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As a student taking up STEM strand it is very essential for me to go back and learn more
about the development of cell theory. By knowing this theory, we will be able to
understand that we organisms here on earth are composed of basic structural units
called cells derived from pre-existing cells. By learning this simple theory, we students
are able to come up with idea on how we form and where we came from. This simple
ideas will serve as a back bone in our understanding in the next topic that we will tackle.
2. As young environmentalist , I am deeply committed and responsible to take good care of
our mother nature by doing sustainable ways such proper waste disposal at home and
limiting the use of non-biodegradable materials.

In addition, I will be also responsible in using my gadgets by saving energy from it. It is
also beneficial for me to immerse myself in tree planting even in our backyard and
urban gardening with my parents. These eco-friendly practices will not just nurture the
environment but also save our mother earth. Like what Ms. Karen Ibasco once said “
Our micro-efforts will have a macro-effect to help save our home, our planet.”

1. We can observe and see that the state of our environment is getting worst day by
day. With the continuous illegal activities of humans in destroying our natural
habitat leads to the drastic degradation of our environment and worsen the effect of
climate change.
Our destructive activities have altered the way we live and even the place we live. Starting with
the simple cutting of trees to the wide range of deforestation and kaingin system that we can
watch in television contributes to the increasing amount of chlorofluorocarbon that leads to the
depletion of the ozone layer. This also leads to air pollution which may harm our health. Second
is the operation of mining companies here in our countries which causes the land and
mountains to deform. Mining also pollute the air and drinking water, harm wildlife and
habitat, and permanently scar natural landscapes.  Third is the water degradation
especially in the bodies of water such us our oceans, rivers and seas. By the continuous
dumping of chemicals and wastes in these bodies of water will also pollute and may
harm its biodiversity. To sum up all of these, it will result to the total alteration or
degradation of our environment if we human will not change and take actions as early
as now. It is very important that we should start now, change to start change as simple
as that. If we will have collaborative efforts with everyone, our earth will be healed and
become more conducive place to live in.

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