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Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

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Exploring key factors impacting cooling usage patterns of Chinese

urban household based on a large-scale questionnaire survey
Shan Hu a,∗, Da Yan a,∗, Bing Dong b, Jiasha Fu c
Building Energy Research Center, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, United States
Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With rapid urbanization and climate change, the demand for cooling in Chinese urban residential build-
Received 18 September 2019 ings is creating a great challenge for the energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction targets of
Revised 9 January 2020
China. However, there is lack of information to track the changes in cooling patterns of Chinese urban
Accepted 16 February 2020
households and little research to reveal factors relating with cooling behavior. This has become barri-
Available online 20 February 2020
ers for China’s green and efficient action plan on cooling. Therefore, this research conducted a national-
Keywords: wide online questionnaire survey across China, and try to explore the cooling usage pattern change in
China building energy use urban households and factors impacting this change. By comparative analysis, correlation analysis and
Cooling Jonckheere-Terpstra test on surveyed result, conclusions concerning changes in cooling patterns and the
Occupant behavior essential influential factors were obtained. Single-split AC has replaced fans to be the primary cooling
Questionnaire survey appliance in urban residential buildings. Cooling usage behavior distribution in urban Chinese household
Building energy policy
is “part time part space mode”, but has shifted from less intensive ones to more intensive ones. But
most importantly, cooling usage behavior is correlated with cooling device choice. Policy implications
to promote efficient split ACs and energy saving behavior in urban residential buildings were provided
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tion of energy for cooling will rise by almost 90% in the baselines
scenarios [1]. Slowing down this dramatic increase in energy con-
1.1. Background sumption and cooling related CO2 emissions are critical issues for
the Chinese government.
The global energy use for building space cooling is growing As the biggest end users, the Chinese residential demand for
faster than any other end users in building sector, and has more cooling has increased dramatically due to urbanization and the oc-
than tripled between 1990 and 2016 [1]. There is no doubt that currence of extremely hot weather over the past few years. Urban
global energy demand for space cooling will continue to grow for residential building stock is one of the key drivers for space cooling
decades [1]. Policy interventions on cooling energy efficiency are demand growth. According to an estimation by Tsinghua Univer-
urgently needed especially in emerging economies like China. sity, more than 10 billion square meters of residential buildings are
China has seen the fastest growth in cooling demand in build- still to be built in urban China before 2050, reaching a total stock
ings over the last two decades, increasing at 13% per year since of approximately 35 billion square meters [2]. Air-conditioner(AC)
20 0 0 and reaching nearly 400 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity ownership has also increased at 7% annually from 20 0 0 to 2017,
consumption in 2017 [1]. Improving indoor thermal comfort level which is the second significant driving force of cooling demand
with income growth of Chinese urban household put forwards to growth [3]. These two drivers has pushed the space cooling energy
great challenges for China’s future cooling development path. Ac- usage in China’s urban residential buildings to more than tenfold
cording to Internal Energy Agency (IEA), the total cooling capacity between 20 0 0 and 2017, with comparable growth in the energy-
of China will increase to as high as 5410 GW and the consump- related CO2 emissions [4]. From electricity supply side, building
cooling accounts for 60% peak power load during summer times,
putting great challenge to the grid [5].

Corresponding authors. Facing the great challenge, Chinese government has established
E-mail addresses: (S. Hu), (D. series policies including releasing the National Action Plan on Green
Yan), (B. Dong), (J. Fu).
0378-7788/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

and Efficient Cooling in 2019 to improve cooling energy efficiency a significant lack of information to reveal the trends in the cooling
in residential and commercial buildings [5]. However, experience patterns, and factors related to cooling devices and behavior.
from developed countries indicates policy interventions only fo- This research tries to identify the cooling pattern change and
cus on energy efficiency improvement is not enough to curb de- explore key factors impacting this change using questionnaire sur-
mand [6,7]. Researches indicate that more intensive cooling behav- vey methods. Four key questions were asked and answered for the
ior can lead to more than 3 to 10 times higher cooling energy con- purpose of this study:
sumption in similar buildings with same type of cooling system
1 How is the cooling pattern of urban households changing over
[8–11].therefore, encouraging less intensive, “part time part space”
cooling pattern and suitable building envelope, cooling technolo-
2 Which factors are correlated with the choice of cooling device?
gies is also significant to achieve sustainable cooling approach for
3 Is cooling behavior independent of the choice of cooling de-
China [4]. Researches to understand the current cooling pattern
status and to identify drivers of cooling pattern change would be
4 Which factors impact cooling behavior?
great help for Chinese policy makers to design and implement rel-
evant policies. This study conducted a national-wide questionnaire survey in
urban China, and collected 10,599 valid samples from 23 Chinese
regions. Detailed description of survey methodology was illustrated
1.2. Literature review in later Section 2. According to comparative analysis with another
survey conducted in 2008, cooling pattern changes in urban Chi-
Investigation of energy usage pattern in residential building is nese households were concluded in Section 3.1. By Pearson cor-
particularly hard due to extreme variety of the building stock and relation analysis and the Jonckheere-Terpstra test, factors corre-
the lack of unified and organic sources [12]. Extensive studies have lated with cooling pattern were also discussed in Section 3.2 to
been conducted concerning investigation methods [13–15], among Section 3.4. Then discussion of policy implications and limitation
them questionnaire survey is one of the most common used tools were summarized in Section 4, and conclusions were put forward
in residential buildings. in Section 5.
Many countries have conducted regular surveys on household
to collect energy related information, either by national statistical 2. Method
agency, or by research institutes. US Energy Information Admin-
istration (EIA) has conducted a national survey every four years 2.1. Research approach
from 1990, to collect data regarding the characteristics of residen-
tial housing, and detailed information about the behavior of resi- In this study, cooling usage pattern in household is defined as
dential end users, including the use of air conditioning [16]. These two aspects: the predominant cooling device, and the behavior of
continuous results provided comprehensive information about the operating AC devices. The cooling devices discussed in this study
US residential cooling patterns and levels of energy consumption include the following categories: 1) none, 2) fans, 3) single-split
[17]. Statistics Bureau of Japan conducted family income and ex- AC, 4) multi-split AC, and 5) centralized cooling system. The cool-
penditure surveys regularly [18]. The Chinese national statistical ing behavior in this study includes turning on and turning off of
bureau carried out household census every five years, and informa- AC device, including a) a single-split AC; b) multi-split AC, and c)
tion concerning home appliance ownership has been provided via centralized cooling system.
this survey [19]. Cooling appliance ownership or saturations could The overall research method is illustrated in Fig. 1. First, the
be collected through these national census or surveys. However, questionnaire survey was designed, sampled, and conducted in
none information about cooling device choice and behavior was 2015, valid samples were collected and processed for further anal-
involved in national surveys due to various restrictions, making it ysis. Secondly, comparative analysis was taken between survey in
hard to observe cooling pattern trends. 2015 (here and after S2015) result with a previous similar survey
To examine cooling patterns change and correlated demo- in 2008 (here and after S2008), to get cooling pattern trend over
graphic factors, researchers in US, Japan, United Kingdom have time. National and regional statistical data regarding cooling pat-
conducted more specific surveys focusing on cooling behavior, and tern were also used to support the result. Then, non-parameter test
recognized that the residential energy usage pattern is influenced and correlation analysis were done in S2015 to explore factors im-
by family income, the number of people in a household, the ed- pacting cooling pattern change. Finally, a discussion of the implica-
ucation of family members, and features of residential buildings tions for policy was carried out, with suggestions for the sustain-
[20–22]. Chinese researchers have conducted questionnaires sur- able development of cooling in China’s urban residential buildings
veys on cooling patterns and energy consumption in city level [23– as a conclusion.
34]. Results from these surveys indicate that the part-time part-
space behavior is the predominant behavior patterns. The weak- 2.2. Questionnaire design and sampling
ness of these researches is the lack of analysis between cooling
pattern and social and economic factors, so it is hard for policy In order to understand the space cooling usage behavior of
makers to directly apply their conclusions to policy making and households in a holistic way, the survey is designed with content
engineering design practice. and coverage area as shown in Table 1. According to previous re-
searches, cooling behavior is defined as six types:
1.3. Research scopes a) None: never turn on space cooling;
b) Hot On Sleep Off: turn on space cooling when extremely hot,
With the burgeoning economic development of China, and the turn off space cooling before sleep;
increase in household incomes, life style and the associated cool- c) Hot On Leave Off: turn on space cooling when extremely
ing patterns have changed significantly and rapidly. Tracking the hot, turn off space cooling when leaving room;
changes in the cooling patterns of urban households, and under- d) Warm On Leave Off: turn on space cooling when warm, turn
standing the key factors correlated with cooling pattern changes off space cooling when leaving room;
are essential for China’s green and efficient cooling action plan im- e) Occupied On Leave Off: turn on space cooling of occupied
plementation and future policy making. However, there is currently room, turn off space cooling when leaving room;
S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885 3

Fig. 1. Research approach of this study.

Table 1 samples in 23 regions were adopted in this research. Samples in

Items of the questionnaire sheet.
each regions are listed in Table 3.
Item Content Table 3.
Family Region, family income, family type, family
number, education of family member…
Building Building type, building construction year, 2.3. Data analysis
building floor area
Cooling device No, fans, single split AC, multi-split AC, 2.3.1. Data pre-processing of S2008
centralized cooling system To compare historical trend of cooling pattern, another survey
Cooling behavior None; Hot On Sleep Off; Hot On Leave Off;
Warm On Leave Off; Occupied On Leave Off;
conducted in Beijing household in 2008 was used. Totally 940 valid
At home On Leave Off; All on. samples from 10 0 0 respondents were collected in this survey (here
Satisfaction Satisfaction or dissatisfaction, reasons of and after S2008). The questions and answers for the cooling pat-
dissatisfaction tern in S2008 were designed as in Table 4. In order to conduct a
Awareness Energy saving awareness, attitude toward
comparison of these four survey results, the results of S2008 were
energy usage behavior
converted into the same format as that used for S2015. The cor-
respondence between the results of S2008 and S2015 are listed in
Table 5.
f) At home On Leave Off: turn on space cooling of whole apart-
ment when at home, turn off space cooling when leaving
room; 2.3.2. Comparative analysis on S2008 and S2015
g) All on: keep space cooling on all summer. Then the comparison of the distribution of cooling behavior in
Beijing households was conducted on S2008 and S2015, to ascer-
The awareness of energy saving and the satisfaction for the tain the change in cooling pattern over time. S2008 and S2012
cooling device from 2015 were also included in this work, to ex- are representative samples of Beijing’s urban household popula-
plore potential policy interventions guiding green life style and tion, and the change of Beijing urban households could be used
energy saving behavior. The level of awareness concerning energy to reflect the general cooling pattern change across Chinese urban
saving was proposed with a Likert scale question with five aspects: households. Since the family income level has increased quite a
traditional culture, educational background, media propaganda, en- lot from 2008 to 2015 in Beijing, the cooling behavior distribution
ergy cost, and the social norm. The detailed description of these comparison was conducted both in total samples and by different
five aspects is in Table 2. income levels individually.
The success of survey research is dependent on the represen-
tativeness of the sample with respect to the target population. Ac-
cording to samples size at a 99% confidence level, surveys was con- 2.3.3. Pearson correlation analysis on S2015
ducted in all 31 regions across China with minimum target sam- To find out whether there is a connection between income
ples number of 200. This survey was implemented online by a pro- and cooling behavior, correlation analysis was conducted on S2015.
fessional survey company. The quality of samples and results was Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC), also referred to as Pearson’s
guaranteed by a series of quality control mechanisms and process r, is the most widely used correlation statistic for measuring the
tracking options. For instance, Samples with answer times longer degree of a relationship between linearly related variables. In this
than 3 h or shorter than 300 s were eliminated. The survey stared study, potential variables investigated include family income, type
in autumn of 2015. After two months’ implementation, 11,287 re- of building, year of building construction, floor area, and the device
spondents across China were collected in total, and 10,599 valid used for cooling.
4 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

Table 2
Attitude towards energy usage behavior.

Which factors do you think will influence your energy use behavior?

Description Strongly Disagree General Agree Strongly agree


My energy saving behavior is a habit due to a traditional form of

My education background and working environment developed my
energy saving lifestyle.
Various energy-saving propaganda tips and energy-saving activities
in social networks affect my habits.
Energy cost and energy price influence my energy consuming
The information on my neighbor’s energy bill encourages me to save

Table 3
Sample number of Survey 2015.

Region Sample no. Region Sample no. Region Sample no.

Anhui 522 Henan 545 Shanghai 493

Beijing 660 Hubei 543 Shanxi 209
Chongqing 521 Hunan 527 Shaanxi 530
Fujian 525 Jiangsu 569 Sichuan 568
Guangdong 542 Jiangxi 228 Tianjin 509
Guangxi 241 Jilin 203 Yunnan 211
Hebei 527 Liaoning 522 Zhejiang 572
Heilongjiang 210 Shandong 622 Total 10599

Table 4 Table 5
Question and answers of cooling pattern in S2008. Correspondence between result S2008 and S2015.

Question: What’s the space cooling usage pattern in your S2008 S2015 Cooling behavior Cooling behavior name
home? Q2 Q3 Q

Q1 Cooling space: a a b B2 Hot On Sleep Off

a b c B3 Hot On Leave Off
a c# – – –
a gather all families in one room and use cooling for b a d B4 Warm On Leave Off
one room b b e B5 Occupied On Leave Off
b all rooms occupied are cooled b c f B5 At home On Leave Off
c all rooms are cooled no matter whether occupied c a,b,c g B7 All on

Q2 Turn on pattern: Note: # no samples had a response for this answer.

a turn on when room is occupied and feel hot

b turn on when enter room 3. Result and discussions
c turn on no matter whether room is occupied or not
3.1. Cooling pattern change over time
Q3 Turn off pattern:

3.1.1. Cooling device ownership growth and type change

a turn off before sleep, or set auto off timer
Beijing urban households was selected and analyzed in the
b keep AC on while sleeping
c never turn off during summer comparative study, to reflect the growth of AC ownership and
change trend of cooling device. First, key statistics regarding ur-
ban households cooling energy consumption from Beijing statistics
was extracted to reveal the general trend, including GDP per capita,
disposable income per capita, AC ownership, fan ownership, elec-
tricity per household, and housing area per capita [35]. In order
2.3.4. Jonckheere–Terpstra test on S2015 to make these data comparable, change of these items relative to
The Jonckheere-Terpstra test is a rank-based nonparametric test 1996 value was demonstrated, as seen in Fig. 2. As China’s capita
to determine if there is a statistically significant trend between city, the GDP, family income, AC ownership, and electricity usage
an ordinal independent variable and a continuous or ordinal de- per capita in Beijing has increased dramatically. With the increase
pendent variable. To test whether households with the different in income, the number of urban families owning fans has remained
cooling devices have a different distribution of cooling behavior, at an almost static level since 1996, while the number of AC units
Jonckheere–Terpstra test was adopted on the samples with single- grew more than tenfold, greatly exceeding the growth of GPD and
split AC, multi-split AC, and centralized systems. In this test, the income. However, the electricity usage of urban household in Bei-
null hypothesis is H0 : the distribution of cooling behavior is inde- jing increased at a much slower rate. As the absolute ownership
pendent of cooling device. The J–T statistic was defined and cal- value from statistics, the number of fans per one hundred house-
culated. The asymptotic significance was calculated and compared holds in urban Beijing was stabilized at approximately 120 units
with the empirical significance, in order to finally reject or accept in 2006; while the ownership of AC units started to increase from
the null hypothesis. 152 in 2008 to 161 in 2015, as seen in Fig. 3.
S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885 5

Fig. 2. Increases of cooling appliance with the social and economic development in Beijing (1996 −2016).

Fig. 3. Change of cooling device ownership in Beijing urban families.

Regarding AC, the types of AC have also changed greatly, mainly viously changed from least intensive ones “Hot On Sleep Off”, to
because of the appearance of centralized cooling systems and the more intensive ones. This change trend is consistent among whole
permeation of multi-split AC units after 2010. There were no sur- population, and among population with same family income level.
vey results for the distribution of cooling devices in S2008. Accord- In the results from S2008, approximately 80% of the surveyed
ing to an AC market assessment report, multi-split AC was only respondents (940 samples in total) used the cooling behavior “Hot
sold via the commercial market after 2010. It is estimated that On Sleep Off”, which describes the behavior of turning on the air
the percentage of families with multi-split AC accounted for less conditioning when the residents feel hot and turning it off before
than 1% in Beijing [36]. It is also known from real estate informa- the family sleeps. The detailed results of S2008 show that 59% of
tion that there were no centralized cooing systems in Beijing’s ur- families chose to turn the cooling on in a single room and gather
ban residential buildings. After 2010, multi-split AC and centralized the family members together in that room, to save energy cost. Ac-
cooling system started to appear in urban households, as AC man- tually this is not because of a limitation due to insufficient cooling
ufactures adjusted their sales strategy to target housing develop- appliances, but due to traditional culture and life style. The num-
ers instead of the operators of commercial buildings. Although AC ber of AC units per 100 households in urban Beijing in 2008 was
ownership did not grow dramatically from 2008 to 2015, the per- 152, which means there was an average of 1.5 AC units per family.
centage of family who use multi-split AC has grew to 6%, as seen But more than half of these urban families still chose to use only
in Fig. 4. While centralized cooling systems such as ground source one AC.
heat pump systems were promoted with policy incentives, only 1% In the results from S2015, the behaviors “All on” and “At home
of families used centralized cooling systems. on Leave Off” start to appear, meaning that urban households use
cooling in more rooms and for a longer time. No respondents in
3.1.2. Cooling behavior distribution change the S2008 survey choose “All on” and “At home on Leave Off””;
After pre-processing on results of S2008, a comparative analysis in S2015 the percentage of these two behaviors increased to 6%.
of the AC behavior distribution was conducted, as in Fig. 5. Consid- The number of respondents using of “Hot On Sleep Off” decreased
ering the growth in family income, the distribution of behavior as dramatically, from 80% in 2008 to 26% in 2015.
associated with income level was also carried out individually. It However, which factors are the key drivers for these changes in
was found that the actual distribution in cooling behavior had ob- cooling device used and the changes in behavior? Was the chang-
6 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

Fig. 4. Share of Beijing urban households with different predominant cooling device (S2015).

Fig. 5. Cooling pattern comparison between S2008 and S2015.

ing trend in behavior connected to the changes in cooling device ily and building factors calculated, as seen in Table 6. A significant
used? The analysis of S2015 from Section 3.2 to 3.4 will explore correlation between cooling device and region, family, and building
the answers to these questions. factors was identified. Among all factors, family income and the
type of building are the most correlated according to the signifi-
3.2. Factors correlated with cooling device cant correlation found in the results of a partial correlation analy-
sis. When using the control for family income, no statistical corre-
Correlation analysis was conducted on the S2015 samples, and lation between family type or family number with cooling device
the Pearson correlation coefficient for the cooling device with fam- can be found, meaning that cooling device is correlated with fam-
S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885 7

Table 6
Pearson correlation coefficient of cooling device (N = 10,599).

Correlation Partial correlation

Control region Control family income Control building type
Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)

Region −0.065∗∗ 0.000 – – −0.068 0.000 −0.06 0.000

Family income 0.238∗∗ 0.000 0.239 0.000 – – 0.194 0.000
Family type 0.019∗ 0.045 0.019 0.052 0.014 0.015 0.02 0.041
Family number 0.017 0.085 0.014 0.142 0.017 0.074 0.027 0.006
Education 0.052∗∗ 0.000 0.052 0.000 0.018 0.058 0.02 0.037
Building type 0.229∗∗ 0.000 0.227 0.000 0.182 0.000 – –
Building age 0.079∗∗ 0.000 0.079 0.000 0.07 0.000 0.017 0.076
Floor area 0.094∗∗ 0.000 0.094 0.000 0.066 0.000 0.085 0.000
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Fig. 6. Family income with building types and the choice of cooling device (S2015).

ily income. Similarly, building age is not directly correlated with 3003 samples (accounting for 28% of all samples) who choose fans
cooling device by the results from the partial correlation analysis. as the predominant cooling device, energy cost and personal pref-
Four factors were recognized as correlated with the cooling device; erence are the top three reasons. Approximately one third of all
family income was the most strongly correlated, followed by type families choose fans because the electricity consumption of AC is
of building and floor area. The partial correlation between cooling much higher. A further third of the respondents did not use AC
device with family income and building type are significant when because of personal preference. Adequate ventilation of the apart-
controlling for region, indicating that these correlations are statis- ment is another typical reason. Approximately 15% of the house-
tically significant across different regions. holds chose to use fans because of the presence of the elderly
There is in fact a close connection between family income, or young family members, constraints to the infrastructure of old
building type, and cooling device. Firstly, family income is corre- buildings, and cool summers. It can be assumed that with the in-
lated with both the choice of building type and the choice of cool- crease in family income, more and more people will adopt AC be-
ing device. The living patterns of urban households across different cause the ratio of energy cost to family income will decrease. But
family incomes could be easily identified: middle to high income there will always be families with relatively higher incomes who
families tend to live in high-rise buildings, which are newer build- do not use AC because of personal preference.
ings, while there is obviously a larger percent of households with From the analysis carried out in Section 3.2, it could be con-
high income families living in villas (see Fig. 6). Across all fam- cluded that single split AC is still the majority choice in urban
ily incomes the single split AC is the most popular, while there households across families of all income levels and in all types
is a significantly higher proportion of multi-split and central cool- of residential buildings. There are still an obvious proportion of
ing systems seen in high income families. Secondly, it is appar- households that choose fans instead of AC as a primary cooling
ent that building types are also closely related with the choice of device, partly because of the higher energy cost of AC, but mainly
cooling device; single-split AC is a priority choice across families due to personal preference, good ventilation, and the presence of
with different income levels, but a significantly higher number of elder/young family members. It could be said that even with the
families in high-rise buildings choose multi-split AC and central- high saturation of AC seen in Chinese urban families, not all fam-
ized cooling systems. The different types of building can ultimately ilies choose ACs as a primary cooling choice. Fans are still fre-
be distributed among different ranges of floor area and years of quently used in around one third of urban families, and will not
construction. High-rise buildings in urban China are mainly con- become obsolete in the short term. In addition, the emerging trend
structed after 20 0 0, while one story and multi-story buildings tend in multi-split AC can obviously be seen along with the increases in
to be older. Compared with apartment buildings, villas are of big- income and the movement into newly-constructed high-rise apart-
ger size, at an average of approximately 200–250 m2 , while apart- ment buildings. Centralized cooling systems were promoted via
ment buildings are normally 80–120 m2 , as seen in Fig. 7b. This is policy incentives as renewable energy utilization and by real es-
probably the reason that the floor area and age of a building was tate developers as part of a high-quality life and luxury service.
found to be significantly correlated with the type of cooling device. High income families tend to choose this cooling device, but the
The reasons why families in Chinese households preferred fans centralized cooling system only accounts for a small share of the
to AC were also investigated using S2015, see Figure 8. Among the cooling market, even with such vigorous promotion.
8 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

Fig. 7. Building type with choice of cooling device and floor area(S2015).

veyed: 47% of families relayed that the control method is “individ-

ual for each room”, while 25% chose “one switch for whole apart-
ment”, 21% chose “I don’t know the control method”, and the re-
maining 7% choose “central control for continuous operation”. For
the centralized cooling system with an individual control for each
room, the two charge method is common for practical purposes,
by actual usage (such as the hours during which the indoor unit
fans are under operation), or by floor area. It is therefore possible
that some families would actually decrease the usage of cooling
because of the higher cooling costs and the mode by which the
actual usage of cooling service is charged.
Fig. 8. Reasons ranking why families choose fans instead of AC (S2015). Of course, the choice of cooling device and the cooling behav-
ior directly leads to different levels of indoor thermal comfort and
Table 7 occupant feeling, as well as the amount of energy used. Satisfac-
J-T test result. tion levels across the three cooling devices were compared as seen
Cooling behavior Cooling satisfaction in Table 8. Dissatisfaction rate was defined by the percentage of
Cooling device 3 3
households that responded with “Very dissatisfied” or “Dissatis-
N 6745 6745 fied”. Dissatisfaction rate markedly decreases when AC is adopted.
Observed J–T Statistic 2,188,277.000 2,222,243.500 However, the actual statistical dissatisfaction rate of multi-split AC
Mean J–T Statistic 2,004,694.000 2,004,694.000 and centralized cooling was even higher than that of the single-
Std. Deviation of J–T Statistic 45,846.122 41,380.215
split AC. The primary reason for this dissatisfaction (single choice
Std. J–T Statistic 4.004 5.257
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 question) with regards to cooling device is shown in Figs. 10 and
11. Bad cooling performance in an indoor environment is naturally
the top-ranking reason when fans are used. However, it is also the
top-ranked reason for centralized cooling. The reasons for dissat-
3.3. Cooling behavior coupling with cooling device
isfaction with split AC are mainly associated with bad indoor air
quality due to the lack of ventilation. According to the survey, more
The behavior of households who primarily use single split AC,
than 80% of households with split AC rarely open windows while
multi-split AC, and centralized cooling systems was investigated
the space is being cooled. Next to IAQ, the second concern leading
and 6745 samples were selected accordingly.
to dissatisfaction with single split AC and multi-split AC is the cost.
First, the J–T test was conducted for all AC users to test whether
From the above analysis, a significant correlation was revealed
the null hypothesis “cooling behavior is independent of cooling de-
between cooling device and behavior. Changing to a centralized
vice” can be accepted. The J–T Test results seen in Table 7 indicate
cooling system will significantly raise the share of full-time, full-
that the null hypothesis is rejected, because the asymptotic signif-
space cooling behavior, even for families with adjustable terminals
icance achieved is 0.0 0 0. Therefore, there is strong statistical evi-
in each rooms. In practice, a considerable proportion of households
dence proving that cooling behavior is related to cooling device.
cannot turn off the cooling device during the cooling season due
The cross tab figure in Figs. 9 and 10 illustrates the differences
to limitations in the centralized cooling system [37], and these de-
in the cooling behavior distribution of the three different cooling
vices are passively switched to “all summer on (never off)”. This
devices. The distribution between the single-split AC and multi-
change in behavior leads to high energy consumption, as well as
split AC are similar, but more families use multi-split AC in the
wasted cooling when no one is at home. Changing to centralized
“At home on Leave off” or “All on” mode, indicating that multi-
cooling system also does not tend to raise satisfaction and indoor
split AC users tend to turn on space cooling while families are at
comfort. The results from this study illustrate that the dissatisfac-
home and operate indoor units in all rooms as a whole. The pro-
tion rate for centralized cooling systems is higher than that of split
portion of the most intensive mode “at home on leave off” and “all
AC due to a bad cooling performance and the high cost. Due to the
on” is further increased in families that use the centralized cool-
great diversity in the indoor cooling demand of residential build-
ing system, which also shows an increase in the proportion of the
ings, it is hard to provide a suitable amount of cooling according
least intensive “hot on sleep off” mode. It is worth mentioning that
to demand, which often leads to overcooling or insufficient cool-
the method of control for centralized cooling systems was also sur-
S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885 9

Fig. 9. Cooling behavior distribution difference (S2015).

Fig. 10. Ranking of the reasons for dissatisfaction with cooling devices (S2015).

Table 8
Satisfaction of different cooling device.

None% Fans% Single split AC% Multi-split AC% Centralized cooling%

Very dissatisfied 6.7 2.9 0.4 1.7 6.8

Dissatisfied 11.9 14.5 2.6 2.6 23.3
General 30.9 40.1 27.3 19.9 54.8
Satisfied 43.2 37.8 60.1 56.1 15.1
Very satisfied 7.3 4.7 9.5 19.7 100.0
Dissatisfaction rate 18.6 17.4 3.1 4.3 6.8

Fig. 11. Education level with the cooling behavior distribution of single-split AC users (S2015).
10 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

Table 9
Pearson correlation of cooling behavior for different cooling device.

Single-split AC Multi-split AC Centralized cooling

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
N = 6094 N = 578 N = 73

Region −0.028∗ 0.026 −0.011 0.790 −0.214 0.069

Family income 0.084∗∗ 0.000 .132∗∗ 0.001 0.170 0.149
Family type 0.010 0.424 0.015 0.716 0.095 0.426
Family number 0.004 0.771 −0.075 0.073 0.189 0.110
Education −0.043∗∗ 0.001 0.029 0.488 −0.106 0.374
Building type 0.069∗∗ 0.000 0.183∗∗ 0.000 .377∗∗ 0.001
Building age 0.057∗∗ 0.000 0.102∗ 0.014 0.187 0.113
Floor area 0.088∗∗ 0.000 0.163∗∗ 0.000 0.077 0.517
Energy saving awareness
Traditional culture −0.073∗∗ 0.000 −0.011 0.799 −0.108 0.362
Education −0.046∗∗ 0.000 −0.016 0.693 −0.117 0.325
Media Propaganda −0.016 0.222 −0.020 0.627 0.049 0.680
Energy cost −0.026∗ 0.039 −0.061 0.144 −0.111 0.351
Social norm −0.007 0.570 −0.036 0.392 −0.090 0.451
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

ing [38]. Because of the significant amount of energy consumption sults is that the promotion of centralized cooling systems in resi-
and cooling loss, the electricity consumption of a centralized cool- dential buildings should be carried out with extreme caution. Once
ing system is usually approximately 20 kWh//m2 , far higher than centralized systems are widely introduced into the residential sec-
that of families using single-split AC, therefore leading to a much tor, and the cooling behavior inevitably changes to full-time full-
higher cost for families. space, there are hardly any effective measures that can be used to
guide energy saving behavior and a conservative life style. The dra-
3.4. Factors correlated with cooling behavior matic growth in electricity consumption due to the use of central-
ized cooling systems would be excessive. On a more positive note,
The correlation between cooling behavior and family factors, for bigger family groups who using single split ACs, traditional cul-
building factors, and energy-saving awareness was analyzed for the ture, educational background, and energy cost are still significant
three individual groups, and the results are listed in Table 9. Due factors guiding cooling behavior, indicating that policy measures
to the different cooling patterns, the most significant factors are enhancing these factors would have a positive effect on guiding
also distinct among the three groups. conservative cooling behavior, ultimately leading to lower energy
The factors found to correlate with split AC are similar. The type consumption in urban residential buildings.
of building, age, and floor area are significantly related with the
cooling behavior, while family income was also related. Families 4. Discussion
with higher income and better buildings (high-rise apartment or
villa) of a younger age and bigger size also tend to use space cool- 4.1. Sustainable cooling approach
ing more intensively, with a higher proportion of intensive cooling
behavior. Region is correlated with the cooling behavior of families With future social and economic development in China, China’s
using single-split AC, but not those using multi-split AC. No signif- cooling energy consumption in the urban residential sector will
icant factors correlated to the distribution of cooling behavior of double by 2030 if no stronger policies were enforced [6]. The lo-
those using centralized cooling could be found, except for build- cal and national government are under great pressure to reduce
ing type. This is mostly because of the centralized management of cooling energy use and emissions. Centralized cooling system with
these cooling systems and the behavior of the indoor occupants. higher equipment efficiency was promoted by international orga-
The level of education can be observed to influence the cooling nizations and domestic manufactures. There is urgent need to as-
behavior distribution of single-split AC users. Families with higher certain which path is sustainable for green and efficient cooling in
education levels tend to use space cooling in a less intensive way, urban residential buildings, and which will be the future cooling
indicating that they pay more attention to the saving of energy, choices for the future Chinese urban residential buildings.
as illustrated in Figure 11 12. Energy awareness does not influence Actually, centralized cooling system has not become the dom-
the cooling behavior distribution of multi-split users and central- inating cooling device even with dramatic economic development
ized cooling families. However, traditional culture, education, and and income growth. Neither will it become the primary choice for
cascading electricity prices were found to be statistically correlated sustainable cooling in urban China households. Survey results indi-
with the distribution of cooling behavior. Concern for electricity cates that most Chinese households use AC intermittently for an
costs is also significant in cooling behavior distribution, but with a occupied room only, instead of constant operation in all spaces
smaller Pearson coefficient value, which means that it is a weaker over the summer. Single split AC is less energy intensive, more
factor compared with the others. flexible, and therefore is more suitable for this “part time part
From the analysis carried out in Section 3.4, it is indicated that space” cooling behavior in urban China. In addition, centralized
further policy measures are required to guide to cooling behavior cooling system is much more energy intensive than single split AC
with regards to energy conservation. Notably, there are no signif- but does not get better feedback from users. Monitoring projects
icant factors with the cooling behavior of the centralized cooling and case studies have been found to support this conclusion. En-
system that indicate that cooling behavior was highly related with ergy intensity of centralized cooling system consumes 22 kWh/m2
the choice of system, and this can be hardly influenced by any so- in the case of Nanjing, and 7.6 kWh/m2 in the case of Henan
cial or economic factors. The implications for policy from these re- [38,39], which is much higher than the average cooling energy
S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885 11

consumption of urban Chinese households [40]. The reasons of door units of split AC should be a conventional consideration, for
much higher energy consumption are lack of individual control, both newly-constructed buildings and renovated residential build-
and bad design and operation status [39]. Therefore, the split ACs ings. More attention should be paid to research on the optimiza-
will and should be the primary choice and will remain the pre- tion of vertical air distribution around high-rise residential build-
dominant cooling device used in urban Chinese households. Al- ings.
though the centralized cooling system does not provide better in- For the development of cooling technology, technical innova-
door quality, and eventually leads to higher rates of dissatisfac- tion to further improve the energy efficiency of split ACs accord-
tion, the public awareness and cognition concerning cooling de- ing to various cooling behaviors should be the future priority. Sur-
vices is still influenced by the commercial promotion of high-grade veying, monitoring, and understanding the cooling behavior of ur-
communities with centralized cooling systems and constant ser- ban households should be fundamental and the most essential
vices for indoor temperatures and humidity. Therefore, more cam- consideration in cooling demand simulations and equipment op-
paigns providing information for public education, the promotion timization. The predominant cooling behavior is “turn on cooling
of awareness, and policy guidance are needed among urban resi- on” when a resident becomes too hot and “turn off once leave
dents. room”, instead of “keep cooling operating”. Better split ACs that
To achieve sustainable cooling approach in China’s residential can be used with this behavior should be the direction for tech-
buildings, pursuing split ACs with higher efficiency and guiding nical innovation. For example, technologies to adjust the compres-
green behavior should be the priority. However, barriers still ex- sor capacity according to indoor demand should be developed. One
ist and more policy interventions could be achieved. good development made by a Chinese manufacturer in this direc-
For single split AC, technical innovation to furtherly raise the tion was the design of an innovative compressor which can switch
energy efficiency ACs is still required. China established a mini- on smaller compressors under low loads (<30%) and switch on a
mum energy performance standard (MEPS) for fixed single split larger compressor under high loads (>30%). This technique notably
ACs and variable single split AC ever since 2005. However, there is improved the COP from less than 2 to more than 4 at a low load
still a gap between the energy performance under actual operation ratio [4,46].
and the labeled energy performance. Badly installed, operated, and
maintained out-door units are the most common reasons affect the 4.3. Limitations of this study
heat dispersion of out-door units and reduce energy efficiency of
existing single split ACs [4,41–44].The limitation and difficulty in This study has produced important findings regarding the cool-
installing outdoor units in high-rise apartment buildings is also a ing behavior of residents in Chinese urban building and its key cor-
key barrier for the promotion of new single-split AC and is one of related factors. From survey data on Beijing’s urban households in
the most important reason for high-rise dwellers to choose cen- 2008 and national households in 2015, we can identify a change in
tralized cooling systems [45]. To remove these obstacles, the pre- the cooling device used from fans and single-split AC to multi-split
cise design of building façades to allow space for the outdoor units AC and centralized cooling systems, although single split AC is still
in high-rise apartment buildings should be popularized in urban the majority. Through correlation analysis, we can identify that the
residential building design codes and regulation. On the contrary, choice of different cooling devices can significantly influence the
the pre-installing of centralized cooling systems should also not be cooling behavior of a household, and that both are closely related
encouraged by national or regional policies as an energy efficient to family income and building type. Due to limitation via data de-
measures. ficiencies, the limitations of this study are as follows:
Multi-split AC become more and more popular in residential (1) Lack of panel data with time is the biggest challenge and ob-
building, leading to new technical problems in the product design, stacle, so this research can only take Beijing as an example to
testing, and operation of current products in market. Due to the examine the changing trends in cooling pattern and behavior.
part-time part-space behavior of Chinese residents, the operation However, as the results indicate, there is distinct diversity in
of multi-split ACs at partial loads leads to an even lower opera- the cooling devices used and the behavior in different regions
tional energy efficiency [46], and an much higher cooling energy with unique climate conditions and economic development lev-
consumption [47]. Therefore, more technical innovations and policy els. Therefore, the historical trend of evolution in Beijing’s cool-
improvements need to be explored with regard to the standards ing pattern can be used as a reference to understand a more
used in the testing of products and evaluation metrics. general trend; with more data digging and research required if
we want to understand the overall cooling pattern changes in
4.2. Policy suggestions the urban residential buildings of China.
(2) There is a lower saturation of single split ACs in the regions of
To sum up, the adjustable and flexible split ACs are the suit- northeast China, possibly because of the cooler summers and
able choice for China’s urban households who prefer to operate lower family income levels. However, due to the limitation in
AC in “part time part space” behavior. More policy improvement the size of the 2015 survey, the overall cooling pattern and be-
and technical innovation are still needed to enhance public aware- havior in these regions are not discussed in this study. House-
ness, for the improvement of energy efficiency, the installation and hold surveys, and case studies in this area should be a special
maintenance of outdoor units, to promote the better use of split focus to understand the potential demand for cooling in urban
ACs. The following policy implications are obtained according to China. This is the next plan for research into the urban residen-
the results of the above analysis and discussion. tial cooling in China.
To urban residents, information tools such as campaigns, educa-
tion, the education of the public on green lifestyles and sustainable 5. Conclusions
cooling should be promoted, to let urban households comprehen-
sively understand the differences across different cooling devices This research conducted a national-wide online questionnaire
with regards to service levels and energy consumption. survey across China, and try to explore the cooling usage pattern
To real estate developers and design institutes of urban resi- change in urban households and factors impacting this change.
dential buildings, regulations on pre-installing centralized cooling Comparative analysis, correlation analysis, and Jonckheere-Terpstra
system should neither be encouraged nor economically subsidized. test analysis were done on 10,599 valid samples from 23 re-
Conversely, designing residential building façades to retain the out- gions. Following conclusions were obtained, and policy suggestions
12 S. Hu, D. Yan and B. Dong et al. / Energy & Buildings 214 (2020) 109885

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