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!= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=% != tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ .


;g\ @)!! cS6'j/ #! df sl/a ;ft cf7 c/a hg;ª\Vof /x]sf] ljZjdf ;g\ @)!! cS6'j/ #! df sl/a ;ft cf7 c/a hg;ª\Vof /x]sf] ljZjdf
k'?if / dlxnfsf] ;ª\Vof em08} a/fa/ b]lvG5 . dfgj ;d'bfo k'?if / dlxnfsf] ;ª\Vof em08} a/fa/ b]lvG5 . dfgj ;d'bfo
eg]sf] g} k'?if / :qLsf] PsLs[t ?k ePsf]n] Pssf] cefjdf eg]sf] g} k'?if / :qLsf] PsLs[t ?k ePsf]n] Pssf] cefjdf
csf{sf] cl:tTj /xg ;St}g . ;+;f/sf sltko d'n'sx?df dlxnfx?sf] csf{sf] cl:tTj /xg ;St}g . ;+;f/sf sltko d'n'sx?df dlxnfx?sf]
jr{:j /fd|} ePklg w]/} h;f] b]zx?df lkt[;Qf sfod 5 / To;df jr{:j /fd|} ePklg w]/} h;f] b]zx?df lkt[;Qf sfod 5 / To;df
g]kfn klg kb{5 . lkt[;Qf ePsf] d'n's To;df klg lxGb' g]kfn klg kb{5 . lkt[;Qf ePsf] d'n's To;df klg lxGb'
wd{sf] k|efjsf sf/0fn] gf/Ln] k'?if tyf gf/Lx?af6} a'xf/L, wd{sf] k|efjsf sf/0fn] gf/Ln] k'?if tyf gf/Lx?af6} a'xf/L,
bf;L, :jf:gL, ;f}tf cflbsf] ?kdf zf]lift aGg' k/]sf gd'gfx? bf;L, :jf:gL, ;f}tf cflbsf] ?kdf zf]lift aGg' k/]sf gd'gfx?
oqtq kfOG5g\ . gf/LnfO{ st} b]aLsf] ?kdf k"hf ug{] oqtq kfOG5g\ . gf/LnfO{ st} b]aLsf] ?kdf k"hf ug{]
u/]sf] klg kfOG5 t/ :jfyL{ ;dfhn] ha;Dd gf/L 3/fo;L u/]sf] klg kfOG5 t/ :jfyL{ ;dfhn] ha;Dd gf/L 3/fo;L
nufotsf sfdx? ug{ ;Ifd /xGg ta;Dd dfq s'df/L, sGof, b]aL nufotsf sfdx? ug{ ;Ifd /xGg ta;Dd dfq s'df/L, sGof, b]aL
cflbsf] ?kdf kljq 7fg]/ k'hf ub{5g\ . sfo{snfkdf ;Ifd ag]kl5 cflbsf] ?kdf kljq 7fg]/ k'hf ub{5g\ . sfo{snfkdf ;Ifd ag]kl5
:jt of}gzf]if0f, >dzf]if0f, ;fdflhs lje]b cflbaf6 u|l;t x'g :jt of}gzf]if0f, >dzf]if0f, ;fdflhs lje]b cflbaf6 u|l;t x'g
yfN5g\ . yfN5g\ .
@= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=% @= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%

However, since last few years, attempts are being made to develop basic However, since last few years, attempts are being made to develop basic
infrastructure so that overall development of the district is realized. Khotang infrastructure so that overall development of the district is realized. Khotang
district would be linked by a 234 Km. long road, construction of a small airport district would be linked by a 234 Km. long road, construction of a small airport
near the district headquarters is in progress. The rural areas are being electrified near the district headquarters is in progress. The rural areas are being electrified
and communication facilities, including telephone services are going to reach and communication facilities, including telephone services are going to reach
Khotang in the near future. In order to avail these facilities one needs financial Khotang in the near future. In order to avail these facilities one needs financial
resources. resources.

Since Khotang is a hilly and difficult terrain, the forum, according to its objectives, Since Khotang is a hilly and difficult terrain, the forum, according to its objectives,
will establish an FM radio station, which could be important instrument will establish an FM radio station, which could be important instrument
disseminating information as well as creating public awareness in matters relevant disseminating information as well as creating public awareness in matters relevant
to development. Since print media is also equally important educating people, the to development. Since print media is also equally important educating people, the
forum will make sure these two media are well established and run. Using these forum will make sure these two media are well established and run. Using these
media, the forum will provide services to other social sectors. media, the forum will provide services to other social sectors.

3. Attempts all questions to the given below. 3. Attempts all questions to the given below.

 Insert document containing text typed for question no. 2 and save it with  Insert document containing text typed for question no. 2 and save it with
other name '20701003'. other name '20701003'.
 Set the 2.9 line spacing for all text.  Set the 2.9 line spacing for all text.
 Apply 0.28 left and 0.98 right indentations for all text.  Apply 0.28 left and 0.98 right indentations for all text.
 Set page margins bottom 1.32 and Left 0.56 inches.  Set page margins bottom 1.32 and Left 0.56 inches.
 Insert Recent date and time as footer with right alignment.  Insert Recent date and time as footer with right alignment.
!= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%  Insert page number as footer with center alignment and Type the text
"g]kfn ;/sf/, ;Lk ljsf; tflnd s]Gb|” as Header with Center Alignment.
b]zsf] ljleGg If]qdf a9b} uPsf] j}b]lzs >ldsx?sf] k'g{M  Double line spacing and Dot line underline to the first paragraph.
 Page size A4 and Top 1.56 and Right 0.25 inches margin.
:yfkgf tyf ;Lkd"ns Jofj;fo ;+rfng u/L a9b} uO{ /x]sf] j]/f]huf/L
;d:of 36fpg] p4]Zon] bIf hgzlQm lgdf0f{ ug{ lj=;+= @)$&
;fndf :yfkgf ePsf] Jofj;flos tyf ;Lk lasf; tflnd s]Gb| cf]vn9'+ufn]
vf]6fª, ;f]n'v'Da' / cf]vn9'+uf lhNnfnfO{ sfo{ If]q /fvL laleGg
7fpdf lgoldt, cNksflng / pwdlzntf Pj+ 7fpsf] kl/j]z / e'uf}lns
ljs6tfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL >f]t / ;fwgn] EofPsf, cfjZos tflndx? u|
fld0f If]qdf cflys tyf ;dflhs ?kn] lk5l8Psf j]/f]huf/, cw{j]/f]huf/,
sf]/f hgzlQmnfO{ ;/sf/L, u}/;/sf/L tyf Snjx? dfkm{t tflnd ;+rfng
ub}{ ;do ;dodf cg'udg,d'NofÍg tyf lgl/If0f ub}{ cfO{/x]sf 5f} .
cGtdf o; Jofj;flos tyf ;Lk ljsf; tflnd s]Gb|af6 tflnd lnO{ ;s]sf ;fy}
tflnd lnO{ /x]sf ;Dk"0f{x?sf] pQ/f]t/ k|ultsf] sfdgfsf .
@= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%
Computer Literacy Campaign [CLC] established by Khotang
Development Forum is one of the resourceful training centers that provide
PC and technical training in a comfortable, professional and instructor-led
environment in Khotang.
The center offers a complete line of training in software application,
designing, networking, programming languages, Geographic Information
Systems [GIS], hardware maintenance and web/internet development
courses. Apart from that, it provides software, hardware and web
development services as per the requirement of the clients. The aim to
establish this institute is to make people of Khotang aware and skillful in
computer field that has become essential tool in every activity of live of
mankind on earth. The primary mission of Computer Literacy Campaign is
to provide job related and career- oriented skills to meet the requirements of
workplaces and time.

3. Attempts all questions to the given below.

 Copy the question no. 2 and Paste into the new document.
 Verdana font name and 21.2 font size to the whole document.
!= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%  Insert page number as footer with center alignment and Type the text
"g]kfn ;/sf/, ;Lk ljsf; tflnd s]Gb|” as Header with Center Alignment.
b]zsf] ljleGg If]qdf a9b} uPsf] j}b]lzs >ldsx?sf] k'g{M  Double line spacing and Dot line underline to the first paragraph.
 Page size A4 and Top 1.56 and Right 0.25 inches margin.
:yfkgf tyf ;Lkd"ns Jofj;fo ;+rfng u/L a9b} uO{ /x]sf] j]/f]huf/L
;d:of 36fpg] p4]Zon] bIf hgzlQm lgdf0f{ ug{ lj=;+= @)$&
;fndf :yfkgf ePsf] Jofj;flos tyf ;Lk lasf; tflnd s]Gb| cf]vn9'+ufn] != tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%
vf]6fª, ;f]n'v'Da' / cf]vn9'+uf lhNnfnfO{ sfo{ If]q /fvL laleGg vf]6fª, dfgl;s tyf zf/Ll/s oftgf lbPsf] eGb} Ps !( jifL{o o'jtLn]
7fpdf lgoldt, cNksflng / pwdlzntf Pj+ 7fpsf] kl/j]z / e'uf}lns Gofosf] nflu kxn ul/lbg cfu|x u/]sL l5g\ . vf]6fª lbQ]mn #%
ljs6tfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL >f]t / ;fwgn] EofPsf, cfjZos tflndx? u| gs{6]df a:b} cfPsL bLkf t'Da'xfDkm]n] cfˆgf]] >Ldfg ldng
fld0f If]qdf cflys tyf ;dflhs ?kn] lk5l8Psf j]/f]huf/, cw{j]/f]huf/, t'Da'xfDkm]n] uef{j:yfdf ;d]t b}lgs s'6lk6 ug{] sdfo{ g/f]s]kl5
sf]/f hgzlQmnfO{ ;/sf/L, u}/;/sf/L tyf Snjx? dfkm{t tflnd ;+rfng eu{df /x]sf] aRrf / cfˆgf] hLjg /Iffsf] dfu ub{} vf]6fª lhNnfsf]
ub}{ ;do ;dodf cg'udg,d'NofÍg tyf lgl/If0f ub}{ cfO{/x]sf 5f} . lh=k|=sfdf dfu u/]sL x'g\ . ^ dlxgfcl3 ldng;Fu k|]dljjfx u/]sL
cGtdf o; Jofj;flos tyf ;Lk ljsf; tflnd s]Gb|af6 tflnd lnO{ ;s]sf ;fy} bLkfn] ljjfxsf] Ps dlxgfb]lv nuftf/ zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s oftgf vKb}
tflnd lnO{ /x]sf ;Dk"0f{x?sf] pQ/f]t/ k|ultsf] sfdgfsf . cfpg' k/]sf] pgn] atfOg\ . pgn] cfˆgf >Ldfg;Fu ;DaGw ljR5]bsf]
@= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=% dfu ub{} d+unaf/ Ok|sf lr;fkfgLdf lgj]bg lbPsL 5g\ . a'waf/ /
Computer Literacy Campaign [CLC] established by Khotang zlgaf/ a]n'sf cfkm"dfly s'6lk6 ePkl5 kL8f ;xg g;sL efu]/ dfOtLsf]
Development Forum is one of the resourceful training centers that provide z/0fdf cfPsf] pgn] atfPsL l5g\ . >Ldfgsf] s'6lk6af6 bLkfsf]
PC and technical training in a comfortable, professional and instructor-led
environment in Khotang.
cg'xf/ / hLpel/ lgn8fd Pj+ ufnfdf rf]6 nfu]sf] 5 . b}lgs dh'b/L ug{]
The center offers a complete line of training in software application, bLkfsf >Ldfg dBkfg ;]jg ug{] / >LdtLnfO{ ljleGg cf/f]k
designing, networking, programming languages, Geographic Information nufO{ s'6lk6 ug{] u/]sf] l5d]sLn] atfPsf 5g\
Systems [GIS], hardware maintenance and web/internet development
courses. Apart from that, it provides software, hardware and web
development services as per the requirement of the clients. The aim to
@= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%
The common questions asked about handling projects are "who is
establish this institute is to make people of Khotang aware and skillful in
supposed to do all the things that have to be done to make a project
computer field that has become essential tool in every activity of live of
successful? Who is responsible for doing what so that all the different parts
mankind on earth. The primary mission of Computer Literacy Campaign is
of the project are managed properly?" Our organization finds and enlists
to provide job related and career- oriented skills to meet the requirements of
leaders from different disciplines. We explore ways to scale the project
workplaces and time.
team to fit the needs and size of the project. The team members of Khotang
3. Attempts all questions to the given below.
Development Forum are professionals who have been in IT training,
Software development, web designing and development, GIS, management,
 Copy the question no. 2 and Paste into the new document. and marketing. Either for developing a fully functioning software, web site
 Verdana font name and 21.2 font size to the whole document. or for training the staff members of clients organization's needs, our
working motivation starts from our team members and that spreads up to
providing quality service to our clients.
3. Attempts all questions to the given below. != tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%
 Copy the question no. 2 and Paste into the new document. vf]6fª, dfgl;s tyf zf/Ll/s oftgf lbPsf] eGb} Ps !( jifL{o o'jtLn]
 Insert the file name and path and page number as footer with left & right.
Gofosf] nflu kxn ul/lbg cfu|x u/]sL l5g\ . vf]6fª lbQ]mn #%
 1.5 line spacing and give the bold and italic effect to the whole document.
 Page size A4 and Bottom 0.56 and Left 0.52 inches margin. gs{6]df a:b} cfPsL bLkf t'Da'xfDkm]n] cfˆgf]] >Ldfg ldng
 Type the full form of "IT" with footnote symbol. t'Da'xfDkm]n] uef{j:yfdf ;d]t b}lgs s'6lk6 ug{] sdfo{ g/f]s]kl5
eu{df /x]sf] aRrf / cfˆgf] hLjg /Iffsf] dfu ub{} vf]6fª lhNnfsf]
lh=k|=sfdf dfu u/]sL x'g\ . ^ dlxgfcl3 ldng;Fu k|]dljjfx u/]sL
bLkfn] ljjfxsf] Ps dlxgfb]lv nuftf/ zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s oftgf vKb}
cfpg' k/]sf] pgn] atfOg\ . pgn] cfˆgf >Ldfg;Fu ;DaGw ljR5]bsf]
dfu ub{} d+unaf/ Ok|sf lr;fkfgLdf lgj]bg lbPsL 5g\ . a'waf/ /
zlgaf/ a]n'sf cfkm"dfly s'6lk6 ePkl5 kL8f ;xg g;sL efu]/ dfOtLsf]
z/0fdf cfPsf] pgn] atfPsL l5g\ . >Ldfgsf] s'6lk6af6 bLkfsf]
cg'xf/ / hLpel/ lgn8fd Pj+ ufnfdf rf]6 nfu]sf] 5 . b}lgs dh'b/L ug{]
bLkfsf >Ldfg dBkfg ;]jg ug{] / >LdtLnfO{ ljleGg cf/f]k
nufO{ s'6lk6 ug{] u/]sf] l5d]sLn] atfPsf 5g\

@= tnsf uBf+znfO{ x'–ax' ;fg{'xf];\ . @=%

The common questions asked about handling projects are "who is
supposed to do all the things that have to be done to make a project
successful? Who is responsible for doing what so that all the different parts
of the project are managed properly?" Our organization finds and enlists
leaders from different disciplines. We explore ways to scale the project
team to fit the needs and size of the project. The team members of Khotang
Development Forum are professionals who have been in IT training,
Software development, web designing and development, GIS, management,
and marketing. Either for developing a fully functioning software, web site
or for training the staff members of clients organization's needs, our
working motivation starts from our team members and that spreads up to
providing quality service to our clients.

3. Attempts all questions to the given below.

 Copy the question no. 2 and Paste into the new document.
 Insert the file name and path and page number as footer with left & right.
 1.5 line spacing and give the bold and italic effect to the whole document.
 Page size A4 and Bottom 0.56 and Left 0.52 inches margin.
 Type the full form of "IT" with footnote symbol.

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