the economic problems of the past and
the economy during the Jokowi administration less well lately.I believe that Prabowo and
Mr. Sandi can make Indonesian better.Prabowo can be better in leadership because the
experience that make him good in lead .And too,Mr.Sandi is a young man with a good
economy experience and knowledge make him good in take care the economy of
Indonesia.With a good leadership of Prabowo and a good experience of economy of
Mr.Sandi,no doubt that Indonesia can be a better nation.”LET’S MAKE INDONESIA GREAT
Even there is a politic, we still have to be aware, so that no fight between us, the people of
Indonesian.We must choose according to the conscience.We are free to choose,but,we
have to use it well.Let’s make this competition becomes sporty competition.Thank You.

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