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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Period: ______________

Weathering and Erosion Worksheet

Match the word with the definition.

1. ________ Physical changes in the size of rock by breaking it A. Abrasion

into smaller pieces.

2. ________ Water works its way into cracks in rocks, then B. Chemical Weathering
freezes and expands.

3. ________ A rock rubs against another rock and rubs material off. C. Deposition

4. ________ The change in physical or chemical composition D. Erosion

of rock materials exposed to the earth’s surface.

5. ________ The process by which sediments are laid down in E. Frost Wedging
new locations.

6. ________ The amount of rock that is exposed. F. Mechanical Weathering

7. ________ Process where rocks are uplifted and come to G. Surface Area
the surface. Causes domes.

8. ________ Rock is transformed into one or more new H. Unloading

compounds. Usually because of water.

9. ________ Process that moves weathered rock from one J. Weathering

place to another.

10. Why is mechanical weathering important for chemical weathering to occur?

11. What property of water allows frost wedging to break rocks apart?

12. Why is frost wedging most common at mountain tops?

13. What is exfoliation of rock?

14. Give an example of biological activity weathering of a rock.

Match the substance that dissolves in water to cause each phenomenon.

15. ________ The cause of acid rain. A. Carbon dioxide

16. ________ This causes oxidation of minerals (rust). B. Oxygen

17. ________ This causes carbonic acid to form. C. Sulfur and nitrogen oxides

18. Why did Cleopatra’s Needle remain un-weathered in Egypt, but it weathered rapidly when brought to
New York City in 1881?

19. Explain why ocean water is salty.

20. Circle which rock has undergone the most weathering. Explain why you chose that rock.

21. List three characteristics that can contribute to differential weathering rates.

22. What do we get when weathering has broken down rock completely? __________________________

23. What three processes/substances can move sediments?

A. ___________________________ B. ______________________ C. _________________________

24. What is the most powerful agent for erosion? (be specific) _____________________________________
25. ________ A common kind of mechanical weathering is called
A. oxidation. C. carbonic acid.
B. frost wedging. D. acid rain.

26. ________ Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen that combine with water vapor cause
A. hydrolysis. C. mechanical weathering.
B. acid rain D. carbonic acid.

27. ________ Chemical weathering is most rapid in

A. hot, dry climates. C. cold, wet climates.
B. cold, dry climates. D. hot, wet climates.

28. ________ Which of the following is NOT an agent of mechanical weathering?

A. ice C. acid rain
B. wind D. gravity

29. ________ Abrasion is caused by all the following agents EXCEPT

A. wind C. gravity
B. frost wedging D. running water

30. ________ As a result of chemical weathering, even a hard rock such as granite can be turned into
A. sediment. C. kaolin.
B. limestone. D. minerals.

31. ________ How does the amount of a rock’s surface area affect weathering?
A. The larger the area, the higher the rate of weathering.
B. The larger the area, the lower the rate of weathering.
C. The smaller the area, the higher the rate of weathering.
D. The rate of weathering is unaffected by the surface area.

32. ________ Plant and animal activities cause what kind of weathering?
A. chemical C. chemical and mechanical
B. mechanical D. none

33. ________ Which of the following is NOT a common agent of erosion?

A. water C. burrowing
B. wind D. glacier

34. ________ Oxidation, carbonic acid, and acid rain are examples of
A. mechanical weathering. C. erosion.
B. abrasion. D. chemical weathering.

35. ________ A common type of mechanical weathering that occurs in cold climates and is strong
enough to split even huge boulders is called
A. abrasion. C. exfoliation.
B. crackling. D. frost wedging.

36. ________ Sediment deposited at the mouth of a river creates a formation called
A. a delta. C. an alluvial fan.
B. regolith. D. a natural levee.

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