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Monday: HIIT: 35 mins

Tuesday: Day 1, 30 mins run

Wed: sing
Thurs: Day 2, 30 mins run
Fri: Day 3, HIIT
Sat: sing (run if time)
Sun: Sing


1. Run 30
2. Decline Press: 3 x 10 @ 20
3. Lat Pulldown: 3 x 10 @ 30
4. Chest Press: 3 x 10 @ 20
5. Tricep extension: 3 x 10 @ 20


1. Run 30
2. Squats: 3 x 10
3. V-ups: 3 x 10
4. Squats again: 3 x 10
5. Leg Press: 3 x 10 @ 50—followed by toes


1. Run 30
2. Row: 3 x 10
3. Shoulder Press: 3 x 10 @20
4. Lateral Raise: 5 x 10 –no weights
5. Bicep curl: 3 x 10 @10
6. Rows: 3 x 10 @30


1. Run 30
2. Decline Press: 3 x 10 @ 20
3. Lat Pulldown: 3 x 10 @ 30
4. Chest Press: 3 x 10 @ 20
5. Tricep extension: 3 x 10 @ 20
Day 3:

1. Row – 1



Stand to side of medium height rotating pulley. Place hand shoulder height or
slightly lower on support bar with arm straight. Place foot nearest supporting arm
forward with knee slightly bent and opposite foot back. Grasp cable stirrup with
one hand allowing shoulder to be pulled forward under weight on cable.


Pull cable attachment to side of torso while pulling shoulder back, arching spine,
and pushing chest forward. Return until arm is extended and shoulder is pulled
forward. Repeat. Continue with opposite arm.

2. Incline press - 3 (the machine labels it “incline press” but it’s really called a
shoulder press)

Adjust the seat settings accordingly. The handles should be about 2 or 3 inches
above your shoulders. Make sure your back is straight and your hand is facing
forward. Also, your feet should be planted firmly on the ground.

Grab the handles overhand so that your palms are facing upward.

Raise the weight by pressing upward in a controlled manner. Continue up until

your elbows are almost locked. Make sure to exhale while pushing the weight up.

Lower the weight toward the starting point, but don't allow the stack to descend
fully. When the weight being used is just above the remaining stack, lift up for
your next repetition. While the weight is being lowered, make sure to inhale

3. Cable row – 2

Underhand grip, lying down

4. Lateral raise – 1

Stand facing two low pulleys positioned side by side. Grasp stirrups with each hand.
Stand upright with arms staight down to each side.

With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to side until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and

5. Underhand grip row - 1 (underhand grip not shown - palms look like this)
Use big long bar and go underhanded

6. Bicep curl – 1

That’s six lifts per day, heavy focus on the larger muscle groups with smaller focus on
accessory lifts. Because this is really entirely coming from machine work, I would aim
for 8 reps per set, with 3 sets per exercise. So do 3 sets of 8 reps for one exercise,
then move to the next. Normally I would suggest people start with 12 reps to learn the
motions, but with machines it’s not as necessary to have proper form since most of the
balance work is done for you. And rest 60-120 seconds between each set/exercise.
Kind of up to you.

And also regarding HIIT, here is the routine I prefer most:

 5 minutes - warm up at a power walking pace.

 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 5 minutes - power walking pace
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 1 minute - 30 seconds sprint followed by 30 seconds walking pace.
 5 minutes - cool down at power walking pace.
 [Optional] 5 minutes - light jogging pace.


5 minutes power walk

30 sec @ 7 followed by 30 sec @ 3.5 x 5

5 minutes power walk

30 sec @ 7 followed by 30 sec @ 3.5 x 5

5 minutes power walk

5 minutes @ 4.5

5 minutes cooldown

TOTAL= 35 minutes

Let me know if you have any other questions :D

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