Van Der Linden Et Al. 2017 PPBE - The Good Client

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Professional Practices in the Built Environment

27 - 28 April 2017
University of Reading, UK

Conference Proceedings

Rowena Hay and Flora Samuel

In association with:


April 2017

ISBN 9780704915725
Value of Architects,
University of Reading,
The Old Library Building
L046, London Road,
RG1 5AQ www.ValueofArchitects .org 

Special thanks to our advisory group and reviewing committee: 

Alan Jones Helen Woolley

Andy Von Bradsky Jennifer Whyte
Carrie Behar Johan de Walsche
Casey Rutland Kate Pahl 
David Clapham Martin Sexton
Doina Petrescu Paola Sassi
Edward Ng Paddy Conaghan
Fredrik Nilsson Robin Nicholson
Hans Wamelink Simon Bradbury 

This work was completed under AHRC contract AH/ M008274/1 

Professional Practices in the Built Environment, University of Reading, 27-28th April 2017

The good client: How architect-client dynamics mediate attention to

Valerie Van der Linden1, Hua Dong2, Ann Heylighen3

1Research[x]Design, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Belgium

of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China

3Research[x]Design, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Belgium


Due to the increasing complexity of architectural practice, gaining insight into future users’
perspectives presents a particular challenge for architects. Architects’ main reference point to
obtain information about users is often the client. Moreover, architects indicate that a ‘good’
client is key to the project’s success. Yet, architect-client relationships can be highly diverse,
depending on the project type, procedure and phase. This paper sets out to study how different
architect-client dynamics mediate attention to users in the design process. An ethnographic
study provides insight into the daily professional practice of three diverse architecture firms in
Belgium. Based on observations of project meetings and interviews with architects and clients,
we identify four types of relationships: client absence, substitution by a developer, client
consultation, and (long-term) engagement. Architect-client dynamics can result in conflicting or
aligned ambitions. Extracts from the fieldwork illustrate how these can hamper or stimulate
attention to future users in the design process. The insights presented in this paper contribute
to untangling architect-client dynamics and can be useful to improve collaboration and
knowledge transfer in design practice. A constructive relationship between architects and clients
can provide an opportunity for enhancing their mutual ambitions to integrate use-related
qualities in the design.

Keywords: architectural practice, client, ethnographic fieldwork, knowledge, user experience

Introduction a clear set of guiding values. Simultaneously,
they are willing to take advice, add to the
Due to the complexities in present-day budget, and remove themselves from the
architectural practice, attention to user architects’ intimate area of expertise, the
experience is often crowded out by the manipulation of form.
varied and complex requirements architects (p233)
need to consider. Moreover, in many projects
there is no longer a one-on-one relationship Apart from the diversity resulting from the
between the designer and occupant of a circumstances of and parties engaging in a
building. This makes gaining access to future professional relationship, differences can also
users’ perspectives difficult for architects, result from changes induced by the project’s
which possibly endangers the course. Cuff (1992) observed architect-client
appropriateness of the design. Especially relationships being built and taking different
when future users differ considerably from forms: ‘courtship’ (in the schematic design
designers, the gap can be hard to bridge phase), ‘building rapport’ (during design
(Crilly, Maier, and Clarkson, 2008). development), ‘unveiling boundaries’ (related
to construction documents), ‘avoiding
This paper starts from the observation that disputes’ (during bidding or negotiating) and
clients are often the number one reference ‘constr ucting progress’ (related to
point for architects to obtain information administrating construction contracts)
about future users, entrusted for their (p173-174).
expertise and assumed ability to represent
building occupants (Van der Linden, Dong, In this respect, briefing and design are
and Heylighen, 2016a). However, ‘the client’ acknowledged as iterative activities, part of a
can take different forms: an end user, a team social process (Collinge and Harty, 2014;
of representatives, the head of an Green, 1996; Yaneva, 2009), where architects’
organisation, someone from the technical and clients’ social worlds collide (Siva and
department, a developer … just like ‘the London, 2011), knowledge is mediated
architect’, ‘the client’ is often a construction of through materials and individuals (Koch and
different individuals. Distributed tasks and Thuesen, 2013) and requirements unfold
knowledge along with differences in interests during design, even in competitions (Kreiner,
and ambitions pose another challenge to Jacobsen, and Jensen, 2011; Van Wezemael,
fruitful collaboration (Buse, Nettleton, Martin, Silberberger, and Paisiou, 2011). Negotiating
and Twigg, 2016; Cuff, 1992; Green, 1996; experiential aspects is not self-evident, it
Ivory, 2004; Thyssen, Emmitt, Bonke, and Kirk- demands full immersion in actual use
Christoffersen, 2010). situations (McDonnell and Lloyd, 2014).

Architects often mention the importance of In short, the relation with the client – as the
having a ‘good client’, which seems to refer to main source of knowledge about future users
knowledgeable parties, who have figured out – can be very different depending on the
what they want and are easy to collaborate project type, procedure and phase. This
with, or as Cuff (1992) explains: paper aims to understand how these
dynamics influence knowledge exchange,
After choosing the architect for a commission, with an eye to promoting architectural
excellent clients, while demanding and ready to qualities for the benefit of users. Based on an
stand their ground, remain open-minded and ethnographic study, we outline four different
flexible. Unlike ordinary clients who may be types of relationships between architects and
more rigid or in some cases spineless, the clients that can dynamically take form during
clients who produce outstanding buildings have the design process. We analyse how the

socio-material setting (constituted by the chosen to cover a broad range of project
interactions of individuals and design types and procedures. For a more elaborate
materials) of each of these relationships motivation and illustration of the research
facilitates or hampers attention to future methods, we refer to a methodological paper
users’ needs. based on the study in the first firm (Van der
Linden, Dong, and Heylighen, 2016b).
The overall analysis focused on architects’
The results presented in this paper are based ‘designerly ways of knowing’ (Cross, 1982)
on insights from an ethnographic study about users, attending to the socio-material
carried out in three architecture firms in mediators in architectural practice. Below we
Belgium. The first author visited each firm report the particular aspect of architect-
over a six-week period, and studied four to client dynamics, identifying four types of
five projects that architects were working on relationships we obser ved during the
at the time. This resulted in almost 400 hours fieldwork. The results are illustrated with
of observation and 16 interviews1 with quotes from the interviews, translated from
architects, project partners and clients. Table Dutch by the authors. For reasons of
1 displays the firms and empirical material confidentiality, names have been replaced by
collected. The firms and projects were pseudonyms.

Canvas Architects studio:ratio ArchiSpectrum

 6 architects 9 architects 100+ collaborators

Ghent Brussels Brussels + 2 other locations

128h observation 129h observation 139h observation

 6 interviews 5 interviews 5 interviews

collection 4 projects 5 projects 5 projects

fall 2015 fall 2014 spring 2016



Table 1. Overview of the firms and data collected during the study

1One of the interviews at ArchiSpectrum was conducted in the context of an earlier exploratory study (see Van
der Linden, Dong, & Heylighen, 2016a). Because of its relevant and complementary content (offering an additional
perspective), it was included in the data set.

Results then you’ve lost.

Absence (Team head at ArchiSpectrum)

A first type of architect-client relationship Trying to cope with uncertainties, architects

that was observed is client absence. During often invest resources in finding out client
the competition stage, for example 2 , preferences. A lack of information may
participating architects are typically not prevent them from pursuing par ticular
allowed to engage with the client, due to the (innovative) concepts, leading them to play it
procedure aimed at guaranteeing equal s a fe by s t i c k i n g t o a c o n s e r v a t i ve
chances for all participants. Information interpretation of the brief. When left in the
exchange is usually limited to a few briefing dark about (aspired) user experiences,
sessions. Answers to additional questions are architects come to rely on knowledge gained
distributed to all participating architects, from previous projects and their own
which makes architects very careful in their imagination.
phrasings, protecting their concept whilst it is
i n d e ve l o p m e n t . T h e s e i n fo r m a t i o n We also saw other situations where an
exchanges thus can hardly be classified as a emphasis on user experience in competition
dialogue. briefing documents offered architects
guidance. In the open bid for a care facility
Left to an often voluminous and technical for people with a severe mental impairment,
project definition, architects indicated that Canvas Architects received a booklet with
they have difficulties in fully understanding the portraits of three residents, documented
the client’s question. Being forced to through photos and stories (Figure 1). This
interpret the brief without the possibility to unusual ‘day in the life of ’-style reportage
check with clients is a major source of offered a glimpse into an unknown world
frustration. Based on the limited resources and was therefore much appreciated by the
they receive, architects try to estimate which architects, who used it to their advantage.
values they will target – a choice which holds The client explained:
great (financial) risks.
It turned out, with the four teams who were
If you’re doing a competition, you don’t know. selected and then read the portraits, that it
You’re doing something, then you’re submitting, moved people. It worked…
a n d t h e n … Yo u n e v e r h a v e d i r e c t – Did they refer to it specifically?
communication with the user or client. And Yes yes, to outdo each other, of course. (laughs
that’s a major difficulty in competitions. So it out loud) [...] In most of the designs you felt
can happen… First, it’s very hard because it’s that they’d given it some thought. Yeah, sure.
difficult to interpret certain things in the project Especially with the current designers we really
definition. But also, you can totally miss the had the feeling they got it.
mark, right. It can be a reason for them just to
say ‘yeah, we’re not doing this’, finished. And (Client)

2 We elaborate here on the situation of competitions, since the majority of the projects observed were granted
through some kind of competition formula. However, architects in our study also had the feeling there was ‘no
client’ in cases where they were commissioned by a central committee without knowledge about the daily
operation (e.g., in the case of a new school). Architects indicated that this felt like “working around a paper”, which
lasted for the duration of the design process.

Figure 1. Extracts from the booklet “through the eyes of the residents”

Substitution However, the resulting assemblage of

interpretations and impressions about the
A second type of architect-client relationship client’s preferences can hamper architects in
we observed, occurred when a developer or developing a coherent vision on user
contractor acted as a substitute client, for experience.
example in design and build contracts. In
public-private par tnerships, where the In projects where a contractor or developer
contractor is responsible for the financing, acted as a substitute client, there seemed to
and sometimes also the maintenance and be more attention to technical and
operation of a building, the public client was commercial aspects in the design process,
often ‘absent’ during the competition stage often suppressing architects’ aspirations for
(as discussed above), and excluded from user experience or what they perceive as
direct discussions with the architect. In these architectural quality. This even seemed to
circumstances the developer’s voice and impact on representation styles, as we
opinion is heard louder than the client’s. This observed more realistic renders compared
can be problematic not least because each to atmospheric collages architects produced
party brings their own programme that in more architecture-oriented competitions.
evolves in the course of the design process Coping with a dual client and vision can be
and can be difficult for architects to integrate. difficult for architects. Open bids can force
Further, in the competition stage, architects architects and contractors in rivalling roles,
now have a partner in interpreting the where architects try to realise what they
(public client’s) project definition. We perceive as quality and contractors try to cut
witnessed developers joining forces with costs, leading to the pursuit of different goals
architects in order to figure out the public instead of a shared ambition. An architect
client’s preferences through various channels. testified how the developer constantly

pushed them to increase the density on the
site, even when this action was against the Everything on paper is open to interpretation
wishes of the family who owned the land. for me. I really prefer just hearing ‘so, how are
you going to do that [storing ingredients for
The original programme was this percentage of cooking classes]? do you need a fridge? and
townhouses, this percentage of assisted living how big should this fridge be? or do you need a
flats, this percentage of apartments [...] But cold store? isn’t that better’ – ‘oh, a cold store,
they’ve been fiddling around and juggling with yeah, then we can store the drinks for lunch in
those percentages during the entire course. the refectory there as well’. These are all things
(upset) Yeah, it’s been terrible [...] It’s purely that come up. Yeah, who’s going to describe a
driven by profit. At a certain point they’d talked cold store in a school? No-one. But if you ask
to a local real estate agency, who said ‘well no, the question, then they say ‘oh well, that’s right,
townhouses really sell poorly’, so suddenly all of that would be a real solution’.
the townhouses had to be eliminated(!) Then
the family heard the townhouses were out, (Interior design head at ArchiSpectrum)
w h i l e t h e y d e fi n i t e l y w a n t e d a n
intergenerational housing project. D i r e c t c o m mu n i c a t i o n o f fe r s m a ny
opportunities for incorporating user values in
(Project architect at studio:ratio) the design. First, it allows for the tuning of
ambitions. On a more practical level,
Consultation architects are able to obtain detailed,
contextual scenarios about users’ daily
The end of a (successful) competition stage3 activities from client committees,
usually marks the start of a dialogue between representatives4 or even client workgroups
architects and clients. At the start of setting organised to consider particular aspects5.
up their relationship, architects and clients Architects and clients jointly exploring
often visit the client’s current building (if problems and solutions in a designerly way,
available) and relevant reference projects. where architects’ proposals elicited new
Visits prove valuable for knowledge insights and made questions evolve. So client
exchange, as they allow for the building a consultation went together with client
shared frame of reference and specifying learning, facilitated by the architects, who led
expectations through situated cases. Further, the discussion as experts on aspects like
architects and clients usually organise regular materiality, and guided clients in reading
meetings (e.g., every two weeks) when design documents. Clients adopted architects’
developing the design up to the point of the vocabulary just like the client’s vision was
application for the building permit. During adopted in the architects’ narrative.
these meetings clients instruct architects
about changes to be made, and architects I think we’re in a good dialogue [...] It’s also true
have the opportunity to consult with their that, during the design process or coming about
client on the interpretation of abstract of a design, something happens with the client
notions (e.g., ‘active education’) and the too of course, right, with us. You get thinking
relative importance of different requirements, again yourself too, and that’s a continuous
in order to take the design a step further. interplay. Sometimes, well, you’re putting things

3 Of course, when there is no competition, clients can be consulted from the project’s outset.

4 Collaboration improved when the contact person had more practical knowledge, allowing interaction on equal
terms. Often this person then became the architects’ ally, promoting the design with decision makers.

5 Client workgroups seemed to be an indicator of a human-centred tradition in the client organisation.

differently than at the start. At the same time, it
sharpens a bit the choices you make. A similar dynamic was witnessed with
particularly passionate or visionary clients,
(Client) infecting architects with enthusiasm. Canvas
Architects, for example, developed a close
Engagement relationship with a client with a revolutionary
vision on dementia care. This relationship
A final type of architect-client relationship affected their way of working, e.g., meeting
identified is (long-term) engagement, where reports were seldom made, in favour of
architects invest notably more effort in ‘good’ i n fo r m a l c o m mu n i c a t i o n . T h e c l o s e
clients. ‘Good clients’ were seen as those who relationship was however challenged at times
were knowledgeable, passionate and/or when contractual issues came up.
returning clients, resulting in the creation of a
shared ambition. Often this started with the For [our client]… the personal aspect is very
client’s deliberate choice of an architect with important. In that sense [our client] didn’t only
an eye to collaboration – looking for a look at the architectural proposal, but also at
perfect match in terms of content and style. the team [...] ‘will this person be able to
For example, in some care projects, clients understand me? will I be able to engage in a
had deliberately chosen architects without conversation? will we get along?’ [...] Due to a
experience in care and expected them to change in the scale, we had to question our
co-develop their concept with them. contract [...] we sent a proposal and then we
got the reaction that they were actually a bit
In frequent collaborations architects shocked (laughs) by our proposal. So very
understood questions at a faster rate, but suddenly you’re being torn out of this personal
client expectations were also higher. As the context, and it becomes business-like. Because
relationship does not end with one building, you’re still dealing with money of course.
architects stay involved after realisation. This
results in collective learning throughout the (Partner at Canvas Architects)
process, as choices are evaluated and
decisions are made. The fact that architects In both examples clients had a stronger
are confronted with the post-occupancy position and were more demanding in terms
situation is quite exceptional. of content and dedication. Architects6 were
more ‘bound’, not only in the sense of having
Well, of course we’re being pretty hard to meet these expectations, but also in the
confronted with it. Because when you’re building positive sense of being more entrusted an
the third phase [of the project], they come and particularly motivated to stay involved in the
bother you about the first and second phase. project.
And that’s…. awkward. Yeah, it’s super awkward,
because you’re being confronted with Discussion & conclusion
operational stuff, or mistakes… or flaws. It’s not
always ‘mistakes’ but things that could’ve been In order to gain a better understanding of
better, and that’s very inconvenient of course. clients’ role in the (lack of) attention to users
Sure. Otherwise you’re rid of that. It’s in architectural practice, this study examined
operational and we’re architects. (shrugging) how architect-client dynamics work. Four
Well we don’t know. types of relationships (client absence,
substitution, consultation and engagement)
(Team head at ArchiSpectrum) were identified, with particular socio-material

6 We observed that this higher level of engagement applied for the contractors involved as well.

characteristics that hamper or stimulate assumptions about how architects relate to
attention to users. users through the contact with clients,
illustrating dynamically formed types of
• When clients were absent little attention relationships beside regular architect-client
to user experience was observed, unless consultation.
in the (rare) case it was presented as a
main source and consideration in the The study is limited in the sense that only
brief. This highlights the importance of Belgian architecture firms were studied,
briefing documents as they can put a whereas practices can differ in regions with
spotlight on user experience and provide other regulations, procedures and attitudes.
a guiding principle during design. The diverse and fragmentary empirical
• In situations where a developer acted as material enabled insights into architects’ daily
a client substitute, architects’ attention experiences, but the findings cannot be
seemed diverted towards more technical generalised to draw conclusions about
and commercial aspects. Conflicting particular procedures. Architects were the
ambitions can hamper realising use- point of departure - an additional study
related qualities in the design. focusing on clients’ experiences of briefing
• W h e n c l i e n t s a r e av a i l a b l e f o r and collaborating with architects would be
consultation, impor tant oppor tunities very valuable. Moreover, in this paper ‘the
exist for aligning ambitions and architects’ were considered as one party. At
exchanging knowledge, including rich an individual level, a firm’s organisational
information about user experience. Both structure can increase the distance between
architects and clients can take the lead in individual architects and the client and users,
bringing experiential issues to the table. due to the chain of contact persons,
The format of the dialogue plays an distributed tasks and dispersed information.7
important role in the extent to which If one aims to develop strategies to support
this knowledge can be tapped (cf. attention to users in design, it is important to
Collinge and Harty, 2014). consider (the often problematic, as we
• Engaged collaboration with the client can observed) knowledge sharing in architecture
draw architects closer to users, as clients firms. Finally, the notion of user experience
can involve architects in establishing an was not deepened through the analysis, but
ambitious vision regarding users and will be elaborated elsewhere on the
confront them with users in person. This particular aspects architects refer to during
can possibly induce a more permanent design.
change of mind, when architects take this
experience on board in other projects. The study confirms the problematic situation
of knowledge about users’ actual interactions
These findings complement related research with buildings trickling back into the design
such as Cuff ’s (1992) analysis of phases in process. Related research has identified
the evolving social relationship with a strategies to capture user experience such as
particular client (more or less situated during a user-centred theor y of the built
client consultation), by extending the scope, e n v i r o n m e n t ( V i s c h e r, 2 0 0 8 ) , u s e r
including design phases with different levels participation in the design process (Blundell-
of client presence and taking into account Jones, Petrescu, and Till, 2005) or post-
the multifaceted construction referred to as occupancy evaluations (Cooper, 2001) – yet
‘the client’. The findings challenge prevailing all of them have a limited uptake in

7As we observed, ‘the architects’ are often an ad-hoc team composed for the design project, featuring people with
different expertise, tasks and tools, from within or even across firms.

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