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Tan Sri (Dr.) Ambrin Buang Datuk Juhari Haron



Datuk Dr. Leow Datuk Juhari Datuk Baharom Dato’ Satinah YM Datuk Dr.
Chee Seng Haron Embi Syed Saleh Tengku Naufal

Datuk Atikah Dato’ Dr. Tan Emeritus Professor Prof. Dr. Malik Prof. Dr. Saiful
Adom Meng Lee Dato’ Dr. Abdul Badri Amin Jalun
Razak Salleh

Prof. Dr. Wilson Dr. Dayana Dr. David Edwin Dr. Chow Dr. Vincent
Tay Chuan Hui Chaskar Evans Leong Choon Leong Wing Sum

Behavioural Intelligence
Actual Behaviour:
Action, verbal and Less Fully Logical Nudging
nonverbal that can Level 1: Behaviour Behavioural Economics Behavioural Insights
be observed Systematic
and Predicable

A mental state of • Altruism • Nudges

readiness, arranged • Anchoring Bias • Round Pricing Preference Forming Desired
through experience, • Bounded Rationality • Rule of Thumb Behaviour For :
applying certain influence • Default Behaviour • Social Capital • Finance
Level 2: Attitudes • Expert Bias • Status Quo Bias • Human Resource
upon the person’s response • Fairness & Reciprocity • Sunk Cost Fallacy • Marketing
to all surroundings that • Familiarity Bias • The Availability Heuristic • Organisational Strategies
involves beliefs, feelings, • Fear of Change • The Bandwagon Effect • Policies
values and dispositions • Framing Problem • The Choice Paradox • Strategic Planning
to act in certain ways • Hedonic Adaptation • The Endowment Effect • Sustainability
• Herd Behaviour • The Framing Effect
• Hyperbolic Discounting • The Goal Gradient Effect
Beliefs that become guiding • Intertemporal Choices
Level 3: Core Values • The Ikea Effect
principles that dictate the • Libertarian Paternalism • The Inaction Inertia Effect
behaviour of individuals between • Loss Aversion • The Von Restorff Effect
right or wrong; good or bad; • Money Illusion • The Winners’ Curse
acceptable or unacceptable • Neuro-economics • The Zeigarnik Effect 2
Not Observable
The way in which humans interact with each other has changed greatly, especially over
recent years. In the 1980s, people would communicate face to face; in the 1990s, the
advent of the mobile phone and SMS meant that personal contact tended to reduce. Since
then, the widespread take-up of the internet and growth of mobile apps, such as
WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat and others have increased communication to a level never
thought possible before, but does it make humans more humane? An apt comment on the
technological era we now find ourselves in might be “We are close, but we are far”.

Humanology understands this dilemma and the need to apply technology to boost
productivity. We need to stay connected, engaged and close to each other, yet it is easy to
become overwhelmed with information. Converting data to be information superiority can
help us win the market. Humanology can capture this information superiority and assist
organisations to advance in the framework of Industrial Revolution 4.0, but at the same
time retain heart to heart connection between individuals. In this way, through Behavioural
Intelligence, Humanology aims to boost organisations’ efficiency and effectiveness.

Who is Humanology?
We are the experts in behavioural intelligence, behavioural economics and behavioural
insights, enabling us to understand the often irrational behaviour of humans. We can help
organisations to:

Outperform themselves via relevant and focused research.

Develop effective strategies via consulting and skills transference.

Promote an increase in knowledge through learning and development and the

nurturing of future leaders.

Through the assimilation of behavioural economics, Humanology aims to help form

DESIRED behaviours in humans by applying suitable nudges – behavioural insights.
Humanology has the tools and strategies you need to help you achieve your goals,
especially in the modern environment in which personal interaction has been reduced.
We know the nudges to apply, which together with the integration of technology, can
make the desired behaviour seem natural and instinctive, and to become a key part of
your organisation’s culture.

To be a leader in behavioural intelligence, behavioural economics and
behavioural insights for organisations.

To guide organisations to outperform themselves through the synergy between
organisation strategies and behavioural intelligence.

We are always committed to growing our customers' organisations first and it
gives us great pleasure to see our customers' organisations grow.

Humanology upholds four principles, Siddiq, Fathona, Tabligh, and Amanah.

Being Humane is Humane Being

CORE Professionalism
On-Time Delivery, Error Free, Innovation, Benchmarking
VALUES Technological Integration
Technology Centred, Increase Productivity
Skillful, Knowledgeable, Experienced, Life Long Learning
Result Oriented
Quality Latest Methodology, Customisation to address Needs

Continuous Support, Continuous Update, Prompt Reply
Customer Satisfaction
Prioritise Customers, Value Added Services, Extraordinary
Customer Services
Proactive, Never Give Up, Energetic
Task Oriented
Helping each other, Shared Goals and Directions,
Full Involvement, Empowerment

Teamwork Communication
Work Progress Update, Continuous Feedback,
Good Listener, Accept Positive Feedback,
Interpersonal Relationship, Relationship Building

Keeping Promises, Telling the Truth, Sincere, Trustworthy
Integrity Following Procedures, Shared Goals,
Shared Decision Making, Shared Information
Work Ethics
Following Company Rules and Regulations, Compliance
with Social and Moral Behaviour, Non-Disclosure
of Company Information
Humane Accountability, Responsible, Confident

Serve with Heart Unconditionally Contribute

Compassionate, Warm and Cheerful, Tolerance Do the Best, Sincere and with Love,
and Patience, Polite and Respectful, Forgiving Serving the Community

Conduct research to boost productivity

We gather information to help your organisation decide the best path to take. As the adage
goes, knowledge is power. When you have information, you can see trends, identify your
current position and plan strategically to achieve success, by saving time and resources.
Humanology has categories of research tools to help you achieve your goals regardless of
branding, communication, satisfaction, loyalty, product development, market landscape,
perception and even data investigation. Remember, when you can measure, you can plan!

Provide consultancy service to boost organisation


We provide expert knowledge to help your organisation to solve issues, create values,
maximise growth and improve performance through enhancing efficiency and
effectiveness. We offer experienced and unbiased advice, expertise and specialist skills to
assist your organisation. We help our clients through three methodologies:
• “Industrial Expertise”
• “the Doctor” and
• “the Facilitator”
We vow only to serve one industry at a time. This is to ensure that we prioritise our
dedicated clients and ensure we do not compromise our integrity. We transfer knowledge
and skills to create a sustainable ecosystem for your organisation.

Nurture and upskill the organisation’s workforce

We have several series of learning and development programs which are infused with
gamification to make sure that learning is a fun and enjoyable experience. In addition, our
experts go the extra mile to ensure the programs conducted give positive impact to the
organisation. We ensure our training programs are effective through pre and post test,
continuous evaluation (360 feedback and workbook) and we continue to serve your learning
process through alumni forum discussions and learning management platform.

Publications for knowledge sharing

We believe in knowledge sharing. We help leaders to share their knowledge and skills
through effective communication. In addition, we nurture those who have interest in
writing to become "writerpreneur" in order to serve the growth of our national economy.

• Consultant registered with Ministry of Finance
• Contractor registered with Ministry of Finance
• Training Provider registered with Human Resources Development Fund
• Malaysia Productivity Corporation (Productivity Champion)
• Adopt ISO 26000: 2010 Social Responsibility
• Adopt ISO 20700: 2017 Guidelines for Management
Consultancy Services
• Nexus Governing Committee (NGC)
• The Malaysia Book of Records (Largest Participation for Behavioural
Intelligence Training Programs)

Humanology People Engagement Research and Consultancy

Humanology people engagement research and consultancy aims to nurture a healthy

corporate culture in your organisation. Our goal is to have a humane way to maximise
employee engagement. The use of our Humanology Employee Engagement Index (HEEI)
enables organisations to understand the values, attitude, behaviour and work spirit among
employees. From the HEEI, Humanology designs strategies based on behavioural insights
including “intrinsic motivation” such as autonomy, mastery and purpose to motivate
employees to work from within their hearts and not entirely based on extrinsic motivators
such as salary and bonuses. We guide employees to build social relationships within the
organisation, optimising their engagement. Our tool, EmployEx aims to boost employees’

Humanology Behavioural Insights Research and Consultancy

Humanology applies psychology, cognitive science, and social sciences with

empirically-tested results to discover how humans make choices. Humanology Behavioural
Insights Research (HBIR) is designed to help organisations save time and cut cost by
avoiding the wrong strategies when handling their staffs. HBIR helps in strategic planning
and implementation of strategies to ensure that they are efficient and effective in both the
private and public sectors. Strategy experimental research and behavioural research are
core services by which Humanology helps organisations to outperform themselves.
Currently, these findings are applied in the strategic planning process, marketing, human
resources, consumer behaviour, organisational behaviour and financial behaviour.
Humanology Behavioural Laboratory specialised in conducting behavioural insights
experimental research.

Humanology Perception Research and Consultancy

The Humanology Perception Index (HPI) captures people’s perception of a service,

organisation or person. HPI measures both qualitative and quantitative perspectives to
enable a holistic measurement of human perception. Managing public perception is
important to ensure the right message is delivered to people. Humanology helps to manage
perception through psychological and behavioural techniques including default bias,
priming, halo strategy, perceptual defence strategy, managing self-perception strategy,
occupying strategy, pledge strategy, contrast effect strategy, recency effect strategy, central
tendency strategy and leniency strategy. Our tool, PerceptionEx handles perception

Humanology Satisfaction Research and Consultancy

The Humanology Satisfaction Index (HSI) evaluates the level of customer satisfaction and
identifies the customer satisfaction gap. HSI is identified through focus group discussions,
in-depth interviews, surveys, questionnaires and mystery shopping. From the HSI,
Humanology helps organisations to boost customer satisfaction levels through choice
architecture and nudges. As such, we can constantly monitor customers’ behaviour and we
can influence certain behaviour of customers so that we are constantly keeping them
engaged with the organisation. CustomerS is our tool integrated with augmented reality, big
data and analytics to maximise customer satisfaction.

Humanology Rebranding Research and Consultancy

Humanology Rebranding Index (HRI) identifies the brand performance of the organisation.
From the index, Humanology applies tools to transform the organisation based on people,
process and technology. As such, we reach out to stakeholders to provide a positive brand
image, improve productivity and market share of the organisation. During this consultancy,
our tools apply behavioural intelligence to ensure that employees of the organisation are
committed to the rebranding exercise. CorpBrand, a Humanology tool that facilitates
rebranding process through big data and analytics so that employees are voluntarily
involved in the organisation’s directions and objectives by triggering their internal motivation.

Humanology Organisational Culture Research and Consultancy

Humanology Organisational Culture Research and Consultancy aim to help organisations

create a sustainable culture that focus on employees’ attitudes and behaviour at the
workplace. Humanology Organisational Culture Index (HOCI) enables understanding of
organisational culture efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation. Using the index, we
help organisations’ employees to achieve self-realisation and self-awareness and aided by
our tools to improve work quality from their hearts, not just driven by compliance and key
performance indicators. Our tools integrate behavioural intelligence to influence employees
to act together collectively and as one single entity. In addition, we have tools to awaken
intrinsic motivators helping employees to stay connected to the organisation and maintain
loyalty without only looking at extrinsic motivators. Our behavioural laboratory continues to
develop new findings through real-time data from intelligence systems to address
organisational culture issues in your organisation.

Humanology Strategic Planning Consultancy

Humanology helps organisations to create sustainable and achievable strategic plans

through nudges and behavioural intelligence. We help to realign your organisation mission,
vision, core values and strategic functions. Next, core strategies and measurable action
plans are developed. Our strengths are in ensuring the success of the action plans through
behavioural intelligence.

Humanology Assessment and Talent Centre

The Humanology Assessment and Talent Centre helps your organisation to evaluate the
values, attitude, skills, knowledge and action (VASKA) of your employees. It serves the
purpose of talent matching and mapping as the key to creating a sustainable succession
plan for your employees. The fundamentals of our assessment centre are based on Siddiq,
Fathona, Tabligh and Amanah as the tools of assessment. From the assessment, a Talent
Development Index (TDI) is tabulated to help employees understand their strengths,
weaknesses and the areas of improvement to best suit their positions. This serves as
a succession plan for your organisation through our home grown product – AssessCelerator.

appy to provide testimonials should you have any clarification.

Our clients are h

The Humanology Behavioural Laboratory (HBL) is a research centre dedicated to human attitudes,
behaviour and cognitive science with a unique focus on applying high-impact behavioural intelligence
research methods in psychology, behavioural sciences, economics and business topics. Researchers
linked to the HBL investigate a wide variety of topics such as consumer behaviour, behavioural
economics, human decision-making process, human emotions, talent assessment, psychopathology
and behavioural finance. Our services include designing products and services with purpose,
forecasting seemingly irrational behaviour and building decision models with humans in mind.
Our facilities include:

Expression Behavioural
Eye Trackers
Reader Simulator

Data Acquisition
Screen Capture Smart


Virtual Galvanic Skin Cloud

Reality (VR) Response Computing
AssessCelerator Reality (AR) EEG headset Big Data
and and
Sphygmomanometer Analytics

Humanology has observed that the world keeps evolving and advancing. We have been
at the cutting edge, guiding our clients to outpace their competition. We provide all training
and development solutions to all our clients which include customised training, contractual
training, development programs, one-to-one coaching as well as public and in-house
training programs. We are committed to provide high impact programs to grow your
organisation. Our programs focus on Values, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge and Action

Government and
Series Research

and Training Behavioural
Series and Series

Human Human
Potential Leadership
Series Series

and Marketing
Organisational Series

A demonstrated, innovative process has linked Humanology training to people looking for real
transformation and effective outcomes. The Humanology Discovery, Learning, Practice,
Steadfastness and Consistency framework (DLPS) ensures that all our programs give measurable
impact to organisations.

Participants and organisations Participants and organisations learn
don’t know what they don’t know. what they don’t know.
Participants might be unaware of Training and coaching are conducted
the skills needed or how difficult it is to address the gaps. The learning
to perform tasks. Humanology and development program through
conducts a pre-test to identify gaps. gamification with engagement so
that participants are emotionally
attached to the learning environment.
To ensure effective learning,
Humanology conduct a post test to
ensure participants understand, are
equipped with the right knowledge,
skills and abilities to perform the job.
The most important is to nurture the
right attitude!

Participants and organisations become
familiar with the practice until they PRACTICE
don’t realise they know.
Participants and organisations know
Humanology applies nudges to
what they know and start applying
assimilate what they have learnt into
this to the workplace.
their practice. Participants perform well
for an extended period, and this To enhance the application of
becomes almost instinctive without skills learnt, Humanology carries out
close supervision. Humanology a 360 o feedback between the
provides a workbook and learning participants and their immediate
management platform to assist superiors after three (3) months
participants after their sessions. completion of the program.

Humanology Publishing House (HPH) is a platform to nurture and encourage writers to
start their writing journey. We expose opportunities in the writing industry so that
writers can become writerpreneurs. We prepare a platform for all writers to discuss and
share ideas and information. The platform also serves as a motivation tool for writers to
keep on writing until they finish their scripts. We provide total solutions for inspiring writers
to produce their books both in physical and electronic format.

In addition, Humanology Publishing House (HPH) helps senior officers to contribute back
to society by putting down their skills and knowledge in the form of books. With this
initiative, the top leaders’ experience can be passed down and shared with the public. We
hope that everyone can grow and be better people to build the nation like a Khalifa.

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Chee Jalun

In order to contribute back to society, Humanology publishes a quarterly editorial named
Humanotorial ISSN (2600-7533). Humanotorial is distributed for free to share knowledge
on the best practices, directions and inspirations of leaders to share their views on
governance, management, leadership, talent management and any motivational topics to
the readers. Also, we would like to take Humanotorial as an effort towards nation building.

Humanology Sdn Bhd (1224424-D)

73-3 Amber Business Plaza,

Jalan Jelawat 1, Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.

+603 - 2856 8651
+6018 - 213 6755

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