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Abortion offend the fundamental right to life because abortion is a process of

ending the pregnancy. During the process of an abortion, the unborn child is not
treated as a human being. The baby is treated as a nuisance; it is not given the proper
care, it is regarded as a nonliving thing. There is no reason to punish a child when
they have no control of what is going on in the world around them. It is not the baby’s
fault if a pregnancy was accidental or unexpected. Abortion is against the sacred of
life because it punishes the baby for something they no control over. When a mother
chooses to have her child terminated, she is running from her responsibility. This is
highly irresponsible and careless. Abortion is murder. There is no clearer way to say
it. There is no clearer way to say it. It is stopping a beating heart and measurable brain
waves. Everyone has the simple right to life.

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